718 research outputs found

    Правове регулювання відповідальності за незаконне переміщенням товарів через митний кордон зі часів УРСР

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    The article deals with legal acts that set liability for illegal activities, related to the movement of goods across the customs border on Ukrainian territories during the period of their belonging to the USSR. The trends of development of the peculiarities of establishing liability for smuggling in independent Ukraine can be followed.It has been established that domestic legislators, taking into account the experience of the USSR, provided criminal and administrative responsibility for smuggling by the end of 2011. After 2011 such notion as administrative (commodity, economic) smuggling ceased to be used in law-making practice. Smuggling crimes have become only criminal and are associated with the illegal movement of items removed from free circulation (drugs, weapons, explosives, etc.). All other offenses, related to the illegal movement of goods through the customs border are violations of customs rules, the responsibility for which is provided by the Customs Code of Ukraine.It is emphasized that the concept of “administrative (commodity, economic) smuggling” has been united with the notion “illegal movement of goods through the customs border” within the framework of homogeneous administrative offenses.У статі розглядаються правові акти, які встановлювали відповідальність за незаконну діяльність, пов’язану з переміщенням товарів через митний кордон на українських територіях під час їх входження до складу СРСР. Простежуються тенденції розвитку особливостей встановлення відповідальності за товарну контрабанду в незалежній Україні.Встановлено, що вітчизняний законодавець, враховуючи досвід СРСР, до кінця 2011 року передбачав кримінальну й адміністративну відповідальність за контрабанду, після 2011 року таке поняття як адміністративна (товарна, економічна) контрабанда перестало використовуватися в нормотворчій практиці. Контрабандні злочини стали лише кримінальними й асоціюються з незаконним переміщенням предметів, вилучених з вільного обігу (наркотиків, зброї, вибухівки та ін.). Всі інші правопорушення, пов’язані з незаконним переміщенням товарів через митний кордон, є порушеннями митних правил, відповідальність за які передбачена Митним кодексом України.Наголошено, що відбулося об’єднання поняття «адміністративна (товарна, економічна) контрабанда» з поняттям «незаконне переміщення товарів через митний кордон» у рамках однорідних адміністративних правопорушень.

    Permian fossil insects of North-East Europe: new and little-known ldeliidae (lnsecta, Plecopteroidea, Grylloblattida)

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    New Permian taxa of the family Ideliidae from North-East Europe are described and the genus Permotermopsis Martynov is revised. New taxa: Stenaropodites sojanensis sp. n., S. mistshenkoi sp. n., S. magna sp. n.; Idelinella macroptera gen. et sp. n; Idelina kamensis gen. et sp. n; Khosaridelia martynovi gen. et sp.n.; Sojanidelia gen.n.; S.maculosa sp.n.; S. fasciata sp.n.; S. multimediana sp. n.; S. vorkutensis sp. n.; S. longula sp. n.; S. parvula sp. n.; S. nana sp. n.; S. makarkini sp. n.; S. fluctuosa sp. n.; S. lineata sp. n. and S. striata sp. n. A key to 12 species of Sojanidelia is given, and one species, S. kostinae (Sharov, 1961) comb. n., is transferred from Metidelia Martynov to Sojanidelia gen. n

    Practical Simulation of Magnetic Field of Permanent Magnets System to Explore Size of Magnetic Nanoparticles

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    We present the approach for computer simulation of magnetic field in a gap between two cylindrical permanent magnets connected by a yoke using FlexPDE software. Proposed approach shows that this implementation allows using program code written "almost natural mathematical language" for successful simulation in practical goals of physical experiments. Particularly, the provided program code and idea of introduction of an effective backsides curvature of magnets have been used in the series of acoustomagnetic studies, i.e. this publication serves also as an example of "reproducible calculations" ideology providing all actual computational details and code. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3359

    Analysis of technogenic impact (gas-industrial complex) on the state of soil and groundwater

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    The results of experimental studies of soil properties in area that was contaminated following the disaster at drilling of the gas-bearing-well at oil and gas production facility are represented. The local population uses this soil for agricultural purposes. Conclusions on the impact of emergency on the state of soil, natural and drinking water of decentralized water supply to nearby settlements are made

    The Results of Research of Magnetic Fluid Nanoparticles by Microscopy and X-ray Methods

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    This is a researching of dispersed, elemental and phase composition of magnetic fluids. Samples of magnetic fluids based on kerosene and vacuum oil are the objects of study. As the researching methods, we used scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy as well as X-ray diffraction. There is a comparative analysis of data from these methods

    Old Belief monasteries of the «Yenisei meridian» in the 20th century: origins, traditions and current state

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    The article analyzes the role of Old Belief monasteries in the rise of a universal confessional space of contemporary Chasovennye («chapel-goers» or “chapel people”, a non-priestly faction among Old Believers) in the Krasnoyarsk oblast and Tuva. Also explored are the trends and motives of their migration routes, peculiarities of the  religious life within their communities and the structure of Old Belief monasteries as religious and economic centers. The source base of the study includes  eyewitnesses’ recollections and testimonies from other informants, as well as documents from the state archive of the Republic of Tuva. The article is complemented with a brief review of the settlement of Old Believers throughout southern Siberia in the 20th century. The traditions of spiritual and economic life in Old Belief monasteries along the Yenisei in the 20th century receive special treatment. The confessional space of the Сhasovennye knows no other boundaries than the sacred. The Сouncil (sobor) appears where the community’s “own” people are, such as relatives or co-religionists. Despite the seeming fragmentation and remoteness of their settlements, the ties between them never break. Dubches monasteries never ceased to be spiritual centers for both its immediate neighborhood and the whole community of the Chasovennye in the world, including Tuva. The need for the community to preserve the common confessional space, the still-practiced joint discussion of the challenges of the time, the support for the purity of marriage ties and, as a consequence, the preservation of the family and the community in need of the monasteries as its ideological and spiritual centers — all of these hold out our hope in the future of the skete tradition and even, perhaps, in its revival in Tuva in the foreseeable future

    Влияние пальмитиновой кислоты на содержание кардиолипина и фосфатидной кислоты в изолированных гепатоцитах крыс

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    Cardiolipin and phosphatic acid contents in the hepatocytes, isolated from the liver of 3-month-old rats, under exposure to palmitic acid were investigated. It has been determined, that addition of exogenous palmitic acid to the hepatocyte culture medium reduces the cell viability after 3-hour incubation as compared with control. Furthermore, it has been shown that hepatocyte viability decreases in the presence of palmitic acid and is accompanied with cardiolipin content reduction and increase of phosphatic acid content in hepatocytes as compared with control cells.Изучали временную зависимость влияния пальмитиновой кислоты на содержание кардиолипина и фосфатидной кислоты в изолированных гепатоцитах 3-месячных крыс. Показано, что через 3 часа после добавления пальмитиновой кислоты в среду культивирования клеток печени их жизнеспособность снижается по сравнению с контролем. Кроме того, установлено, что указанное снижение жизнеспособности гепатоцитов сопровождается падением уровня кардиолипина и увеличением содержания фосфатидной кислоты в гепатоцитах 3-месячных крыс по сравнению с клетками печени в контроле

    Boson-Fermion pairing in a Boson-Fermion environment

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    Propagation of a Boson-Fermion (B-F) pair in a B-F environment is considered. The possibility of formation of stable strongly correlated B-F pairs, embedded in the continuum, is pointed out. The new Fermi gas of correlated B-F pairs shows a strongly modified Fermi surface. The interaction between like particles is neglected in this exploratory study. Various physical situations where our new pairing mechanism could be of importance are invoked.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figers, to be published in Phys. Rev.