186 research outputs found

    Introduction to Special Issue of CRIMEANTHROP: Criminal Justice, Wildlife Conservation and Animal Rights in the Anthropocene

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    Introduction to Special Issue of CRIMEANTHROP: CriminaL Justice, Wildlife Conservation and Animal Rights in the Anthropocen

    Eating E.T.: Carnism and Speciesism

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    This article takes as its point of departure an event in which a plant-based version of the space alien, the Extra-Terrestrial (‘E.T.’), from the science fiction film bearing its name, was barbecued and served as a meal to participants at a conference. The soy dish produced different reactions: some laughed, while others seemed appalled. These different sentiments provide the basis for a broad green cultural criminology analysis of the traditions of meat-eating, tracing its role in human history and in the barbecue. The purpose of this is to explore why humans treat different categories of animals so differently. To understand the reactions the meal produced, the article addresses two contrasting aspects of the human–non-human animal relationship—‘carnism’ and ‘pet-keeping’—and contemplates these in relation to the reactions to eating E.T. The goal is to expand on the study of the human–animal relationship, particularly speciesism—understood as ideology and practice that legitimise and produce animal abuse through the analytical concept categorical discriminatory speciesism

    Obstacles and possibilities in police research

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    Drawing on a Norwegian research project investigating the possible existence of police racism, this article explores challenges related to conducting research in such sensitive sites as the police with reference to methodological and institutional obstacles. The project featured participant observation, in-depth interviews with ethnic minority men, and in-depth interviews with police officers and lays the basis for a discussion of the diverging perspectives on police racism held by the police and by members of ethnic minorities. The degree to which research on the police can reveal the  ‘truth’ of policing and thereby contribute to changing police practice is problematised and questions are asked about the extent to which research can contribute to facilitating change within the police that might be of benefit to the relationship between the police and ethnic minorities. A key question raised is whether the existence of a specific police culture, featuring loyalty, a hierarchical organisational structure and the use of discretion may prevent such research methods from revealing ‘true’ data, as well as organisational change. A discussion of problem-oriented policing illustrates some  of the obstacles to implementing changes. The article concludes that the police in Oslo do not demonstrate evidence of institutional racism though there is evidence of derogatory language use and stereotyping where ethnic minorities are stereotyped in homologous ways to other marginalised groups who come into contact with the police such as drug users

    Sociotechnical Imaginaries in an Environment Impacted by a Wind Power Plant in Norway

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    Øyfjellet Wind Plant in Nordland was built as part of a push toward green energy by the government of Norway. Its construction in a previously untouched area of land used by Sami reindeer herders has resulted in resistance from locals and political and environmental activists. This thesis investigates this by identifying the sociotechnical imaginaries present among the different sides in the conflict, and exploring the impacts of the wind plant, as experienced by people in the local community. Data was collected through purposive sampling and semi-structured, qualitative interviews, and analyzed by the identification and organization of common themes. Three distinct imaginaries were identified. One is characterized by environmental preservation, another by the preservation of Sami indigenous rights, and the last by green energy and industry. The greatest impacts were the consequence for Sami rights and the upwards distribution of wealth and power. Powerlessness to change the outcome and attitudes toward opponents in the conflict were also explored

    The Development of Enforcement of CITES in Norway: Discretionary Omissions and Theoricides

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    The world is losing species at an alarming rate; the population sizes of wild mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles have dropped 68% since 1970. Much of this loss is caused by trade. This article discusses the development in the enforcement of CITES (Convention on the International Trade in Endangered Species) in Norway through a longitudinal, qualitative approach. It is based on data collection done in several stages and traces how crimes of wildlife trade are addressed by law enforcement agencies. It finds that there is lax enforcement of CITES crimes in Norway, which connect to what can be called anthropocentric, discretionary harms of omission in law enforcement. Taking a species justice approach and based on a discussion of possible changes and development in enforcement in Norway, this article argues that this crime is still insufficiently prioritized by enforcement agencies. Weak points identified at the early stages of this research, such as deficient recording of CITES crimes and discretionary lack of priority of investigation, were still existent. The most serious weakness is the policy of euthanizing confiscated animals, which is a considerable breach of species justice

