203 research outputs found

    Política comercial de los años ochenta en El Salvador

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    Cuando se trata de hablar sobre la estrategia comercial de un país, esta no puede ser aislada del resto de la estructura económica nacional ni del entorno. En el presente trabajo, se lleva a cabo un análisis sobre la evolución de la política comercial de El Salvador en los años ochenta, partiendo de una breve descripción del contexto histórico, económico y político. En segundo lugar se desarrolla un análisis, principalmente descriptivo, de las medidas macroeconómicas utilizadas a lo largo de la década y, finalmente, se establecen las conclusiones, siendo la principal de ellas, la ausencia de una política comercial congruente en El Salvador durante la década

    The Manuscripts of the Cançoner sagrat de vides de sants

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    L’estudi de l’obra de Miquel Ortigues comporta una sèrie d’obstacles difícils de resoldre ateses les mancances documentals que es tenen a l’abast. Tot i això, l’estudi minuciós dels manuscrits del Cançoner sagrat de vides de sants pot oferir molta informació i encendre algunes llums per tal de resseguir les petjades d’aquest autor. Així ha ocorregut en analitzar aspectes formals com les filigranes del paper, el tipus de lletra, la composició dels quaderns o la pròpia història dels manuscrits. És ara que es pot començar a parlar de forma empírica de les dates, del procés de redacció i plantejar acaraments amb altres documents d’Ortigues per a albirar noves informacions que podrien resultar reveladores.The study of Miquel Ortigues work involves a series of difficult obstacles to solve because of the emptiness of the documentary information that we have in our hands. Nevertheless, a careful study of the manuscripts of Cançoner sagrat de vides de sants can offer a lot of information and shed light on following Miquel Ortigues’s footprints. This is what happened after analyzing formal matters like the watermarks paper, the letter styles, the quire composition or the manuscripts history. Therefore, it is now when an empirical study can begin based on dates and the process of composition. Also, it becomes necessary to propose studies with other Ortigues documents to cite new information that could be revealing.Aquest treball s’inscriu en el marc del projecte d’investigació La literatura hagiográfica catalana entre el manuscrito y la imprenta (FFI2013-43927-P) del Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad

    EducaciĂł i qualitat, una bona parella

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    In vitro gene delivery in retinal pigment epithelium cells by plasmid DNA-wrapped gold nanoparticles

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    Many rare diseases course with affectation of neurosensory organs. Among them, the neuroepithelial retina is very vulnerable due to constant light/oxidative stress, but it is also the most accessible and amenable to gene manipulation. Currently, gene addition therapies targeting retinal tissue (either photoreceptors or the retinal pigment epithelium), as a therapy for inherited retinal dystrophies, use adeno-associated virus (AAV)-based approaches. However, efficiency and safety of therapeutic strategies are relevant issues that are not always resolved in virus-based gene delivery and alternative methodologies should be explored. Based on our experience, we are currently assessing the novel physical properties at the nanoscale of inorganic gold nanoparticles for delivering genes to the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) as a safe and efficient alternative approach. In this work, we present our preliminary results using DNA-wrapped gold nanoparticles (DNA-gold NPs) for successful in vitro gene delivery on human retinal pigment epithelium cell cultures, as a proof-of-principle to assess its feasibility for retina in vivo gene delivery. Our results show faster expression of a reporter gene in cells transfected with DNA-gold NPs compared to DNA-liposome complexes. Furthermore, we show that the DNA-gold NPs follow different uptake, internalization and intracellular vesicle trafficking routes compared to pristine NPs

