158 research outputs found

    Percepciones y comportamientos de discriminación sexual en la práctica de ejercicio físico entre los hombres y mujeres pre-adolescentes en el tiempo de ocio

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    En este trabajo se presenta un estudio empírico descriptivo sobre las percepciones y comportamientos de discriminación sexual en la práctica de ejercicio físico entre los hombres y mujeres pre-adolescentes en el tiempo de ocio durante su etapa de Educación Primaria. Se han analizado 1094 alumnos de 6º (edad media de 11.31 ± 0.48 años), pertenecientes a centros educativos de España. Para ello, se utilizó un cuestionario con 10 ítems, con una redacción lingüística diferente para chicas y chicos. Los resultados indican que existen algunas barreras por discriminación de género en la práctica de actividades físicas, juegos y deportes no organizados en su tiempo de ocio para los chicos/as analizados. Los principales resultados muestran que existen diferencias significativas entre sexos, entre otras en la variable participación en juegos, considerarse más fuertes que los de distinto sexo, o burlas por la victoria con el sexo opuesto. Como conclusión se confirma que el alumnado pre-adolescentes afirman tener percepciones y comportamientos de discriminación sexual sutil.This paper presents a descriptive empirical study on habits and customs that have the children in physical activities, games and sports not organized in leisure School periods. A sample of 1094 students of sixth grade of Primary School (11.31 ± 0.48 years), belonging to Schools in Spain. For this purpose, a questionnaire with 10 items, with a different linguistic wording for girls and boys was used. The results indicate that are some barriers for gender discrimination in the practice of physical activities, games and sports, not organized in times of leisure for children analyzed. The main results show that there are significant differences between boys and girls, including: participation in games, consider stronger than those of opposite-sex, or teasing for the victory with the opposite gender. Conclusion, it is confirmed that children of this age claim to have perceptions and behaviors of subtle sex discrimination.O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um estudo empírico descritivo sobre perceções e comportamentos de discriminação sexual durante a realização de exercício físico entre homens e mulheres pré-adolescentes no seu tempo livre na educação primária. Foram analisados 1094 alunos de 6º ano (idade média de 11.31 ± 0.48 anos), de escolas espanholas. Para levar a cabo este estudo, os alunos responderam a um questionário com 10 ítems, onde as perguntas foram redigidas de forma diferente para homens e para mulheres. Os resultados obtidos mostravam que existiam diferenças relevantes por sexos, nomeadamente no que diz respeito à participação de jogos, ao facto de se considerar mais forte que alguém do sexo oposto ou fazer burlas no momento da vitória sobre o outro sexo. Em conclusão, confirma-se que os alunos pré-adolescentes afirmam ter perceções e comportamentos de discriminação sexual subtil

    The attention as a key element to improve tactical behavior efficiency of young soccer players

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    The aim of this study was to examine the associations between attention and tactical behavior efficiency of young soccer players with similar formal practice time and competitive level. The sample consisted of 80 young male soccer players from Brazilian clubs. The Vienna Test System was used to assess players' attention. The System of Tactical Assessment in Soccer (FUT-SAT) was used to assess players' tactical behavior efficiency. The Generalized Linear Models were used to verify the associations between attention and tactical behavior efficiency. The results showed that attention is positively associated with tactical behavior efficiency of young soccer players. Based on the results, high levels of attention will enable young soccer players with similar formal practice time and competitive level to display better responses regarding the tactical actions of the game.El objetivo del estudio fue verificar las asociaciones entre la atención y la eficiencia del comportamiento táctico de jóvenes jugadores de fútbol con tiempo de práctica formal y nivel competitivo similares. La muestra consistió en 80 jugadores de fútbol jóvenes del sexo masculino de clubes de Brasil. El Vienna Test System fue utilizado para evaluar la atención de los jugadores. El Sistema de Evaluación Táctica en el Fútbol (FUT-SAT) fue utilizado para evaluar la eficiencia del comportamiento táctico de los jugadores. Los Modelos Lineales Generalizados se utilizaron para verificar las asociaciones entre la atención y la eficiencia del comportamiento táctico. Los resultados revelaron que la atención está positivamente asociada a la eficiencia del comportamiento táctico de jóvenes jugadores de fútbol. Basado en estos resultados, altos niveles de atención permitirán que los jóvenes jugadores con tiempo de práctica formal y nivel competitivo similares presenten mejores respuestas en relación a las acciones tácticas en el juego.O objetivo deste estudo foi verificar as associações entre a atenção e a eficiência do comportamento tático de jovens jo-gadores de futebol com tempo de prática formal e nível competitivo similares. A amostra foi composta por 80 jogadores de futebol jovens do sexo masculino de clubes do Brasil. O Vienna Test System foi utilizado para avaliar a atenção dos jogadores. O Sistema de Avaliação Tática no Futebol (FUT-SAT) foi utilizado para avaliar a eficiência do comportamento tático dos jogadores. Os Modelos Lineares Generalizados foram utilizados para verificar as associações entre a atenção e a eficiência do comportamento tático. Os resultados mostraram que a atenção está positivamente associada à eficiência do comportamento tático de jovens jogadores de futebol. Baseado nesses resultados, altos níveis de atenção irão permitir que jovens jogadores com tempo de prática formal e nível competitivo similares apresentem melhores respostas em relação às ações táticas no jogo

