83 research outputs found

    Sintesis enantioselectiva del repelente bayrepel (AUTAN) empleando reacciones de oxidacion anodica

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    63 p.En la actualidad no se han descrito estudios, sobre la metodología empleada en la de síntesis del repelente de insectos Bayrepel Autan ® de Bayer, por consiguiente el propósito de este estudio es sintetizar el principio activo del repelente de insectos Bayrepel Autan, empleando agentes quirales, que permitirán obtener una reacción asimétrica de la molécula que se desea sintetizar, logrando de esta manera un mayor rendimiento del producto sintetizado. Utilizando como método de síntesis la enantioselectividad. Este estudio se justifica por la constante necesidad de las empresas de fabricar productos que permitan, obtener mayores rentas, y que además el producto sea de bajo costo, tanto para el fabricante como para el consumidor. Por eso a través de una síntesis enantioselectiva, podríamos mejorar dichos factores, para hacer más rentable la síntesis del principio activo de Barepel Autan de Bayer. El objetivo principal es sintetizar el principio activo de Bayrepel Autan, empleando agentes quirales y oxidación anódica. Con lo cual se espera obtener una reacción de alto rendimiento, con el propósito de que esta metodología sea viable en cuanto a: tiempo de ejecución, presupuesto económico y rendimiento obtenido. Presentándose como una propuesta de metodología a emplear, para el mercado farmacéutico, en un futuro

    Comparison Between Reactive and Proactive Protocols of Wireless Sensor Networks: Railway Application

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    Railway is a critical application; hence, all systems that compose the railway infrastructure must meet two conditions: availability and safety. The availability ensures continuous operation of the system; on the other hand, safety is achieved when the device works properly regardless of the environmental or operating conditions. In addition, Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) are used to perform tasks previously performed manually. However, it is necessary to analyse what protocol is appropriate for the railway industry, since availability and safety are the required attributes. In this work, a recently proposed routing protocol, the Multi-Parent Hierarchical (MPH), has been compared with a well-known protocol, the Ad-hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), in order to find the most suitable one for the railway applications. For this purpose, a simulator has been developed, which faithfully reifies the workings of a given protocol, considering a fixed, reconfigurable ad-hoc network given by the number and location of participants, and general network conditions.</p

    Vulnerabilidad de las viviendas autoconstruidas ante un evento sísmico de gran magnitud en el distrito de Paucarpata (A.H. Alto Jesús) – Arequipa

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    En la presente investigación se analiza el problema de la vulnerabilidad de las viviendas autoconstruidas en el Asentamiento Humano de Alto Jesús en Paucarpata, que es un problema presente en todo el territorio peruano. Este proyecto consiste en el análisis de algunas edificaciones autoconstruidas, para poder demostrar que la autoconstrucción es un problema que debe ser eliminado o combatido, para reducir la vulnerabilidad de las viviendas ante futuros sismos de gran magnitud. El análisis realizado presenta 4 etapas, iniciando por el reconocimiento visual, para identificar la zona con la mayor cantidad de viviendas construidas, seguida de la realización de encuestas a los habitantes, para saber algunas causas que los motiven a autoconstruir, posteriormente se realizará el levantamiento de las viviendas a las cuales nos permitan entrar, finalmente se realizará un análisis sísmico dinámico con la normativa peruana para determinar las principales fallas de las viviendas estudiadas. Palabras clave: Vulnerabilidad, autoconstrucción.Tesi

    Comparison of Collaborative and Cooperative Schemes in Sensor Networks for Non-Invasive Monitoring of People at Home

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    This paper looks at wireless sensor networks (WSNs) in healthcare, where they can monitor patients remotely. WSNs are considered one of the most promising technologies due to their flexibility and autonomy in communication. However, routing protocols in WSNs must be energy-efficient, with a minimal quality of service, so as not to compromise patient care. The main objective of this work is to compare two work schemes in the routing protocol algorithm in WSNs (cooperative and collaborative) in a home environment for monitoring the conditions of the elderly. The study aims to optimize the performance of the algorithm and the ease of use for people while analyzing the impact of the sensor network on the analysis of vital signs daily using medical equipment. We found relationships between vital sign metrics that have a more significant impact in the presence of a monitoring system. Finally, we conduct a performance analysis of both schemes proposed for the home tracking application and study their usability from the user’s point of view

