4,278 research outputs found

    On stochastic comparisons of largest order statistics in the scale model

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    Let Xλ1,Xλ2,,XλnX_{\lambda _{1}},X_{\lambda _{2}},\ldots ,X_{\lambda _{n}} be independent nonnegative random variables with XλiF(λit)X_{\lambda _{i}}\sim F(\lambda _{i}t), i=1,,ni=1,\ldots ,n, where λi>0\lambda _{i}>0, i=1,,ni=1,\ldots ,n and FF is an absolutely continuous distribution. It is shown that, under some conditions, one largest order statistic Xn:nλX_{n:n}^{\lambda } is smaller than another one Xn:nθX_{n:n}^{\theta } according to likelihood ratio ordering. Furthermore, we apply these results when FF is a generalized gamma distribution which includes Weibull, gamma and exponential random variables as special cases

    Stochastic order relations among parallel systems from Weibull distributions

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    In this article, we focus on stochastic orders to compare the magnitudes of two parallel systems from Weibull distributions when one set of scale parameters majorizes the other. The new results obtained here extend some of those proved by Dykstra et al. (1997) and Joo and Mi (2010) from exponential to Weibull distributions. Also, we present some results for parallel systems from multiple-outlier Weibull models.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. Journal of Applied Probability (2015

    Robust predictions for an oscillatory bispectrum in Planck 2015 data from transient reductions in the speed of sound of the inflaton

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    We update the search for features in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) power spectrum due to transient reductions in the speed of sound, using Planck 2015 CMB temperature and polarisation data. We enlarge the parameter space to much higher oscillatory frequencies of the feature, and define a robust prior independent of the ansatz for the reduction, guaranteed to reproduce the assumptions of the theoretical model and exhaustive in the regime in which the feature is easily distinguishable from the baseline cosmology. We find a fit to the 20\ell\approx20--4040 minus/plus structure in Planck TT power spectrum, as well as features spanning along the higher \ell's (100\ell\approx100--15001500). For the last ones, we compute the correlated features that we expect to find in the CMB bispectrum, and asses their signal-to-noise and correlation to the ISW-lensing secondary bispectrum. We compare our findings to the shape-agnostic oscillatory template tested in Planck 2015, and we comment on some tantalising coincidences with some of the traits described in Planck's 2015 bispectrum data.Comment: 19 pages - matches published versio

    Export structure and growth : a detailed analysis for Argentina

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    This paper examines recent changes in the structure of Argentine exports and the implications for future growth. The authors find that the current export structure of Argentina is not conducive to future growth because it is dominated by low-productivity goods that tend to be exported by low-income countries. The productivity content of Argentine exports has increased recently although, as of 2004, these changes have been relatively minor. The authors identify products with characteristics similar to those currently exported by Argentina and which are morelikely to foster growth because they would shift the structure of exports more the efficiency frontier. Those products include chemicals and primary products with some degree of value added, including partly processed meat, fish and grains. If economic growth is to be fostered by developing new export products and by increasing the value added of existing exports, there will be a need for sector-specific analysis to address possible market failures. The analysis should focus on issues such as the provision of public goods needed for production (including infrastructure, but also complex intangibles such as sector-specific legislation), possible impediments to effective coordination, sector-specific and economy wide externalities, or barriers to information. This last source of potential market failure is critical to a successful policy framework for exports and growth.Economic Theory&Research,Transport Economics Policy&Planning,Tax Law,Water and Industry,Agribusiness&Markets

    L’aigua a la cuina II

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    Activitat culinària-nutricional amb persones grans diagnosticades de deteriorament cognitiu lleu (deteriorament de la memòria entre d'altres)

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524Introducció: Estudiants de l’assignatura de Treball dirigit (6c) del Grau de Nutrició Humana i Dietètica han realitzat activitats en l’associació AJUDAM-PREDEGENT (Prevenció-Dependència-Gent Gran). Aquesta associació treballa en el desenvolupament d’un programa d’estimulació cognitiva per persones diagnosticades de deteriorament cognitiu lleu (pèrdua de memòria diagnosticada) que intenten continuar la seva vida amb plena normalitat malgrat les dificultats que la naturalesa de la malaltia comporta. Els estudiants, supervisats per l’equip de l’Associació AJUDAM-PREDEJEM, han dissenyat i realitzat tallers de temàtica culinària-nutricional¸ en el marc dels ”Tallers de la memòria”, amb la finalitat que la cuina i/o la nutrició esdevingui en una eina de útil per treballar la memòria. Objectius: Dissenyar activitats /tallers per una alimentació saludable Aprendre a dissenyar tallers, amb un equip multidisciplinari, per treballar la memòria Valorar el servei de càtering de l’associació. Punts forts i punts febles. Descripció: Primerament van participar com a observadors en les dinàmiques/ activitats ja establertes del centre, per conèixer les característiques del grup i poder dissenyar i realitzar les sessions. Seguidament, els estudiants van definir els objectius específics de cada sessió y la planificació de la tasca, conjuntament amb l’equip de l’associació. Finalment, es van realitzar 7 sessions d’una hora, amb una estructura comuna molt ben definida, amb rutines i sense canvis per facilitar el seu seguiment als pacients. Paral•lelament, els estudiants van realitzar el seguiment del servei de dinars, per valorar de l’estructura del càtering, el seu funcionament, els menús i l’adequació d’aquest servei a les característiques d’aquesta població. Conclusions: Des de l’associació es valora molt positivament la capacitat dels estudiants per connectar amb el perfils dels pacients, d’equilibrar els tallers i els temes a tractar amb la capacitat cognitiva dels mateixos i de preparar correctament les diferents sessions. Han mostrat empatia i capacitat per adaptar-se al grup. Els estudiants manifesten que ha esta una tasca laboriosa, no exempta de dificultats però molt enriquidora

    Geografía culinaria de Cataluña

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    On the Conjecture of Kochar and Korwar

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    In this paper, we solve for some cases a conjecture by Kochar and Korwar (1996) in relation with the normalized spacings of the order statistics related to a sample of independent exponential random variables with different scale parameter. In the case of a sample of size n=3, they proved the ordering of the normalized spacings and conjectured that result holds for all n. We give the proof of this conjecture for n=4 and for both spacing and normalized spacings. We also generalize some results to n>

    El derecho a la libertad de cátedra en la España del siglo xix: la "tercera cuestión universitaria"

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    SUMARIO:1. Introducción.-2. El antecedente remoto: la primera cuestión universitaria.-3. El antecedente próximo: la segunda cuestión universitaria.-4. Otros antecedentes de la tercera cuestión universitaria.-5. La libertad de cátedra y la persecución de Miguel de Unamuno.-6. Los prolegómenos de la tercera cuestión universitaria.-7. El elemento desencadenante de la tercera cuestión universitaria. La suspensión en la Cátedra de Pedro Dorado Montero.-9. La polémica en la prensa sobre la tercera cuestión universitaria.-10. La prolongación posterior de la tercera cuestión universitaria.Publicad

    On stochastic properties between some ordered random variables

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    A great number of articles have dealt with stochastic comparisons of ordered random variables in the last decades. In particular, distributional and stochastic properties of ordinary order statistics have been studied extensively in the literature. Sequential order statistics are proposed as an extension of ordinary order statistics. Since sequential order statistics models unify various models of ordered random variables, it is interesting to study their distributional and stochastic properties. In this work, we consider the problem of comparing sequential order statistics according to magnitude and location orders.Stochastic orderings, Reliability, Order statistics