33 research outputs found

    Development of a standardized quantitative real time PCR panel for respiratory viral diagnosis

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    Traditional viral diagnostics such as viral culture and various serological techniques tend to be slow, insensitive and labour-intensive. A large proportion of viral pathogens still go undetected using these techniques. This thesis concerns the development of a rapid and sensitive technique - standardized real-time quantitative PCR. Individual qPCR assays and synthetic plasmid controls were developed for 12 common respiratory viruses including influenza types A and B, parainfluenza (PIV)-l, -2 and -3, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) A and B, metapneumovirus (MPV), human coronavirus (HCoV) 229E and OC43, human rhinovirus (HRV) and adenovirus. A reference gene assay using hypoxanthine phosphoribosyl transferase (HPRT) was also developed. A retrospective analysis on nasopharyngeal aspirates from patients previously diagnosed was conducted. The results demonstrated that the respiratory viral qPCR panel was sensitive, efficient, and had a large dynamic range of detection. Some cross-reactivity was noted for HRV with an enterovirus (coxsackievirus B3). HPRT proved to be a stable reference gene with the additional benefit that qPCR viral loads could be interpreted based on copy number per unit volume of specimen. One hundred culture negative specimens were examined and viral nucleic acid was amplified in 43 of them. There was a statistically significant relationship between viral load and whether or not the same specimen was positive by culture for influenza A , PIV-3, RSV A and B, HRV and adenovirus. Mean viral load was highest in patients with lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI) compared to those with fever or upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) and 95% confidence interval (CI) between these patients did not overlap. These results suggest that patients with more severe clinical disease had higher viral loads. This study highlights the developmental phase of a technique that has the potential to increase the detection rate of viral pathogens involved in respiratory illnesses.Medicine, Faculty ofMedicine, Department ofExperimental Medicine, Division ofGraduat

    Data from: Loss of GD1-positive Lactobacillus correlates with inflammation in human lungs with COPD

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    Objectives: The present study assesses the relationship between contents of GD1 (glycerol dehydratase)-positive Lactobacillus, presence of Lactobacillus and the inflammatory response measured in host lung tissue in mild to moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). We hypothesise that there will be a loss of GD1 producing Lactobacillus with increasing severity of COPD and that GD1 has anti-inflammatory properties. Setting: Secondary care, 1 participating centre in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Participants: 74 individuals who donated non-cancerous portions of their lungs or lobes removed as treatment for lung cancer (normal lung function controls (n=28), persons with mild (GOLD 1) (n=21) and moderate (GOLD 2) COPD (n=25)). Outcome measures: Primary outcome measure was GD1 positivity within each group and whether or not this impacted quantitative histological measures of lung inflammation. Secondary outcome measures included Lactobacillus presence and quantification, and quantitative histological measurements of inflammation and remodelling in early COPD. Results: Total bacterial count (p>0.05) and prevalence of Lactobacillus (p>0.05) did not differ between groups. However, the GD1 gene was detected more frequently in the controls (14%) than in either mild (5%) or moderate (0%) COPD (p<0.05) samples. Macrophage and neutrophil volume fractions (0.012±0.005 (mean±SD) vs 0.026±0.017 and 0.005±0.002 vs 0.015±0.014, respectively) in peripheral lung tissue were reduced in samples positive for the GD1 gene (p<0.0035). Conclusions: A reduction in GD1 positivity is associated with an increased tissue immune inflammatory response in early stage COPD. There is potential for Lactobacillus to be used as a possible therapeutic, however, validation of these results need to be completed before an anti-inflammatory role of Lactobacillus in COPD can be confirmed


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    Overall average of two samples from each patient for GD1 PCR, quantitative histology for Lactobacillus, and quantitative histology of the small airway