    An Energy Model Using Sleeping Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks under Proactive and Reactive Protocols: A Performance Evaluation

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    The continuous evolution of the Internet of Things (IoT) makes it possible to connect everyday objects to networks in order to monitor physical and environmental conditions, which is made possible due to wireless sensor networks (WSN) that enable the transfer of data. However, it has also brought about many challenges that need to be addressed, such as excess energy consumption. Accordingly, this paper presents and analyzes wireless network energy models using five different communication protocols: Ad Hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (AODV), Multi-Parent Hierarchical (MPH), Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Low Energy Adaptive Clustering Hierarchy (LEACH) and Zigbee Tree Routing (ZTR). First, a series of metrics are defined to establish a comparison and determine which protocol exhibits the best energy consumption performance. Then, simulations are performed and the results are compared with real scenarios. The energy analysis is conducted with three proposed sleeping algorithms: Modified Sleeping Crown (MSC), Timer Sleeping Algorithm (TSA), and Local Energy Information (LEI). Thereafter, the proposed algorithms are compared by virtue of two widely used wireless technologies, namely Zigbee and WiFi. Indeed, the results suggest that Zigbee has a better energy performance than WiFi, but less redundancy in the topology links, and this study favors the analysis with the simulation of protocols with different nature. The tested scenario is implemented into a university campus to show a real network running

    Vascular labeling of the head and neck vessels : technique, advantages and limitations

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    Vascular staining techniques have been used to describe the vascular structures of several anatomic areas. However, few reports have described this procedure in the head and neck region. This paper describes a head and neck vascular labeling procedure, and describes some of the technical complications that may occur. Fifteen specimen cadaver heads were prepared. After drying the vascular system, the internal carotid arteries were ligated and a solution with latex and a gelling agent was injected into the internal carotid arteries and external jugular veins. Two different colors were employed to differentiate arteries from veins. A total of 60ml latex was injected into each blood vessel. Subsequently, the specimens were refrigerated at 5°C for a minimum of 24 hours. Finally, a dissection was performed to identify the venous and arterial systems of the maxillofacial region. In most specimens, correct identification of the vascular structures (lingual artery, pterigoyd plexus, and the major palatal arteries, among others) was possible. However, in three heads a major technical problem occurred (the latex remained liquid), making the dissection unfeasible. Other minor complications such as latex obstruction due to the presence of atheromas were found in two further specimens. The vascular labeling technique is a predictable, effective and simple method for analyzing the vascular system of the maxillofacial area in cadaveric studies, including vessels of reduced diameter or with an intraosseous course. This procedure can be especially useful to teach vascular anatomy to dental students and postgraduate residents

    Exposición a la Violencia, Soledad y experiencia relacionada al móvil en adolescentes de Instituciones Educativas, Lima Metropolitana

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    En este estudio de investigación tuvo como finalidad analizar el papel mediador de la soledad entre la exposición a la violencia y experiencias relacionadas al móvil en adolescentes de instituciones educativas de lima metropolitana. El diseño de investigación es no experimental de corte trasversal de método explicativa. La muestra estuvo conformada por 1131 estudiantes, de los cuales se escogió a los estudiantes que estaban expuestos a violencia quedando con 718 de seis instituciones educativas. Para la técnica de recolección de datos fue la encuesta de (cuestionario de exposición a la violencia de Orue y Calvete, escala de soledad UCLA-R de Guzmán y Casimiro y experiencias relacionadas al móvil de Beranuy et al.) En los resultados se observaron que el valor indirecto [(a x b), p<.001], es significativo, ya que cumple con el criterio p <.05, por otro lado, el valor directo [(c), p<.001], es significativo, por que cumple con el criterio p <.05, indicando una mediación parcial. Esto quiere decir, que la variable exposición a la violencia estaría explicando a las experiencias relacionadas al móvil de manera directa como indirecta, además que la variable soledad cumple un rol, mediador entre estas dos variables

    Ptr/CTL0175 is required for the efficient recovery of chlamydia trachomatisfrom stress induced by gamma-interferon

