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    Peran Kepala Sekolah Dalam Pengelolaan Pembelajaran Guru Di SD Negeri 1 Pojok Tawangharjo Grobogan

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    Purpose of this study was to describe the characteristics of the administrative management of learning in primary schools 1 Pojok Tawangharjo Grobogan, to describe the characteristics of the management of learning activities in SD Negeri 1 Pojok Tawangharjo Grobogan, to describe the characteristics of the evaluation of the management of learning programs in SD Negeri 1 Pojok Tawangharjo Grobogan. Types of research used in this study is aqualitative approach to the design of ethnography. Research subjects at school heads, teachers, employees, students of SD Negeri 1 Pojok Tawangharjo Grobogan. Methods of data collection using interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analys is techniques to the analysis of the groove beginning of data collection, data reduction, data display, and verification / conclusions. Data validation was done by triangulation of methods and sources.The results of this study were 1) management of the learning administration can not be separated from the role of the principal, headmaster always perform administrative supervision of learning, field supervision of all administrative teachers have collected to be examined by the school principal; 2) the learning activities are passionate and spirit, the principal gave advice to teachers who do not perform management of learning activities and provide encouragement, school decision making involving all teachers, staff, and school committees including the princ ipal, learning activities supported by cooperation and coordination among teachers; 3) e valuation of the learning program is always held at this school programmatically and consistently, teachers play an important role in the evaluation of learning programs, teacher discipline can affect student success


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    This study is aimed to show the Nina‟s obsession to be professional dancer gender inequality in Darren Aronofsky‟s Black Swan (2010) by using a humanistic psychological approach. It is done by establishing two objectives: the first is analyzing the movie based on its structural elements and the second is analyzing the Nina‟s obsession based on the a humanistic psychological approach. This research is qualitative research. Type of data of the study is text taken from two data sources: primary and secondary. The primary data source is Black Swan (2010) movie by Darren Aronofsky. While the secondary data sources are other materials taken from books, journals, and internet related to the study. Both data are collected through library research and analyzed by descriptive analysis. The outcome of the study shows the following conclusions. Firstly, based on the structural analysis indicated that each of narrative elements of movie have been related into solid unity. Secondly, based on humanistic psychological approach, the researcher divided the need into five elements which is consisting of physiological needs, safety and security needs, belongingness and love needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization needs. Self actualization needs also found in forms of two kinds; the need for privacy and efficient perception of reality. As a ballerina, she has a beautiful dream in her life; she wants to be the major player on the „Swan Lake‟ Ballet performance. This is her needs that she really wants to be a good ballerina dancer. Nina also has a basic need, such as need for love and sex. The love and sex become the main problem of Nina in a physiological needs, safety and security needs, belongingness and love needs, self-esteem needs, and self-actualization needs.

    SOLO FREESTYLE PARK (Pendekatan pada Konsep Arsitektur Kontemporer)

