88 research outputs found

    L'estat actual i els avenços en el suport conductual positiu a nivell d'escola

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    Quantificação da perda de uma chance do direito a saúde

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    objetivo do presente trabalho é apresentar um método para a aplicação da teoria francesa da Responsabilidade Civil pela Perda de uma Chance no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro, em especial no que concerne a questão da quantificação do dano pela perda da chance de sobrevida de pacientes em tratamento onco-hematológicos. Para tanto buscou-se realizar um estudo sobre o direito a saúde como direito humano primordial e a responsabilidade do Estado para a concretização da isonomia substancial e social na busca de uma melhor e mais adequada condição de vida. Além disso procurou-se sistematizar uma metodologia de aplicação da responsabilidade civil pela perda de uma chance e a quantificação da chance perdida com base na doutrina internacional e sua aceitação no ordenamento jurídico pátrio. Por fim, foi abordado o caso da perda da chance de sobrevida dos pacientes portadores de leucemia por omissão do Estado no fornecimento do tratamento da enfermidade

    Radio-frequency plasma potential variations originating from capacitive coupling from the coil antenna in inductively coupled plasmas

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    Includes bibliographical references (page 3434).The radio-frequency plasma potential in a stove top inductively coupled plasma source is measured by a capacitive probe. The experimental results are compared to a crude circuit model which accounts for capacitive coupling between the rf coil and the bulk plasma. The capacitive coupling model has three terms: the dielectric window capacitance, the sheath capacitance between the dielectric window and the bulk plasma, and the bulk plasma to ground sheath capacitance. The crude circuit model predictions are verified by quantitative comparison with the measured rf plasma potential in the bulk argon plasma at pressures from 1 to 20 mTorr and radio-frequency (13.56MHz) plasma power levels from 60 to 1000 W. Finally, the measured ion energy spectrum, as determined by a retarding potential analyzer, agrees with rf plasma potential measurements over the entire range of experimental conditions

    ALMA Observations toward the starburst dwarf galaxy NGC 5253: I. Molecular cloud properties and scaling relations

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    We present high-spatial-resolution (\sim 0\farcs2, or \sim3\,pc) CO(2--1) observations of the nearest young starburst dwarf galaxy, NGC\,5253, taken with the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array. We have identified 118 molecular clouds with average values of 4.3\,pc in radius and 2.2\,\kms\, in velocity dispersion, which comprise the molecular cloud complexes observed previously with \sim100\,pc resolution. We derive for the first time in this galaxy the I(CO)I{\rm (CO)}--NN(H2_2) conversion factor, XX = 4.12.4+5.9×10204.1^{+5.9}_{-2.4}\times10^{20}\,cm2^{-2}(K\,\kms)1^{-1}, based on the virial method. The line-width and mass-to-size relations of the resolved molecular clouds present an offset on average toward higher line-widths and masses with respect to quiescent regions in other nearby spiral galaxies and our Galaxy. The offset in the scaling relation reaches its maximum in regions close to the central starburst, where velocity dispersions are \sim 0.5 dex higher and gas mass surface densities are as high as ΣH2\Sigma_{\rm H_2} = 103^3\,\Msol\,pc 2^{-2}. These central clouds are gravitationally bound despite the high internal pressure. A spatial comparison with star clusters found in the literature enables us to identify six clouds that are associated with young star clusters. Furthermore, the star formation efficiencies (SFEs) of some of these clouds exceed those found in star-cluster-forming clouds within our Galaxy. We conclude that once a super star cluster is formed, the parent molecular clouds are rapidly dispersed by the destructive stellar feedback, which results in such a high SFE in the central starburst of NGC\,5253.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figures, accepted to Ap

    Molecular Hydrogen and [FeII] in Active Galactic Nuclei

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    (Abridge) Near-infrared spectroscopy is used to study the kinematics and excitation mechanisms of the H2 and [FeII] gas in a sample of AGN. The H2 lines are unresolved in all objects in which they were detected while the [FeII] lines have widths implying gas velocities of up to 650 km/s. This suggests that, very likely, the H2 and [FeII] emission does not originate from the same parcel of gas. Molecular H2 were detected in 90% of the sample, including PG objects, indicating detectavel amounts of molecular material even in objects with low levels of circumnuclear starburst activity. The data favors thermal excitation for the H2 lines. Indeed, in NGC3227, Mrk766, NGC4051 and NGC4151, the molecular emission is found to be purely thermal. This result is also confirmed by the rather similar vibrational and rotational temperatures in the objects for which they were derived. [FeII] lines are detected in all of the AGN. The [FeII] 1.254mu/Pa-beta ratio is compatible with excitation of the [FeII] by the active nucleus, but in Mrk 766 it implies a stellar origin. A correlation between H2/Br-gamma and [FeII]/Pa-beta is found. We confirm that it is a useful diagnostic tool in the NIR to separate emitting line objects by their level of nuclear activity. X-ray excitation models are able to explain the observed H2 and part of the [FeII] emission. Most likely, a combination of X-ray heating, shocks driven by the radio jet, and circumnuclear star formation contributes, in different proportions, to the H2 and [FeII] emission. In most of our spectra, the [FeII] 1.257mu/1.644mu ratio is found to be 30% lower than the intrinsic value based on current atomic data. This implies either than the extinction towards the [FeII] emitting clouds is very similar in most objects or there are possible inaccuracies in the A-values in the [FeII] transitions.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figures, Accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Management of asthma in pregnant women by general practitioners: A cross sectional survey

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Poorly controlled asthma can lead to maternal and fetal complications. Despite the known risks of poorly controlled asthma during pregnancy and the need for stepping up therapy when appropriate, there are concerns that management is suboptimal in primary care.</p> <p>Our objective was to investigate the management of asthma during pregnancy by general practitioners providing shared maternity care.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A pre-piloted, anonymous mail survey was sent to all general practitioners (n = 842) involved in shared maternity care at six maternity hospitals in Victoria, Australia. Respondents were asked about their perceived safety of individual asthma medications during pregnancy. Approach to asthma management during pregnancy was further explored using scenarios of pregnant women with stable and deteriorating asthma and poor medication adherence.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) were perceived to be the safest and were the preferred preventive medication in first trimester (74.1%), whilst leukotriene receptor antagonists were the least preferred (2.9%). A quarter (25.8%) of respondents would stop or decrease patients' ICS doses during pregnancy, even when their asthma was well controlled by current therapy. In addition, 12.1% of respondents were not sure how to manage deteriorating asthma during pregnancy and opted to refer to another health professional. Almost half the respondents (48.9%) reported encountering medication nonadherence during pregnancy.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A lack of confidence and/or knowledge among general practitioners in managing deteriorating asthma in pregnancy was observed despite a good understanding of the safety of asthma medications during pregnancy, compliance with evidence-based guidelines in the selection of preventive medications, and self reported good asthma knowledge.</p