202 research outputs found

    Theories and practices in social work: practitioners' representations of contract work

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    Elmélet és gyakorlat: Mit számítanak a szavak?

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    A szociális munka elmélete és gyakorlata közötti kapcsolat mindig is sokat vitatott kérdés volt. A közelmúltban számos szerző kiemelte, milyen fontos szerepet játszik a nyelv az ismeretek gyakorlati felhasználása során. A tanulmány a nyelv szempontjából tárgyalja ezt a kérdést, amely a tudásszociológia úgynevezett „erős programjához” és Wittgenstein kései munkáihoz kötődik. Ebből a nézőpontból a kategóriák és fogalmak jelentése összefügg azzal, ahogy az egyes szereplők használják azokat egy adott környezetben, szüntelen egyezkedés eredményeként. A jelentések drasztikusan változhatnak a különböző társadalmi csoportokban, amelyeket más-más érdekek mozgatnak, és eltérő kultúrák befolyásolnak. Ennek megfelelően az elmélet és a gyakorlat kérdését a szakmai közösség különböző szegmensei közötti nyelvi játéknak tekinthetjük, amelyet a hatalmi viszonyok befolyásolnak. Ebből a szempontból a lényeg az, hogy megvizsgáljuk, hogyan függ össze az elméleti nyelv a szakemberek szélesebb értelmezési kereteivel, És hogyan alakul át, miközben a szavak segìtségével értelmet adunk tapasztalatainknak

    Verslumas socialiniame darbe – profesijos bruožas ar iššūkis?

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    The competence of a social worker traditionally presupposes certain instrumental capacities – to identify needs, organize help and assess outcomes. The creative nature of the profession is often undermined. The article explores the possibility of reconciling two different competencies: the one of an entrepreneur and the other of a social worker. The authors aim to compare the values and skills required in both professional fields and, through an example of the intensive course, to offer one of educational models of the developing entrepreneurial competence.Firstly, the concept of entrepreneurship is discussed underlining the similarities between the activities in two fields: social work and entrepreneurship. It is argued that the so-called “entrepreneurial mindset” is inherently part of social work professional activities. Openness to change, capacity to identify new opportunities, take risks, tolerate failure, etc. are the main elements of entrepreneurial competence. Along with this, a person’s ability to communicate and cooperate with others, to create networks, to inspire people for a change are also components of the entrepreneurial spirit which reveals the social aspect of entrepreneurship. However, the aim of social work – to help people to overcome disrupted relations among them and their environment – requires from social workers the same capacities as those mentioned above.In the second part of the article, the authors discuss the educational preconditions for social workers’ entrepreneurial competence. The discussion is based on the description of the intensive (10 days) international courses for social work students. The aim of the courses was to create a learning environment for the development of entrepreneurial competencies. The aim of the qualitative research (participative observation) was to assess the relevance of the learning environment for their development. Three main outcomes were expected: the openness to change, ability to identify new opportunities, communication and cooperation skills. The educational paradigm appropriate for the development of these competencies was based on three aspects: solution of a real social work problem, presented by a practice institution, cooperation in an international group, and students’ leading role in the learning process. The evaluation of the courses, which was based mostly on the students’ self-reflection, revealed that most students identified in themselves the development of entrepreneurial competencies and that the learning model was favourable for developing them. The authors argue that it is necessary to include the education of entrepreneurial values and skills into social work programs as well as to articulate the abilities that are already in. The awareness of the creative nature of the profession might help upgrade its status in the country as well as to redeem the professional dignity of social workers.Docentė socialinių mokslų(edukologija) daktarėVilniaus universiteto Socialinio darbo katedraUniversiteto g. 9/1, LT-01513 VilniusTel. (85) 266 76 10El. paštas: [email protected]ė socialinių mokslų(socialinis darbas) daktarėFree university of Bozen-Bolzano (Italija)Regensburger Allee 16 - viale Ratisbona, 1639042 Brixen-BressanoneEl. paštas: [email protected] norima aptarti verslumo kompetencijos svarbą socialiniame darbe ir apibūdinti vieną iš galimų jos plėtotės būdų. Teigiama, kad atvirumas pokyčiams, palankių galimybių identifikavi­mas ir kiti verslumo kompetencijos elementai yra būdingi ir socialinio darbuotojo profesinei veiklai. Pateikiama tarptautinių intensyvių socialinio darbo kursų proceso ir rezultatų apžvalga. Aprašo­mame didaktiniame modelyje ryškėja trys aspektai: realios praktinės problemos sprendimas, ben­dradarbiavimas studentų grupėje ir vadovaujantis studentų vaidmuo mokymosi procese

    The SOD2 C47T polymorphism influences NAFLD fibrosis severity: evidence from case-control and intra-familial allele association studies.

