129 research outputs found

    Evaluation of in vivo immune complex formation and complement activation in patients receiving intravenous streptokinase

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links fieldThe usefulness of several different methods for detecting immune complex formation and complement activation in the circulation were applied to samples from patients receiving intravenous Streptokinase therapy for myocardial infarction. Streptokinase is a foreign antigen and can cause immune reactions. We collected samples from 13 patients, before Streptokinase administration (baseline), at the end of infusion (1 h), 12 h later and on day 7. We measured IgG containing immune complexes (IgG-IC), free C3d and antibodies to Streptokinase by ELISA, and CR1, C3d and C4d on erythrocytes by flow cytometric assay. Antibodies to Streptokinase are common, as all but two of the patients had measurable antibody levels. During Streptokinase treatment there was a drop in antibody levels, most prominent in those patients who had high baseline levels. At the same time increased levels of free C3d and erythrocyte-bound C3d were observed. After 12 h free C3d was usually back to baseline level, but C3d on erythrocytes was still raised. These data indicate the formation of Streptokinase immune complexes in patients with high Streptokinase antibody levels, and show that these complexes are cleared rapidly from the circulation, leaving more persistent signs of complement activation. We conclude that free C3d is a good indicator of ongoing complement activation, whereas C3d on erythrocytes indicates that complement activation has recently taken place

    Solar Panel Simulation with Xyce

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    The steady increase in efficiency and potential for significant decrease in manufacturing cost promise to make Thin-film photovoltaics(TFPV) a suitable source of electrical energy for a wide variety of applications. The increase in performance is linked to our ability to design, model, simulate and optimize TFPV technologies. PVpanel Sim is a spice based simulation utility on nanoHUB that has previously been used to explore a broad range of design issues related to thin-film solar panels. A broader adoption of this uniquely useful resource will depend on the ability to scale the simulation to larger arrays as well as simplification of the user interface. In this work we updated its core engine from Berkeley SPICE to Xyce, improved the user interface and added the capability for varying contact sheet resistance. The Workspace utility on nanoHUB was used as a development platform by providing access to Rappture, MATLAB® and Xyce. Existing source code was modified to be compatable with Xyce and input restrictions were established to avoid simulation convergence issues. It\u27s expected that the new version of PVpanel Sim will be installed on nanoHUB, with open access to all nanoHUB members. PVpanel Sim can thus further serve as a useful simulation tool for TFPV researchers. It\u27s hoped that furture versions will include more models for different TFPV technologies

    Study of the Hydrogen-Metal Systems

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    Hydrogen accumulation in samples of a palladium and 12Kh18N10T steel at the hydrogen charging by the electrolytic method and hydrogen release from these samples at its electron and X-ray irradiation are studied. Palladium was used as a comparison material (as most efficiently solvent hydrogen known among the simple materials). It is established that a capture effectiveness of hydrogen from an electrolyte (1 M H 2 SO 4 at current density is 0.5 A cm −2 ) for palladium is 3-4 orders more than for steel. The hydrogen yield nonlinearly increases with growing of electron current density and electron energy is more than 40 keV under electron irradiation of saturated palladium and 12Kh18N10T steel samples. About 90% of the hydrogen had removed from hydrogen saturated palladium samples and only 60% from steel under electron beam with energy 40 keV and current density ≈ 20 µA cm −2 for 1 h of irradiation. It is necessary to increase the energy of electrons from 40 to 100 keV for the more effective removal of hydrogen

    A review of mineral carbonation technologies to sequester CO2

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    CYP17 promoter polymorphism and breast cancer risk in males and females in relation to BRCA2 status

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    To access publisher full text version of this article. Please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links fieldA T-C polymorphism in the promoter region of the CYP17 gene has been associated with male and female breast cancer risk as well as early-onset familial breast cancer. The potential role of this polymorphism was investigated in relation to breast cancer risk in Icelandic male and female carriers and noncarriers of a BRCA2 mutation. The study population consisted of 39 male and 523 female breast cancer cases and 309 male and 395 female controls. Of the cases, 15 males and 55 females carried a BRCA2 mutation. We did not find a significant association between male breast cancer risk and CYP17 genotypes. Among male breast cancer cases, the frequency of the CC genotype was higher among carriers of the 999del5 mutation (33.3%) than noncarriers (16.7%), although this difference also did not reach a statistical significance. No association was observed with breast cancer risk among females irrespective of menopausal status, stage of the disease or BRCA2 status. Our findings do not indicate a role for the CYP17 T-C polymorphism in female breast cancer, but a role in male carriers of a BRCA2 mutation could not be excluded because of the small sample size

    Analysing the Large Decline in Coronary Heart Disease Mortality in the Icelandic Population Aged 25-74 between the Years 1981 and 2006