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    Kawasan pusat kota memerlukan ruang publik yang dapat digunakan oleh warga kota untuk bersosialisasi, serta melakukan bermacam aktivitasnya ataupun sekedar melepas lelah (Trancik,1986). Salah satu bentuk ruang publik adalah freestyle park. Freestyle park berarti taman permainan olahraga-olahraga freestyle seperti skateboard, inlineskate (sepatu roda), sepeda BMX dan parkour. Kebutuhan freestyle park merupakan salah satu bagian dari kebutuhan pemenuhan ruang publik bagi warga kota Solo, khususnya anak muda dalam melakukan aktivitasnya. Anak muda disini adalah suatu golongan berusia antara 15-30 tahun. Kebutuhan freestyle park diperlukan karena adanya perkembangan olahraga skateboard, inlineskate (sepatu roda), sepeda BMX dan parkour di kota Solo semakin berkembang dan tidak mempunyai wadah atau arena permaianan khusus. Perkembangan olahraga freestyle ini terlihat dari semakin bertambahnya anak muda yang memainkannya di arena ruang terbuka public di kota solo yang suda ada, namun tidak didukung adanya suatu ruang atau tempat khusus yang dapat mengakomodasi aktivitas mereka. Keberadaan freestyle park sebagai sarana olahraga freestyle dirasa diperlukan karena jika mereka memainkannya di ruang terbuka publik yang ada, dirasa mengganggu karena akan membahayakan pengguna ruang publik yang lain. Keberadaan freestyle park dapat digunakan sebagai ruang interaksi dan rekreasi warga kota, orang tua dapat menonton anaknya yang sedang bermain, warga kota dapat duduk di gazebo dan kursi untuk mengobrol dengan melihat sesuatu yang lain, yaitu olahraga freestyle. Dengan melihat kondisi permasalahan tersebut, dilakukan penelitian terhadap peluang pengembangan freestyle park di Pusat kota Solo. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi peluang pengembangan freestyle park di Pusat kota Solo. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan fenomenologis, dengan meneliti fenomena perkembangan olahraga skateboard, inlineskate, sepeda BMX dan parkour sebagai demand dan fenomena olahraga freestyle yang ada di kota Solo sebagai supply. Metode penelitian adalah kualitatif, yaitu dengan deskriptif dan komparatif. Metode kualitatif deskriptif digunakan untuk menjelaskan fenomena dan permasalahan, sedangkan komparatif dilakukan dengan studi literatur dan membandingkan kebutuhan freestyle park di kota Solo terhadap kota-kota lain. Hasil yang diharapkan adalah mengetahui peluang terhadap pengembangan arena olahraga freestyle di Pusat kota Solo. Berdasarkan analisis yang telah dilakukan diketahui bahwa banyak ruang terbuka publik di pusat kota Solo ini yang digunakan untuk arena permaianan freestyle sehingga menggangu aktifitas pengguna fasilitas publik yang lainnya.. Oleh karena itu, seiring berkembangnya olahraga freestyle di kota Solo pada beberapa tahun ke depan dirasa membutuhkan suatu arena public atau komersil yang dapat mengakomodasi olahraga-olahraga freestyle. Diharapkan dengan adanya arena olahraga tersebut dapat membentuk suatu sistem public freestyle park di kota Solo yang diharapkan dapat mengakomodasi olahraga skateboard, inlineskate, sepeda BMX dan parkour di seluruh penjuru kota Sol


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    ABSTRACT SISWANTO. The different Assertive Based on sex at SMK Mutiara Baru Bekasi. Script, „ Economics and Administration Department , Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, January 2015 Writing this script has purpose to get valid and reliable data or fact, to know more the different assertive between male and women at SMK Mutiara Baru Bekasi. This research during four months during September until December 2014. This research used survey method with Causal Comparative Approach and using primary data assertive. The sampling technique in this research using Proportional Random Sampling technique with 108 respondents inthe sample, 28 male students and 80 women students. The Research Method is survey method with causal comparative approach. Used this method because for get reliable data and correct to fact and actual from the resource. Assertives data using instrument likert scale. Data processing is done using Microsof Excel Program. Before that is has validity test and reliability test using Alpha Cronbach formula. Reliability result is o,968. Data analysis technicusing t-est. Data normality test by using lilifors formula, and data homogenity test with F-test. Data normality result for X 1 is variable is L count (Lo) = 0.1270, and Ltable (L ) for n = 28 in significant level 0,05 is 0,161, so L o (0,1270) t . The conclusion shown that research have the different assertive based on sex

    Population Ecology, Reproductive Behaviour And Feeding Habit Of Helopeltis Antonii Signoret On Cashew (Anacardium Occidentale L.) Plants

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    Helopeltis antonii Signoret (Hemiptera: Miridae) is well known as one of the important pest of the cashew plant, Anacardium occidentale L. Both the nymph and adult stages feed on young and succulent parts of the plant such as the young leaves, shoots, inflorescences and fruits causing death of those parts. This research was conducted with the objectives to establish age-specific life table, to investigate some biological aspects of H. antonii, to study the effect of damage caused by H. antonii on shoot, inflorescence and fruit, and also to study some ecological aspects related to H. antonii population in the field. The studies were conducted in pesticide-free cashew plantation belonging to smallholders and also in the laboratory of Estate Service of Wonogiri Regency in Ngadirojo district, Wonogiri, Central Java, Indonesia from March 2004 to May 2006. The life table of H. antonii revealed a high hatchability but a bulk mortality occurred at early nymphal stages and relatively fewer death during the adult stage. The contribution of the female towards female births (mx) was at its maximum on the 16th day of oviposition.The population parameters of H. antonii fed cashew showed that the intrinsic rate of natural increase (rm) was 0.092/female/day, the net reproductive rate (Ro) was 12.84, the capacity for increase (rc) was 0.090, the finate rate for increase ( λ ) was 1.097 female/day, and mean generation time (T) was 27.70 days with the population doubling (DT) every 7.52 days. Biological studies revealed that H. antonii feeding lesions developed faster on inflorescence and shoot compared to fruits. The lesions on shoot and inflorescence produced depressed and wrinkled surface which then dried up within four days. Meanwhile it caused depression on apple and flattened the surface on nut. Feeding preference with no choice experiment suggested that H. antonii preferred to feed on shoot and young fruits rather than the inflorescence and older fruits. Results in the choice experiment suggested that H. antonii preferred to feed on shoot compared to inflorescence and fruits. The female preferred to oviposit on inflorescence compared to shoot and fruit. The premating period for both male and female H. antonii was one day. Sex ratio of females to males did not influence the number of eggs laid. However, overcrowded males seemed to influence female longevity. The frequency of matings did not influence the number of eggs laid and the hatchability, eventhough, females which mated more than once tended to lay more eggs. Damage assessment study revealed that the percentage of shoot, inflorescence and fruit death increased with the number of lesions. Apart from the number of lesions, position of lesions and stage (age of part attacked) also affected damage intensity, particularly on inflorescence and fruits. Small or young fruits were not able to tolerate heavy damage by H. antonii, whereas older fruits were relatively not affected by the damage. Field experiments indicated that cashew fruit particularly small and medium sized were more susceptible to H. antonii feeding lesions compared to inflorescences. The infestation of H. antonii was linked to the phenology of the cashew plants. Higher percentage of inflorescence death occurred in the second phase of flowering season, meanwhile higher percentage of fruit death occurred in the third flowering season. Studies on the population fluctuation and dispersion of H. antonii in cashew plantation indicated that the fluctuation in the population of H. antonii was cyclical with the population peaking around July when cashew shoots and inflorescences were abundant. The population began to increase just after the rainfall season stopped and reached the peak three months later when rainfall was intermittent low. Number of shoots and inflorescences of cashew plants had significant influence on the number of H. antonii. The trend of population abundance was not directly associated with the rainfall, but rainfall influenced the physiology of the cashew plant to produced flushes/shoots and inflorescences. Distribution analysis using various indices of dispersion and regression models indicated an aggregated distribution when the population was high during flushing-flowering season of cashew plants and a regular or random distribution when the population was low during post-flowering season


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    The objective of this case study was to learn the policyprocess of the Gerbangmas movement in Lumajang districtas an innovation within decentralized system. Using qualitativeapproach, data was collected by in-depth interview of keyinformants and review of documents, then analyzedthematically. The study has revealed that the policy change ofGerbangmas initiative is not a radical but incremental processwhich takes around five years period. It started from“conventional Posyandus” to be “Balai Posyandu Mandiri”,then revived by the Bupati into Gerbangmas movement. Healthsector has successfully advocated the Bupati to create acommon vehicle for all sectors. The study has identified thatthe essences of Gerbangmas movement were (i) neutralvehicle, (ii) shared goals, (iii) all sectors could be passengers,(iv) strong power of the referee, (v) government financialstimulants, (vi) self management by community, and (vii) neutralcadres as the implementer (PKK). Gerbangmas movementhas encouraged multi sectors to set programs for communityempowerment. The study recommended that in conductingcommunity empowerment for addressing social determinantsof health, it is of importance to set a neutral vehicle that canaccommodate multi sectors’ interests.Keywords: community empowerment, Posyandu,Gerbangmas, inter-sectoral action, social determinants ofhealt

