168 research outputs found

    Fabrication of YAG:RE (RE = Yb, Nd, Cr) Ceramics Using Divalent Sintering Aids

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    High-quality YAG:RE (Yb, Nd, Cr) ceramics with CaO and MgO as sintering aids were manufactured by solid state reactive sintering method in vacuum. Influence of annealing temperature on optical properties was studied. This combination of sintering aids requires annealing temperatures at least 1300∘C to fully eliminate oxygen vacancies and at least 1400∘C to convert Cr3+ to Cr4+. It was found that annealing in oxidizing atmosphere creates strong changes in short wavelength transmittance.     Keywords: laser ceramics, Yttrium aluminium garnet, sintering aid

    Dy8SnS13.61O0.39 from single-crystal data

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    Crystals of the title dysprosium tin sulfide oxide, Dy8SnS13S1−xOx [x = 0.39 (4)], were obtained unintentionally from the Dy–Sn–S system. A statistical mixture of sulfur and oxygen was assumed for one position in the structure. S and O atoms surround each of the eight symmetrically non-equivalent dysprosium atoms. The Sn atoms are located in tetra­hedral surroundings of sulfur atoms. Trigonal prisms and tetra­hedra are connected to each other by their edges. All atoms are situated in mirror planes

    Механизм административно-правового обеспечения деятельности негосударственных пенсионных фондов в Украине

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    Досліджено в комплексі сучасну систему адміністративно-правового нагляду та контролю за функціонуванням третього рівня пенсійної системи – недержавного пенсійного забезпечення. Проаналізовано основні складові механізму адміністративно-правового забезпечення діяльності недержавних пенсійних фондів. Виявлено ефективні та актуальні заходи адміністративного впливу в цій галузі.On the basis of the analysis of scientific points of view of scholars and the current legislation of Ukraine, the authors have studied the definition of “the mechanism of administrative and legal provision of the activities of non-state pension funds”. It has been established that the mechanism of administrative and legal provision of the activities of non-state pension funds covers an integral complex of administrative and legal means aimed at regulating relations in the field of non-state pension provision (hereinafter – NSPP) and protecting and satisfying the interests of individuals and legal entities-depositors by the subjects of public administration – the state agencies of control and supervision. The structure of the studied mechanism according to the authors includes the following elements (means): the norms of administrative law, objectively expressed in the laws and other normative acts; administrative and legal relations; acts of application of the norms of administrative law; acts of interpretation of the norms of administrative law; legal awareness; legal culture; legality. It has been noted that the effectiveness of the implementation of administrative and legal influence by the control and supervision agencies in the system of NSPP requires the state to provide a flexible regulatory base, accessible information space, relevant directions of the use of pension funds; the establishment of investment rules with the definition of diversification criteria, rules for calculating the net value of pension assets, rules for the storage of pension assets and supervisory functions of the custodian bank, rules for conducting an external audit of pension funds. The directions of the activities of administrative apparatus in the field of NSPP have been analyzed. It has been determined that pension income of non-state pension funds directly depends on the effectiveness of the mechanism of financial resources management, which is a system set of methods, levers and instruments of influence on the processes of formation, investment and use of the financial resources of the fund in order to preserve and increase the pension savings of the participants

    Современные проблемы маркетинговой деятельности на предприятии

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    У статті, наведено спектр характеристик сучасного маркетингу та зміни у ринкових відносинах, що змушують підприємців шукати нові підходи до ведення бізнесу, до уваги взято рівень ефективності маркетингової діяльності на підприємствах. У даній статі окреслені та узагальнені проблеми, які пов’язані з потребами підприємств у застосуванні маркетингу. Особлива увага приділена існуючим економічним змінам, щo дозволяють вдосконалити управління нa теоретичному рівні, тa покращити практичну маркетингову діяльність на підприємствах. Висвітлено певні специфічні риси сучасного маркетингу в Україні, а саме недоліки його функціонування. Визначено ряд негативних тенденцій у маркетинговій діяльності підприємств, визначено напрями діяльності підприємств щодо їх ліквідації.In a paper presented spectrum characteristics of modern marketing and changes in market relations, forcing entrepreneurs to seek new approaches to business are taken into account the efficiency of marketing activities in enterprises. This paper outlines and generalized problems related to the needs of enterprises in applying marketing. Particular attention is given to current economic changes chto allow improved management nA theoretical level, ta improve practical marketing activities in enterprises. Deals with certain specific features of modern marketing in Ukraine, namely the shortcomings of its operation. A number of negative trends in the marketing activities of enterprises, the directions of enterprises to eliminate them.В статье, приведены спектр характеристик современного маркетинга и изменения в рыночных отношениях, заставляют предпринимателей искать новые подходы к ведению бизнеса, во внимание взяты уровень эффективности маркетинговой деятельности на предприятиях. В данной статье очерчены и обобщены проблемы, связанные с потребностями предприятий в применении маркетинга. Особое внимание уделено существующим экономическим изменениям, чтo позволяют усовершенствовать управление нa теоретическом уровне, тa улучшить практическую маркетинговую деятельность на предприятиях. Освещены некоторые специфические черты современного маркетинга в Украине, а именно недостатки его функционирования. Определен ряд негативных тенденций в маркетинговой деятельности предприятий, определены направления деятельности предприятий по их ликвидации

