3,397 research outputs found

    ENVIE Co-ordination action on indoor air quality and health effects; WP3 Final report – Characterisation of spaces and source

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    Human exposure to environmental pollutants occurs via various pathways. For many pollutants, especially the volatile ones, air exposure is the dominant pathway. Exposure via air occurs both outdoors and indoors, with diverse types of indoor spaces playing a role, e.g., home, workplace, and passenger cabins of means of transportation. In average people spend over 90% of their time indoors, that percentage being particularly high for some specific groups as new-born, elderly, disabled or sick people. The global exposure to air contaminants is therefore drastically determined by indoor conditions. It is now well established that indoor air pollution contributes significantly to the global burden of disease of the population. For a majority of indoor air contaminants, particularly in the presence of common indoor sources, however, indoor concentrations usually exceed outdoor concentrations, for some pollutants even with an indoor/outdoor ratio of 10 or 20. Emissions are identified, accordingly to the EnVIE approach and grouped into four categories: building materials and related sources, including dampness and moulds; ventilation, natural and mechanical, including, or not, heating, cooling and humidification/ dehumidification; consumer products, furnishing, cleaning and household products; and occupant activities. Emission of chemical substances from construction materials and products in buildings to the indoor air have been reported and reviewed for a wide range of substances, including those formed during secondary reactions, causing complaints of irritation and odour. During the last two decades there has been increasing advances in construction technology that have caused a much greater use of synthetic building materials. Whilst these improvements have led to more comfortable buildings, they also provide indoor environments with contaminants in higher concentrations than are found outside. Wood and cork are now frequently used as a building product for floor coverings, because the material is often regarded as “natural” and “healthy”. However, industrial products, even based on natural raw materials, may contain a number of artificial ingredients and the chemical emissions will strongly depend on the type of additives and the manufacturing process. Modern interior paints are usually based on a polymeric binder. In order to fulfil requirements on e.g., durability, paint contains various functional chemicals. Water-borne paints usually also contains small amounts of approved biocides. Polymeric binders with a very low content of residual monomers have been developed for paint. Besides the release of substances to the indoor air due to primary emission, damp building materials may give rise to volatile substances formed during secondary reactions. Semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) are now receiving much more attention than heretofore. The HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) systems as providers, among others, of services of cleaning and dilution of pollutants in the indoor air are also recognized as potential pollution sources. Several studies have shown that the prevalence of SBS symptoms is often higher in air conditioned buildings than in buildings with natural ventilation. 8 The outdoor air introduced indoors through either ventilation systems or natural means is also an important and not always controllable source for the intake of some outdoor pollutants. Outdoor air used for ventilation may also be source of pollution containing particulate matter, particulates of biological origin (microorganisms, pollen, etc.) and various gases like NOx and O building structures which is a driving force for the airflows which will transport to indoors water vapour and gaseous or particulate contaminants. Volatile organic compounds are emitted from a wide variety of household and consumer products with emission rates that are strongly dependent on the type of application and are distributed over several orders of magnitude. A number of product classes are identified and information on ingredients and available data on emissions from individual products are presented. Human activities and the associated use of products encompass a wide range of indoor sources involving release of inorganic gases, particles and organic compounds as a consequence of the activity. For some releases such as with air fresheners the release is a necessary part of the activity to achieve the intended effect whereas for others, such as the release of combustion fumes from a gas appliance, the purpose of the action (in this case generation of heat) is different from the emission. Combustion processes are an important source of a range of air pollutants as carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulphur dioxide, particulates and associated inorganic and organic chemicals, organic vapours e.g. formaldehyde, acetaldehyde, and benzene. Sources of these are present in both ambient and indoor environments. The concentrations present in the ambient air provide a baseline for the level of pollutant found indoors as this air enters indoors by processes of infiltration and ventilation. However, the concentration indoors will be modified by processes of sorption to surfaces and chemical reaction depending on the chemical and physical properties of the pollutant and internal surfaces. People themselves are a source of emissions of chemicals and gases, notably CO range of organic compounds that are referred to as body odours. The removal of such body odours is a prime objective of ventilation in order to achieve a satisfactory indoor environment. WP3 aims at to characterize spaces and sources in order to understand where and how to act to guarantee good IAQ. From the two strategies for good IAQ, source control and ventilation, the precautionary principle suggests that first priority shall be given to source control, avoiding, mitigating or simply managing sources of emissions. An overview of all policies on IAQ or related to IAQ, existing or in preparation, directly related to indoor air sources, but also covering outdoor air and industrial emissions, which could affect indirectly IAQ is made. Considering the presented it could be concluded that IAQ is yet poorly regulated at EU level, and in view of that some recommendations are made. The recommendations on policies have taken into account the existing related to IAQ policies such as new EU policies on chemicals (REACH; 2006/121/EC), consumer products (GPSD; 2001/95/EC), construction products (CPD; 89/106/EC) and energy performance of buildings (EPBD; 2002/91/EC) all refer to IAQ issues - suggesting that they could, and probably should, contribute to IAQ policy development and advocate an integrative and comprehensive policy approach centred