    SĂ­ndrome del tĂşnel radial: Epicondilitis resistente

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    Desde 1996 al 2003, fueron intervenidos 25 pacientes (26 extremidades) de síndrome del túnel radial. Todos los procedimientos fueron realizados por el mismo cirujano y en el mismo hospital con un abordaje postero-externo del túnel radial. Se realizó un seguimiento de todos los pacientes en el tiempo después de la cirugía de 4 meses a 6 años y 4 meses (tiempo medio de 22 meses). Los resultados fueron evaluados según los criterios de Roles y Mausdley; 12 pacientes tuvieron resultados excelentes (46.15%), 9 pacientes buenos (34.61%) y 5 pacientes regulares (19.23%). Once pacientes fueron tratados previamente de epicondilitis lateral (entesitis). La mayoría de los pacientes están satisfechos con la cirugía refiriendo un alivio de la sintomatología y una mejora de la funcionalidad tras la cirugía.Between 1996 and 2003, 25 patients (26 extremities) underwent decompression of the radial tunnel. All procedures were performed at the same surgeon and the same institution using posterior approach. The total 25 patients were available for follow-up evaluation alter surgery (range 4 months - 6 years and 4 months) with average of 22 months. The outcomes was determined using the original criteria of Roles and Mausdley, 12 patients were rated as excellent (46.15%), 9 patients has good results (34.61%) and 5 patients had fair results. Eleven patients were treated previously of tennis elbow. Most of the patients were satisfied and felt subjectively improved by the surgery. They obtained pain relief and better functional status after surgery

    High trophic niche overlap between a native and invasive mink does not drive trophic displacement of the native mink during an invasion process

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    The pressure elicited by invasive species on native species significantly increases with the increase of the overlap of their ecological niches. Still, the specific mechanisms of the trophic displacement of native species during the invasion process are unclear. The effects of the invasive American mink (Neovison vison) on the critically endangered European mink (Mustela lutreola) was assessed by analyses of diet and niche overlap during the invasion process. To do this, the isotopic composition (δ13C and δ15N) of both species of mink and their four main types of prey was analysed. Significant trophic overlap between the native European mink and invasive American mink was found when they coexisted in sympatry. Furthermore, both mink species were characterised by significant individual variation in diet and no obvious change in diet of the native species in response to the arrival of the introduced species was observed. High niche overlap registered between both species in sympatry with no displacement in diet of the native mink in response to the arrival of the invasive mink is expected to have important consequences for the viability and conservation of the native mink populations, as it suggests high competitive pressure

    Alpha and beta oscillatory activity during a sequence of two movements

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    OBJECTIVE: We studied movement-related electroencephalographic oscillatory changes in the alpha and beta range during a sequence of two movements in 7 healthy volunteers, in order to investigate the relationship between these changes and each component in the sequence. METHODS: The sequence consisted of a wrist active extension-passive flexion followed by a first and second finger pincer. A total of 10.5 s sweeps were recorded using the level of surface electromyographic (EMG) activity in wrist extensors as trigger, including a 7.5 s pre-stimulus. The sweeps were also realigned manually offline using as trigger the end of the first EMG burst, or the beginning of the second movement. An index of the changes in non-phase-locked energy in the 7-37 Hz range was obtained by averaging single-sweep time-frequency transforms. RESULTS: The duration of each of the movements in the sequence and the relationship between them were compatible with the use of two different motor programmes in the sequence. In the beta band, a decrease in energy (event-related desynchronisation, ERD) began 1.5 s before the onset of the first movement, and was sustained until the end of the second movement. No energy increases were observed until the end of the second movement. In the alpha band, the ERD began 0.5 seconds before the first movement and was sustained throughout the recording. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that the beta-event-related synchronisation is related to the end of the whole motor process, and not to the end of each motor programme

    A search for Galactic runaway stars using Gaia Data Release 1 and Hipparcos proper motions

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    CONTEXT.The first Gaia Data Release (DR1) significantly improved the previously available proper motions for the majority of the Tycho-2 stars. AIMS. We want to detect runaway stars using Gaia DR1 proper motions and compare our results with previous searches. METHODS. Runaway O stars and BA supergiants are detected using a 2-D proper-motion method. The sample is selected using Simbad, spectra from our GOSSS project, literature spectral types, and photometry processed using CHORIZOS. RESULTS. We detect 76 runaway stars, 17 (possibly 19) of them with no prior identification as such, with an estimated detection rate of approximately one half of the real runaway fraction. An age effect appears to be present, with objects of spectral subtype B1 and later having travelled for longer distances than runaways of earlier subtypes. We also tentatively propose that the fraction of runaways is lower among BA supergiants that among O stars but further studies using future Gaia data releases are needed to confirm this. The frequency of fast rotators is high among runaway O stars, which indicates that a significant fraction of them (and possibly a majority) is produced in supernova explosions.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&
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