877 research outputs found

    Chiral Phase Transitions in QCD at Finite Temperature: Hard-Thermal-Loop Resummed Dyson-Schwinger Equation in the Real Time Formalism

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    Chiral phase transition in thermal QCD is studied by using the Dyson-Schwinger (DS) equation in the real time hard thermal loop approximation. Our results on the critical temperature and the critical coupling are significantly different from those in the preceding analyses in the ladder DS equation, showing the importance of properly taking into account the essential thermal effects, namely the Landau damping and the unstable nature of thermal quasiparticles.Comment: 4 pages including 2 figures (ps file), to appear in the proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark-Gluon Plasma (ICPAQGP-2001), 26-30 November 2001, Jaipur, Indi

    On finite--temperature and --density radiative corrections to the neutrino effective potential in the early Universe

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    Finite-temperature and -density radiative corrections to the neutrino effective potential in the otherwise CP-symmetric early Universe are considered in the real-time approach of Thermal Field Theory. A consistent perturbation theory endowed with the hard thermal loop resummation techniques developed by Braaten and Pisarski is applied. Special attention is focused on the question whether such corrections can generate any nonzero contribution to the CP-symmetric part of the neutrino potential, if the contact approximation for the W-propagator is used.Comment: 11 pages, revtex styl

    Reducing Harvesting Costs Using Windrow Grazing

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    Dr. Robert Taylor, of Colorado State University, at the 1995 NCA meeting stated, …after the current cycle 30% of today’s beef producers will not be in business. A colleague, Paul Gehno, now with the King Ranch in Florida, once stated, the industry that emerges from this down phase will be leaner, smaller and more competitive. Another quote, of which I am afraid I do not have the author states, in times of change, learners inherit the earth while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped to work in a world that no longer exists. We live in a world of change to which the livestock industry is certainly not immune. The next few years will be critical as far as determining those of us that will remain in the beef business for the future. As stated in the last quote, if we are not willing to learn, to change, or to adapt, we will be left behind while the rest of the beef industry moves forward. There are presently a number of areas that are critical to the survival of the beef industry, let alone our own survival. They are food safety, health & nutrition, palatability, consistency, value or cost, and convenience. All of these determine the demand for beef and we, as producers, have a major influence on all but convenience. Through our selection of breeding animals and management practices we affect the first five factors while the latter factor, convenience, is somewhat out of our hands. Of these, the most significant, and the area which we can have the most influence on, is the cost of producing a pound of beef

    Light-front Schwinger Model at Finite Temperature

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    We study the light-front Schwinger model at finite temperature following the recent proposal in \cite{alves}. We show that the calculations are carried out efficiently by working with the full propagator for the fermion, which also avoids subtleties that arise with light-front regularizations. We demonstrate this with the calculation of the zero temperature anomaly. We show that temperature dependent corrections to the anomaly vanish, consistent with the results from the calculations in the conventional quantization. The gauge self-energy is seen to have the expected non-analytic behavior at finite temperature, but does not quite coincide with the conventional results. However, the two structures are exactly the same on-shell. We show that temperature does not modify the bound state equations and that the fermion condensate has the same behavior at finite temperature as that obtained in the conventional quantization.Comment: 10 pages, one figure, version to be published in Phys. Rev.

    Orbital transfer vehicle propulsion issues

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    The development of a reusable and space-based orbital transfer vehicle (OTV) necessitates an integral approach toward structural and propulsion subsystems design. A single engine installation necessitates moving the engine further aft and/or relocation of the engine gimbal point to accommodate vehicle control requirements. Penalties associated with gimbal point relocation without increasing stage length or modifying typical advanced engine concepts, as well as a method for minimizing such penalties, are presented for a single engine toroidal tank OTV configuration. Alternative integrated vehicle structure/engine concepts are also presented for multi-engine configurations. Features of these potential concepts are given which indicate the need for substantial additional study of feedline gimbal alternatives before firmly establishing advanced engine design. The issue of vehicle/engine integration is addressed in three areas: interfaces (physical and functional), installation requirements, and reliability apportionment (i.e., number of engines required to assure mission completion)

    Bloch-Nordsieck Thermometers: One-loop Exponentiation in Finite Temperature QED

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    We study the scattering of hard external particles in a heat bath in a real-time formalism for finite temperature QED. We investigate the distribution of the 4-momentum difference of initial and final hard particles in a fully covariant manner when the scale of the process, QQ, is much larger than the temperature, TT. Our computations are valid for all TT subject to this constraint. We exponentiate the leading infra-red term at one-loop order through a resummation of soft (thermal) photon emissions and absorptions. For T>0T>0, we find that tensor structures arise which are not present at T=0T=0. These carry thermal signatures. As a result, external particles can serve as thermometers introduced into the heat bath. We investigate the phase space origin of log(Q/m)\log(Q/m) and log(Q/T)\log(Q/T) terms.Comment: LaTeX file, 29 pages including 3 figure

    Energy and pressure densities of a hot quark-gluon plasma

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    We calculate the energy and hydrostatic pressure densities of a hot quark-gluon plasma in thermal equilibrium through diagrammatic analyses of the statistical average, Θμν\langle \Theta_{\mu \nu} \rangle, of the energy-momentum-tensor operator Θμν\Theta_{\mu \nu}. To leading order at high temperature, the energy density of the long wave length modes is consistently extracted by applying the hard-thermal-loop resummation scheme to the operator-inserted no-leg thermal amplitudes Θμν\langle \Theta_{\mu \nu} \rangle. We find that, for the long wave length gluons, the energy density, being positive, is tremendously enhanced as compared to the noninteracting case, while, for the quarks, no noticeable deviation from the noninteracting case is found.Comment: 33 pages. Figures are not include

    Collective fermionic excitations in systems with a large chemical potential

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    We study fermionic excitations in a cold ultrarelativistic plasma. We construct explicitly the quantum states associated with the two branches which develop in the excitation spectrum as the chemical potential is raised. The collective nature of the long wavelength excitations is clearly exhibited. Email contact: [email protected]: Saclay-T93/018 Email: [email protected]

    Photon and electron spectra in hot and dense QED

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    Photon and electron spectra in hot and dense QED are found in the high temperature limit for all |\q| using the Feynman gauge and the one-loop self-energy. All spectra are split by the medium and their branches develop the gap (the dynamical mass) at zero momentum. The photon spectrum has two branches (longitudinal and transverse) with the common mass; but electron spectrum is split on four branches which are well-separated for any |\q| including their |\q|=0 limits (their effective masses). These masses and the photon thermal mass are calculated explicitly and the different limits of spectrum branches are established in detail. The gauge invariance of the high-temperature spectra is briefly discussed.Comment: 9 pages, latex, no figure