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    Chlamydia trachomatis is the most common sexually transmitted bacterial pathogen in humans and a frequent cause of asymptomatic, persistent infections leading to serious complications, particularly in young women. Chlamydia displays a unique obligate intracellular lifestyle involving the infectious elementary body and the replicative reticulate body. In the presence of stressors such as gamma-interferon (IFNγ) or beta-lactam antibiotics, C. trachomatis undergoes an interruption in its replication cycle and enters a viable but non-cultivable state. Upon removal of the stressors, surviving C. trachomatis resume cell division and developmental transitions. In this report, we describe a genetic screen to identify C. trachomatis mutants with defects in recovery from IFNγ- and/or penicillin-induced stress and characterized a chemically derived C. trachomatis mutant strain that exhibited a significant decrease in recovery from IFNγ- but not penicillin-induced stress. Through lateral gene transfer and targeted insertional gene inactivation we identified ptr, encoding a predicted protease, as a gene required for recovery from IFNγ-induced stress. A C. trachomatis LGV-L2 ptr-null strain displayed reduced generation of infectious progeny and impaired genome replication upon removal of IFNγ. This defect was restored by introducing a wild type copy of ptr on a plasmid, indicating that Ptr is required for a rapid growth upon removal of IFN?. Ptr was expressed throughout the developmental cycle and localized to the inclusion lumen. Overall, our findings indicate that the putative secreted protease Ptr is required for C. trachomatis to specifically recover from IFNγ- but not penicillin-induced stress.Fil: Panzetta, Maria Emilia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; ArgentinaFil: Lujan, Agustin Leonardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Bastidas, Robert J.. University of Duke; Estados UnidosFil: Damiani, Maria Teresa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Mendoza; Argentina. Instituto de Medicina y Biología Experimental de Cuyo; ArgentinaFil: Valdivia, Raphael H.. University of Duke; Estados UnidosFil: Saka, Hector Alex. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Córdoba. Centro de Investigaciones en Bioquímica Clínica e Inmunología; Argentin

    A Structural Atlas of the Developing Zebrafish Telencephalon Based on Spatially-Restricted Transgene Expression

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    Zebrafish telencephalon acquires an everted morphology by a two-step process that occurs from 1 to 5 days post-fertilization (dpf). Little is known about how this process affects the positioning of discrete telencephalic cell populations, hindering our understanding of how eversion impacts telencephalic structural organization. In this study, we characterize the neurochemistry, cycle state and morphology of an EGFP positive (+) cell population in the telencephalon of Et(gata2:EGFP)bi105 transgenic fish during eversion and up to 20dpf. We map the transgene insertion to the early-growth-response-gene-3 (egr3) locus and show that EGFP expression recapitulates endogenous egr3 expression throughout much of the pallial telencephalon. Using the gata2:EGFP bi105 transgene, in combination with other well-characterized transgenes and structural markers, we track the development of various cell populations in the zebrafish telencephalon as it undergoes the morphological changes underlying eversion. These datasets were registered to reference brains to form an atlas of telencephalic development at key stages of the eversion process (1dpf, 2dpf, and 5dpf) and compared to expression in adulthood. Finally, we registered gata2:EGFPbi105 expression to the Zebrafish Brain Browser 6dpf reference brain (ZBB, see Marquart et al., 2015, 2017; Tabor et al., 2019), to allow comparison of this expression pattern with anatomical data already in ZBB

    Statistical study of user perception of smart homes during vital signal monitoring with an energy saving algorithm

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    Sensor networks are deployed in people’s homes to make life easier and more comfortable and secure. They might represent an interesting approach for elderly care as well. This work highlights the benefits of a sensor network implemented in the homes of a group of users between 55 and 75 years old, which encompasses a simple home energy optimization algorithm based on user behavior. We analyze variables related to vital signs to establish users’ comfort and tranquility thresholds. We statistically study the perception of security that users exhibit, differentiating between men and women, examining how it affects the person’s development at home, as well as the reactivity of the sensor algorithm, to optimize its performance. The proposed algorithm is analyzed under certain performance metrics, showing an improvement of 15% over a sensor network under the same conditions. We look at and quantify the usefulness of accurate alerts on each sensor and how it reflects in the users’ perceptions (for men and women separately). This study analyzes a simple, low-cost, and easy-to-implement home-based sensor network optimized with an adaptive energy optimization algorithm to improve the lives of older adults, which is capable of sending alerts of possible accidents or intruders with the highest efficiency