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    BACKGROUND: Coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality rates have been decreasing in Iceland since the 1980s. We examined how much of the decrease between 1981 and 2006 could be attributed to medical and surgical treatments and how much to changes in cardiovascular risk factors. METHODOLOGY: The previously validated IMPACT CHD mortality model was applied to the Icelandic population. The data sources were official statistics, national quality registers, published trials and meta-analyses, clinical audits and a series of national population surveys. PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Between 1981 and 2006, CHD mortality rates in Iceland decreased by 80% in men and women aged 25 to 74 years, which resulted in 295 fewer deaths in 2006 than if the 1981 rates had persisted. Incidence of myocardial infarction (MI) decreased by 66% and resulted in some 500 fewer incident MI cases per year, which is a major determinant of possible deaths from MI. Based on the IMPACT model approximately 73% (lower and upper bound estimates: 54%-93%) of the mortality decrease was attributable to risk factor reductions: cholesterol 32%; smoking 22%; systolic blood pressure 22%, and physical inactivity 5% with adverse trends for diabetes (-5%), and obesity (-4%). Approximately 25% (lower and upper bound estimates: 8%-40%) of the mortality decrease was attributable to treatments in individuals: secondary prevention 8%; heart failure treatments 6%; acute coronary syndrome treatments 5%; revascularisation 3%; hypertension treatments 2%, and statins 0.5%. CONCLUSIONS: Almost three quarters of the large CHD mortality decrease in Iceland between 1981 and 2006 was attributable to reductions in major cardiovascular risk factors in the population. These findings emphasize the value of a comprehensive prevention strategy that promotes tobacco control and a healthier diet to reduce incidence of MI and highlights the potential importance of effective, evidence based medical treatments

    Rapid solubility and mineral storage of CO2 in basalt

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    The long-term security of geologic carbon storage is critical to its success and public acceptance. Much of the security risk associated with geological carbon storage stems from its buoyancy. Gaseous and supercritical CO2 are less dense than formation waters, providing a driving force for it to escape back to the surface. This buoyancy can be eliminated by the dissolution of CO2 into water prior to, or during its injection into the subsurface. The dissolution makes it possible to inject into fractured rocks and further enhance mineral storage of CO2 especially if injected into silicate rocks rich in divalent metal cations such as basalts and ultra-mafic rocks. We have demonstrated the dissolution of CO2 into water during its injection into basalt leading to its geologic solubility storage in less than five minutes and potential geologic mineral storage within few years after injection [1–3]. The storage potential of CO2 within basaltic rocks is enormous. All the carbon released from burning of all fossil fuel on Earth, 5000 GtC, can theoretically be stored in basaltic rocks [4]

    Target strength of skipjack tuna (Katsuwanus pelamis) associated with fish aggregating devices (FADs)

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    [EN] This paper presents measures of target strength (TS; dB re 1 m(2)) and models of TS vs. fork length (L; cm), i.e. TS = 20log(L) + b(20), for skip-jack tuna associated with fish aggregating devices (FADs) in the Central Pacific Ocean. Measurements were made using 38-, 120-, and 200-kHz split-beam echosounders on a purse-seine workboat during fishing operations. To mitigate potential bias due to unresolved targets, TS measurements were rejected if they were not simultaneously detected with multiple echosounder frequencies in approximately the same location. The filtered TS and concomitantly sampled L data were used to estimate b(20) = -76, -71, and -70.5 dB for 38, 120, and 200 kHz, respectively, using the method of least squares. For comparison, quasi-independent estimates of TS and b(20) were calculated from acoustic echo-integration and catch data representing entire aggregations around the FADs. The results differed by <= 1 dB for all three frequencies. The sensitivities of these results to variations in fish morphology and behaviour were explored using a simulation of TS for fish without swimbladders. The utility of the results on acoustic properties of skipjack tuna and next research steps to achieve selective fishing at FADs are discussed.We thank the following organizations and people for their support of this work: the governments of Kiribati, Tuvalu, and Tokelau which permitted this research in their EEZs; Albacora for allowing this work aboard F/V ALBATUN TRES; Fishing Master Euken Mujika; the captain and crew; the scientists and divers J. Filmalter and F. Forget are thanked for invaluable insight about fish behaviour, vertical stratification and non-target species composition at FADs; Hector Pena for providing instruction on the sonar setup and analysis; Yolanda Lacalle for the illustration in Figure 2; and Andres Uriarte for advice concerning transmission of statistical errors. The research reported in the present document was funded by the International Seafood Sustainability Foundation (ISSF) and conducted independently by the authors. The report and its results, professional opinions and conclusions are solely the work of the authors. This paper is contribution 843 from AZTI (Marine or Food Research).Boyra, G..; Moreno, G.; Sobradillo, B.; Pérez Arjona, I.; Sancristóbal, I.; Demer, D. (2018). Target strength of skipjack tuna (Katsuwanus pelamis) associated with fish aggregating devices (FADs). ICES Journal of Marine Science. 75(5):1790-1802. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsy041S1790180275