    Jogos e brincadeiras no ensino de matemática dos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental

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    Working with games and playing in the teaching of mathematics in the early years can break with the negative image of mathematics as a very difficult and traumatic subject for many students. This research investigated how games and playing can contribute to students' learning in mathematics classes in the early years of elementary school. Therefore, a qualitative research was developed in which the work was developed with children from the first to the fifth year of the Municipal School Antônio Ferreira Martins, located in the city of Maripá de Minas. A public school that cares about student learning and, therefore, invests heavily in active methodologies. The work was developed in the School's Full Time Project, where I worked as a math monitor for three years. Data analysis showed that the work had a new way of contextualizing mathematics for the students, streamlining the classes and facilitating the teaching-learning process, as well as the interaction between teacher and student. It also presented important results, starting with the motivation and involvement of the students during the classes, making the class more participatory in which the children dialogue and allow them to learn the concepts in a very pleasant way, thus achieving the objective of participation in the classes. and the dialogue between teacher and student. Finally, the children were able to learn by playing with all the games and games that, if well designed and planned for use, can be of great learning for the children.Trabalhar como jogos e brincadeiras no ensino de matemática dos anos iniciais pode romper com a imagem negativa da matemática ser uma disciplina muito difícil e traumática para muitos alunos. Esta pesquisa investigou como jogos e brincadeiras podem contribuir com as aprendizagens dos alunos nas aulas de matemática nos anos iniciais do ensino fundamental. Para tanto, foi desenvolvida uma pesquisa qualitativa em que analisou o trabalho foi desenvolvido com crianças do primeiro ao quinto ano da Escola Municipal Antônio Ferreira Martins, localizada na cidade de Maripá de Minas. Uma escola pública que se preocupa com o aprendizado dos alunos e, por isso, investe fortemente em metodologias ativas. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no Projeto de Tempo Integral da escola, onde trabalhei como monitora de matemática ao longo de três anos. A análise dos dados evidenciou que o trabalho teve uma nova forma de contextualizar a matemática para os estudantes, dinamizando as aulas e facilitando o processo de ensino-aprendizagem, bem como a interação entre professor-aluno. Também apresentou resultados importantes a começar pela motivação e pelo envolvimento dos alunos durante as aulas tornando a aula mais participativa em que se tem o diálogo das crianças e permite que aprendam os conceitos de forma muito prazerosa, alcançando-se assim o objetivo de participação nas aulas e o diálogo entre professor e aluno. Por fim, as crianças puderam aprender brincando com todos os jogos e brincadeiras que, se bem elaborados e planejada sua utilização, podem ser de muito aprendizado para as crianças

    Prevenção e cuidados no combate a hipertensão arterial

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    Esse seminário aborda os elementos para a prevenção e promoção da saúde de indivíduos hipertensos.Versão em H

    O manejo da dor em pacientes oncológicos: uma revisão bibliográfica

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    O câncer é uma doença genética considerada a segunda causa de morte no Brasil. A Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS) destaca que, de cinco milhões de pessoas que foram a óbito devido a esse problema anualmente e aproximadamente quatro milhões morrem sentindo dor. Estima-se que no Brasil, 62% a 90% das vítimas de câncer possuem algum grau álgico. O enfermeiro deve identificar as necessidades dos pacientes e planejar soluções. O objetivo deste trabalho foi apresentar os principais aspectos relacionados ao manejo da dor em pacientes oncológicos. As estratégias para o alívio álgico podem ser não farmacológicas e farmacológicas. Dentre as alternativas de terapia para os episódios álgicos, há a administração de fármacos e a aplicação de Práticas Integrativas e Complementares de Saúde – PICS. Dessa forma, é importante que o enfermeiro seja capacitado e disponha de conhecimento para integrar todas as terapêuticas para o manejo eficaz da dor.https://repositorio.uniceub.br/jspui/retrieve/37082/21373837.pd

    Reconhecimento jurídico de uniões estáveis concomitantes e seus efeitos patrimoniais

