688 research outputs found

    Lack of neocortex does not imply fish cannot feel pain

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    Some contemporary scientists are using comparative neurobiological data to argue that non-mammalian vertebrates have feelings, most notably of pain (e.g., Braithwaite, 2010; Mashour and Alkire, 2012), while Key (2016) uses the same general data to reach the opposite conclusion. In a nutshell, he argues that fish cannot feel pain because fish don’t have a neocortex, which humans need to consciously experience pain. I don’t know how these scientists can look at essentially the same data and reach such disparate conclusions, but I suspect that some of them have strong a priori beliefs and, therefore, view the data through differently tinted spectacles. In any case, I think that both sides have overplayed their hands; the debate cannot be settled yet

    Building brains that can evolve : challenges and prospects for evo-devo neurobiology

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    Evo-devo biology involves cross-species comparisons of entire developmental trajectories, not justof adult forms. This approach has proven very successful in general morphology, but its application to neurobiological problems is still relatively new. To date, the most successful area of evo-devo neurobiology has been the use of comparative developmental data to clarify adult homologies. The most exciting future prospect is the use of comparative developmental data to understand the formation of species differences in adult structure and function. An interesting «model system» for this kind of research is the quest to understand why the neocortex folds in some species but not others

    Developmental Modes and Developmental Mechanisms can Channel Brain Evolution

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    Anseriform birds (ducks and geese) as well as parrots and songbirds have evolved a disproportionately enlarged telencephalon compared with many other birds. However, parrots and songbirds differ from anseriform birds in their mode of development. Whereas ducks and geese are precocial (e.g., hatchlings feed on their own), parrots and songbirds are altricial (e.g., hatchlings are fed by their parents). We here consider how developmental modes may limit and facilitate specific changes in the mechanisms of brain development. We suggest that altriciality facilitates the evolution of telencephalic expansion by delaying telencephalic neurogenesis. We further hypothesize that delays in telencephalic neurogenesis generate delays in telencephalic maturation, which in turn foster neural adaptations that facilitate learning. Specifically, we propose that delaying telencephalic neurogenesis was a prerequisite for the evolution of neural circuits that allow parrots and songbirds to produce learned vocalizations. Overall, we argue that developmental modes have influenced how some lineages of birds increased the size of their telencephalon and that this, in turn, has influenced subsequent changes in brain circuits and behavior

    Incorporating evolution into neuroscience teaching

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    Neuroscience courses can be enriched by including an evolutionary perspective. To that end, this essay identifies several concepts critical to understanding nervous system evolution and offers numerous examples that can be used to illustrate those concepts. One critical concept is that the distribution of features among today’s species can be used to reconstruct a feature’s evolutionary history, which then makes it possible to distinguish cases of homology from convergent evolution. Another key insight is that evolution did not simply add new features to old nervous systems, leaving the old features unchanged. Instead, both new and old features have changed, and they generally did so along divergent trajectories in different lineages, not in a linear sequence. Some changes in nervous system organization can be linked to selective pressures (i.e, adaptation), especially if they occurred convergently in different lineages. However, nervous system evolution has also been subject to various constraints, which is why many neural features are, in a sense, suboptimal. An overarching theme is that evolution has brought forth tremendous diversity across all levels of the nervous system and at all levels of organization, from molecules to neural circuits and behavior. This diversity provides excellent research opportunities, but it can also complicate the extrapolation of research findings across species

    Visual and Electrosensory Circuits of the Diencephalon in Mormyrids

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    Mormyrids are one of two groups of teleost fishes known to have evolved electroreception, and the concomitant neuroanatomical changes have confounded the interpretation of many of their brain areas in a comparative context, e.g., the diencephalon, where different sensory systems are processed and relayed. Recently, cerebellar and retinal connections of the diencephalon in mormyrids were reported. The present study reports on the telencephalic and tectal connections, specifically in Gnathonemus petersii, as these data are critical for an accurate interpretation of diencephalic nuclei in teleosts. Injections of horseradish peroxidase into the telencephalon retrogradely labeled neurons ipsilaterally in various thalamic, preglomerular, and tuberal nuclei, the nucleus of the locus coeruleus (also contralaterally), the superior raphe, and portions of the nucleus lateralis valvulae. Telencephalic injections anterogradely labeled the dorsal preglomerular and the dorsal tegmental nuclei bilaterally. Injections into the optic tectum retrogradely labeled neurons bilaterally in the central zone of area dorsalis telencephali and ipsilaterally in the torus longitudinalis, various thalamic, pretectal, and tegmental nuclei, some nuclei in the torus semicircularis, the nucleus of the locus coeruleus, the nucleus isthmi and the superior reticular formation, basal cells in the ipsilateral valvula cerebelli, and eurydendroid cells in the contralateral lobe C4 of the corpus cerebelli. Weaker contralateral projections were also observed to arise from the ventromedial thalamus and various pretectal and tegmental nuclei, and from the locus coeruleus and superior reticular formation. Tectal injections anterogradely labeled various pretectal nuclei bilaterally, as well as ipsilaterally the dorsal preglomerular and dorsal posterior thalamic nuclei, some nuclei in the torus semicircularis, the dorsal tegmental nucleus, nucleus isthmi, and, again bilaterally, the superior reticular formation. A comparison of retinal, cerebellar, tectal, and telencephalic connections in Gnathonemus with those in nonelectrosensory teleosts reveals several points: (1 the visual area of the diencephalon is highly reduced in Gnathonemus, (2) the interconnections between the preglomerular area and telencephalon in Gnathonemus are unusually well developed compared to those in other teleosts, and (3) two of the three corpopetal diencephalic nuclei are homologues of the central and dorsal periventricular pretectum in other teleosts. The third is a subdivision of the preglomerular area, rather than an accessory optic or pretectal nucleus, and is related to electroreception. The preglomerulo-cerebellar connections in Gnathonemus are therefore interpreted as uniquely derived characters for mormyrids

    The Visually Related Posterior Pretectal Nucleus in the Non-Percomorph Teleost Osteoglossum bicirrhosum Projects to the Hypothalamus

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    This study was done to elucidate the ancestral (plesiomorphic) condition for visual pathways to the hypothalamus in teleost fishes. Three patterns of pretectal organization can be discerned morphologically and histochemically in teleosts. Their taxonomic distribution suggests that the intermediately complex pattern (seen in most teleost groups) is ancestral to both the elaborate pattern (seen in percomorphs) and the simple pattern (seen in cyprinids). The pretectal nuclei involved can be demonstrated with acetylcholinesterase histochemistry selectively and reliably in different species of teleosts, suggesting that the same-named nuclei are homologous in representatives of the three different patterns. Whereas there are visual pathways to the hypothalamus in both the elaborate (percomorph) and the simple (cyprinid) patterns, different pretectal and hypothalamic nuclei are involved. Thus visual hypothalamic pathways in these two patterns would not appear to be homologous. In this study, circuitry within the third, i.e., the intermediately complex, pattern is investigated. It is demonstrated that visual pathways project via the pretectum to the hypothalamus in Osteoglossum bicirrhosum and that they are very similar to the visual pathways in the elaborate pattern. This suggests that the circuitry in the intermediately complex pattern, as represented by Osteoglossum, is plesiomorphic (evolutionarily primitive) and the circuitry in both the simple pattern (seen in cyprinids) and the elaborate pattern (seen in percomorphs) is apomorphic (evolutionarily derived) for teleosts

    Epigenetic Landscape of Interacting Cells: A Model Simulation for Developmental Process