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    AIMS: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a complex disease trait where genetic variations and environment interact to determine disease progression. The association of PNPLA3 with advanced disease has been consistently demonstrated but many other modifier genes remain unidentified. In NAFLD, increased fatty acid oxidation produces high levels of reactive oxygen species. Manganese-dependent superoxide dismutase (MnSOD), encoded by the SOD2 gene, plays an important role in protecting cells from oxidative stress. A common non-synonymous polymorphism in SOD2 (C47T; rs4880) is associated with decreased MnSOD mitochondrial targeting and activity making it a good candidate modifier of NAFLD severity. METHODS: The relevance of the SOD2 C47T polymorphism to fibrotic NAFLD was assessed by two complementary approaches: we sought preferential transmission of alleles from parents to affected children in 71 family trios and adopted a case-control approach to compare genotype frequencies in a cohort of 502 European NAFLD patients. RESULTS: In the family study, 55 families were informative. The T allele was transmitted on 47/76 (62%) possible occasions whereas the C allele was transmitted on only 29/76 (38%) occasions, p=0.038. In the case control study, the presence of advanced fibrosis (stage>1) increased with the number of T alleles, p=0.008 for trend. Multivariate analysis showed susceptibility to advanced fibrotic disease was determined by SOD2 genotype (OR 1.56 (95% CI 1.09-2.25), p=0.014), PNPLA3 genotype (p=0.041), type 2 diabetes mellitus (p=0.009) and histological severity of NASH (p=2.0×10(-16)). CONCLUSIONS: Carriage of the SOD2 C47T polymorphism is associated with more advanced fibrosis in NASH

    Cardiovascular involvement after liver transplantation: role of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and non-alcoholic steatohepatitis

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    Patients submitted to liver transplantation (LT) are exposed to high risk of cardiovascular (CV) complications which are the main determinants of both short-term and long-term morbidity and mortality in LT. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) is a very frequent condition in general population and is associated with a high risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) which represents the first cause of death of these patients. NAFLD is predicted to become the first indication to LT and nowadays is also frequently detected in patients submitted to LT for other indications. Thus, the risk of CVD in patients submitted to LT is forecasted to increase in the next years. In this review the extent of CV involvement in patients submitted to LT and the role of NAFLD, either recurring after transplantation or as de novo presentation, in increasing CV risk is analysed. The risk of developing metabolic alterations, including diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia and weight gain, all manifestations of metabolic syndrome, occurring in the first months after LT, is depicted. The different presentations of cardiac involvement, represented by early atherosclerosis, coronary artery disease, heart failure and arrhythmias in patients with NAFLD submitted to LT is described. In addition, the tools to detect cardiac alterations either before or after LT is reported providing the possibility for an early diagnosis of CVD and an early therapy able to reduce morbidity and mortality for these diseases. The need for long-term concerted multidisciplinary activity with dietary counseling and exercise combined with drug treatment of all manifestations of metabolic syndrome is emphasized

    food quality effects on health and sustainability today a model case report

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    AbstractThe Fondazione IRCCS Ca' Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico is a five-century institution that, besides the unique clinical role in the center of Milan, may rely on benefactor donations such as fields and farming houses not far from the city, for a total of 8500 ha, all managed by the "Sviluppo Ca' Granda' Foundation". Presently, the main products of these fields are represented by rice and cow's milk. During the latest years, farmers and managers have developed a model of sustainable food production, with great attention to the product quality based on compositional analysis and functional nutritional characteristics. This experience represents a new holistic model of food production and consumption, taking great care of both sustainability and health