782 research outputs found

    The effect of low-dose proteasome inhibition on pre-existing atherosclerosis in LDL receptor-deficient mice

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    Dysfunction of the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) has been implicated in atherosclerosis development. However, the nature of UPS dysfunction has been proposed to be specific to certain stages of atherosclerosis development, which has implications for proteasome inhibition as a potential treatment option. Recently, low-dose proteasome inhibition with bortezomib has been shown to attenuate early atherosclerosis in low-density lipoprotein receptor-deficient (LDLR(-/-)) mice. The present study investigates the effect of low-dose proteasome inhibition with bortezomib on pre-existing advanced atherosclerosis in LDLR(-/-) mice. We found that bortezomib treatment of LDLR(-/-) mice with pre-existing atherosclerosis does not alter lesion burden. Additionally, macrophage infiltration of aortic root plaques, total plasma cholesterol levels, and pro-inflammatory serum markers were not influenced by bortezomib. However, plaques of bortezomib-treated mice exhibited larger necrotic core areas and a significant thinning of the fibrous cap, indicating a more unstable plaque phenotype. Taking recent studies on favorable effects of proteasome inhibition in early atherogenesis into consideration, our data support the hypothesis of stage-dependent effects of proteasome inhibition in atherosclerosis

    Stakeholder ownership: a theoretical framework for cross national understanding and analyses of stakeholder involvement in issues of substance use, problem use and addiction

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    This project contributes to understanding of the role of different stakeholder groups in the formulation and implementation of policy in the addictions field in Austria, Denmark, Finland, Italy, Poland and the UK. It comprises a number of case studies which draw on a range of theoretical frameworks to examine stakeholder dynamics at international, national and local levels. Mainly qualitative methods were used: interviews, policy and documentation analyses, webcrawler network analysis, and simple surveys; one case study was based on a survey only. The case studies fall into four main categories: three focus on controversial issues in drug treatment policy and practice – opioid substitution treatment, drug consumption rooms, and heroin assisted treatment; three look at stakeholder activity in alcohol control and public health; one pilot case study considers the potential role of researchers in the development of a scientific network around gambling; and one looks at the role of nurses in implementing brief interventions. In addition, themes explored across case studies included the role of evidence and stakeholder activity, drug users as stakeholders, and the role of external stakeholders on national policy. Professional stakeholders at implementation level and families and drug users as stakeholders are also considered. The case studies revealed that, in many instances, the addictions field is characterised by tensions between groups, by entrenched relationships between some addiction-specific stakeholder groups and powerful political stakeholders, and by the dominance of some forms of evidence over other forms of knowledge. Science and scientists are only influential in policy terms if their scientific findings ‘fit’ with the wider political context. Nevertheless, at least within the European context, there are opportunities for new stakeholder groups to emerge and gain policy salience and there are opportunities for stakeholders to challenge prevailing frames of understanding the addictions and prevailing modes of responding to problems of substance misuse and addiction

    ifo Konjunkturprognose 2008: Konjunktur verliert an Fahrt

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    Am 13. Dezember 2007 stellte das ifo Institut im Rahmen seines vorweihnachtlichen Pressegesprächs seine Prognose für die Jahre 2008 und 2009 vor. Die Weltwirtschaft hat in diesem Jahr mit 5,2% erneut sehr kräftig expandiert. Allerdings sind die Risiken für die Konjunktur im Gefolge der Turbulenzen an den internationalen Finanzmärkten inzwischen merklich gestiegen. So hat sich das vom ifo Institut erhobene Weltwirtschaftsklima im 4. Quartal 2007 deutlich verschlechtert. Sowohl die Einschätzungen der derzeitigen wirtschaftlichen Lage als auch die Erwartungen für die nächsten sechs Monate wurden nach unten revidiert. Die Verschlechterung des ifo Wirtschaftsklimas betrifft alle drei großen Weltregionen, also Westeuropa, Nordamerika und Asien. Dabei ist der stärkste Rückgang des Klimaindikators in Nordamerika, und dort in erster Linie in den USA zu verzeichnen. Diese Datenkonstellation deutet daraufhin, dass sich das Tempo der Weltkonjunktur merklich verlangsamen wird. Die deutsche Konjunktur ist zum Jahresende 2007 weiter aufwärts gerichtet, wenn auch mit nachlassender Kraft. Die Dynamik hatte im vergangenen Winter einen Höhepunkt erreicht und lässt inzwischen wieder deutlich nach. Wie das ifo Institut im Dezember 2006 erwartet hatte, hat sich der seit 2005 laufende Aufschwung trotz der massiven Erhöhung der Mehrwertsteuer fortgesetzt. Die Auftriebskräfte aus dem In- und Ausland waren kräftig genug, um die restriktiven Wirkungen der Finanzpolitik zu verkraften. Konjunkturmotor war weiterhin die Auslandsnachfrage, die trotz der massiven Aufwertung des Euro gegenüber dem US-Dollar aufgrund der dynamischen Weltkonjunktur kräftig blieb. Im Jahresdurchschnitt 2007 expandierte das reale Bruttoinlandsprodukt um 2,5%. Allerdings gab es in diesem Jahr erneut eine etwas geringere Zahl von Arbeitstagen als 2006. Nach Ausschaltung dieser Kalenderschwankung ist die Zuwachsrate der Produktion auf 2,6% zu veranschlagen, was knapp unter dem Durchschnitt der alten EU-Länder liegt

