950 research outputs found

    Diagnóstico por imagen de la enfermedad discal intervertebral

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    El estudio de la columna vertebral en el perro ha estado vinculado históricamente al uso de la radiología que, pese a la aparición de otros sistemas de diagnóstico más sofisticados como la tomografía axial computerizada (TAC) y la resonancia magnética (RM), sigue siendo hoy en día el procedimiento más utilizado en el diagnóstico de algunas patologías espinales, como la enfermedad discal intervertebral.


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    Nisu svi zaposlenici sposobni generirati vještine i resurse kojima bi se ostvarila organizacijska produktivnost. Samo su kvalificirani ljudski resursi (HR), prepo¬znati i odani politici tvrtke, dio organizacijskih kompetencija. Stoga su čimbenici zadovoljstva zapo¬slenika radom te predanost tvrtki dvije ključne varijable koje moramo analizirati kako bismo ispravno procijenili i pravilno upravljali ljudskim kapitalom tvrtke. Posebno se velika važnost pridaje vrijed¬nosti obrazovanja zaposlenika u svjetlu konkurentnosti turizma, što je u skladu s pretpostavkom kako stupanj obrazovanja zaposlenika izravno utječe na kvalitetu turističkih usluga. Cilj je ovog članka analizirati zadovoljstvo radnim mjestom i organizacijske obveze zaposlenika hotelskih kuća u Andaluziji (Španjolska), destinaciji čija je nesumnjiva konkurentska važnost u turi¬zmu neupitna. Pronađene su evidentne razlike u stupnju obrazovanja zaposlenika, tako da rezultati svakako ohrabruju odjele upravljanja ljudskim resursima na identifikaciju, održavanje i razvoj resursa i potencijalnih sposobnosti njihovog ljudskog kapitala.Not all employees are capable of generating skills and resources that may result in organizational productivity. Only qualified Human Resources, identified and committed to the company policy, are a part of the organization\u27s competences. Therefore, elements like the worker\u27s job satisfaction or the organizational commitment are two fundamental variables that need to be analyzed for the measurement and correct management of the company\u27s human capital. Further¬more, the importance that the value of the workers\u27 education presents towards competitiveness in tourism is highlighted since it is assumed that staff education is directly related to the quality of tourist service. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship among educational level, job satisfaction, and organizational commitment of the employees of the hotel establishments in Andalusia (Spain), a destination of undeniable competitive significance in tourism. Evident differences were found among the level of education of workers, so the results have to encourage the human resources management to identify, maintain, and develop the resources and potential capabilities of their human capital

    Validación de la versión mexicana del CSAI-2R en sus escalas de intensidad y dirección

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    Dentro de la teoría multidimensional de la ansiedad se ha desarrollado el Inventario de Ansiedad Estado Competitiva-2Revisado (csai-2r) para evaluar la ansiedad somática, ansiedad cognitiva y autoconfi anza en el deporte. El propósito del presente estudio fue evaluar el modelo de medida trifactorial del csai-2r en sus escalas de intensidad y de dirección adaptadas al contexto mexicano, examinando su fi abilidad e invarianza factorial a través del género. Respondieron dichos instrumentos 454 deportistas universitarios (m = 21.15 años de edad; de = 2.02). Los resultados ofrecieron apoyo al modelo de tres factores para la escala de intensidad, y confi rmaron su invarianza total en función del género. Para la escala de dirección resultó más adecuado un modelo de dos factores, y se confi rmó su invarianza parcial en función del género. En conclusión, el csai-2r con ambas escalas de intensidad y dirección adaptadas al contexto mexicano puede ser utilizado para evaluar la ansiedad precompetitiva

    Situational and Dispositional Factors that Predict Motivation: a Multilevel Study

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    Abstract. This study aimed to test a multilevel mediation model which examined the relationship between the perceived motivational climate created by coaches at team level and motivational regulations towards sport at individual level, as mediated by individual goal orientations. 211 university athletes from 20 teams training in different types of sport completed a battery of instruments that measured the variables included in the model. The statistics significance level was .05. Results of the multilevel mediation model revealed that the task-involving climate at team level positively predicted individual task orientation (γ01 = .77, p .05). The results are in line with previous research that have focused in the study of motivational climate at individual level, but the present study make a novel contribution by providing the perspective of a multilevel mediation model and thereby clarifying the phenomenon at team level

    Una experiencia piloto de aplicación del inglés en los estudios de Turismo y Empresariales de la Universidad de Córdoba

