106 research outputs found

    Comorbidades físicas e psicológicas antes e depois da cirurgia bariátrica : um estudo longitudinal

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    Introduction: Morbid obesity has multiple implications for psychological and physical health. Bariatric surgery has been selected as the treatment of choice for this chronic disease, despite the controversial impact of the surgery on psychosocial health. The objective of this study was to describe candidates for bariatric surgery and analyze changes in weight, psychopathology, personality, and health problems and complaints at 6- and 12- month follow-up assessments. Methods: Thirty obese patients (20 women and 10 men) with a mean age of 39.17±8.81 years were evaluated in different dimensions before surgery and 6 and 12 months after the procedure. Results: Six and 12 months after bariatric surgery, patients reported significant weight loss and a significant reduction in the number of health problems and complaints. The rates of self-reported psychopathology were low before surgery, and there were no statistically significant changes over time. The conscientiousness, extraversion, and agreeableness dimensions increased, but neuroticism and openness remained unchanged. All changes had a medium effect size. Conclusions: Our results suggest that patients experience significant health improvements and some positive personality changes after bariatric surgery. Even though these findings underscore the role of bariatric surgery as a relevant treatment for morbid obesity, more in-depth longitudinal studies are needed to elucidate the evolution of patients after the procedure.Introdução: A obesidade mórbida tem várias implicações para a saúde psicológica e física. A cirurgia bariátrica tem sido o tratamento de escolha para essa doença crônica, apesar da controvérsia sobre o impacto da cirurgia na saúde psicossocial. O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever candidatos a cirurgia bariátrica e analisar mudanças no peso, psicopatologia personalidade, problemas e queixas de saúde desses pacientes em avaliações realizadas 6 e 12 meses após a cirurgia. Métodos: Trinta pacientes obesos (20 mulheres e 10 homens) com idade média de 39,17±8,81 anos foram avaliados em diferentes dimensões antes da cirurgia e 6 e 12 meses após. Resultados: Aos 6 e 12 meses após a cirurgia bariátrica, os pacientes relataram significativa perda de peso e significativa redução no número de problemas e queixas de saúde. As taxas de psicopatologia autorrelatada foram baixas antes da cirurgia e não sofreram mudanças significativas com o tempo. As dimensões conscienciosidade, extroversão e agradabilidade aumentaram, mas o neuroticismo e a abertura permaneceram inalteradas. Todas as mudanças apresentaram um tamanho de efeito médio. Conclusões: Os nossos resultados sugerem que os pacientes experimentam melhoras significativas em saúde e algumas mudanças positivas de personalidade após a cirurgia bariátrica. Embora esses achados reforcem o papel da cirurgia bariátrica como um tratamento relevante para a obesidade mórbida, mais estudos longitudinais e aprofundados são necessários para elucidar a evolução dos pacientes após a realização do procedimento.(undefined

    Subglacial lake drainage detected beneath the Greenland ice sheet

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    The contribution of the Greenland ice sheet to sea-level rise has accelerated in recent decades. Subglacial lake drainage events can induce an ice sheet dynamic response—a process that has been observed in Antarctica, but not yet in Greenland, where the presence of subglacial lakes has only recently been discovered. Here we investigate the water flow paths from a subglacial lake, which drained beneath the Greenland ice sheet in 2011. Our observations suggest that the lake was fed by surface meltwater flowing down a nearby moulin, and that the draining water reached the ice margin via a subglacial tunnel. Interferometric synthetic aperture radar-derived measurements of ice surface motion acquired in 1995 suggest that a similar event may have occurred 16 years earlier, and we propose that, as the climate warms, increasing volumes of surface meltwater routed to the bed will cause such events to become more common in the future

    Recent Advances in Our Understanding of the Role of Meltwater in the Greenland Ice Sheet System

