12,958 research outputs found

    El herbario ELVE de la Estaçao Nacional de Melhoramento de Plantas (Elvas, Portugal)

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    Herbario da Estação Nacional de Plantas: origen y configuracion, la colleción, organización y conservación, personal

    Dos nuevas especies y una combinación en el género Stipa L., Sección Leiostipa Dumort. (Poaceae) para el SE de España

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    Dos nuevas especies y una combinación en el género Stipa L. seccion Leiostipa Dumort. (Poaceae) para el SE de España. En este estudio se describen dos nuevas especies (S. filabrensis y S. bufensis) y una combinación (S. cazorlensis) del género Stipa L., sección Leiostipa Dumort. para la flora del sudeste de la Península Ibérica. S. filabrensis es una especie endémica del macizo de Filabres y S. bufensis (=S. lagascae var. australis sensu F.M. Vázquez & Devesa) está distribuida por la mitad oriental de la Península Ibérica

    Anotaciones corológicas a la flora de Extremadura.

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    Chorology annotations to the Extremadure Flora (Spain)Palabras clave. Cormófitos, Flora, Cáceres, Badajoz.Key words. Cormophyta, Flora, Cáceres, Badajoz

    Pasado, presente y futuro de una invasión biológica: Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms (camalote) en el río Guadiana

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    El llamado camalote o jacinto de agua, especie de la familia Pontederiaceae nativa del Amazonas, se ha expandido sin control en la mayoría de los países tropicales y ecuatoriales. La causa es su empleo en jardinería y como depuradora de aguas, iniciada ya en el siglo XIX en los EE.U

    Hyperthermia-Induced Changes in EEG of Anesthetized Mice Subjected to Passive Heat Exposure

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    [Abstract] Currently, the role of hypothermia in electroencephalography (EEG) is well-established. However, few studies have investigated the effect of hyperthermia on EEG, an important physiological parameter governing brain function. The aim of this work was to determine how neuronal activity in anesthetized mice is affected when the temperature rises above the physiological threshold mandatory to maintain the normal body functions. In this study, a temperature-elevation protocol, from 37 to 42°C, was applied to four female mice of 2-3 months old while EEG was recorded simultaneously. We found that hyperthermia reduces EEG amplitude by 4.36% when rising from 37 to 38 degrees and by 24.33% when it is increased to 42 degrees. Likewise, increasing the body temperature produces a very large impact on the EEG spectral parameters, reducing the frequency power at the delta, theta, alpha, and beta bands. Our results show that hyperthermia has a global effect on the EEG, being able to change the electrical activity of the brain.This work was supported by the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, BFU2017-82296-P. XUGA: Grupos de Referencia Competitiva (ED431C 2018/24)Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2018/2

    Ensayo para la determinación del estado de conservación de la vegetación

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    The constant search of strategies that they lead towards the sustainable development makes the environmental indicators exposition more and more frequent. The target of these indicators is to give useful information for the control of the conservation of the environment. The use of formulae that allow quantifying the conservation of the vegetation makes possible the securing of an indicative value of the state of naturalness of the vegetation. Also, the use of natural types of habitat instead of phytosociology associations allows simplifying the proposed formulation, obtaining completely valid results. Finally, the effect of the change of scale in the calculation of the value of the index does not suppose changes in the validity of the obtained value. Nevertheless, we must consider that the values obtained are only comparable in works realized to equal scale

    Seed Germination Technologies for Helophyte Production Used in Wastewater Treatment

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    Constructed green wetlands with horizontal surface for wastewater treatment are gaining acceptance. Many countries have published innovative experiences with this technology. A great variety of wastewaters from industries have been treated. Different plant species have been tested. Seed technology development provides interesting tools to produce these species in nurseries. It is a sustainable new business. But studies on seed germination of aquatic and lacustrine plants are very few. That is why we have made the following bibliographic review. We have summarised and analysed the state of the art of this innovative topic, concluding that seed technology for multiplication of helophytes needs further experimental work. But there is enough information to produce right now, tens of different species. Significant efforts have been done. Even though it is a challenge to produce from now on, experimental results are ready to be transferred to those who are trading with this type of plants. Helophytes have a promising future as sustainable elements of the upcoming sewage equipment. Improvements on the biotechnology of these species are a worthwhile researching line. To this aim, the following revision is an essential compilation with which to begin

    Reuse of vacant agro-industrial buildings. The case of the public slaughterhouses in Spain

