350 research outputs found

    O Ensino de Filosofia pensado à luz de algumas questões da filosofia da ciência

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    The present article draws some parallels between philosophy teaching and science teaching starting from problems widely discussed by philosophers of science, specifically the demarcation problem and the problem of method. We suggest some clues for reflection on philosophy teaching providing that, instead of copying an inadequate and dogmatic model of science teaching, it could instigate the critical and investigative spirit, also present in actual scientific practice.O presente artigo traça alguns paralelos entre o ensino de filosofia e o ensino de ciências a partir de problemas amplamente discutidos por filósofos da ciência, especificamente o problema da demarcação e o problema do método. Sugerimos algumas pistas de reflexão sobre o ensino de filosofia para que este, no lugar de copiar um modelo inadequado e dogmático de ensino de ciências, possa instigar o espírito crítico e investigativo, também presente na atividade científica.


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    O realismo de entidades de Cartwright é muitas vezes considerado apenas uma instância do realismo de entidades de Ian Hacking (1983). Por essa razão, muitos críticos ou falham em avaliar o realismo de Cartwright ou sinceramente endereçam sua crítica apenas ao ponto de vista de Hacking. O objetivo deste artigo é dar uma descrição detalhada do realismo próprio de Cartwright, tal qual apresentado em seu How the laws of physics lie (1983).  Na primeira seção, tento expor os argumentos de Cartwright para a falsidade das leis fundamentais. A segunda seção é devotada à preferência da autora por inferências causais em relação a explicações do modelo nomológico-dedutivo (N-D) no que diz respeito à produção de relatos verdadeiros. Como conclusão, indicarei alguns problemas levantados contra o realismo da autora


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    Neste artigo farei uma breve exposição dos modelos de redução teórica de Hempel e Nagel e de dois exemplos históricos propostos por Feyerabend para sugerir a insuficiência de tais modelos para advogar um progresso científico. Argumentarei que Feyerabend não consegue refutar totalmente a lógica da redução pelos exemplos dados, contribuindo, no entanto para enfraquecê-la. Concluirei que uma possível contribuição da crítica feyerabendiana se traduz no campo da virtude epistêmica de evitar o dogmatismo

    Low-Power Laser Irradiation (LPLI): A Clinical Point of View on a Promising Strategy to Improve Liver Regeneration

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    The capacity of the liver to regenerate is an important clinical issue after major hepatectomies and makes the difference between life and death in some cases of post-operative malfunction when the liver remnant is too small or has an impaired regenerative capacity. Several approaches have been tested to stimulate hepatic regeneration after post-operative hepatic failure syndrome; however, they have produced controversial results. A quick, simple, and harmless method that can be used intraoperatively and capable of promoting an increased regenerative capacity of the remaining liver would be very welcome. Thus, based on the data in the literature, we presented low-power laser irradiation (LPLI) as a quick, simple, and harmless method to improve liver regeneration after major hepatectomies. This article highlights the current evidence about the effects of LPLI on liver regeneration, and also suggests laser therapy as an important tool for regenerative stimulation in clinical practice

    Relationships between head-out aquatic exercise kinematics and musical cadence: analysis of the side kick

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    Background: Head-out aquatic exercises became one of the most popular physical activities within the health primarily and thirdly prevention system. Music is seen as one of the most important aspects when conducting head-out aquatic exercise sessions. Research question: Is there any relationship between musical cadence and the kinematic behaviour when performing aerobic head-out aquatic exercises? It was hypothesized that an increase in music cadence will would impose a decrease of the segment range of motion. Type of study: Experimental, prospective. Methods: Six young and clinically healthy women with at least one year of experience conducting head-out aquatic classes were videotaped in the frontal plane, with a pair of cameras providing a double projection (above and below the water surface). Subjects performed an incremental protocol of five bouts (120b.min-1, 135b.min-1, 150b.min-1, 165b.min-1 and 180b.min-1) with 16 full cycles of the “side kick” exercise. Data processing and calculation of segmental (i.e. hands and feet) and anatomical landmark (i.e. centre of mass) were performed using the software Ariel Performance Analysis System and applying the DLT algorithm. Results: There was a decrease in the cycle period during the incremental protocol. The relationships between the segmental lateral and vertical displacements with the musical cadence were not significant. The segmental velocities on the lateral and vertical components showed significant increases throughout the incremental protocol. Conclusions: The data suggest that segmental velocity increases with increasing cadence, reducing the cycle period and maintaining the segmental displacements

    Head-out aquatic exercise “sailor’s jigs” kinematics at increasing musical cadence

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    The aim of this study was to analyze the relationships between “Sailor’s jigs” kinematic and increasing music cadence. Six young women with at least one year of experience conducting this type of head-out aquatic programs, with no kind of skeletal muscle injury reported on the last six months and non-pregnant were evaluated. The exercise was recorded on video, in the frontal plane, using a pair of cameras, enabling a double projection, from above and underwater body motions, at five increasing cadences (120 b.min-1, 135 b.min-1, 150 b.min-1, 165 b.min-1 and 180 b.min-1). Images were thereafter digitized in specific software (Ariel Performance Analysis Systems). The cycle period decreased through the incremental protocol. Cycle period decrease is done decreasing joints range of motion and increasing the limbs segmental velocity as well. Although these combined kinematical strategy, a deeper analysis reveals that subjects decrease the cycle period mainly decreasing the range of motions