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Departamento Acadêmico de Direito da Fundação Universidade Federal de Rondônia, campus Professor Francisco Gonçalves Quiles, para obtenção do título de Bacharel em Direito. Orientadora: Prof.ª M.ª Kaiomi de Souza Oliveira CavalliO presente trabalho demonstra, diante da omissão do Estado-legislador, o dever de o Estado-juiz em reconhecer a existência das Uniões Estáveis Concomitantes como entidades familiares dignas de proteção, visto que o Estado está comprometido constitucionalmente com a efetivação dos direitos fundamentais em todas as suas esferas. Posto isso, cabe ao juiz o recurso às normas constitucionais como forma de solucionar as questões familiares postas em situação de simultaneidade, uma vez que sua intervenção deve ser sempre no sentido de proteção, nunca de exclusão. Assim sendo, para que haja o efetivo reconhecimento das uniões estáveis concomitantes se faz imprescindível a presença de elementos caracterizadores para configurar uma entidade familiar. Logo, presentes esses requisitos essenciais estas uniões deverão ser reconhecidas pelo Poder Judiciário, em razão dos princípios constitucionais da afetividade e do pluralismo familiar, assegurando a produção dos seus efeitos patrimoniais como forma de garantir a dignidade de cada um dos componentes. Para sua elaboração foi utilizado o método de abordagem científico-dedutivo e o procedimento técnico aplicado foi de pesquisa bibliográfica

    Myocardial Insulin Resistance

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    Background: The low available of Glut-4 transporters in sarcolemma of the cardiac cells is what characterizes the myocardial insulin resistance (MIR), which is triggered separately of generalized insulin resistance. Insulin receptors are quite evident in the heart muscle and vessels, and mitochondrial activity performs a significant function in MIR preserving cellular homeostasis by cell reproduction, cells livelihoods, and energy generation. Objective: To evaluate the MIR mechanism and through the signaling pathway design. Methods: PubMed database was employed to search for reviews publications with MIR. The referenced data of the signaling pathway was chosen aggregating references of the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) database. A signaling pathway was designed based on MIR research manuscripts, where we show several mechanisms included in the MIR. The KEGG server was employed to exploit the interrelationship protein-protein, and elaborate signaling pathway diagram. The signaling pathway mapping was carried out with PathVisio software. Results: We selected 42 articles from a total of 450 articles in the PubMed database that presented a significant association between the terms "insulin resistance myocardial" AND "signaling pathway". Founded on database-validated research papers, we choose well-founded pathways and we succeeded representative description of these pathways. The reproduction contigs taken from the KEGG database designed the signaling pathway of the bio-molecules that lead to MIR. Thus, the acting among multiple mechanisms releases factors that participate of the development of MIR. Conclusion: The interaction among various mechanisms and molecular interactions are important factors in development of MIR

    Da Diplomacia da Ciência à Diplomacia da Educação: o caso brasileiro

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    The use of soft power resources in smart strategies, has been usually linked by the literature with developed countries due to a perspective in which—especially—soft power is seen as an extension of hard power. However, Brazil, a developing country, has been signing Cultural Agreements since 1930s aiming to use science and education as diplomatic tools. This paper aims to give an historical perspective to the Brazilian science diplomacy through the signature of these bilateral cultural agreements since de 1930’s, and its development into education diplomacy in the 1960’s. We show in this paper that Brazil created a strong science diplomacy, embedded into its cultural diplomacy, by relying on the creation of a legitimate narrative based on culture, science and education as an alternative for its lack of hard power. These cultural agreements were developed into national exchange programmes focusing mainly on higher education students since 1965, and they exist still nowadays—as one of the world longest science (and education) diplomacy strategies of its kind, creating a successful and steady foreign policy managed by the Brazilian diplomatic body.O uso de recursos de soft power em estratégias inteligentes, geralmente tem sido vinculada pela literatura aos países desenvolvidos devido a uma perspectiva em que - especialmente - soft power é visto como uma extensão do hard power. No entanto, o Brasil, um país em desenvolvimento, assina Acordos Culturais desde a década de 1930, com o objetivo de usar a ciência e a educação como ferramentas diplomáticas. Este artigo tem como objetivo dar uma perspectiva histórica à diplomacia científica brasileira através da assinatura desses acordos culturais bilaterais desde a década de 1930 e seu desenvolvimento na diplomacia educacional na década de 1960. Mostramos neste artigo que o Brasil criou uma forte diplomacia científica, incorporada à sua diplomacia cultural, baseando-se na criação de uma narrativa legítima baseada na cultura, ciência e educação como alternativa à sua falta de força. Esses acordos culturais foram desenvolvidos em programas de intercâmbio nacional focados principalmente em estudantes do ensino superior desde 1965, e ainda existem hoje em dia - uma das estratégias de diplomacia da ciência (e da educação) mais longas do mundo, criando uma política externa bem-sucedida e estável, administrada pelo órgão diplomático brasileiro


