17 research outputs found

    Tinjauan Yuridis Pasal 15 Undang-undang Pers terhadap Fungsi dan Kewenangan Dewan Pers dalam Mencegah Berita Bohong

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    This study aims to determine and analyze the function of the Press Council according to Article 15 of Law No. 40 of 1999 concerning the Press in its roles and actions in preventing hoax news. This research is a normative juridical analysis, by which the secondary data is in the form of the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia Article 28 (F) and Article 15 of Law Number 40 of 1999 concerning the Press in particular. It is analyzed with a progressive legal theory from Satjipto Raharjo. The results of this study indicate that the Press Council, which has the status of an independent state institution, failed to maximize its role, especially its authority, in dealing with hoax news. The Press Law only has a simple function, like mediating press disputes. Due to its power, the Press Council has no authority to impose sanctions on violations committed by press companies. Moreover, the challenges faced no longer come from external sources but from the internal press itself, where currently, press companies often behave arbitrarily because the owners of press companies have used their media as a means of politics for the benefit of certain parties.

    (Un)lock and (Un)loaded: Regulating 3D-Printed Firearms in the Open-source Era after the 2013 Hysteria

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    3D printing, or additive manufacturing, is a fast-evolving technology that is transforming the way humans create things. Anyone can buy a 3D printer for private usage, allowing them to produce totally personalized things in the comfort of their own homes. One 3D-printed commodity, unfortunately, is provoking a huge debate: firearms. Any person may build a completely functional firearm only with a 3D printer, the necessary designs and filament. Thus, bypassing governmental licensing, registration, and fabrication regulations. A surge of scholarships appeared nine years back, alerting people about the dangers of 3D-printed firearms. Following the widespread hysteria, this work offers commentary on the issue of 3D-printed firearms, as well as lessons learnt for a better regulatory framework for these firearms. To establish effective regulatory oversight over illicit ownership and usage of 3D-printed guns, existing law may have to be enhanced. Furthermore, any prospective regulations will almost definitely be closely scrutinized in order to strike a balance between public security concerns and personal liberty. Additionally, many conceivable technological regulations would be unfeasible and would contradict the public interest objective of safeguarding technological development. To better control 3D-printed guns while preserving basic freedoms and technological development, a three-pronged approach has been proposed

    The Problems And Concepts of The Land Management Rights Improvement in Batam City

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    The purpose of this study is first, to know about the basic concept of land management rights in Batam City in terms of improving people's welfare. Second, knowing about improving the quality of land management rights in Batam City.The method used by this study is an empirical legal research. The type of data used is primary data, namely those obtained from interviews with the public community, government officers of Batam City, BP Batam and the District office and also Sub-district office. As well as conducting observations in the old village of Tanjung Uma and the old village of Nongsa. Both also use secondary data consisting of primary legal materials, namely the 1945 Constitution and Law Number 5 of 1960 concerning Agrarian Principles.Based on the results of the study, first, it was found that the Implementation of Land Management Rights in Batam became problematic after Indonesia entered the Reform phase with the enactment of Law No. 22 of 1999 on Local Government or Regional Autonomy Law, Law No. 53 of 1999 on The Establishment of Batam city and the Batam Mayor Decree No. 105 of 2004 on The Establishment of 37 Old Village Points. Second, through the socio-legal research, the researcher suggests that the Central Government and the Regional Government of the Riau Islands Province as well as the Batam City Government and BP Batam to immediately restructure the land policy regulations in Batam and synchronize land policies so that Batam people can obtain certainty of land rights as guarantees for their welfare in the future.