    Developing cognitive and motor decision-making skills through tactical principles and Game Sense Approach in youth soccer

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    Introduction: Research on sports development in soccer showed that perceptual-cognitive and perceptual-motor decision-making skills are essential to be developed during sports formation. In this line, research in sports pedagogy has demonstrated that approaches focusing on inquiry-based strategies, such as the Game Sense Approach, provide a rich environment to foster the players’ decision-making and tactical skills. In this context, tactical principles have been pointed out as an important part of soccer curriculums during sports formation. However, up to date, no research addressed the assessment of perceptual-cognitive decision-making skills and their interaction with perceptual-motor skills in interventions with tactical principles. Purpose: This study aimed to verify the influence of 25 training sessions based on tactical principles and the Game Sense Approach in developing cognitive and motor decision-making skills of U-12 soccer players. Methods: Participants were 25 U-12 elite male soccer players (12.0 ± 0.2 years) from a Brazilian first division national club. Perceptual-cognitive decision-making skills (quality and response time) were assessed with an objective video-based test (TacticUP®). Perceptual-motor decision-making skills (tactical efficiency) were assessed with FUT-SAT. Both instruments were developed based on the same theoretical background (core tactical principles of soccer). The 25 training sessions were organized based on the Game Sense Approach and the core tactical principles of soccer. The within-group differences among pre- and post-test were verified through a paired sample t-test or Wilcoxon test. Results: Results showed improvements (p < 0.05) in: 1) perceptual-cognitive decision-making skills related to the decision-making time for both offensive and defensive actions; and 2) perceptual-motor skills for defensive actions. We also found unexpected results for the quality of decision-making. It decreased for the defensive phase in post-test. Conclusions: We concluded that 25 training sessions based on core tactical principles and the Game Sense Approach improved perceptual-cognitive related to decision time and perceptual-motor decision-making skills. Improvement of decision-making time is related to improvement in tactical efficiency of U-12 soccer players. To the best of our knowledge, it was the first study to use complementary information about perceptual-cognitive (TacticUP®) and perceptual-motor (FUT-SAT) decision-making skills based on the same theoretical background (core tactical principles)

    L’efecte de l’edat relativa en el futbol espanyol: temporada 2013/14

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    Els agrupaments per edat cronològica posen de manifest diferències de desenvolupament entre les persones que el componen. Aquestes diferències de fins a dotze mesos d’edat és el que es coneix com a edat relativa, i les seves conseqüències configuren l’anomenat efecte de l’edat relativa (RAE). Actualment, estudis relacionats amb el futbol indiquen la possible selecció de jugadors amb talent influenciat per aquest fenomen, el qual perjudica aquells esportistes nascuts en els últims mesos de l’any. L’objectiu d’aquest treball és analitzar la presència de l’efecte de l’edat relativa en la lliga de futbol professional espanyola espanyola durant la temporada 2013/2014. L’anàlisi ha inclòs la totalitat dels futbolistes de la primera divisió durant la temporada esmentada (20 equips, n = 474). Es van establir freqüències per trimestres i semestres, i es va procedir amb l’estadístic khi quadrat per comprovar l’homogeneïtat en la distribució. Els resultats van confirmar una major representació de jugadors nascuts en el primer semestre de l’any, tot indicant valors estadísticament significatius (p  0,05). Les conclusions confirmen un lleuger augment de RAE en la temporada 2013/2014, per tant, es fa necessària una revisió en els processos de selecció de jugadors amb l’objectiu d’equilibrar les probabilitats d’èxit dels jugadors nascuts a fi d’any

    Application of the Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility Model in the Secondary Education Curriculum: Implications in Psychological and Contextual Variables in Students