    Investigation of the Dy2S3-Cu2S-SnS2 and Dy2Se3-Cu2Se-SnSe2 Systems at 870 K.

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    Взаємодія між компонентами в системах Dy2S3–Cu2S–SnS2 та Dy2Se3–Cu2Se–SnSe2 при 870 К досліджена методами рентгенівської порошкової дифрактометрії. За температури відпалу в системах Dy2S3–Cu2S-SnS2 та Dy2Se3–Cu2Se–SnSe2 виявлено існування тетрарних сполук Dy3CuSnX7 (X – S, Se). Взаимодействие между компонентами в системах Dy2S3–Cu2S–SnS2 и Dy2Se3–Cu2Se–SnSe2 при 870 К исследовано методами ренгтгеновской порошочной дифрактометрии. При температуре отпала в системах Dy2S3–Cu2S-SnS2 и Dy2Se3–Cu2Se–SnSe2 выявлено наличие тетраных соединений Dy3CuSnX7 (X – S, Se). The interactions between components in the Dy2S3-Cu2S-SnS2 and Dy2Se3-Cu2Se-SnSe2 systems at 870 К were determined using X-ray powder diffraction. The existence of the compounds with composition Dy 3CuSnX7 (X – S, Se) was confirmed in the Dy2S3–Cu2S–SnS2 and Dy2Se3–Cu2Se–SnSe2 system

    Эмотивно-эмпатийный компонент поведения устного переводчика

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    В данной статье рассматривается проблема эмотивно-эмпатийного компонента поведения устного переводчика. Целью статьи является описание теоретических аспектов эмотивно-эмпатийного компонента и выявление отношения переводчиков к необходимости формирования эмоционально-эмпатийных умений. Для достижения поставленной цели был проведен эксперимент, направленный на определение уровня эмпатических способностей у студентов-переводчиков.This paper deals with the problem of the emotional and empathic component of the interpreter’s behavior. The purpose of this study is to describe theoretical aspects of the emotional and empathic component and to identify interpreters' attitudes towards the necessity of developing emotional and empathic skills. To achieve this goal, an experiment was carried out in order to determine the level of empathic skills of the translation students

    Specified parameters in designing porous materials using magnetic nanotechnologies

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    The research is devoted to solving the problem of regulating the porosity parameters during the manufacturing process under magnetic field conditions. The process of synthesizing magnetic nanocomponents based on a mixture of divalent and trivalent iron oxides was given. The use of nanocomponents allowed for improving the conditions for creating porous materials. A device with adjustable magnetic induction was developed to produce porous materials in a magnetic field. The study of the porous material’s structure with the nanopowder content in the magnetic field conditions showed a clear dependence of the structure on the magnetic parameters. When the content of nanocomponents increased to 0.3 %, and the magnetic field induction increased to 2.5 mT, the dispersion of pore sizes decreased by 8–10 times, the density of pores – increased by 15–20 times, and the average diameter of pores – decreased by 12–15 times. Mathematical dependencies that determine the porosity parameters for different values of the magnetic nanopowder content and the level of magnetic induction in the ring electromagnet were proposed. The obtained dependencies allowed for assigning the level of magnetic technological parameters to ensure the given porosity parameters. The developed methods of magnetic technology for creating porous materials can increase the quality and ensure the required porosity level