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    Mediation has been regulated in Paragraph 1 Article 1 PERMA no. 1 2016, which is related to the practice of judicial mediation. "Mediation is a way of resolving disputes through the negotiation process to reach an agreement between the parties with the involvement of an intermediary," said the article. The problem in this article is important because the parties can make a peace agreement before the judge who handles the case. In addition, it can be done outside the court which has become known as legal practice. Courts are a matter of peace. This study uses a normative legal approach. The results of the author's research show that the legality of the law that is decided by the judge in court and consensus causes the parties to try to resolve their disputes and must be forced to consider the peace case approved by the judge to be law and have legal force. Be irrefutable. If the settlement of a dispute outside the court is decided by a judge during the trial and arranged in a peaceful case, both parties are legally obliged to follow their decision. A peace dispute that has not been resolved by a judge's decision is poor law enforcement and one of the parties can continue to file lawsuits. Regarding the settlement mechanism between the parties or the mediator in the district court, the judge hears the peace agreement case and the judge strengthens the peace agreement with a peace agreement.   Keywords: Legality, Lawsuit, Plea, Determination, Result of Mediation

    The Dichotomy of Traditional Cuisine Protection in Indonesia: Geographical Indications vs. Traditional Knowledge

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    Introduction to The Problem: Traditional cuisines are an important part of national identity in Indonesia and a significant driver in the tourism industry, which are currently threatened by the constantly accelerating waves of globalization.Purpose/Objective Study: This research aims to analyze the ways to protect traditional cuisines through the intellectual property law, comparing the regime of GI and traditional knowledge, as suitable options of protection.Design/Methodology/Approach: This research utilizes normative legal research method, with statutory approach. To support this method, this research also utilizes literature analysis and comparative analysis technique to analyze the dichotomy between Geographical Indication and Traditional Knowledge.Findings: Analysis finds that the GI regime comes out as the superior regime of protection from the dichotomy, with lesser normative loopholes. Authenticity plays an important role in the comparative analysis between the two regimes, as it’s normatively backed as an important part of the tourism sector. Further analysis also finds that the GI regime can still be improved, particularly regarding substantive examination, which needs more definitive provisions to guarantee authenticity of traditional cuisines in Indonesia.Paper Type: Research Articl

    International Laws and The Reality: The Complexity of Corporate Law in Empowering Human Rights

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    Corporations inevitably violate human rights in a variety of ways. As corporations evolved into massive multinational businesses, corporate violence—which is a legacy of colonialism and corporate power—continues to exist today. Corporate players maintain their freedom in pursuing their objectives using convoluted and obscure multinational organizations and supply networks, through the utilization of corporate law principles like the veil of corporate ownership, and also through other practices like tax evasion and lobbying of political bodies. The objective of this article is to explore the legal aspects of the problem of corporate violence, and suggesting reforms to ensure justice for the affected parties. This article uses the doctrinal research method along with the comparative method, focusing on both primary and secondary data. This article makes the case that the issue stems from the structural and systemic flaws in the framework of international law as well as in corporate laws that continually preserve corporate institutions in frustrating the advancement of the cause for human rights.  To effectively enhance the corporate and human rights environment, a framework of hard law, soft law, and non-law reforms and actions is needed

    Problematika Penegakan Hukum dalam Prinsip Kemerdekaan Pers: Studi Media Siber dan Wartawan Abal-Abal di Kota Tanjungpinang

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    Media massa dan wartawan merupakan dua sumber daya yang saling berhubungan. Perusahaan media massa tidak profesional berdampak negatif terhadap kehidupan pers. Media massa dan wartawan bagaikan dua mata pisau sehingga bisa dijadikan alat untuk kepentingan tertentu, bahkan melanggar hukum. Media massa dan wartawan yang tidak mengedepankan kode etik jurnalistik mencoreng profesi jurnalis, dan cenderung melanggar hukum sehingga muncul stigma negatif di tengah masyarakat terhadap profesi wartawan. Adapun rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana problematika pendirian perusahaan pers serta urgensi verifikasi media massa dan uji kompetensi wartawan, yang dihubungkan dengan prinsip kemerdekaan pers dan Undang-Undang Pers. Penelitian disajikan menggunakan metode yuridis empiris dengan pendekatan penelitian bersifat kualitatif. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, terdapat celah hukum pada peraturan terkait pendirian media massa. Bahkan UU Nomor 40 Tahun 1999 tentang Pers sendiri membuka ruang kepada siapa saja untuk mendirikan perusahaan pers, namun tidak mewajibkan untuk meningkatkan kapasitas. UU Pers juga tidak mengatur syarat pendidikan bagi wartawan, melainkan hal tersebut diserahkan kepada perusahaan pers. Regulasi pers terkait verifikasi media massa dan uji kompetensi wartawan hanya berlaku bagi yang mendaftar di Dewan Pers. Kondisi tersebut menyebabkan pertumbuhan media massa, khususnya media siber tidak terkendali, bahkan aktivitas wartawan yang tidak profesional cenderung melanggar prinsip-prinsip kemerdekaan pers

