18 research outputs found

    Ideologi bahasa politik Soekarno: sarana ketahanan, keamanan, dan perdamaian Indonesia

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    Sulit dipungkiri bahwa ideologi yang Pancasilais, yang merupakan dasar negara Indonesia, sedang menghadapi ancaman. Bertolak dari fenomena tersebut, penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengangkat ideologi bahasa politik Soekarno selaku salah satu tokoh pendiri bangsa dan proklamator kemerdekaan Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia (NKRI). Bahasa politik Soekarno sebagai sarana ideologi (bdk. Fairclough 1995) perlu digali demi dijadikan bahan refleksi untuk memperkuat akar pencegah erosi ideologi bangsa, agar ketahanan, keamanan, dan kedamaian negara dapat tetap berlangsung


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    Teaching English for Specific Purpose has been a controversy in the sense should it be taught after they master at least intermediate level of English or it can be taught at the early stage of the learning process (Elementary level). The success of ESP teaching partly depends on the material used by the teacher besides on the basic language ability of the students. This paper aims at describing (1) the process of material evaluation to suit the needs and the level of English of the students, (2) that the teaching of ESP can be taught in the early stage of university education, (3) it is done at the same time with the teaching of general English, (4) the description will also be done by giving the example of the text to describe the language, (5) the classroom procedures of using the material, and (6) how this learning proces can be the learning for both teacher and students. The text for illustration is taken from Agriculture

    Penerapan Metode PPP (Presentation, Practice, And Production) dalam Pembelajaran Menulis Teks Deskriptif Kelas VII SMP PGRI 4 Denpasar

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    The journal aimed at finding out whether the use of presentation, practice, and production method could improve the writing skill of descriptive essay. The data were collected by observation and documentation methods by giving assignments, questionnaires, interviews, direct record and student\u27s descriptive essay. The data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative method. The data were presented in the table, as well as in description sentences. The main theory used in this research is the theory of learning and teaching from Doughlas Brown. The supporting theories were taken by Jeremy Harmer entitled The Practice of English Language and Teaching and English grammar theory by Yule. The results of quantitative analysis showed that the use of PPP (presentation, practice, and production) method could improve the writing skill of the students. It could be seen from the result of the students\u27 achievement test and observation analysis which improve continuously during the aplication of the model. The mean score of the students was 61.33, which was categorized intofair level. After having treatment in the first cycle, the students\u27 mean inprove to 76.67 categorized into good level, the second cycle, the students\u27 mean score improve to 81categorized to good level. This improvement was also supported by the qualitative data. The result of the qualitative analysis showed that the use of PPP (presentation, practice and production) method could improve the learning motivation of the students. It could be seen from the result of questionnaire analysis and interview showed that from 18 students, 65% of students admitted that they could easy to understand about the lesson after applying PPP (presentation, practice and production)

    Conflicts in Characters’ Movie of San Andreas

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    The title of this study is “Conflicts in Characters’ Movie of San Andreas ”. This study deals with conflicts faced by the characters in the movie. The aims of this study are to identify the conflicts, source of conflicts, and conflict management strategies. The data was taken from movie entitled San Andreas directed by Peyton in 2015. Documentation method and note-taking technique are used to collecting data. The data were analyzed by using the theory of literature proposed by Kenney (1996), and the theory of source of conflicts by Deetz and Stevenson (1986). The result of the study showed that there are two kind of conflicts, namely internal and external conflict

    Penerapan Metode PPP (Presentation, Practice, And Production) dalam Pembelajaran Menulis Teks Deskriptif Kelas VII SMP PGRI 4 Denpasar

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    The journal aimed at finding out whether the use of presentation, practice, and production method could improve the writing skill of descriptive essay. The data were collected by observation and documentation methods by giving assignments, questionnaires, interviews, direct record and student\u27s descriptive essay. The data were analyzed by descriptive qualitative method. The data were presented in the table, as well as in description sentences. The main theory used in this research is the theory of learning and teaching from Doughlas Brown. The supporting theories were taken by Jeremy Harmer entitled The Practice of English Language and Teaching and English grammar theory by Yule. The results of quantitative analysis showed that the use of PPP (presentation, practice, and production) method could improve the writing skill of the students. It could be seen from the result of the students\u27 achievement test and observation analysis which improve continuously during the aplication of the model. The mean score of the students was 61.33, which was categorized intofair level. After having treatment in the first cycle, the students\u27 mean inprove to 76.67 categorized into good level, the second cycle, the students\u27 mean score improve to 81categorized to good level. This improvement was also supported by the qualitative data. The result of the qualitative analysis showed that the use of PPP (presentation, practice and production) method could improve the learning motivation of the students. It could be seen from the result of questionnaire analysis and interview showed that from 18 students, 65% of students admitted that they could easy to understand about the lesson after applying PPP (presentation, practice and production)

