251 research outputs found

    The spin-split incompressible edge states within empirical Hartree approximation at intermediately large Hall samples

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    A self-consistent Thomas-Fermi-Poisson based calculation scheme is used to achieve spin resolved incompressible strips (ISs). The effect of exchange and correlation is incorporated by an empirically induced g factor. A local version of the Ohm's law describes the imposed fixed current, where the discrepancies of this model are resolved by a relevant spatial averaging process. The longitudinal resistance is obtained as a function of the perpendicular (strong) magnetic field at filling factor one and two plateaus. Interrelation between the ISs and the longitudinal zeros is explicitly shown.Comment: EP2DS-17 Proceedings, 6 Pages, 2 Figure

    Local current distribution at large quantum dots (QDs): a self-consistent screening model

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    We report the implementation of the self-consistent Thomas-Fermi screening theory, together with the local Ohm's law to a quantum dot system in order to obtain local current distribution within the dot and at the leads. We consider a large dot (size >700>700 nm) defined by split gates, and coupled to the leads. Numerical calculations show that the non-dissipative current is confined to the incompressible strips. Due to the non-linear screening properties of the 2DES at low temperatures, this distribution is highly sensitive to external magnetic field. Our findings support the phenomenological models provided by the experimental studies so far, where the formation of the (direct) edge channels dominate the transport.Comment: 6 Pages, 2 Figure

    Spatial Distribution of the Incompressible Strips at Aharonov-Bohm Interferometer

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    In this work, the edge physics of an Aharonov-Bohm interferometer (ABI) defined on a two dimensional electron gas, subject to strong perpendicular magnetic field B, is investigated. We solve the three dimensional Poisson equation using numerical techniques starting from the crystal growth parameters and surface image of the sample. The potential profiles of etched and gate defined geometries are compared and it is found that the etching yields a steeper landscape. The spatial distribution of the incompressible strips is investigated as a function of the gate voltage and applied magnetic field, where the imposed current is confined to. AB interference is investigated due to scattering processes between two incompressible "edge-states".Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    The self-consistent calculation of the edge states at quantum Hall effect (QHE) based Mach-Zehnder interferometers (MZI)

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    The spatial distribution of the incompressible edge states (IES) is obtained for a geometry which is topologically equivalent to an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer, taking into account the electron-electron interactions within a Hartree type self-consistent model. The magnetic field dependence of these IES is investigated and it is found that an interference pattern may be observed if two IES merge or come very close, near the quantum point contacts. Our calculations demonstrate that, being in a quantized Hall plateau does not guarantee observing the interference behavior.Comment: EP2DS-17 Proceedings, 6 Pages, 2 Figure

    Self-consistent calculation of the electron distribution near a Quantum-Point Contact in the integer Quantum Hall Effect

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    In this work we implement the self-consistent Thomas-Fermi-Poisson approach to a homogeneous two dimensional electron system (2DES). We compute the electrostatic potential produced inside a semiconductor structure by a quantum-point-contact (QPC) placed at the surface of the semiconductor and biased with appropriate voltages. The model is based on a semi-analytical solution of the Laplace equation. Starting from the calculated confining potential, the self-consistent (screened) potential and the electron densities are calculated for finite temperature and magnetic field. We observe that there are mainly three characteristic rearrangements of the incompressible "edge" states, which will determine the current distribution near a QPC.Comment: 12 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Theoretical Investigation of Local Electron Temperature in Quantum Hall Systems

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    In this work we solve thermo-hydrodynamical equations considering a two dimensional electron system in the integer quantum Hall regime, to calculate the spatial distribution of the local electron temperature. We start from the self-consistently calculated electrostatic and electrochemical potentials in equilibrium. Next, by imposing an external current, we investigate the variations of the electron temperature in the linear-response regime. Here a local relation between the electron density and conductivity tensor elements is assumed. Following the Ohm's law we obtain local current densities and by implementing the results of the thermo-hydrodynamical theory, calculate the local electron temperature. We observe that the local electron temperature strongly depends on the formation of compressible and incompressible strips.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure