661 research outputs found

    Effects of formative and production pruning on fig growth, phenology, and production

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    Tree pruning influences the phenology of fruit species. The present study aimed to evaluate the growth and phenology of the fig cultivar ‘Roxo de Valinhos’ subjected to formative and production pruning in the semi-arid region of Piauí. A phenological analysis was performed after formative pruning in 27 fig plants based on the following periods: from formative pruning to the beginning of sprouting, at the beginning of harvest and at its end, and during harvest. Additionally, the variables of branch length, branch diameter, number of leaves, nodes, shoots, inflorescences, and secondary branches were also evaluated. The production pruning treatments (10, 20, and 30 cm) had nine replications each. The Generalized Linear Mixed Model used assumed as fixed factors the branch sizes at pruning (10, 20, and 30 cm), time after pruning (30, 60, 90, and 120 days), and the interaction between factors. The results revealed that figs were well adapted to the semi-arid region of Piauí and showed precocity at all phenological stages compared to those grown in temperate regions. With regard to production pruning, branch size as a function of time did not influence fig development. Highlights: There was a reduction in the productive cycle of fig trees cultivated in semiarid regions. The pruning intensity did not influence the phenology of the plants. Pruning management should always be considered for a better adaptation of the fig tree in the semiarid region of Piauí.Tree pruning influences the phenology of fruit species. The present study aimed to evaluate the growth and phenology of the fig cultivar ‘Roxo de Valinhos’ subjected to formative and production pruning in the semi-arid region of Piauí. A phenological analysis was performed after formative pruning in 27 fig plants based on the following periods: from formative pruning to the beginning of sprouting, at the beginning of harvest and at its end, and during harvest. Additionally, the variables of branch length, branch diameter, number of leaves, nodes, shoots, inflorescences, and secondary branches were also evaluated. The production pruning treatments (10, 20, and 30 cm) had nine replications each. The Generalized Linear Mixed Model used assumed as fixed factors the branch sizes at pruning (10, 20, and 30 cm), time after pruning (30, 60, 90, and 120 days), and the interaction between factors. The results revealed that figs were well adapted to the semi-arid region of Piauí and showed precocity at all phenological stages compared to those grown in temperate regions. With regard to production pruning, branch size as a function of time did not influence fig development. Highlights: There was a reduction in the productive cycle of fig trees cultivated in semiarid regions. The pruning intensity did not influence the phenology of the plants. Pruning management should always be considered for a better adaptation of the fig tree in the semiarid region of Piauí

    Desarrollo de la mancha foliar por Bipolaris maydis (teleomorfo: Cochliobolus heterostrophus) en maíz dulce, en función de nitrógeno, potasio y silicio en invernadero

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    This work aimed to evaluate the development of the southern corn leaf blight caused by Bipolaris maydis, a common disease in sweet corn, depending on the dose and the accumulated nitrogen, potassium, and silicon, under greenhouse conditions. The treatments consisted of five doses of nitrogen (0, 200, 400, 800, and 1,200 kg/ha), application or not of potassium (240 kg/ha), and application or not of silicon (380 kg/ha). A completely randomized design with factorial arrangement 5 x 2 x 2 and three repetitions was used. All the treatments were inoculated on day 30 with a suspension of 2 x 105 conidia by mL of B. maydis. On day 42, the accumulated N, K, and Si were measured, as well as the infection percentage and the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC). The treatments that received fertilization with Si and K showed higher accumulation of N, K and Si, and lower levels of disease intensity and AUDPC. The accumulated N, K, and Si exhibited variations compared to the fertilization interactions of K with N, and Si with N; however, the levels of the disease variables were lower in the fertilization with K or Si, combined with the doses of 0, 200 and 400 kg/ha of N.El objetivo del trabajo fue evaluar el desarrollo de la mancha foliar causada por Bipolaris maydis, enfermedad común e          n maíz dulce, según la dosis y el acumulado de nitrógeno, potasio y silicio, en condiciones de invernadero. Los tratamientos consistieron en cinco dosis de nitrógeno (N) (0, 200, 400, 800 y 1.200 kg/ha), aplicación o no de potasio (K) (240 kg/ha) y aplicación o no de silicio (Si) (380 kg/ha). Se empleó un diseño experimental completamente aleatorizado con esquema factorial 5 x 2 x 2 y tres repeticiones. Se inocularon todos los tratamientos a los 30 días con una suspensión de 2 x 105 conidios por mL de B. maydis. A los 42 días se midió la acumulación de N, K y Si, así como el porcentaje de infección y el área bajo la curva de progreso de la enfermedad (ABCPE). Los tratamientos que recibieron fertilización con Si y K presentaron mayores acumulados de N, K y Si, y niveles más bajos de intensidad de ataque y ABCPE. Los acumulados de N, K y Si presentaron variaciones frente a las interacciones de la fertilización de K con N, y de Si con N; sin embargo, los niveles de las variables de la enfermedad fueron menores en la fertilización con K o Si, combinadas con las dosis de 0, 200 y 400 kg/ha de N

    Effect of two sources of zinc on the physiological quality of seed and nutrition of rice (Oriza sativa) seedlings

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    Rice seeds coating with microparticulate zinc oxide can maximize the absorption of this micronutrient by the seedling and favor seeds vigor when compared with zinc sulfate. This work aimed to evaluate the sources and doses of zinc in seed quality and in the nutrition of rice seedlings. The experiment consisted of a completely randomized design with four replications, five doses of zinc in the form of oxide (0; 20; 40, 80 and 160 g kg-1), and a control treatment of zinc in the form of sulfate (40 g kg-1). The following parameters were evaluated: germination, accelerated aging, seedlings emergence, emergence speed index, cold test, dry matter, and zinc concentration in the root and shoot of the seedlings. Seed coating with zinc, regardless of the source, improved seed physiological quality and seedling nutrition of the rice cultivar. Zinc sources did not change the germination; however, the oxide form provided better seed vigor, except for the highest dose (160 g kg-1). The increase in the dose of zinc oxide increased the concentration of this nutrient in rice seedlings dry matter. Zinc coating of rice seeds in the form of microparticulate, depending on the dose, can maximize the seeds vigor and increase the concentration of this micronutrient in the seedlings when compared with zinc sulfate, which is the traditional source used by producers. Highlights Zinc (Zn) coating does not affect germination, but influences the vigor of rice seeds. The Zn sources affect the Zn concentration in the shoot dry matter. Both ZnO and ZnSO 4 showed higher shoot dry matter, when compared with the absence of Zn in rice seeds. Oxide zinc (ZnO) promotes greater root dry matter of rice when compared with zinc sulfate (ZnSO 4 ).Rice seeds coating with microparticulate zinc oxide can maximize the absorption of this micronutrient by the seedling and favor seeds vigor when compared with zinc sulfate. This work aimed to evaluate the sources and doses of zinc in seed quality and in the nutrition of rice seedlings. The experiment consisted of a completely randomized design with four replications, five doses of zinc in the form of oxide (0; 20; 40, 80 and 160 g kg-1), and a control treatment of zinc in the form of sulfate (40 g kg-1). The following parameters were evaluated: germination, accelerated aging, seedlings emergence, emergence speed index, cold test, dry matter, and zinc concentration in the root and shoot of the seedlings. Seed coating with zinc, regardless of the source, improved seed physiological quality and seedling nutrition of the rice cultivar. Zinc sources did not change the germination; however, the oxide form provided better seed vigor, except for the highest dose (160 g kg-1). The increase in the dose of zinc oxide increased the concentration of this nutrient in rice seedlings dry matter. Zinc coating of rice seeds in the form of microparticulate, depending on the dose, can maximize the seeds vigor and increase the concentration of this micronutrient in the seedlings when compared with zinc sulfate, which is the traditional source used by producers. Highlights Zinc (Zn) coating does not affect germination, but influences the vigor of rice seeds. The Zn sources affect the Zn concentration in the shoot dry matter. Both ZnO and ZnSO 4 showed higher shoot dry matter, when compared with the absence of Zn in rice seeds. Oxide zinc (ZnO) promotes greater root dry matter of rice when compared with zinc sulfate (ZnSO 4 )

    Tratamento conservador em ceratocístico odontogênico utilizando um dispositivo intra-ósseo: relato de caso

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    The odontogenic keratocyst (OK) classified by the World Health Organization (WHO) as a benign developmental cyst, stands out among other odontogenic lesions because of its potentially aggressive biological behavior, prone to recurrence. This work aims to report a case of OK in the mandible, as well as discuss aspects related to the radiographic findings and ways of treatment. Male patient, white skinned, had shown a circumscribed, radiolucid lesion with a hardened consistency, six months old, measuring approximately 1 centimeter wide on the posterior left mandible region. Under the clinical hypothesis of odontogenic developmental cyst, an incisional biopsy was successfully made. Based on the definitive diagnosis of OK after the histopathological exam, the removal of the affected teeth was then realized, as well as the implementation of an intraosseous device so the decompression of the OK could happen. After six months a partial regression of the lesion was observed, the intraosseous device was then removed and the remaining lesion was removed through a peripherical osteotomy. After a year of proservation, no recurrence of the OK was observed to this moment. The present case findings stress the importance of a clinical and radiographic diagnosis, as well as the right surgical treatment, praising the importance of a thorough clinical exam of the oral cavity.O ceratocisto odontogênico (CO) classificado pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) como uma lesão cística de desenvolvimento benigna, se destaca entre as demais lesões odontogênicas em virtude do comportamento biológico potencialmente agressivo, com tendência a recorrências. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo, relatar um caso CO em mandíbula, bem como discutir aspectos relacionados aos achados radiográficos e tipos de tratamentos dessa lesão. Paciente do sexo masculino, leucoderma, exibia uma lesão radiolúcida circunscrita, e consistência endurecida, com duração de seis meses, medindo aproximadamente 1cm de extensão em região posterior de mandíbula esquerda. Sob a hipótese clínica de cisto odontogênico de desenvolvimento, foi realizada biópsia incisional. Com base no diagnóstico definitivo de CO após realização do exame histopalógico, foi realizada a remoção das unidades dentárias acometidas e colocado um dispositivo intraósseo para que houvesse a descompressão do CO. Após seis meses foi observada a regressão parcial da lesão, e o dispositivo ósseo foi retirado e o remanescente da lesão removida realizando osteotomia periférica. Após um ano de proservação não foi observada recidiva do CO até o presente momento. Os achados do presente caso ressaltam a importância do diagnóstico clínico e radiográfico, assim como o correto tratamento cirúrgico, enaltecendo a importância de um exame clínico minucioso da cavidade oral

    Calcium fertilization strategy on mango physiological characteristics and yield

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    Calcium (Ca) is a nutrient responsible for maintaining plant quality and fruit yield. The production of new Ca sources, such as micronized (CaM) and complexed Ca (CaC), and their supplementation provide a better yield in mango cultivation. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of Ca sources (micronized and complexed with Ascophyllum nodosum) and application methods on mango cultivation, in semi-arid Brazil. The experimental design was randomized blocks, in a 6 x 6 factorial scheme. The Ca supplementation strategies (control; 1 L ha-1 of CaM; 2 L ha-1of CaM; 2 L ha-1 of CaC with A. nodosum extract; 2 L ha-1 of CaC with A. nodosum extract + application of 2.5 L ha-1 via CaC fertigation; and 2.5 L ha-1 via CaC fertigation) were evaluated on six dates regarding nutritional aspects. For biochemical and production aspects, the six supplementation strategies with Ca were evaluated. The Ca concentration in leaves and fruits significantly affected the interaction among the factors. The fertilization strategy with 2.5 L ha-1 of complexed calcium via fertigation was fundamental to provide increases in the nitrogen and Ca concentration of the fruits from 65 days after full flowering, and had positive effects on fruiting and production of mangoes cv. Kent

    A química na educação inclusiva e seus desafios na escola do campo no município de Igarapé Miri