    Pola Asuh Pesantren Al-Mafaza Berbasis Kesejahteraan Sosial Anak di Banguntapan Bantul Yogyakarta

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    Pondok Pesantren Al-Mafaza adalah satu dari sekian pondok pesantren yang memberikan pelayanan sosial secara gratis kepada para santri, mulai dari tempat tinggal, pangan, pendidikan, perlindungan, kesejahteraan, dan kesehatan kepada santri. Tujuan penelitian ini ingin menjelaskan tentang standart pola asuh yang diterapkan pondok pesantren Al-Mafaza. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Adapun metode pengumpulan data dengan wawancara dan observasi dengan melibatkan diri secara aktif dalam berbagai kegiatan di pondok pesantren Al-Mafaza. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pola asuh santri di Pondok Pesantren Al-Mafaza dilakukan peran pengasuh dalam mendidik dan mengarahkan santri agar menjadi pribadi yang baik dan berkarakter. Pola asuh yang diterapkan terhadap santri mendapatkan kesejahteraan sosial, perlindungan dan lingkungan yang sesuai dengan standar nasional pengasuhan anak berbasis lembaga kesejahteraan sosial anak (LKSA)

    PARADIGMA PENDIDIKAN TERPADU; Strategi Penguatan Pendidikan Agama di Sekolah

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    AbstractThe dichotomy of religious science and general science has become serious problem that haunts the education system among Muslims.  It implies the development of religious education that seperates the life and after-life matters. One of the sollutions is by placing the unification of the epistimology and theory of educational system into a system. This is to find out the synthesis of educational system by stressing the balance aspect and must be developed thriugh the use of human natura pillars that is covered by religious teaching. The focus of the target would be on integrative and multi-dimensional aspects of students---cognitice, psychomotoric, and affective. It means that an integrative education is not only a matter of one way educational process but also the multi-dimensional education process. It goes around physical and psychological processes, intellectual, behavior, and social.  On the context of religious education systematic and organism models are built upon the components of cooperation, living togetehr, integratively. These models point certain objectives---the realization of religious life, and inspired with religious teaching and values. Kata-kata kunciPendidikan Terpadu, Pendidikan Agama, Sekola

    Loving The Domestic Product As A Manifestation Of State Defense In Global Era

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    Abstract – The background of this paper is the fact of social, economical, and political change of Indonesian in the Reform and global era. It Includes changes in the context of defending state which in the past it was understood only as a military activity. The defending of state nowadays has a broader meaning in economic, social, and cultural context. The defending of state in the context of economy is more commitment to consume national products than to consume foreign product. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to analyze the problems of defending the state in the economic context that involves people's habits of favoring foreign products, the impact of consumption patterns on selecting external products to foreign exchange reserves, and strategies that can be built to make people prefer national products. The method used in this paper is literature study that is studying references or previous studies related to this issue, and in-depth discussion with relevant sources. This has been done to confirm or improve an understanding the topic being written. The results of this studies are in the form of conclusions and recommendations to build the pattern of public consumption to prefer national products rather than foreign products.Keywords: state defense, national product, foreign produc


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    An eigenproblem of a matrix  is  where  and . Vector  and    are eigenvector and eigenvalue, respectively. General form of eigenvalue problem is  with , . Interval maks-plus algebra is  and  equipped with a maximum (  and plus   operations. The set of  matrices which its component elements of  is called matrices over interval max-plus algebra and denoted by . Let , eigenproblem in interval max-plus algebra is  with  and . Vector  and  are eigenvector and eigenvalue, respectively. In this research, we will discuss the generalization of the eigenproblem in interval max-plus algebra. Especially about the existence of solution of generalized eigenproblem in interval max-plus algebra. Keywords: interval max-plus algebra, generalized eigenproblem, the existence of the solution