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    Nienow, Sole and Cowton’s Greenland research has been supported by a number of UK NERC research grants (NER/O/S/2003/00620; NE/F021399/1; NE/H024964/1; NE/K015249/1; NE/K014609/1) and Slater has been supported by a NERC PhD studentshipPurpose of the review:  This review discusses the role that meltwater plays within the Greenland ice sheet system. The ice sheet’s hydrology is important because it affects mass balance through its impact on meltwater runoff processes and ice dynamics. The review considers recent advances in our understanding of the storage and routing of water through the supraglacial, englacial, and subglacial components of the system and their implications for the ice sheet Recent findings:   There have been dramatic increases in surface meltwater generation and runoff since the early 1990s, both due to increased air temperatures and decreasing surface albedo. Processes in the subglacial drainage system have similarities to valley glaciers and in a warming climate, the efficiency of meltwater routing to the ice sheet margin is likely to increase. The behaviour of the subglacial drainage system appears to limit the impact of increased surface melt on annual rates of ice motion, in sections of the ice sheet that terminate on land, while the large volumes of meltwater routed subglacially deliver significant volumes of sediment and nutrients to downstream ecosystems. Summary:  Considerable advances have been made recently in our understanding of Greenland ice sheet hydrology and its wider influences. Nevertheless, critical gaps persist both in our understanding of hydrology-dynamics coupling, notably at tidewater glaciers, and in runoff processes which ensure that projecting Greenland’s future mass balance remains challenging.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 as a potential target for smoking cessation

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    Rationale Most habitual smokers find it difficult to quit smoking because they are dependent upon the nicotine present in tobacco smoke. Tobacco dependence is commonly treated pharmacologically using nicotine replacement therapy or drugs, such as varenicline, that target the nicotinic receptor. Relapse rates, however, remain high and there remains a need to develop novel non-nicotinic pharmacotherapies for the dependence that are more effective than existing treatments. Objective The purpose of this paper is to review the evidence from preclinical and clinical studies that drugs that antagonise the metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5) in the brain are likely to be efficacious as treatments for tobacco dependence. Results Imaging studies reveal that chronic exposure to tobacco smoke reduces the density of mGluR5s in human brain. Preclinical results demonstrate that negative allosteric modulators (NAMs) at mGluR5 attenuate both nicotine self-administration and the reinstatement of responding evoked by exposure to conditioned cues paired with nicotine delivery. They also attenuate the effects of nicotine on brain dopamine pathways implicated in addiction. Conclusions Although mGluR5 NAMs attenuate most of the key facets of nicotine dependence they potentiate the symptoms of nicotine withdrawal. This may limit their value as smoking cessation aids. The NAMs that have been employed most widely in preclinical studies of nicotine dependence have too many \u201coff target\u201d effects to be used clinically. However newer mGluR5 NAMs have been developed for clinical use in other indications. Future studies will determine if these agents can also be used effectively and safely to treat tobacco dependence

    Pollen-ovule relation in Adesmia tristis and reflections on the seed–ovule ratio by interaction with pollinators in two vertical strata

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    The vertical distribution of pollinators is an important component in the foraging pattern of plants strata, and it influences the reproductive system (pollen/ovule ratio) and seed/ovule ratio. Niches in two different strata from Adesmia tristis Vogel were evaluated in these aspects. This plant is an endemic shrub from the Campos de Cima da Serra in Southern Brazil. The studies were carried out from January 2010, to January 2011, at Pró-Mata/PUCRS (Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul) (29°27'-29°35'S and 50°08'-50°15'W), São Francisco de Paula, sate of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Breeding system of A. tristis is mandatory allogamy. The vertical profile in A. tristis has differentiated foraging niches among the most common pollinators. Bees of Megachile genus forage in the upper stratum, and representative bees of the Andrenidae family explore the lower stratum. The upper stratum of the vertical profile had more contribution to seed production. Adesmia tristis showed evidence of pollination deficitA distribuição vertical dos polinizadores é um importante componente no padrão de forrageamento nos estratos das plantas e influencia o sistema reprodutivo (relação pólen/ óvulo) e a razão semente/óvulo. Nichos em dois estratos diferentes de Adesmia tristis Vogel foram avaliados quanto a esses aspectos. Essa planta é um arbusto endêmico dos campos de Cima da Serra no Sul do Brasil. Os estudos ocorreram de janeiro de 2010 a janeiro de 2011, no Pró- Mata/PUCRS (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul) (29°27'-29°35'S e 50°08'-50°15'W), São Francisco de Paula, estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. O sistema reprodutivo de A. tristis é alogamia obrigatória. O perfil vertical em A. tristis possui diferentes nichos de forrageamento entre os polinizadores mais comuns. Abelhas do gênero Megachile forrageiam no estrato superior e as abelhas representantes da família Andrenidae exploram o estrato inferior. O estrato superior do perfil vertical contribui mais na produção de sementes. Adesmia tristis apresentou evidências de déficit de polinizaçã