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    This article aims to build didactic resources in order to contribute to the teaching and learning process of deaf students, in order to help them in chemistry classes at a regular school in the municipality of Igarapé Miri. Thus, the research was carried out from August 2018 to July 2019, with bibliographic research for theoretical foundations and qualitative analysis of the participant type, in which, at first, the quantitative survey of deaf students in 12 schools in the municipality of Igarapé Miri. In the second moment, there was the application of questionnaires, development of teaching materials, experimental activities and recreational games. The results show usefulness in the learning process, even in the face of social factors found during the research equivalent to challenges faced in rural schools, such as the increase in the dropout rate of deaf students in rural and urban schools; lack of accessibility, caregiver, medical report; and even support from the Pedagogical Department of the Municipal Department of Education. The development of pedagogical resources, together with the scientific signs of the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), provided moments of affection and greater understanding of scientific content in the classroom. Thus, the interviewees' speeches, with regard to the practices presented, reported that the activities carried out significantly helped and improved the students'understanding of the subject of chemistry, providing the inclusion of students with disabilities in the school environment.Este artículo tiene como objetivo construir recursos didácticos con el fin de contribuir al proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje de los estudiantes sordos, con el fin de ayudarlos en las clases de química en una escuela regular en el municipio de Igarapé Miri. Así, la investigación se llevó a cabo de agosto de 2018 a julio de 2019, con investigación bibliográfica para fundamentos teóricos y análisis cualitativo de tipo participante, en el que, en un primer momento, se realizó la encuesta cuantitativa de estudiantes sordos en 12 escuelas del municipio de Igarapé Miri. En el segundo momento, se realizó la aplicación de cuestionarios, desarrollo de materiales didácticos, actividades experimentales y juegos recreativos. Los resultados muestran utilidad en el proceso de aprendizaje, incluso frente a factores sociales encontrados durante la investigación equivalentes a desafíos enfrentados en escuelas rurales, como el aumento de la tasa de deserción de estudiantes sordos en escuelas rurales y urbanas; falta de accesibilidad, cuidador, informe médico; e incluso el apoyo del Departamento Pedagógico de la Secretaría Municipal de Educación. El desarrollo de recursos pedagógicos, junto con los signos científicos de la Lengua de Signos Brasileña (Libras), proporcionó momentos de afecto y mayor comprensión de los contenidos científicos en el aula. Así, los discursos de los entrevistados, con relación a las prácticas presentadas, relataron que las actividades realizadas ayudaron y mejoraron significativamente la comprensión de los estudiantes sobre la materia de química, propiciando la inclusión de los estudiantes con discapacidad en el ámbito escolar.O presente trabalho busca analisar, debater e traçar metodologias que visam contribuir para o processo de ensino e aprendizagem em sala de aula. Dessa forma, a pesquisa foi realizada nos meses de agosto de 2018 a julho de 2019, com análises qualitativas e pesquisa-ação, em que, no primeiro momento, foi realizado o levantamento do quantitativo de alunos surdos em 12 escolas do município de Igarapé Miri, pesquisas bibliográficas para a fundamentação teórica, aplicação de questionários, elaboração de materiais pedagógicos, atividades experimentais e jogo lúdico. Através dos resultados obtidos, foi identificado o aumento do índice de evasão escolar de alunos surdos nas escolas do campo e da cidade, devido à falta de acessibilidade, cuidador, laudo médico ou até mesmo do apoio do Departamento Pedagógico da Secretaria Municipal de Educação. A elaboração de recursos pedagógicos juntamente com os sinais científicos da Língua Brasileira de Sinais (LIBRAS) proporcionou momentos de afetividade e maior compreensão dos conteúdos científicos em sala de aula. Desta forma, as falas dos entrevistados, no que diz respeito às práticas apresentadas, relataram que as atividades realizadas auxiliaram de forma significativa e melhoraram o entendimento dos alunos em relação à disciplina de química, proporcionando a inclusão dos alunos deficientes no meio escolar