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    El coneixement de la llengua anglesa és bàsica en qualsevol titulació universitària, amb molta importància en els estudis de Turisme i Empresarials. Durant els cursos 2007-08 i 2008-2009 s’ha realitzat una experiència pilot en diferents assignatures d’ambdues titulacions amb l’objectiu de que els estudiants comprenguin la importància de l’anglès com element bàsic en la seva carrera professional. Per aquest motiu, i utilitzant la plataforma Moodle, s’ha construït una experiència on l’alumnat ha desenvolupat diferents activitats emmarcades en diferents nivells d’aprenentatge de l’ idioma. L’objectiu és que paulatinament s’arribés a conèixer, assimilar i definir en anglès els conceptes més importants relacionats amb els continguts acadèmics vistos en les assignatures.The knowledge of the English language is essential in any university degree, especially in Tourism and Business Studies. During courses 2007-08 and 2008-2009 we have carried out a pilot experience in several subjects of both degrees in order that students understand the importance of English as a basic element in their professional future. We have used the platform Moodle to design an experience where the student has developed different activities classified in several learning levels. The objective is that step by step they acquire, assimilate and define in English the most important concepts related to the academic contents of their subjects.El conocimiento del idioma inglés es básico en cualquier titulación universitaria, con más importancia si cabe en los estudios en Turismo y Empresariales. Durante los cursos 2007-08 y 2008-2009 se ha realizado una experiencia piloto en diversas asignaturas de ambas titulaciones con el objetivo de que los estudiantes comprendan la importancia del inglés como elemento básico en su carrera profesional. Para ello, y utilizando la plataforma Moodle, se ha vertebrado una experiencia donde el alumnado ha desarrollado distintas actividades enmarcadas en varios niveles de aprendizaje del idioma. El objetivo es que paulatinamente se llegara a conocer, asimilar y definir en inglés los conceptos más importantes relacionados con los contenidos académicos vistos en las asignaturas

    Genotype x dose of artificial insemination interaction for buck fertility

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    Ponencia publicada en ITEA, vol.104El objetivo de este trabajo fue estimar los parámetros genéticos de la fertilidad tras la IA con 3 tipos de dosis obtenidas de eyaculados de machos de la línea Caldes: 1) tipo 10: con 10 x 106 espermatozoides/ml y 24h de conservación en un diluyente comercial tipo A. 2) tipo 40: con 40 x 106 espermatozoides/ml y las mismas condiciones de conservación que las del tipo 10. 3) tipo X: dosis preparadas tras diluir los eyaculados con un diluyente comercial tipo B (1:5) siendo desconocida la concentración y sin periodo de conservación. Se realizaron 3,628 IA con dosis del tipo 10 sobre hembras cruzadas, 3,027 con dosis del tipo 40 y la misma población de hembras, y 5,779 con dosis del tipo X sobre hembras puras de la línea Caldes. La fertilidad tras la IA con dosis del tipo 10 (F10), 40 (F40) y X (FX) fue considerada un carácter distinto en cada caso, de tipo binario. Los datos se analizaron utilizando un modelo umbral tri-carácter. La estima de la media de la distribución marginal posterior (DMP) de F10 menos F40 fue de -0.13. Este resultado indica un claro efecto de la concentración sobre la fertilidad, que podría no ser lineal. Las medias de la DMP de F10 menos FX y F40 menos FX fueron -0.37 y -0.23, respectivamente, lo que indica que el efecto de las condiciones de conservación sobre la fertilidad podría ser más importante que el de la concentración ya que FX fue muy próxima a la fertilidad tras la MN y la concentración del tipo de dosis X sería en promedio de unos 50 x 106 espermatozoides/ml. Las heredabilidades parecen ser similares para F10 y F40 y ambas mayores que las correspondientes a la fertilidad tras la MN y a FX. La interacción del genotipo x concentración de la dosis de IA es prácticamente despreciable debido a que las varianzas genéticas fueron similares para F10 y F40 y a que su correlación genética fue próxima a 1. Sin embargo, la interacción podría ser de mayor importancia entre el genotipo y las condiciones de conservación.The aim of this research was to estimate genetic parameters of male fertility after AI with three different types of AI doses obtained from ejaculates of bucks belonging to the Caldes line: 1) type 10: doses with 10 x 106 spermatozoa/ml and a period of 24 h of storage at 18ºC in a saline extender A. 2) type 40: doses with 40 x 106 spermatozoa/ml and the same storage conditions as type 10. 3) type X, doses prepared with semen diluted (1:5) with a saline extender B, but with unknown sperm dosage and no storage period. 3,628 AI were performed with the type 10 doses using crossbred females, 3,027 with the type 40 doses and the same population of females, and 5,779 with the type X doses, using purebred M. Piles et al. ITEA (2008), Vol. 104 (2), 160-168 16 females from the Caldes line in a different farm. Fertility after AI with type 10 doses (F10), type 40 doses (F40) and type X doses (FX) was considered as three different binary traits. Data were analyzed under a three-trait threshold model. The mean of the marginal posterior distribution (MPD) for F10 minus F40 was estimated to be -0.13. This result indicates a clear effect of the sperm dosage on fertility, which could be non-linear. The mean of the MPD of F10 minus FX and F40 minus FX were respectively, -0.37 and -0.23 which indicates that the effect of the storage conditions on fertility could be even more important on fertility than sperm dosage, since FX was very close to fertility after NM and sperm dosage of this type of doses was in average lower than 50 x 106 spermatozoa/ml. Heritabilities seem to be similar for F10 and F40 and both of them could be higher than heritability of male fertility after NM and FX. Variance of the genotype x sperm dosage interaction was almost negligible since additive variances were similar for F10 and F40 and their genetic correlation was close to 1. However, this interaction could be more important between the genotype and the storage conditions

