27 research outputs found

    Ticagrelor Reduces Thromboinflammatory Markers in Patients With Pneumonia

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    Despite treatment advances for sepsis and pneumonia, significant improvements in outcome have not been realized. Antiplatelet therapy may improve outcome in pneumonia and sepsis. In this study, the authors show that ticagrelor reduced leukocytes with attached platelets as well as the inflammatory biomarker interleukin (IL)-6. Pneumonia patients receiving ticagrelor required less supplemental oxygen and lung function tests trended toward improvement. Disruption of the P2Y12 receptor in a murine model protected against inflammatory response, lung permeability, and mortality. Results indicate a mechanistic link between platelets, leukocytes, and lung injury in settings of pneumonia and sepsis, and suggest possible therapeutic approaches to reduce complications. (Targeting Platelet-Leukocyte Aggregates in Pneumonia With Ticagrelor [XANTHIPPE]; NCT01883869

    Obesity and Diabetes Cause Cognitive Dysfunction in the Absence of Accelerated β-Amyloid Deposition in a Novel Murine Model of Mixed or Vascular Dementia

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    Mid-life obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) confer a modest, increased risk for Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD), though the underlying mechanisms are unknown. We have created a novel mouse model that recapitulates features of T2DM and AD by crossing morbidly obese and diabetic db/db mice with APPΔNL/ΔNLx PS1P264L/P264L knock-in mice. These mice (db/AD) retain many features of the parental lines (e.g. extreme obesity, diabetes, and parenchymal deposition of β-amyloid (Aβ)). The combination of the two diseases led to additional pathologies-perhaps most striking of which was the presence of severe cerebrovascular pathology, including aneurysms and small strokes. Cortical Aβ deposition was not significantly increased in the diabetic mice, though overall expression of presenilin was elevated. Surprisingly, Aβ was not deposited in the vasculature or removed to the plasma, and there was no stimulation of activity or expression of major Aβ-clearing enzymes (neprilysin, insulin degrading enzyme, or endothelin-converting enzyme). The db/AD mice displayed marked cognitive impairment in the Morris Water Maze, compared to either db/db or APPΔNLx PS1P264L mice. We conclude that the diabetes and/or obesity in these mice leads to a destabilization of the vasculature, leading to strokes and that this, in turn, leads to a profound cognitive impairment and that this is unlikely to be directly dependent on Aβ deposition. This model of mixed or vascular dementia provides an exciting new avenue of research into the mechanisms underlying the obesity-related risk for age-related dementia, and will provide a useful tool for the future development of therapeutics

    Active Site Mutations Change the Cleavage Specificity of Neprilysin

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    Neprilysin (NEP), a member of the M13 subgroup of the zinc-dependent endopeptidase family is a membrane bound peptidase capable of cleaving a variety of physiological peptides. We have generated a series of neprilysin variants containing mutations at either one of two active site residues, Phe563 and Ser546. Among the mutants studied in detail we observed changes in their activity towards leucine5-enkephalin, insulin B chain, and amyloid β1–40. For example, NEPF563I displayed an increase in preference towards cleaving leucine5-enkephalin relative to insulin B chain, while mutant NEPS546E was less discriminating than neprilysin. Mutants NEPF563L and NEPS546E exhibit different cleavage site preferences than neprilysin with insulin B chain and amyloid ß1–40 as substrates. These data indicate that it is possible to alter the cleavage site specificity of neprilysin opening the way for the development of substrate specific or substrate exclusive forms of the enzyme with enhanced therapeutic potential

    The Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment: Exploring Fundamental Symmetries of the Universe

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    The preponderance of matter over antimatter in the early Universe, the dynamics of the supernova bursts that produced the heavy elements necessary for life and whether protons eventually decay --- these mysteries at the forefront of particle physics and astrophysics are key to understanding the early evolution of our Universe, its current state and its eventual fate. The Long-Baseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE) represents an extensively developed plan for a world-class experiment dedicated to addressing these questions. LBNE is conceived around three central components: (1) a new, high-intensity neutrino source generated from a megawatt-class proton accelerator at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, (2) a near neutrino detector just downstream of the source, and (3) a massive liquid argon time-projection chamber deployed as a far detector deep underground at the Sanford Underground Research Facility. This facility, located at the site of the former Homestake Mine in Lead, South Dakota, is approximately 1,300 km from the neutrino source at Fermilab -- a distance (baseline) that delivers optimal sensitivity to neutrino charge-parity symmetry violation and mass ordering effects. This ambitious yet cost-effective design incorporates scalability and flexibility and can accommodate a variety of upgrades and contributions. With its exceptional combination of experimental configuration, technical capabilities, and potential for transformative discoveries, LBNE promises to be a vital facility for the field of particle physics worldwide, providing physicists from around the globe with opportunities to collaborate in a twenty to thirty year program of exciting science. In this document we provide a comprehensive overview of LBNE's scientific objectives, its place in the landscape of neutrino physics worldwide, the technologies it will incorporate and the capabilities it will possess.Comment: Major update of previous version. This is the reference document for LBNE science program and current status. Chapters 1, 3, and 9 provide a comprehensive overview of LBNE's scientific objectives, its place in the landscape of neutrino physics worldwide, the technologies it will incorporate and the capabilities it will possess. 288 pages, 116 figure