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    This article delves into the relationship between Science Diplomacy (SD) and multilateral negotiations, with a specific case study focusing on aluminum production in Jamaica. It highlights the often indirect yet pivotal role of SD in shaping the outcomes of negotiations concerning energy and environmental issues. Although the concept of SD is not always directly at the negotiation table, SD practices act as a bridge between the scientific community and policymakers. The case study analyzes the influence of SD on negotiations related to alumina production in Jamaica, specifically the sale of the Alpart alumina refinery in 2016. It demonstrates how SD diverted negotiations from solely political and commercial considerations to technical discussions on environmental impacts. The crisis initially centered around a coal-based power plant and eventually extended to bauxite extraction, revealing the critical role of affordable energy in aluminum refining. Methodologically, our research design follows the traditional guidelines of a descriptive case study. We employed concepts extracted from both the theory of negotiations and science diplomacy. Leverage power and interests of key actors, including JISCO (Jinquan Iron and Steel Company), the Jamaican government, and the Jamaica Environment Trust (JET), are dissected. Ultimately, it underscores the influence of SD practices on the negotiations, shifting the focus towards environmental concerns and highlighting the importance of informed decision-making in international negotiations. JET played a pivotal role by illuminating the environmental hazards and by influencing the redefinition of power dynamics in the negotiations. Thus, this work exemplifies how SD can reshape negotiations and foster sustainable solutions to complex global challenges.Este artigo explora a relação entre Diplomacia Científica (DC) e negociações multilaterais, com um estudo de caso específico centrado na produção de alumínio na Jamaica. Ele destaca o papel muitas vezes indireto, mas crucial, da DC na formação dos resultados de negociações relacionadas a questões energéticas e ambientais. Embora o conceito de DC nem sempre esteja diretamente na mesa de negociações, as práticas de DC atuam como uma ponte entre a comunidade científica e os formuladores de políticas. O estudo de caso analisa a influência da DC nas negociações relacionadas à produção de alumina na Jamaica, especificamente na venda da refinaria de alumina Alpart em 2016. Ele demonstra como a DC desviou as negociações de considerações puramente políticas e comerciais para discussões técnicas sobre impactos ambientais. A crise inicialmente girava em torno de uma usina de energia a carvão e acabou se estendendo à extração de bauxita, destacando o papel crítico da energia acessível na refinação de alumínio.  Do ponto de vista metodológico, o estudo utiliza um quadro descritivo de estudo de caso, somado a conceitos de teoria das negociações, para explorar a dinâmica do impacto da DC nas barganhas. O poder de influência e os interesses dos principais atores, incluindo a JISCO (Jinquan Iron and Steel Company), o governo jamaicano e a Jamaica Environment Trust (JET), são dissecados. Em última análise, o artigo destaca a influência das práticas de DC nas negociações, desviando o foco para as preocupações ambientais e destacando a importância da tomada de decisões informadas em negociações internacionais. A JET desempenhou um papel fundamental ao iluminar os riscos ambientais e influenciar a redefinição das dinâmicas de poder nas negociações. Assim, este trabalho exemplifica como a DC pode remodelar negociações e promover soluções sustentáveis para desafios globais complexos

    The people’s bourough plan of action: a counter-project of insurgent citizenship

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    Porto Alegre is divided in eight Boroughs of Planning. Each Borough has a representative in the Urban Planning City Council (UPCC). In 2018 social movements organized to conquer this. From this, some of the Boroughs’ councilors felt the need to better inform themselves on the terms and subjects discussed in the UPCC, and to ensure that their local issues would be discussed. For that manner, the People’s Borough Plan of Action (PBPA) project was created by a coalition of social movements, the architect’s association (IAB-RS) and the university to perform counter-hegemonic actions. The project is based on the insurgent planning theory, which understands urban development from the standpoint of the global south as being essentially performed by communities, activists and grassroots strategies. Thus, the project moves across both invited and invented spaces of action in a non-binary relationship, with the aim of providing the grassroots movements of insurgent citizenship with technical assistance to support their claims and desires over the city they live. Regarding the City’s Master Plan revision, the PBAP represents a counter-plan related to the creation of differential spaces. Therefore, they create a moment of realization of the right to the city