2,472 research outputs found

    Electrochemical processes and systems: application for tutors

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    The features of redox reactions and the principles of their balancing according to the medium composition are considered. The basic representations about electrochemical processes and systems are outlined. The reactions and principles of chemical sources of electric energy and electrolysis systems functioning are analyzed. A general idea is given about the chemical properties of metals, corrosion resistance in environments of various aggressiveness, and the protection principles are given. Multivariate tasks and exercises for students, and PhD student’s classroom and independent work are offered. For teachers, PhD students and students of universities of specialties "Chemical technologies and engineering", "Biotechnologies and bioengineering", "Oil and gas engineering and technologies".Розглянуто особливості окисно-відновних реакцій і принципи їх балансування залежно від складу середовища. Викладено фундаментальні уявлення про електрохімічні процеси і системи. Проаналізовано перебіг реакцій і принципи функціонування хімічних джерел електричної енергії та систем електролізу. Узагальнено уявлення щодо хімічних властивостей металів, корозійної стійкості у середовищах різної агресивності та наведено принципи організації захисту від руйнування. Запропоновано багатоваріантні завдання та вправи для аудиторної та самостійної роботи студентів і аспірантів. Розраховано на викладачів, аспірантів і студентів вищих навчальних закладів спеціальностей "Хімічні технології та інженерія”, "Біотехнології та біоінженерія", "Нафтогазова інженерія та технології"

    Radial distribution of the inner magnetosphere plasma pressure using low-altitude satellite data during geomagnetic storm: the March 1-8, 1982 Event

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    Plasma pressure distribution in the inner magnetosphere is one of the key parameters for understanding the main magnetospheric processes including geomagnetic storms and substorms. However, the pressure profiles obtained from in-situ particle measurements by the high-altitude satellites do not allow tracking the pressure variations related to the storms and substorms, because a time interval needed to do this generally exceeds the characteristic times of them. On contrary, fast movement of low-altitude satellites makes it possible to retrieve quasi-instantaneous profiles of plasma pressure along the satellite trajectory, using the fluxes of precipitating particles. For this study, we used the Aureol-3 satellite data for plasma pressure estimation, and the IGRF, Tsyganenko 2001 and Tsyganenko 2004 storm time geomagnetic field models for the pressure mapping into the equatorial plane. It was found that during quiet geomagnetic condition the radial pressure profiles obtained coincide with the profiles, obtained previously from the high-altitude measurements. On the contrary, it was found that during geomagnetic storm the plasma pressure profiles became sharper; the position of the maximum of plasma pressure corresponds to expected one for given Dst minimum; the maximum value of inner magnetosphere static pressure correlates with the solar wind dynamic pressure. Increase in the plasma pressure profiles indicates the possibility to consider the interchange instability as one of important factors for the development of the main phase of geomagnetic storm.Comment: Accepted in Advances in Space Researc

    The interaction of the technical college and the employer: the prospects of social partnership

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    Социальное партнерство авторы статьи понимают как особый тип взаимодействия образовательного учреждения со всеми субъектами рынка труда, территориальными органами управления. Совершенно очевидно, что подготовить современного специалиста невозможно в отрыве от реального производства, без обеспечения возможности знакомиться и осваивать то оборудование и технологии, с которыми они встретятся, придя на предприятия.The authors of the article understand the social partnership as a special type of interaction of the educational institution with all subjects of the labor market, territorial authority aimed at maximizing the interests of all participants in this process. It is obvious that it is impossible to prepare a modern specialist in isolation from the real production without a guarantee of possibility to meet and master the equipment and technologies with which they’ll be working, coming to the company. At the college a system of social partnership was created, which is an integral part of the development of technical college

    Strategy of usage of the ideologem «Russian threat / русская угроза» in modern political discourse

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    Analysis of the fragments of modern political discourse in English aimed at revealing peculiarities of transformation of the ideologem “Soviet threat” is presented.Анализ фрагментов современного англоязычного политического дискурса с целью выявления особенностей трансформации идеологемы «советская угроза»

    Translation Of Selected Poems By M. Stepanova

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    Translation Of Conversations In The Realm Of The Dead By M. Stepanova

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    К вопросу о новейшей историографии дореволюционной истории Киевского политехнического института

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    В статті зроблено спробу визначити основні тенденції в становленні й розвитку новітньої історіографії історії Київського політехнічного інституту в дореволюційний період (1898–1917 рр.).In this paper the problem of coverage of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute in prerevolutionary period in the recent period historiography. The problem of the origin and highlight the main achievements of the technical staff of the Kiev Polytechnic Institute in pre-revolutionary period shown on the basis of documentary and sources, works of a general nature. It is noted that in the recent period, new topics related to the initial period of the university. In these publications indicate that the learning process was the proper scientific and educational levels have developed and implemented technical professions to implement the latest developments unknown at the time fields of science. 1991–2015 is a significant revival of interest in the history Kyiv Politechnical Institute in 1898–1917. This is reflected in the increasing number of scientific papers, including master’s and doctoral dissertations on subjects of this kind, so devoted to the problems of conducting scientific conferences, publication of special scientific collections. This is largely explained by the change in historical research priorities when much more attention than in the previous period were paid ideological processes, the study of cultural background, man. The elimination of ideological and political constraints contributed to a wide range of views on issues of university history, contributed to «nationalization of history» — the fragmentation ever joint historical — cultural space. Among the signs of the times — the revival of journalism familiar to us from the late nineteenth — early twentieth century the conservative image of the university KPI. Some publicistic, which now can be found in the writings in general does not define the characteristics of the period. Innovations time also cause problems setting features a «national model» university that requires a deeper study of the relationship between the university and society. Accordingly, researchers have begun more attention to internal factors of the КPI, although today it is not enough.В статье предпринята попытка определить основные тенденции становления и развития новейшей историографии истории Киевского политехнического института в дореволюционный период (1898–1917 гг.)

    Научное издание «КПІ: перше сторіччя. Історичний огляд» как источник о становлении Киевского политехнического института

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    У статті наведено історіографічний аналіз видання «КПІ: перше століття. Історичний огляд».The author based on modern scientific publication «КПІ: перше сторіччя. Історичний огляд» («KPI: The First Century. Historical Overview») provides historiography analysis of materials on the history of the Kyiv polytechnic institute establishment. The appearance edition is analyzed; the author describes the documentary and illustrative basis, mentions the incorrect dating of the first period listed building blocks of the first chapter.В статье приводится историографический анализ издания «КПІ: перше століття. Історичний огляд», проанализировано его содержание, выяснены научная ценность и роль издания в изучении этапа становления Киевской политехники как ячейки высшего технического образования