    X-ray Nanodiffraction on a Single SiGe Quantum Dot inside a Functioning Field-Effect Transistor

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    For advanced electronic, optoelectronic, or mechanical nanoscale devices a detailed understanding of their structural properties and in particular the strain state within their active region is of utmost importance. We demonstrate that X-ray nanodiffraction represents an excellent tool to investigate the internal structure of such devices in a nondestructive way by using a focused synchotron X-ray beam with a diameter of 400 nm. We show results on the strain fields in and around a single SiGe island, which serves as stressor for the Si-channel in a fully functioning Si-metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor

    Stress Vulnerability And Alcohol Use And Consequences: From Human Laboratory Studies To Clinical Outcomes

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    It is well known that vulnerability to stress is a risk factor for alcohol use disorder (AUD). Chronic alcohol use can result in neuroadaptations in cortico-striatal pathways and hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis function that are manifested in altered behavioral and cognitive control functions contributing to alcohol craving, compulsive motivation, consumption and consequences. This symposium brings together studies utilizing novel approaches to help improve our understanding of stress – past, acute and chronic - on alcohol seeking and consumption and related outcomes using a combination of human laboratory models, neuroimaging and clinical measures. Examining factors that determine vulnerability as well as resilience to stress are of particular interest in the study of AUD because, in addition to increasing our understanding of the risk factors for AUD, such knowledge can be used to develop more effective treatments. Dr. Stangl presented a novel human experimental model that demonstrates, for the first time, stress-induced increases in alcohol self-administration in binge drinkers using a guided imagery paradigm combined with intravenous alcohol self-administration (IV-ASA). Dr. Blaine presented data demonstrating that glucocorticoid response to stress drives compulsive alcohol motivation and intake in binge/heavy drinkers. Dr. Plawecki presented data examining sex differences in the effect of two distinct stress paradigms – mood induction and abstinence – on IV-ASA in moderate drinkers. Dr. Schwandt presented clinical data providing a new perspective on the relationship between childhood trauma and AUD by suggesting possible underlying mechanisms that confer resilience, rather than vulnerability, to severe early life stress exposure

    Influence of Pacing Mode and Rate on Peripheral Levels of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide (ANP)

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    The effect of acute modifications of pacing mode and rate on plasma ANP levels was evaluated. ANP was determined in ten resting patients with ODD pacemokers due to binodal disease or intermittent second- and third-degree AV block. At 82/minute pacing rate the ANP plasma levels (normal range 2 to 30 fmol/mL) corresponded to those under AAI (4.05 ± 2.10 fmol/mL) and DDD (4.18 ± 2.02 fmol/mL) pacing, but increased significantly (P < 0.05) during VVI pacing (6.96 ± 3.70 fmol/mL). Acceleration of DDD stimulation frequency from 82 to 113/minutes led to significant increases of ANP levels by the factor of three in all chosen AV delays. The lowest ANP plasma levels were measured of 175 msec AV delay under 82/minute pacing rate in DDD mode. Under 113/minutes the differences of ANP concentration after variations of AV delays were less pronounced. The influences of altered atrial pressure and tension on ANP release are discussed to account for changes in ANP plasma levels following different modes and rates of pacemaker stimulation.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/75366/1/j.1540-8159.1989.tb01862.x.pd