    Características da obstrução das pequenas vias aéreas na DPOC

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    Resumo: Foram estudados 159 doentes, estratificados pelos 5 graus de gravidade do GOLD, provindo de 2 grupos: um grupo de doentes submetidos a ressecção de tumores pulmonares periféricos (100 doentes) e outro (59 doentes), mais grave, que participou no National Emphysema Treatment Trial (NETT). Para além do FEV1, as pequenas vias aéreas (PVA) inferiores a 2 mm foram estudadas em termos de: área luminal máxima, conteúdo luminal, espessura da parede do brônquio, número de vias aéreas inflamadas fundamentalmente verificada no estádio IV (33 no total de 43 doentes). O número de PVA analisadas foi igual em todos os grupos, assim o comprimento da membrana basal. Foi encontrada uma correlação significativa entre o estadiamento GOLD (FEV1) e o conteúdo luminal, mas essa correlação foi ainda mais significativa com a espessura brônquica total (e também com os compartimentos epitélio, lâmina própria, músculo liso e adventícia, sem diferenças entre eles). O número de vias aéreas com infiltrados inflamatórios e o número de cada tipo de célula inflamatória aumentou com a gravidade por estádio. No entanto, nos estádios III e IV houve um número muito mais elevado de linfócitos B, CD8 e de folículos linfóides. A análise multivariável revelou que a espessura da parede brônquica foi a que teve a correlação mais forte com a progressão da DPOC. Na discussão são referidos os seguintes aspectos: - a espessura da parede brônquica é a característica patológica mais associada à progressão da doença, seja por um processo de reparação ou de remodelação - o conteúdo luminal (exsudado inflamatório), o nº de PVA inflamadas e o número de células teve uma associação significativa, mas mais fraca, com a progressão da doença e suas características (infiltração de neutrófilos, macrófagos, eosinófilos e linfócitos B e CD4 e CD8) e número de cada grupo celular (e presença de folículos linfóides). A idade média foi de 63 a 67 anos, e 39 doentes estavam no estádio 0 e I, 22 no estádio II, 16 no III e 43 no IV. Em termos de exposição ao tabaco, os doentes tinham entre 40 e 67 UMA, e nos estádios III e IV não havia fumadores activos e tinham cessado há 9 anos. A exposição a corticóides pré-operatório foi â a presença de muco a ocluir as PVA revela que o processo de hipersecreção característico da bronquite crónica também existe nas PVA. Mas dados de outros estudos apontam para que o processo inflamatório possa ser independente nas grandes e nas pequenas vias e para que a progressão da DPOC (FEV1) seja independente da presença de bronquite crónica. â a presença progressivamente aumentada sobretudo de linfócitos B e CD8 (e a associação com folículos linfóides) com a gravidade da doença (estádios III e IV), e não de outros tipos celulares, pode ter a ver com um maior tempo de cessação tabágica e maior exposição a corticóides. Estes aspectos celulares e a presença organizada de folículos linfóides pode estar associada à colonização e infecção bacteriana característica dos graus mais avançados da DPOC. - o aumento da espessura mais superficial à camada muscular (epitelial e sub-epetilial) pode explicar por que é que a presença de hiperreactividade brônquica é um dos melhores preditores do declínio acelerado do FEV1. â a presença aumentada de tecido conjuntivo (fibrose) subepitelial e na adventícia pode contribuir para a obstrução fixa e impedir que as PVA abram adequadamente na inspiração

    Comparison of Two Multiplex Methods for Detection of Respiratory Viruses: FilmArray RP and xTAG RVP ▿†

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    We compared the FilmArray RP (Idaho Technology, Inc., Salt Lake City, UT) and the xTAG RVP (Luminex Corporation, Toronto, Canada) multiplex respiratory virus PCR methods for the detection of respiratory viruses in a set of 200 patient specimens frozen at −70°C after standard viral culture and antigen detection methods were done. Both systems detected between 40 to 50% more viruses than traditional methods, primarily rhinoviruses and human metapneumovirus. The FilmArray RP detected significantly more total viruses either alone or as part of mixed infections than the xTAG RVP, as well as an additional 21.6% more respiratory syncytial viruses. The xTAG RVP requires 5 to 6 h with 2.5 to 3 h of hands-on time, while the FilmArray RP takes about an hour with 3 to 5 min of hands-on time, making it much easier to perform