2,077 research outputs found

    Joachim és Israel Leibitzer történeti feljegyzései

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    The diary of Joachim and Israel Leibitzer — beginning in the style of historical records — is partly known, from the end of the 18` hcentury, but some experts of modern Hungarian literary history suppose that the original manuscript is hidden somewhere. Actually, this "twin-work" is to be found in the archive of the Forgách family. The works of these two Lutheran pastors, father and son (both belonging to the "domidoctus-category", without university degree) gives us insight into the ecclesiastical and historical circumstances of the so-called "Szepesség", the once partly German-speaking district of Northern Hungary, now belonging to Slovakia

    Blood Vessel Tortuosity Selects against Evolution of Agressive Tumor Cells in Confined Tissue Environments: a Modeling Approach

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    Cancer is a disease of cellular regulation, often initiated by genetic mutation within cells, and leading to a heterogeneous cell population within tissues. In the competition for nutrients and growth space within the tumors the phenotype of each cell determines its success. Selection in this process is imposed by both the microenvironment (neighboring cells, extracellular matrix, and diffusing substances), and the whole of the organism through for example the blood supply. In this view, the development of tumor cells is in close interaction with their increasingly changing environment: the more cells can change, the more their environment will change. Furthermore, instabilities are also introduced on the organism level: blood supply can be blocked by increased tissue pressure or the tortuosity of the tumor-neovascular vessels. This coupling between cell, microenvironment, and organism results in behavior that is hard to predict. Here we introduce a cell-based computational model to study the effect of blood flow obstruction on the micro-evolution of cells within a cancerous tissue. We demonstrate that stages of tumor development emerge naturally, without the need for sequential mutation of specific genes. Secondly, we show that instabilities in blood supply can impact the overall development of tumors and lead to the extinction of the dominant aggressive phenotype, showing a clear distinction between the fitness at the cell level and survival of the population. This provides new insights into potential side effects of recent tumor vasculature renormalization approaches

    A vedlés zsír anyagcseréjének komplex vizsgálata tojótyúkban = Complex investigation of the fat metabolism of moulting in laying hens

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    A hároméves kutatómunka madárfajok sejtmembrán zsírsav anyagcseréjének és drasztikus élettani hatások kapcsolatának leírását célozta. Mesterséges vedletés alatt részletesen jellemeztük a máj kardioprotektív szerepét tyúk fajban. Hústermelésre szelektált pulyka mellizom membránlipidjeiben ontogenezis alatt leírtuk a zsírsavak allometrikus változásait, melyek alapvetően eltérnek a kis- és nagytestű fajoknál ismert trendektől. Allometriás módszertannal jellemeztük szélsőségesen eltérő kifejlettkori testtömegű madarak miokardiális foszfolipidjeinek zsírsavprofilját, és igazoltuk, hogy a nagyobb testméret alacsonyabb n3 aránnyal és mérsékelt lipid peroxidációval párosul. Eredményeink alapkutatás jellegűek, de a gyakorlat számára is informatívak lehetnek, utalást adva a hagyományos vedletés és az izomnövekedésre irányuló szelekció negatív aspektusairól. Az interspecifikus eltérésekre irányuló vizsgálat újszerű információt biztosított egy eddig nem vizsgált szerv (madárszív) tekintetében. | The three-year research aimed to describe the relationship between cellular membrane fatty acid metabolism and drastic physiological effects. The cardioprotective effect of liver was characterized in hens exposed to forced moult. The allometric properties of pectoral muscle membrane lipids in meat-type turkeys were described, being markedly different from trends known in small and large bodied avian species. The miocardial phospholipid fatty acid profile of avian species of different adult body mass was characterized by means of allometry; it was proven that large body mass is coupled with lower n3 fatty acid proportion and lower in vivo lipid peroxidation. Our results are located in the field of basic research, but may as well applicable in the practice, supporting information on the negative effects of conventional forced moult and single-sided selection for muscle production. The interspecific comparison provided novel information in an organ (avian heart) not yet investigated

    Sectio caesarea criminalis

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    The Impact of the Internet on the Public Sphere and on the Culture Industry. A study of blogs, social news sites and discussion forums

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    This thesis analyses how certain services of online communication (blogs, discussion forums, social news and bookmarking sites) contribute to the public sphere and to the culture industry. The concept of public sphere is derived from Jürgen Habermas' idea that political power can only be legitimate if it is applied in accordance with the best, common interests of the society – but these interests can only be crystallized in discursive debates between members of the society. However, contemporary national public spheres are said to be distorted and detached from real interests of citizens. The internet, through offering the possibility of democratic and reflexive communication, holds the potential of improving the state of public spheres. The concept of culture industry holds that the capitalization of the production of cultural products (i.e. works of art) rids societies of authoritative art, the one channel through which real individual freedom can be established. “Culture industry” is instrumental, through the promotion of consumption, to the capitalist domination of a few over masses. This, in turn, affects the general state of the public spheres. Once again, the internet has the potential to democratize this over-encompassing culture industry, through increasing cultural diversity via its several new channels of information and distribution. The analysis of blogs, discussion forums and social bookmarking and news sites confirms the democratic potential inherent in these services, but it also points out certain problems that hinder the actualization of this potential. It is established that the use of the generalizing category of “blogs” is misleading, because of the fake underlying dichotomy of “blogs vs traditional media.” The large, fragmented and asymmetrically interlinked (small, influential core and large, extremely fragmented periphery) totality of blogs is found to be contributive to the public sphere mostly as an alternative and very fast channel of information dissemination. The role of discussion forums is found to be ambiguous, certain forums being absolutely irrelevant, while others establishing powerful advocacy media and global issue publics. Social news sites are found to be potentially most constructive from the point of view of the public sphere, because they tend to effectively promote reasoned argumentation.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Some notes on the rings with sacred inscriptions from Pannonia

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    <p>More than a hundred rings bearing inscriptions are known from the territory of Roman Pannonia. Among these close to 30 artefacts can be regarded as rings displaying inscriptions of religious significance. Besides the Silvanus-rings, well-known to the archaeological research, some new groups of rings featuring sacred inscriptions can be distinguished according to the dedications. The aim of this paper is to analyse these objects and their religious backgrounds with the help of some archaeological, epigraphical and literary sources and to point out some of the questionable observations of the earlier research.</p

    A new Serapis ring from Pannonia

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    A Magyar Nemzeti Múzeum 2015-ben egy új, északkelet-pannoniai római bronzgyűrűre tett szert, amely Serapist különféle állatalakok körében ábrázolja. A ritka ábrázolástípus egyes elemei valószínűleg asztrológiai kontextusban értelmezhetők. A gyűrű a Kr. u. 2–3. századra keltezhető, s minden bizonnyal egy horizontba tartozik azokkal az ugyancsak északkelet-pannoniai leletekkel, amelyek Deus Invictus Serapis erőteljes Severus-kori kultuszát tanúsítják a térségben
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