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    The city of Sousa-PB, located in the upper backlands of Paraiba, has a canal built in 1982 with the purpose of carrying out the flow of rainwater and that cuts the city in all its extension from south to north. Over the years, the purpose has been distorted. The canal contributes with a large volume of effluent flow that flows directly into the Rio do Peixe. In this sense, the present work sought to perform an analysis, through the FMEA method, of the environmental impacts along the channel of the strait. Data collection occurred through photographic records and visual records of the situation found in the channel of the strait, being commented with the pertinent literature. The results showed that through the FMEA of the environmental impacts along the channel of the strait in the city of Sousa – PB, it was possible to detect sewage without treatment; improper disposal of solid waste; the lack of cleaning of the canal and infrastructure and the presence of many animals, domestic and non-domestic, that make use of this contaminated water. In this sense, there is the occurrence of environmental damage by contaminating water, soil and victimizing animal and plant species. In this aspect, the duty is of all, municipal management and society, in the search for fast and efficient results. There is an immediate need for awareness, both global and regional, regarding water use.La ciudad de Sousa-PB, ubicada en el alto interior de Paraíba, tiene un canal construido en 1982 con el propósito de llevar a cabo el flujo de agua de lluvia y que corta la ciudad en toda su extensión de sur a norte. A lo largo de los años, el propósito se ha distorsionado. El canal contribuye con un gran volumen de flujo de efluentes que desembocan directamente en el Rio do Peixe. En este sentido, el presente trabajo buscó realizar un análisis, a través del método FMEA, de los impactos ambientales a lo largo del canal del estrecho. La recolección de datos ocurrió a través de registros fotográficos y visuales de la situación encontrada en el canal del estrecho, siendo comentada con la literatura pertinente. Los resultados mostraron que a través del FMEA de los impactos ambientales a lo largo del canal del estrecho en la ciudad de Sousa – PB, fue posible detectar aguas residuales sin tratamiento; eliminación inadecuada de residuos sólidos; la falta de limpieza del canal y la infraestructura y la presencia de muchos animales, domésticos y no domésticos, que hacen uso de esta agua contaminada. En este sentido, existe la ocurrencia de daños ambientales por contaminación del agua, el suelo y victimización de especies animales y vegetales. En este aspecto, el deber es de todos, la gestión municipal y la sociedad, en la búsqueda de resultados rápidos y eficientes. Existe una necesidad inmediata de concienciación, tanto mundial como regional, sobre el uso del agua.  A cidade de Sousa-PB, localizada no alto sertão paraibano, possui um canal construído no ano de 1982 com o propósito de realizar o escoamento das águas pluviais e que corta a cidade em toda sua extensão de sul a norte. Com o passar dos anos, o propósito foi desvirtuado. O canal contribui com um grande volume de vazão de efluentes que deságua direto no Rio do Peixe. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho buscou realizar uma análise, por meio do método FMEA, dos impactos ambientais ao longo do canal do estreito. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de registros fotográficos e registros visuais da situação encontrada no canal do estreito, sendo comentado com a literatura pertinente. Os resultados mostraram que por meio do FMEA dos impactos ambientais ao longo do canal do estreito na cidade de Sousa – PB, foi possível detectar o esgoto sem tratamento; a disposição inadequada de resíduos sólidos; a falta de limpeza do canal e de infraestrutura e a presença de muitos animais, domésticos e não domésticos que fazem uso dessa água contaminada. Nesse sentido, verifica-se a ocorrência de danos ambientais ao contaminar a água, o solo e ao vitimar espécies de animais e vegetais. Nesse aspecto, o dever é de todos, gestão municipal e sociedade, na busca por resultados rápidos e eficientes. Existe a necessidade imediata de conscientização, tanto global como regional, em relação ao uso da água.  A cidade de Sousa-PB, localizada no alto sertão paraibano, possui um canal construído no ano de 1982 com o propósito de realizar o escoamento das águas pluviais e que corta a cidade em toda sua extensão de sul a norte. Com o passar dos anos, o propósito foi desvirtuado. O canal contribui com um grande volume de vazão de efluentes que deságua direto no Rio do Peixe. Nesse sentido, o presente trabalho buscou realizar uma análise, por meio do método FMEA, dos impactos ambientais ao longo do canal do estreito. A coleta de dados ocorreu por meio de registros fotográficos e registros visuais da situação encontrada no canal do estreito, sendo comentado com a literatura pertinente. Os resultados mostraram que por meio do FMEA dos impactos ambientais ao longo do canal do estreito na cidade de Sousa – PB, foi possível detectar o esgoto sem tratamento; a disposição inadequada de resíduos sólidos; a falta de limpeza do canal e de infraestrutura e a presença de muitos animais, domésticos e não domésticos que fazem uso dessa água contaminada. Nesse sentido, verifica-se a ocorrência de danos ambientais ao contaminar a água, o solo e ao vitimar espécies de animais e vegetais. Nesse aspecto, o dever é de todos, gestão municipal e sociedade, na busca por resultados rápidos e eficientes. Existe a necessidade imediata de conscientização, tanto global como regional, em relação ao uso da água.