    The Conserved Tarp Actin Binding Domain Is Important for Chlamydial Invasion

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    The translocated actin recruiting phosphoprotein (Tarp) is conserved among all pathogenic chlamydial species. Previous reports identified single C. trachomatis Tarp actin binding and proline rich domains required for Tarp mediated actin nucleation. A peptide antiserum specific for the Tarp actin binding domain was generated and inhibited actin polymerization in vitro and C. trachomatis entry in vivo, indicating an essential role for Tarp in chlamydial pathogenesis. Sequence analysis of Tarp orthologs from additional chlamydial species and C. trachomatis serovars indicated multiple putative actin binding sites. In order to determine whether the identified actin binding domains are functionally conserved, GST-Tarp fusions from multiple chlamydial species were examined for their ability to bind and nucleate actin. Chlamydial Tarps harbored variable numbers of actin binding sites and promoted actin nucleation as determined by in vitro polymerization assays. Our findings indicate that Tarp mediated actin binding and nucleation is a conserved feature among diverse chlamydial species and this function plays a critical role in bacterial invasion of host cells

    Glypicans Regulate JAK/STAT Signaling and Distribution of the Unpaired Morphogen

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    In Drosophila, ligands of the Unpaired (Upd) family activate the Janus kinase/signal transducers and activators of transcription (JAK/STAT) pathway. The JAK/STAT pathway controls many developmental events, including multiple functions in the ovary. These include an early role in the germarium for specification of stalk cells and a later role in the vitellarium to pattern the follicular epithelium surrounding each cyst. In this latter role, graded JAK/STAT activation specifies three distinct anterior follicular cell fates, suggesting that Upd is a morphogen in this system. Consistent with the JAK/STAT activation pattern in the vitellarium, Upd forms a concentration gradient on the apical surface of the follicular epithelium with a peak at its source, the polar cells. Like many morphogens, signaling and distribution of Upd are regulated by the heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs) Dally and Dally-like. Mutations in these glypican genes and in heparan sulfate biosynthetic genes result in disruption of JAK/STAT signaling, loss or abnormal formation of the stalk and significant reduction in the accumulation of extracellular Upd. Conversely, forced expression of Dally causes ectopic accumulation of Upd in follicular cells. Furthermore, biochemical studies reveal that Upd and Dally bind each other on the surface of the cell membrane. Our findings demonstrate that Drosophila glypicans regulate formation of the follicular gradient of the Upd morphogen, Upd. Furthermore, we establish the follicular epithelium as a new model for morphogen signaling in complex organ development

    Evaluating Molybdenum-rhenium Alloys through Additive Manufacturing

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    Highly successful advanced manufacturing techniques of refractory metals are becoming increasingly necessary to navigate technology gaps. Refractory metal alloys are desirable to meet the need for high temperature structural materials, but are difficult to produce because of their high strength, low ductility, and high melting point. This work demonstrates the use of laser powder bed fusion to produce several Mo-Re alloys by additively manufacturing mechanically mixed pure elemental powders. Relationships are explored between mechanical properties regarding build orientation, laser speed, rhenium alloy content, and the addition of 3% hydrogen to the argon shield gas. Mechanical characterization was accomplished by three-point flexural testing. Rhenium content, hydrogen addition to the shield gas, and build orientation were all found to significantly affect the flexural strength. The build direction had the highest influence, and a maximum strength of 833.3 MPa was achieved in the vertical direction while the maximum strength in the horizontal direction was 346.1 MPa

    Rapid increase in dispersal during range expansion in the invasive ladybird Harmonia axyridis

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    The evolutionary trajectories associated with demographic, genetic and spatial disequilibrium have become an issue of growing interest in population biology. Invasive species provide unique opportunities to explore the impact of recent range expansion on life-history traits, making it possible to test for a spatial arrangement of dispersal abilities along the expanding range, in particular. We carried out controlled experiments in laboratory conditions to test the hypothesis of an increase in dispersal capacity with range expansion in Harmonia axyridis, a ladybird that has been invading Europe since 2001. We found a marked increase in the flight speed of the insects from the core to the front of the invasion range in two independent sampling transects. By contrast, we found that two other traits associated with dispersal (endurance and motivation to fly off) did not follow the same spatial gradient. Our results provide a striking illustration of the way in which predictable directional genetic changes may occur rapidly for some traits associated with dispersal during biological invasions. We discuss the consequences of our results for invasion dynamics and the evolutionary outcomes of spatially expanding populations. © 2014 European Society For Evolutionary Biology.SCOPUS: ar.jFLWINinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe