82 research outputs found

    Clinical Implications of the Genetic Background in Pediatric Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension: Data from the Spanish REHIPED Registry

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    Genetics; Heritable pulmonary arterial hypertension; Pediatric pulmonary hypertensionGenética; Hipertensión arterial pulmonar hereditaria; Hipertensión pulmonar pediátricaGenètica; Hipertensió arterial pulmonar hereditària; Hipertensió pulmonar pediàtricaBackground: Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is a severe and rare disease with an important genetic background. The influence of genetic testing in the clinical classification of pediatric PAH is not well known and genetics could influence management and prognosis. Objectives: The aim of this work was to identify the molecular fingerprint of PH children in the REgistro de pacientes con HIpertensión Pulmonar PEDiátrica (REHIPED), and to investigate if genetics could have an impact in clinical reclassification and prognosis. Methods: We included pediatric patients with a genetic analysis from REHIPED. From 2011 onward, successive genetic techniques have been carried out. Before genetic diagnosis, patients were classified according to their clinical and hemodynamic data in five groups. After genetic analysis, the patients were reclassified. The impact of genetics in survival free of lung transplantation was estimated by Kaplan–Meier curves. Results: Ninety-eight patients were included for the analysis. Before the genetic diagnoses, there were idiopathic PAH forms in 53.1%, PAH associated with congenital heart disease in 30.6%, pulmonary veno-occlusive disease—PVOD—in 6.1%, familial PAH in 5.1%, and associated forms with multisystemic disorders—MSD—in 5.1% of the patients. Pathogenic or likely pathogenic variants were found in 44 patients (44.9%). After a genetic analysis, 28.6% of the cohort was “reclassified”, with the groups of heritable PAH, heritable PVOD, TBX4, and MSD increasing up to 18.4%, 8.2%, 4.1%, and 12.2%, respectively. The MSD forms had the worst survival rates, followed by PVOD. Conclusions: Genetic testing changed the clinical classification of a significant proportion of patients. This reclassification showed relevant prognostic implications.This project was funded by project “Bases Genético-Moleculares de la Medicina de Precisión en la Hipertensión Arterial Pulmonar”. Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Gobierno de España. Co-funded by “Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional, Programa Operativo Crecimiento Inteligente 2014–2020” (Award number: PI 18/01233). A.C.-U. holds a research-training contract “Rio Hortega” (CM20/00164) from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Instituto de Salud Carlos III). REHIPED is supported by unrestricted grants of Janssen and Ferrer

    Abnormal bone turnover in individuals with low serum alkaline phosphatase

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    The clinical spectrum of hypophosphatasia (HPP) is broad and variable within families. Along severe infantile forms, adult forms with mild manifestations may be incidentally discovered by the presence of low alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity in serum. However, it is still unclear whether individuals with persistently low levels of ALP, in the absence of overt manifestations of HPP, have subclinical abnormalities of bone remodeling or bone mass. The aim of this study was to obtain a better understanding of the skeletal phenotype of adults with low ALP by analyzing bone mineral density (BMD), bone microarchitecture (trabecular bone score, TBS), and bone turnover markers (P1NP and ß-crosslaps). We studied 42 individuals with persistently low serum ALP. They showed lower levels of P1NP (31.4?±?13.7 versus 48.9?±?24.4 ng/ml; p?=?0.0002) and ß-crosslaps (0.21?±?0.17 versus 0.34?±?0.22 ng/ml, p?=?0.0015) than individuals in the control group. There were no significant differences in BMD, bone mineral content, or TBS. These data suggest that individuals with hypophosphatasemia have an overall reduction of bone turnover, even in the absence of overt manifestations of HPP or low BMD. We evaluated bone mineral density (BMD), bone microarchitecture, and bone turnover markers in patients with low serum levels of alkaline phosphatase. Our results show that these patients have low bone remodeling even in the absence of BMD abnormalities, thus supporting the recommendation of avoiding antiresorptives such as bisphosphonates in these subjects

    Schuurs–Hoeijmakers Syndrome (PACS1 Neurodevelopmental Disorder): Seven Novel Patients and a Review

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    Síndrome de Schuurs-Hoeijmakers; Discapacitat intel·lectual; Trastorns rarsSíndrome de Schuurs-Hoeijmakers; Discapacidad intelectual; Trastornos rarosSchuurs–Hoeijmakers syndrome; Intellectual disability; Rare disordersSchuurs–Hoeijmakers syndrome (SHMS) or PACS1 Neurodevelopmental disorder is a rare disorder characterized by intellectual disability, abnormal craniofacial features and congenital malformations. SHMS is an autosomal dominant hereditary disease caused by pathogenic variants in the PACS1 gene. PACS1 is a trans-Golgi-membrane traffic regulator that directs protein cargo and several viral envelope proteins. It is upregulated during human embryonic brain development and has low expression after birth. So far, only 54 patients with SHMS have been reported. In this work, we report on seven new identified SHMS individuals with the classical c.607C > T: p.Arg206Trp PACS1 pathogenic variant and review clinical and molecular aspects of all the patients reported in the literature, providing a summary of clinical findings grouped as very frequent (≥75% of patients), frequent (50–74%), infrequent (26–49%) and rare (less than ≤25%).This work was possible thanks to the funding provided by the project “Proyecto Piloto para la mejora del diagnóstico genético en personas y familias afectadas o con sospecha de padecer enfermedades raras de base genética” of the Ministry of Health, under the grant BOCM-20181126-24 provided by the Consejería de Sanidad de la Comunidad de Madrid. Funding to J.P. and F.J.R. was partially provided by the group research grant DGA/FEDER B32_17R/B32_20R

    A large, ten-generation family with autosomal dominant preaxial polydactyly/triphalangeal thumb: Historical, clinical, genealogical, and molecular studies

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    We present a large, ten-generation family of 273 individuals with 84 people having preaxial polydactyly/triphalangeal thumb due to a pathogenic variant in the zone of polarizing activity regulatory sequence (ZRS) within the exon 5 of LMBR1. The causative change maps to position 396 of the ZRS, located at position c.423 + 4909C > T (chr7:156791480; hg38; LMBR1 ENST00000353442.10; rs606231153 NG_009240.2) in the intron 5 of LMBR1. The first affected individual with the disorder was traced back to mid-1700, when some settlers and workers established in Cervera de Buitrago, a small village about 82 km North to Madrid. Clinical and radiological studies of most of the affected members have been performed for 42 years (follow-up of the family by LFGA). Molecular studies have confirmed a pathogenic variant in the ZRS that segregates in this family. To the best of our knowledge, this is the largest family with preaxial polydactyly/triphalangeal thumb reported so far.Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Grant/Award Number: PI20/0105

    The role of ZFP57 and additional KRAB-zinc finger proteins in the maintenance of human imprinted methylation and multi-locus imprinting disturbances.

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    Genomic imprinting is an epigenetic process regulated by germline-derived DNA methylation that is resistant to embryonic reprogramming, resulting in parental origin-specific monoallelic gene expression. A subset of individuals affected by imprinting disorders (IDs) displays multi-locus imprinting disturbances (MLID), which may result from aberrant establishment of imprinted differentially methylated regions (DMRs) in gametes or their maintenance in early embryogenesis. Here we investigated the extent of MLID in a family harbouring a ZFP57 truncating variant and characterize the interactions between human ZFP57 and the KAP1 co-repressor complex. By ectopically targeting ZFP57 to reprogrammed loci in mouse embryos using a dCas9 approach, we confirm that ZFP57 recruitment is sufficient to protect oocyte-derived methylation from reprogramming. Expression profiling in human pre-implantation embryos and oocytes reveals that unlike in mice, ZFP57 is only expressed following embryonic-genome activation, implying that other KRAB-zinc finger proteins (KZNFs) recruit KAP1 prior to blastocyst formation. Furthermore, we uncover ZNF202 and ZNF445 as additional KZNFs likely to recruit KAP1 to imprinted loci during reprogramming in the absence of ZFP57. Together, these data confirm the perplexing link between KZFPs and imprint maintenance and highlight the differences between mouse and humans in this respect

    Mutations in SCNM1 cause orofaciodigital syndrome due to minor intron splicing defects affecting primary cilia

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    Orofaciodigital syndrome (OFD) is a genetically heterogeneous ciliopathy characterized by anomalies of the oral cavity, face, and digits. We describe individuals with OFD from three unrelated families having bi-allelic loss-of-function variants in SCNM1 as the cause of their condition. SCNM1 encodes a protein recently shown to be a component of the human minor spliceosome. However, so far the effect of loss of SCNM1 function on human cells had not been assessed. Using a comparative transcriptome analysis between fibroblasts derived from an OFD-affected individual harboring SCNM1 mutations and control fibroblasts, we identified a set of genes with defective minor intron (U12) processing in the fibroblasts of the affected subject. These results were reproduced in SCNM1 knockout hTERT RPE-1 (RPE-1) cells engineered by CRISPR-Cas9-mediated editing and in SCNM1 siRNA-treated RPE-1 cultures. Notably, expression of TMEM107 and FAM92A encoding primary cilia and basal body proteins, respectively, and that of DERL2, ZC3H8, and C17orf75, were severely reduced in SCNM1-deficient cells. Primary fibroblasts containing SCNM1 mutations, as well as SCNM1 knockout and SCNM1 knockdown RPE-1 cells, were also found with abnormally elongated cilia. Conversely, cilia length and expression of SCNM1-regulated genes were restored in SCNM1-deficient fibroblasts following reintroduction of SCNM1 via retroviral delivery. Additionally, functional analysis in SCNM1-retrotransduced fibroblasts showed that SCNM1 is a positive mediator of Hedgehog (Hh) signaling. Our findings demonstrate that defective U12 intron splicing can lead to a typical ciliopathy such as OFD and reveal that primary cilia length and Hh signaling are regulated by the minor spliceosome through SCNM1 activity.This work was supported by a grant from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (PID2019-105620RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033)

    Clinical Heterogeneity of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Associated With Variants in TBX4

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    Background: The knowledge of hereditary predisposition has changed our understanding of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Genetic testing has been widely extended and the application of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension specific gene panels has allowed its inclusion in the diagnostic workup and increase the diagnostic ratio compared to the traditional sequencing techniques. This is particularly important in the differential diagnosis between Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension and Pulmonary Venoocclusive Disease. Methods: Since November 2011, genetic testing is offered to all patients with idiopathic, hereditable and associated forms of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension or Pulmonary Venoocclusive Disease included in the Spanish Registry of Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Herein, we present the clinical phenotype and prognosis of all Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension patients with disease-associated variants in TBX4. Results: Out of 579 adults and 45 children, we found in eight patients from seven families, disease-causing associated variants in TBX4. All adult patients had a moderate-severe reduction in diffusion capacity. However, we observed a wide spectrum of clinical presentations, including Pulmonary Venoocclusive Disease suspicion, interstitial lung disease, pulmonary vascular abnormalities and congenital heart disease. Conclusions: Genetic testing is now essential for a correct diagnosis work-up in Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. TBX4-associated Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension has marked clinical heterogeneity. In this regard, a genetic study is extremely useful to obtain an accurate diagnosis and provide appropriate management.This project was founded by Project "Bases Gene´tico Moleculares de la Medicina de Precisio´n en la Hipertensio´n Arterial Pulmonar". Funder: Instituto Carlos III. Ministerio de Economı´a y Competitividad. https://www.isciii.es/Paginas/Inicio.aspx Award number: PI 18/01233 Grant Recipient: P E-

    Clinical, biochemical and genetic spectrum of low alkaline phosphatase levels in adults

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    Background: Low serum levels of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) are a hallmark of hypophosphatasia. However, the clinical significance and the underlying genetics of low ALP in unselected populations are unclear. Methods: In order to clarify this issue, we performed a clinical, biochemical and genetic study of 42 individuals (age range 20–77 yr) with unexplained low ALP levels. Results: Nine hadmild hyperphosphatemia and three hadmild hypercalcemia. ALP levelswere inversely correlated with serum calcium (r = -0.38, p = 0.012), pyridoxal phosphate (PLP; r = -0.51, p = 0.001) and urine phosphoethanolamine (PEA; r = -0.49, p = 0.001). Although many subjects experienced minor complaints, such as mild musculoskeletal pain, none hadmajor health problems.Mutations in ALPL were found in 21 subjects (50%), including six novelmutations. All but one,were heterozygousmutations.Missensemutations were themost common (present in 18 subjects; 86%) and themajority were predicted to have a damaging effect on protein activity. The presence of amutated allelewas associated with tooth loss (48% versus 12%; p=0.04), slightly lower levels of serumALP (p=0.002), higher levels of PLP (p b 0.0001) and PEA (p b 0.0001), aswell asmildly increased serum phosphate (p=0.03). Ten individuals (24%) had PLP levels above the reference range; all carried a mutated allele. Conclusion: One-half of adult individuals with unexplained low serum ALP carried an ALPL mutation. Although the associated clinicalmanifestations are usuallymild, in approximately 50% of the cases, enzyme activity is lowenough to cause substrate accumulation and may predispose to defects in calcified tissues