    Building subsidies to identify signs of sexual abuse against children and adolescents

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    Sexual abuse against children and adolescents is considered a serious public health problem. Any contact or interaction with a minor that includes touching, any type of sex or caressing is characterized as violence and most of these abuses take place at home and are carried out by family members. This violence is underreported, mainly because it occurs in homes and one of the difficulties encountered by health professionals who deal with situations of violence is the lack of language and concepts that combine medical knowledge with that of other areas, such as social and legal. In view of this perspective, the study sought to create subsidies that could help health and administrative professionals of a Family Health Unit to identify suspicious signs of this type of violence against this public, reporting tools, in addition to the reception of victims and the family. To achieve this objective, a booklet was developed with information about the sexual violence that children and adolescents are susceptible, warning signs and how to act in the face of violence, in addition, an easily accessible online page was created, via QR CODE, containing the educational booklet, social networks of public agencies for the protection of children and adolescents and the contacts necessary to make complaints. Training was also carried out with all the health and administrative professionals of the unit. There were 1337 accesses to the QR CODE and the page, indicating propagation of the material. Data on the increase in reports of sexual violence have not yet been obtained

    The Indiscriminate use of Ritalin by Universities in the Health Area at the University of Gurupi – UNIRG

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    MPH methylphenidate, popularly known as Ritalin, was synthesized in 1954 in Switzerland and marketed in Brazil in 1998, belonging to the class of amphetamines. It acts in the CNS crossing the blood-brain barrier very easily. Used for cognitive improvement by college students. Its excessive consumption leads to dependence and possible side effects. The objective of this study was to analyze 91 university students who answered questionnaires on the theme. The collected data analyzed the incidence of Ritalin use among health academics at the University of Gurupi-UNIRG. After conducting the surveys, it was intended to understand the real reason that leads the student to the indiscriminate use of the drug and its possible consequences, to subsequently conduct guidance regarding the use without a prescription for academic purposes

    Compilação de dados referentes à Síndrome de Fabry – uma exposição de evidências / Fabry Syndrome data Compilation - an exposition of evidence

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    INTRODUÇÃO: O presente trabalho tem como objetivo resumir a etiopatogenia, a epidemiologia, a apresentação clínica, o diagnóstico, o tratamento e o prognóstico da Síndrome de Fabry (SF). Não existe conflito de interesses neste trabalho.METODOLOGIA: Foi feita uma revisão de literatura com busca no PubMed, LILACS e SciELO. Utilizou-se os descritores (“Fabry's disease”) pesquisados no MeSH e DeCS. Foram pesquisados artigos que configuraram metanálises e revisões sistemáticas, nos idiomas inglês, espanhol e português, publicados entre 2014 e 2020. Na busca encontrou-se 171 artigos que foram restringidos para um total de 8 artigos.DISCUSSÃO: A SF é conhecida como uma desordem do armazenamento lipídico. É um distúrbio raro recessivo ligado ao cromossomo X, que causa uma deficiência na atividade da enzima alfa-galactosidase e promove mais sintomas em homens do que em mulheres. Esse defeito provoca um acúmulo lisossômico progressivo da globotriaosilceramida nas células. O acúmulo de Gb3 e o de glicosfingolipídeos ocasiona lesões teciduais que afetam os sistemas cardiovascular, renal, gastrointestinal, cerebrovascular, neurológico, auditivo, ocular e cutâneo. Os homens são mais afetados comparados com mulheres heterozigóticas. Adiporfose e angioqueratoma, opacidade corneana, perda auditiva e dor abdominal. Além disso, apresentam anormalidades dismórficas leves típicas:  plenitude periorbitária, lóbulos proeminentes das orelhas, testa encravada, ângulo nasal pronunciado, cristas supraorbitais proeminentes, face mediana rasa, orelhas rotacionadas posteriormente e prognatismo. O diagnóstico inicia-se com o suspeito clínico com avaliação multidisciplinar, a maioria dos casos de SF é diagnosticada no contexto de investigação genética, sobretudo no gene GLA, na imagem por ressonância magnética ou na ecocardiografia transtorácica. O tratamento é baseado na administração da terapia de reposição enzimática e requer acompanhamento com equipe multidisciplinar.CONCLUSÃO: Apesar da SF ser uma síndrome rara algumas informações possibilitam melhora na qualidade de vida do paciente. Podendo assim, proporcionar medidas de prevenção adequadas a cada caso. Sendo que ainda, muitas das suas facetas não estão completamente compreendidas e o conhecimento para orientar políticas de saúde específicas ainda é limitado