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    We propose a physical model for developmental process at cellular level to discuss the mechanism of epigenetic landscape. In our simplified model, a minimal model, the network of the interaction among cells generates the landscape epigenetically and the differentiation in developmental process is understood as a self-organization. The effect of the regulation by gene expression which is a key ingredient in development is renormalized into the interaction and the environment. At earlier stage of the development the energy landscape of the model is rugged with small amplitude. The state of cells in such a landscape is susceptible to fluctuations and not uniquely determined. These cells are regarded as stem cells. At later stage of the development the landscape has a funnel-like structure corresponding to the canalization in differentiation. The rewinding or stability of the differentiation is also demonstrated by substituting test cells into the time sequence of the model development.Comment: The discussion, in terms of our model, on the recently reported context-dependent behavior of STAP cells [Nature 505, 641-647 (2014)] has been added in Appendi

    Brain size varies with temperature in vertebrates

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    The tremendous variation in brain size among vertebrates has long been thought to be related to differences in species’ metabolic rates. It is thought that species with higher metabolic rates can supply more energy to support the relatively high cost of brain tissue. And yet, while body temperature is known to be a major determinant of metabolic rate, the possible effects of temperature on brain size have scarcely been explored. Thus, here we explore the effects of temperature on brain size among diverse vertebrates (fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals). We find that, after controlling for body size, brain size increases exponentially with temperature in much the same way as metabolic rate. These results suggest that temperature-dependent changes in aerobic capacity, which have long been known to affect physical performance, similarly affect brain size. The observed temperature-dependence of brain size may explain observed gradients in brain size among both ectotherms and endotherms across broad spatial and temporal scales

    Heterochrony in chimpanzee and bonobo spatial memory development

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    ObjectivesThe emergence of human‐unique cognitive abilities has been linked to our species’ extended juvenile period. Comparisons of cognitive development across species can provide new insights into the evolutionary mechanisms shaping cognition. This study examined the development of different components of spatial memory, cognitive mechanisms that support complex foraging, by comparing two species with similar life history that vary in wild ecology: bonobos (Pan paniscus) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes).Materials and methodsSpatial memory development was assessed using a cross‐sectional experimental design comparing apes ranging from infancy to adulthood. Study 1 tested 73 sanctuary‐living apes on a task examining recall of a single location after a 1‐week delay, compared to an earlier session. Study 2 tested their ability to recall multiple locations within a complex environment. Study 3 examined a subset of individuals from Study 2 on a motivational control task.ResultsIn Study 1, younger bonobos and chimpanzees of all ages exhibited improved performance in the test session compared to their initial learning experience. Older bonobos, in contrast, did not exhibit a memory boost in performance after the delay. In Study 2, older chimpanzees exhibited an improved ability to recall multiple locations, whereas bonobos did not exhibit any age‐related differences. In Study 3, both species were similarly motivated to search for food in the absence of memory demands.DiscussionThese results indicate that closely related species with similar life history characteristics can exhibit divergent patterns of cognitive development, and suggests a role of socioecological niche in shaping patterns of cognition in Pan.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/149316/1/ajpa23833_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/149316/2/ajpa23833.pd

    Global and regional brain metabolic scaling and its functional consequences

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    Background: Information processing in the brain requires large amounts of metabolic energy, the spatial distribution of which is highly heterogeneous reflecting complex activity patterns in the mammalian brain. Results: Here, it is found based on empirical data that, despite this heterogeneity, the volume-specific cerebral glucose metabolic rate of many different brain structures scales with brain volume with almost the same exponent around -0.15. The exception is white matter, the metabolism of which seems to scale with a standard specific exponent -1/4. The scaling exponents for the total oxygen and glucose consumptions in the brain in relation to its volume are identical and equal to 0.86±0.030.86\pm 0.03, which is significantly larger than the exponents 3/4 and 2/3 suggested for whole body basal metabolism on body mass. Conclusions: These findings show explicitly that in mammals (i) volume-specific scaling exponents of the cerebral energy expenditure in different brain parts are approximately constant (except brain stem structures), and (ii) the total cerebral metabolic exponent against brain volume is greater than the much-cited Kleiber's 3/4 exponent. The neurophysiological factors that might account for the regional uniformity of the exponents and for the excessive scaling of the total brain metabolism are discussed, along with the relationship between brain metabolic scaling and computation.Comment: Brain metabolism scales with its mass well above 3/4 exponen