    Spesiesisme - fenomenets grunnlag og konsekvenser

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    The need for a uniform international sales law has become increasingly more important as the commercial market has become very complex,1 and most countries are involved in international trade to some extent. In order to obtain certainty and predictability in international trade, and thereby make sure that international transactions run as smoothly as possible, it is imperative that the different legal systems around the world are being replaced by a uniform body of law to govern the relationship between the commercial actors.2 By establishing such an uniform body of law one minimises the degree of uncertainty related to which domestic law should be applicable in case of a dispute, and uncertainty in connection with the proper application of the relevant foreign legal system.3 This was one of the reasons why the UNCITRAL initiated the establishment of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. In addition the drafters intended to establish a ‘New International Economic Order’4 by promoting peaceful coexistence among states5 through ‘(… ) the development of international trade on the basis of equality and mutual benefit.’6 This development would be promoted by the establishment of common rules applicable to all contracts of international sale originating in one of the Contracting States.7 Overcoming language problems and poor contract drafting was also emphasised by the drafters.8 The aim behind the Convention was therefore not to create new provisions for international sales, but to establish a uniform instrument to be applicable independent of national laws:9 “ (… ) the adoption of uniform rules which govern contracts for the international sale of goods and take into account the different social, economic and legal systems would contribute to the removal of legal barriers in international trade and promote the development of international trade.” 10 Most lawyers would probably prefer the transaction to be governed by their domestic law, but it is generally acknowledged that the CISG provides good solutions based on compromises between different legal systems around the world.11 There are still several countries that have not yet ratified the Convention, and when it comes to implementation there are two methods available to them; transformation or incorporation.12 It might be very tempting to those countries to choose to transform the Convention, since this will allow them to stick to what they are used to; they are comfortable with their domestic law, and they would prefer to implement the Convention in a way which would not disturb or be contradictory to their traditional legal system. However, such a solution is not recommendable; the Norwegian approach, which will be thoroughly analysed later in this essay,13 is an excellent example of why incorporation and not transformation would be the preferred way of implementing the Convention. I believe it is imperative that the prospective ratifying countries look at the possible consequences in relation to the method of transformation, and the Norwegian experiences, when they are going to decide how to implement the Convention. Otherwise, one might be running the risk of having even more countries with a rather ‘original’ approach to the Convention, which again would impede the achievement of the goals set out in Article 7(1). In this paper, I will first analyse Article 7(1) in order to find the correct meaning of its three requirements in relation to the interpretation of the Convention; (1) its international character, (2) the need to promote uniformity in its application, and (3) the observance of good faith in international trade. In light of this analysis I will look at the Norwegian implementation of the Convention, and especially the choice of transformation instead of incorporation, as this raises some important questions in relation to the requirements in Article 7(1). Lastly, I will address some of the material differences between the Convention and the Norwegian transformed version of the Convention, and point out some of the problems this may cause in relation to Article 7(1). I have chosen to address the specific issues relating to the Norwegian implementation in separate chapters (4 and 5) instead of analysing those problems in chapters 2 and 3. The reason for this is that most of those problematic issues actually relate to more than one of the general points in Article 7 at the same time, and my approach to these problems will therefore cause less repetition. The aspects of Article 7(1) will thus be analysed in the Norwegian context in chapters 4 and 5

    Menneskers paradoksale forhold til dyr

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    Menneskers praksis med å ha såkalte kjæledyr går mange tusen år tilbake i tid og er vanlig blant alle folk. En slik praksis, hvor mennesker temmer andre (ikke-menneskelige) dyr og har dem som venner, understreker nærheten og slektskapet mellom artene. I vår tid bygges nærheten mellom mennesker og dyr stadig ned, og karakteren av det forholdet mennesker har til dyr defineres av hvilken sfære de befinner seg i. Som ââ¬Âproduksjonsdyrââ¬Â for kjøtt og pels, som ââ¬Âforsøksdyrââ¬Â i medisinske og psykologiske eksperimenter og til produkttesting, til underholdning, f.eks. i sirkus og som byttedyr i jakt, er dyrene objekter for menneskers behov og ønsker. I denne artikkelen diskuterer jeg praksisen med å holde kjæledyr ut fra egne erfaringer og ser disse i lys av litteratur som teoretisk og empirisk belyser forholdet mennesker har til dyr generelt, men forholdet til kjæledyr spesielt. Et spørsmål er om praksis med å holde kjæledyr først og fremst dekker et menneskelig behov som bygger på spesiesisme og som legitimerer at mennesker har dyr som eiendom og med det en tingliggjøring av dem og mulig mishandling. På en annen side kan mennesker gjennom å holde kjæledyr lære seg å se andres behov og føle kjærlighet og respekt for dyr, og kjæledyr kan bidra til en øket livskvalitet for mennesker