    An exploratory study of olive tourism consumers

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    The Purpose – The production of olive oil is one of the most important agricultural activities in Mediterranean countries. As such, and given the importance of wine and food tourism in recent years, there is a potential commitment to the development of olive tourism. Design – This paper aims to analyse the kind of the tourist for whom one of the reasons for travelling to a certain destination is to get to know the production of olive oil. Methodology – The methodology for conducting this research was based on fieldwork to learn about different aspects of tourists interested in learning about olive oil production. Approach – In this paper we present the results of fieldwork in Andalusia (Spain), the most important olive oil producing area in the world, to understand the relationship between olive oil and tourism. This paper also tries to create a profile of this kind of tourist. Findings – The results show the significant judgement that respondent tourists make of this agricultural activity, their satisfaction with the experience and also their relationship with rural activities and culture. Originality of the research – This paper is one of the first studies to be carried out in an important destination for olive tourism in Europe

    Functional Massage of the Teres Major Muscle in Patients with Subacromial Impingement Syndrome. A Randomized Controlled Case Series Study.

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    Objective: the purpose of the present study was to analyze the concurrent validity and reliability of a force platform clinical COBS Feedback® for the estimation of the height of vertical jumps. Design: a cross-sectional correlational and comparative study. Setting: University Human Movement and Physiotherapy Laboratory. Participants: healthy university students (14 female and 13 male) aged between 18 and 25 years old (mean = 20.074 ±1.542). Main Outcome Measures: vertical jump heights, technical error and grade of agreement between methods of measurement. Results: after the 27 subjects performed a total of 135 vertical jumps on COBS Feedback®platform while simultaneously being recorded with a high-speed camera-based method, the intraclass correlation coefficient showed an almost perfect concordance between the two methods (ICC = 0.916, CI95%= 0.882 to 0.940, p<0.001). The technical error of the COBS Feedback® against HSC-Kinovea video analysis was at 0.310±0.223m, being higher in males than in females (t= -2.822, CI95%: -0.376 to -0.574, p=0.001). Conclusions: the COBS Feedback® method provided a valid measurement of the flight times for estimate the vertical jump height as a number of well-known tests and devices.Aims: Subacromial impingement syndrome is the most common shoulder condition. Myofascial trigger points in teres major muscle can be associated with this syndrome. Our objective is to determine whether adding manual therapy specifically for teres major trigger points can produce better results in these patients. Study Design: Randomized controlled case series. Place and Duration of Study: Public Primary Care Center in the Spanish National Health System (Cornellà de Llobregat - Barcelona) and the FREMAP Mutual Society for Work-related Injuries and Occupational Illness (Arnedo - La Rioja), between January and March 2014. Methodology: Fifty-eight people were recruited but 8 subjects were lost during the follow-up period. The sample consisted of 50 patients (17 male and 33 female, age range 23-80 years) randomly assigned to one of two groups: the intervention group or the control group. Both groups received a protocolized physical therapy treatment, while the intervention group also received manual therapy for teres major trigger points. Results: Pain intensity (p=.01) and function (p=.01) showed significant improvement in the control group, whereas pain intensity (p=.01), function (p=.01) and active range of motion (p=.01) showed significant improvement in the intervention group. Between-group differences were statistically significant for abduction (p=.01), extension (p=.02) and lateral rotation (p=.02), and clinically significant (Cohen’s d) for function, flexion, extension, lateral rotation and abduction. Conclusion: Although our findings must be considered as preliminary, they suggest that adding manual therapy to treat teres major trigger points achieves better results in the glenohumeral range of motion