3,171 research outputs found

    "El show de Truman". Estrategias metaficcionales y quiebras del simulacro

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    Pasada ya una década desde el estreno de El show de Truman en 1998, una revisión de esta película nos redescubre la inusitada actualidad de la reflexión que sigue planteando sobre nuestra sociedad audiovisual. El presente artículo explora estos asuntos con una estructura escalonada: tras un análisis de las estructuras narrativas y retóricas de corte metaficcional del relato, se adentra en el modo en que se dramatizan los efectos del simulacro en la vida social, al tiempo que cuestiona el alcance de sus consecuencias. Estas cuestiones se abordan desde un análisis textual, realizado en la primera parte a partir del marco planteado por autores como Waugh, Hutcheon y Stam. En la segunda parte, el análisis textual se combina con un enfoque temático para estudiar en qué medida el filme encarna modelos y fenómenos relacionados con la sociedad del espectáculo y con la cultura del simulacro planteada por Jean Baudrillard

    El docudrama contemporáneo: rasgos configuradores

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    El docudrama se ha convertido en un modelo génerico y narrativo de creciente importancia en la ficción contemporánea y con un impacto cada vez mayor en España, sobre todo en su forma televisiva. Sin embargo, en nuestro país, su investigación académica es todavía relativamente escasa, en comparación con la atención que ha recibido en el mundo angloparlante. Este artículo ofrece una primera aproximación a la definición del docudrama, basado en dos tipos de análisis. En la primera parte, realizamos un análisis contextual, que revisa las características básicas de las principales tradiciones –la británica y la norteamericana– que históricamente han configurado este tipo de obras. En la segunda, se analizan los elementos de carácter textual, basándose en el estudio de sus aspectos ficcionales y documentales. /// The docudrama has become a narrative and genre model of increasing importance in contemporary fiction and with a growing impact in Spain, above all in its televised form. However, in our country, academic research on the docudrama is still relatively limited in comparison with the attention which it has received in the English-speaking world. The paper we present here offers an initial approach to the definition of the docudrama, based on two different types of analysis. In the first part, we consider contextual analysis, which analyzes the basic features of the principal traditions —the British and the North American— which have historically shaped these products. In the second, we analyze elements of a textual nature, based on their dual fictional and documental aspects

    Limit cycles in the Holling-Tanner model

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    This paper deals with the following question: does the asymptotic stability of the positive equilibrium of the Holling-Tanner model imply it is also globally stable? We will show that the answer to this question is negative. The main tool we use is the computation of Poincaré-Lyapunov constants in case a weak focus occurs. In this way we are able to construct an example with two limit cycles

    Towards a better learning models through OCWs and MOOCs

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    echnological advances of XXth century have induced a profound change in society and, therefore, in the high education. Internet supposed a qualitative difference, as information and digital images flooded into homes around the world. The Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) is a medium sized university of Spain that has been involved in the development of digital video content (Polimedia) to support teaching processes for several years. Joint with Polimedia and other learning objects (virtual laboratories, applets, etc.), the UPV promoted the construction of OCWs. Along with the improvement of technology, MOOCs appeared as e-learning material. In this work, we analyze the advantages and drawbacks of OCWs and MOOCs when they are used in our classroom. This experience has led us to incorporate in our methodology the flip teaching

    An optimal eighth order derivative free multiple root finding scheme and its dynamics

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    [EN] The problem of solving a nonlinear equation is considered to be one of the significant domain. Motivated by the requirement to achieve more optimal derivative-free schemes, we present an eighth-order optimal derivative-free method to find multiple zeros of the nonlinear equation by weight function approach in this paper. This family of methods requires four functional evaluations. The technique is based on a three-step method including the first step as a Traub-Steffensen iteration and the next two as Traub-Steffensen-like iterations. Our proposed scheme is optimal in the sense of Kung-Traub conjecture. The applicability of the proposed schemes is shown by using different nonlinear functions that verify the robust convergence behavior. Convergence of the presented family of methods is demonstrated through the graphical regions by drawing basins of attraction.This research was partially supported by Grant PGC2018-095896-B-C22 funded by MCIN/AEI/31000.13039/ "ERDF A way to making Europe", European Union. The authors would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their help and suggestions, that have improved the final version of this manuscript.Zafar, F.; Cordero Barbero, A.; Rizvi, D.; Torregrosa Sánchez, JR. (2023). An optimal eighth order derivative free multiple root finding scheme and its dynamics. AIMS Mathematics. 8(4):8478-8503. https://doi.org/10.3934/math.2023427847885038

    Estudio paleopatológico de un proceso osteolítico: posible quiste dérmico en un cráneo tardorromano

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    X Congreso Nacional de PaleopatologĂ­a. Univesidad AutĂłnoma de Madrid, septiembre de 200

    Espondilitis anquilopoyética en la Necrópolis tardorromana de Polisisto (Concentaina, Alicante)

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    X Congreso Nacional de PaleopatologĂ­a. Univesidad AutĂłnoma de Madrid, septiembre de 200

    The representation of personal memory in Alan Berliner’s First Cousin Once Removed

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    This article intends to analyze the representation of personal memory in Alan Berliner’s film First Cousin Once Removed. The film serves as an innovative proposal in the filmic representation of personal memory, going beyond the most obvious topic of the film – the biography of Berliner’s second uncle, suffering from Alzheimer’s – and presenting us with a study of personal memory through the use of cinematic language. After a brief overview of how personal memory is represented in cinema, we first examine the film’s thematic lines and narrative structure, proceeding afterwards to a closer analysis of its representation of the most relevant features of personal memory: subjectivity, complex temporality and performativity. Berliner explores these features in the film with insight: he emphasizes the subjective/autobiographical nature of memory work; he frames his portrait of Edwin Honig within complex temporal coordinates, where the past and present become indiscernible; and builds a self-reflexive film that emphasizes the performative character of memory and of its filmic representation

    La representaciĂłn fĂ­lmica de la memoria personal: las pelĂ­culas de memoria

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    Resumen El artículo busca definir y analizar lo que denomina como “películas de memoria”, filmes de ficción o documental que tienen como tema principal la memoria personal Dichas películas ponen en primer plano la duplicidad presente/pasado –inherente tanto a la memoria como a la imagen cinematográfica–, que se despliega en un tiempo personal o subjetivo. Para representar la memoria personal, estos filmes se articulan en torno a tres características que consiguen captar la dinámica de la memoria como facultad humana: la subjetividad, la indiscernibilidad temporal y la performatividad. Abstract The article seeks to define and analyze what it calls "memory films", fiction or documentary films that have as their main theme personal memory. These films bring to the fore the present/past duplicity –inherent both in memory and in the filmic image–, which unfolds in a personal or subjective time. To represent personal memory, these films are articulated around three characteristics that manage to capture the dynamics of memory as a human faculty: subjectivity, temporal indiscernibility and performativity
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