    Code Mixing Used by Yuki Kato in Bicara Cinta on Puella Id Youtube Channel

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    Code-mixing gives an understanding of a mix of two languages or more by the multilingual. This study aims at defining the types and the factors causing the code-mixing used by Yuki Kato in a Youtube video. A mixed method was applied, with both qualitative and quantitative methods used in the study. The data is all of the words, phrases, or sentences that include the use of mixed codes in English and Indonesian Language, which was collected from one episode of Bicara Cinta on the PUELLA ID Youtube Channel. The code-mixing theory from Hoffman (1991) was used to analyze the data, including the types of code-mixing and the factors that caused the code-mixing. The analysis has identified 93 data on the use of code-mixing by Yuki Kato, including three types of code-mixing which are intra-sentential with 80 data found (86,02%), intra-lexical with 10 data found (10, 75%), and involving a change of pronunciation with 3 data found (3,23%). Six out of seven factors were applied in the code-mixing by Yuki Kato. The code-mixing produced by Yuki Kato is caused by several factors, those are talking about particular topic with 46 data found (49,46%), being emphatic about something with 35 data found (37,63%), intention of clarifying the speech content for the interlocutor with 7 data found (7,53%), repetition used for clarification with 2 data found (2,15%), interjection with 2 data found (2,15%), and quoting somebody else with only 1 data found (1,08%). There is no code-mixing caused by expressing a group identity.  Keywords: Code-mixing, Codes, Youtube Channe

    The Application of Metaphor Identification Procedure (Mip) and Conceptual Metaphor in Japanese Poetry

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    The aims of this study are to apply the method of the metaphor identification procedure (Pragglejaz Group, 2007) to find out the linguistic metaphors in Japanese poetry, and apply the theory of conceptual metaphor (CMT) (Lakoff & Johnson, 2003) to find out the conceptual metaphors that motivate the use of linguistic metaphor in the poetry. Descriptive qualitative method was applied in this research. The data of this research were taken from Takuboku Ishikawa dan Segenggam Pasir  book, written by Edizal (2000). The result shows that metaphor identification procedure (MIP) provides a explicit, reliable, and flexible instrument for identifying linguistic metaphors and conceptual metaphor theory (CMT) provides a systematic tool to identify the concepts behind the linguistic metaphors. The linguistic metaphors identified in the poetry are: koi no amasa to nagashisa, kanashimi no tama, and te ga shirokukatsu dainariki. The conceptual metaphors that are found to underlie the linguistic metaphors are:  VIRTUE IS WHITE, LOVE IS FOOD OR DRINK, SAD IS INSTABILIT


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    This study aims to find out and analyze types of politeness strategy expressed by the characters in the novel, to find out the procedures of translation applied to translate the politeness strategy applied by the characters in the novel and also to identify factors that affect the translation of politeness differences in the novel entitled Supernova: Ksatria, Putri & Bintang Jatuh translated into English. The data of this study was taken from a novel entitled Supernova: Ksatria, Putri & Bintang Jatuh and its translation into English. This study is limited into only analyzing the politeness strategy expressed by the characters in the novel and also analyzing translation procedures applied in translating politeness in the source language to the target language. This study used a qualitative method means the data are collected by observation and note taking process. The theories applied in this study such as from Brown & Levinson (1978) to analyze the politeness strategy, the procedures of translation theory proposed by Vinay and Dalbernet (in Hatim and Munday (2004), and to analyze factors that affect the translation of politeness in the novel, theory based on the ideas of the possibility in translation by Cohen (1985) which is also related to Rand (1966) philosophy of objectivism, objective reality & conceptual equivalence, and anthropological linguistics by Foley (1997) are applied. The result of this study showed that the type of politeness which mostly applied in the dialogue is positive politeness, the politeness strategies in the dialogue of the novel presented in oblique translation, and the politeness differences applied in the novel (Bahasa Indonesia and English version) held a very important role in forming and delivering the right messages that wanted to convey by the author to target language. The translator who also played an important role in bridging the message also consider context, and more importantly culture in which belong to the expected target readers

    Revealing Ideology of Political Speech

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    In this paper, we reflect on the ideology of political language delivered in political speech. We believe that language in political speech is a tool to spread hidden ideology. The impact of ideology can be positive, or it can also be negative for a nation. Our reflection deals with the revelation of ideology in the political speech text of the Indonesian politician, as well as Indonesian first president, Soekarno. Be based on grounded theory, we examined an important text of political speech that was delivered by Soekarno. The examination applied three main procedures to reveal ideology in text of political speech. The procedures are 1) by analyzing the main rhetorical devices that are used by the politician, 2) by analyzing the construction of the whole text, and 3) by reviewing the context of the situation and the background of the politician. As the results of applying the procedures, it was found that the ideologies of Soekarno's political speech were ‘unity as the most important value for Indonesia', revolution as the soul of Indonesia' and, ‘imperialism as the main enemy of Indonesia'