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    The aim was to implement a value-promoting programme (Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility, TPSR) and to assess its impact on psychological and contextual variables in students comparing the differences among one group that applied it in several subjects, another group only in Physical Education (PE), and a control group. Method: The programme was applied for eight months with 257 students from three secondary school centres (151 boys and 106 girls) with a mean age of 15.97 years (SD = 2.31). They were in three groups: one group with 67 students (control group), one group with 90 students receiving at least 60% of the total teaching time using the value-promoting programme (experimental group for global education, EG-GE), and one group with 100 students (experimental group for physical education only, EG-PE). The main improvements in the results were found in the EG-GE for responsibility, psychological mediator index, self-determination index, resilience, climate, and prosocial behaviour. In the EG-PE, improved results were observed in the self-determination index, classroom climate, and prosocial behaviour. Female and EG-GE students improved much more than male and EG-PE students. The outcomes in psychological variables can be higher if TPSR is applied to the whole subjects apart from physical education. These results are even more pronounced for female students in personal and social responsibility. It is worth highlighting the importance of coordinating educational institutions to facilitate the involvement of the greatest number of teachers

    Bullying and cyberbullying prevention and intervention workshop

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    Comunicaciones. Área tématica 1: La inclusión, socialización y educación en valores a través del aprendizaje cooperativo en Educación Física.[ES] El uso de las tecnologías ha aumentado considerablemente a raíz de la situación de confinamiento vivida a causa del COVID-19, haciendo surgir un escenario que propicia una nueva forma de violencia entre iguales (cyberbullying) que sucede cada vez a edades más tempranas. Uno de los factores que puede mediar y favorecer la reducción de las conductas de agresión es la Educación Física, y en concreto el trabajo de la cooperación en esta asignatura, puesto que involucra competencias que mejoran la cohesión de grupo, la responsabilidad, la conducta prosocial, la competencia emocional o la inclusión. Teniendo en consideración esta información, se ha diseñado e implementado un taller de prevención e intervención de acoso y ciberacoso en alumnado de Educación Primaria y Educación Secundaria, que complementa contenidos específicos relacionados con el bullying y el cyberbullying, a través de retos físicos cooperativos.[EN] The use of technologies has increased considerably as a result of the situation of lockdown experienced due to COVID-19, giving rise to a scenario that favors a new form of violence among peers (cyberbullying) and at increasingly younger ages. One of the factors that may mediate and favor the reduction of aggression behaviors is Physical Education, and specifically the work on cooperation in this subject, since it involves competencies that improve group cohesion, responsibility, prosocial behavior, emotional competence or inclusion. Taking this information into consideration, a bullying and cyberbullying prevention and intervention workshop has been designed and implemented in Primary and Secondary Education students, complementing specific contents related to bullying and cyberbullying through cooperative physical challenges

    High-Performance and Futsal: a Systematic Review of the Literature 2015-2020

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    [Resumen] El fútbol sala es un deporte con un importante número de practicantes. Su reducido campo de juego y la rapidez en las acciones de los jugadores anima a investigar sobre sus parámetros configuradores para conocer estrategias que mejoren el rendimiento deportivo. El objetivo de este trabajo es revisar los artículos publicados entre los años 2015 y 2020 que versen sobre fútbol sala de élite. Se realizó una búsqueda bibliográfica en las bases de datos Scopus y Dialnet utilizando diferentes combinaciones de los términos: “futsal”, “fútbol sala”, “élite”, “profesional” y “alto rendimiento”. Se encontraron un total de 114 artículos, analizándose 50 trabajos tras la aplicación de los criterios de inclusión. Se establecieron tres grandes categorías: 1) investigaciones relacionadas con condicionantes del juego, 2) investigaciones relacionadas con cargas de entrenamiento y capacidades físicas, fisiológicas y mecánicas, y 3) otras temáticas investigadas. Se confirma el hallazgo de un número alto de investigaciones vinculadas a aspectos técnicos y tácticos del fútbol sala y al análisis de las capacidades físicas. Se detectó cierta ausencia de estudios vinculados al rendimiento mental y emocional, así como estudios del rol del entrenador como responsable del equipo o trabajos sobre fútbol sala femenino, ámbitos que deben abordarse en futuras investigaciones sobre este deporte[Abstract] Futsal is a sport with a significant number of practitioners. Its small playing field and the rapidity of the players’ actions encourage research on its configuration parameters to learn strategies that improve sports performance. The objective of this paper is to review the articles published between 2015 and 2020 that deal with elite futsal. A bibliographic search was carried out in the Scopus and Dialnet databases using different combinations of the terms: “futsal”, “futsal”, “elite”, “professional” and “high performance”. A total of 114 articles were found, and 50 papers were analyzed after applying the inclusion criteria. Three main categories were established: 1) investigations related to game conditioning factors, 2) investigations related to training loads and physical, physiological and mechanical capacities, and 3) other investigated topics. The finding of a high number of investigations related to technical and tactical aspects of futsal and the analysis of physical capacities is confirmed. A certain absence of studies related to mental and emotional performance was detected, as well as studies of the coach’s role as head of the team or work on women’s futsal, areas that should be addressed in future researc