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    Nearly 3000 slaughterhouses (74% of them public facilities) were built in Spain during the last decades of the nineteenth century and the first half of the twentieth century. The need to comply with new technical requirements and regulations on the hygiene of the meat passed in the 70s and the gradual replacement of public facilities by larger and more modern private slaughterhouses have subsequently led to the closure and abandonment of many of these buildings. Public slaughterhouses generally consisted of several single-storey and open-plan buildings located around a courtyard. Although originally they were preferably located on the outskirts of the towns, many slaughterhouses are now placed inside the built up areas, due to the urban development. The present work aims to contribute to a better understanding of these agro-industrial buildings and to provide ideas for their conservation and reuse. A review on the historical evolution and the architectural features of the public slaughterhouses in Spain is presented and different examples of old vacant slaughterhouses reused to accommodate libraries, offices, community centres, exhibition halls or sports centres, among others, are shown in the paper

    A contribution to ex-situ conservation of Mediterranean thymes: Germination trials

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    ABSTRACT. A contribution to ex-situ conservation of Mediterranean thymes: Germination trials. The germination process was studied of the seeds of seven endemic or threatened Mediterranean thymes collected from natural populations of the SW Iberian Peninsula. Four replicates of 50 seeds of each population were induced to germinate by alternating temperatures (6 hours at 20°C, 18 hours at 30°C; 40-60% humidity). The accumulated percentage germination curves, the germinability (percentages), and the germination rate (in terms of the vigour index, Iv) were determined. The results were as follows: Thymus caespititius, germinabilities null or low and germination rates slow (0%-11%; Iv = 0-1.26); Thymus mastichina, germinabilities moderate or high and germination rates fast or very fast (59%-92%; Iv = 12.84-35.67); Thymus praecox subsp. penyalarensis, germinabilities high and germination rates fast (79%; Iv = 19.53); Th. pulegioides, germinabilities low or moderate and germination rates slow or medium (2%-41%; Iv = 0.33-7.58); Thymus villosus subsp. lusitanicus, germinabilities moderate and germination rates medium (35%; Iv = 9.00); Thymus zygis subsp. sylvestris, germinabilities low, moderate, or high and germination rates slow, medium, or fast (2%-68%; Iv = 0.52-19.36); and Thymbra capitata, germinabilities high and germination rates fast (92%; Iv = 19.07). There were both interspecific and interpopulational differences in germinative capacity. Cooling the seeds for 7 days at 10-12°C prior to sowing produced no significant alterations in the results. A relationship was observed between seed weight and germination percentage.Key words. Germination, Iberian Peninsula, seed, Thymus, vigour.RESUMEN. Contribución a la conservación ex-situ de los tomillos mediterráneos: ensayos de germinación. Se estudiaron los procesos de germinación de las semillas de siete tomillos endémicos o amenazados de la Región Mediterránea, recolectados en poblaciones silvestres del SO de la Península Ibérica. Se indujeron a germinar 4 réplicas de 50 semillas de cada población con alternancia de temperaturas (6 horas a 20oC, 18 horas a 30oC; humedad del 40-60%). Se determinaron curvas de porcentajes acumulados de germinación, germinabilidad (en porcentaje) y la velocidad de germinación (mediante el índice de vigor, Iv). Para Thymus caespititius las germinabilidades fueron nulas o bajas y la velocidad de germinación fue lenta (0%-11%; Iv = 0-1.26); Thymus mastichina, germinabilidades moderadas o altas y velocidades de germinación rápidas o muy rápidas (59%-92%; Iv = 12.84-35.67); Thymus praecox subsp. penyalarensis, germinabilidades altas y velocidades rápidas (79%; Iv = 19.53); Th. pulegioides, germinabilidades bajas o moderadas y velocidades lentas o medias (2%-41%; Iv = 0.33-7.58); Thymus villosus subsp. lusitanicus, germinabilidades moderadas y velocidades medias (35%; Iv = 9.00); Thymus zygis subsp. sylvestris, germinabilidades lentas, moderadas o altas y40J. Blanco Salas et al.velocidades lentas, medianas o rápidas(2%-68%; Iv = 0.52-19.36); y Thymbra capitata, germinabilidades altas y velocidades rápidas (92%; Iv = 19.07). Se observaron diferencias interespecíficas e interpoblacionales en la capacidad germinativa. Un pretratamiento térmico (7 días a 10-12°C) no produjo alteración significativa en los resultados. También se observó relación entre el peso de las semillas y el porcentaje de germinación.Palabras clave. Germinación, Península Ibérica, semilla, Thymus, vigor