    Developing an Indonesian Regulatory Framework in the Face of SEZs 5.0

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    Numerous emerging economies have embraced Special Economic Zones (SEZs) as more than just an instrument for policymaking to encourage growth and industrial development. Today’s “SEZ 5.0,” which is based on novel digital inventions offers a gateway to economic progression. This research utilizes the normative juridical method and secondary data based on library research. This research is novel in the way that it illuminates the numerous key lessons from effective SEZ practices, such as: geographical advantage, interoperability of zone strategic plan with the overarching development plan, acknowledging the context of the industry, and harnessing comparative advantage, as well as, making sure that SEZs are “special” in contexts of a business-friendly atmosphere supported by a sound statutory and regulatory model, along with the articulation of sustainable practices and adaptability towards the volatility of the market. This research recommends key policy lessons for the Indonesian SEZ governance

    Perlindungan Hukum Konsumen Muslim Atas Produk Pangan Tidak Bersertifikat Halal Di Kota Batam

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    The city of Batam is a city with a population that is predominantly Muslim, where in ensuring every believer of religion to worship and carry out his religious teachings, In ensuring that all food products circulating in Batam City do not contain unlawful/not in accordance with Islamic law, the government has regulated in the laws and regulations, where products that enter, are circulated, and traded in the territory of Indonesia must be certified halal. To analyze the problem of legal protection for consumers for food products that are not certified halal, it can be analyzed with the Theory of Legal Protection from Philipus M. Hadjon. The objectives to be achieved in this study are: To analyze the legal protection of consumers for non-halal certified food products circulating in Batam City. From the results of the study, it can be seen that preventive and repressive legal protection for consumers for food products that are not halal certified has been accommodated in the Legislative Regulations, but the preventive efforts made by the government are still not optimal in this case the Halal Product Guarantee Agency (BPJPH). because there are still many non-halal food products circulating and being traded

    TV Broadcast Piracy Through Illegal Live Streaming Applications: Challenges and Legal Protection for Copyright Holders

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    The copyright infringement that is currently on the rise is the emergence of illegal TV streaming apps. The application is now very annoying to official broadcasting rights holders because the presence of such illegal streaming applications will cause losses. This paper aims to find out the form of legal protection as well as legal action for television stations that suffer losses from the piracy of such broadcasting activities.This study is a normative legal study with normative jurisprudence approach to critically analyse the criminal and civil law norms against piracy TV broadcasts through the Live Streaming application aimed at digging and revealing the protection and enforcement of the law for TV stations suffered losses as a result of such piracy.If a person is found to conduct broadcasting or distribution without the permission of the owner who violates the provisions of Article 25 paragraph (2) of the Copyright Act with the criminal punishment of Article 118 of the copyright Act. Whereas the perpetrator of illegal live streaming application that violates Article 32 paragraph (1) of the ITE Act, can be subject to criminal sanctions as referred to in Article 48 paragraph 1 of the Act. The resolution of copyright disputes can be carried out through litigation and non-litigation. It would be better for the public to choose to watch legally and subscribe through an official service despite having to pay for the safety and convenience of the user