    Perfil emocional según el nivel de competición : aplicación al squash

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    El objetivo del presente estudio ha sido identificar el perfil emocional de jugadores de squash de diferente nivel de competición. La muestra estaba compuesta por 80 jugadores, divididos en cuatro niveles de competición (Primera categoría nacional, Segunda categoría nacional, nivel autonómico y nivel provincial). Se utilizó el Cuestionario del Perfil Emocional Óptimo Individual del modelo IZOF-Emoción (Hanin, 2000a). Los resultados muestran perfiles emocionales diferenciados tanto en su contenido, intensidad e impacto funcional según el nivel de competición. Por tanto, los resultados confirman el carácter individualizado del perfil emocional y la dedicación específica que debe de recibir cada jugador.The aim of this study was to identify the emotional profile of squash players at different levels of expertise. The sample was made up of 80 players, divided into four expertise levels (National First Division, National Second Division, Regional level and Provincial level). The study used the Individual Zones of Optimal Functioning model questionnaire: IZOF-emotion (Hanin, 2000a). The results show emotional profiles which differ in functional content, intensity and impact depending on the level of expertise. Therefore, the results confirm the individualistic nature of emotional profiles and the specific dedication that each player must receive.O objectivo do presente estudo foi identificar o perfil emocional de jogadores de squash de diferentes níveis competitivos. A amostra foi composta por 80 jogadores, divididos em quatro níveis de competição (Primeira divisão nacional, Segunda divisão nacional, Nível autónomo e Nível regional). Foi aplicado o Questionário de Perfil Emocional Individual Óptimo do modelo IZOF-Emoção (Hanin, 2000a). Os resultados mostram perfis emocionais diferenciados tanto no conteúdo, como na intensidade e impacto funcional, de acordo com o nível competitivo. Portanto, os resultados confirmam o carácter individualizado do perfil emocional e a dedicação específica que deve receber cada jogador

    Hybridizing Cooperative Learning, Adventure Education, and Gamification through orienteering races

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    Physical activity practice in the outdoors does not guarantee students’ learning, since it can be reduced to technical skills orpleasant sensations. This article presents an educative innovation proposal, which aims to adapt the rules of orienteering races to theschool environment; it promotes the development of social and interpersonal skills, as well as the understanding, preservation, andappreciation of the richness of the outdoors. To achieve it, Adventure Education, experiential learning, has been hybridized withCooperative Learning, promoting interpersonal connections, and Gamification, providing a playful distribution of roles and the use ofnew technologies for self-assessment. Practical guidelines are presented to guide an educational intervention both in the regulations(objectives, participants, and beginning protocol), in the use of materials and spaces (incorporating self-constructed materials: consumereducation; mobile apps: appropriate instruction in new technologies), and in formative and shared assessment. La práctica de actividad física en el medio natural no garantiza la formación de los estudiantes, ya que puede reducirse a aprendizajes técnicos o a la facilitación de sensaciones placenteras. El presente artículo aporta una propuesta de innovación educativa, cuyo objetivo es adaptar la normativa de la carrera de orientación al ámbito escolar; se promueve el desarrollo de habilidades sociales e interpersonales, así como el conocimiento, la preservación y la valoración de la riqueza del medio natural. Para ello, se ha hibridado la Educación de Aventura, por tratarse de un aprendizaje experiencial, con el Aprendizaje Cooperativo, al promover las conexiones interpersonales y la Gamificación, al aportar de forma lúdica una distribución de roles de trabajo y el empleo de nuevas tecnologías en la autoevaluación. Se muestran orientaciones prácticas para la intervención educativa tanto en la normativa (objetivos, participantes y el protocolo de inicio de prueba), en el uso de materiales y espacios (incorporando materiales autoconstruidos: educación al consumo; apps móviles: educación adecuada de las nuevas tecnologías), como en el sistema de evaluación formativo y compartido