627 research outputs found

    The National Image of the World in an Objective Process of Globalization

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    The article examines process of globalization as continuation of process the creation of Christendom. The author thinks that translations of Bible from Greek or ancient Jewish on other languages are the example of first step in unification Christendom. And consequently its first step of globalization. Russian translation of Bible is showing distinction from other translations, but experimentally was establishing that Russian people in speech practise understand and use forms of words in accordance with their significance, which used in other translations of Bible, changes the original significance. The author believes that the change of the primary word allows speaking about readiness of Russian consciousness for accepting the ideas of globalization.sacral style, translations of Bible, continuation of process, globalization, Christendom

    The National Image of the World in an Objective Process of Globalisation

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    The article examines process of globalization as continuation of process the creation of Christendom. The author thinks that translations of Bible from Greek or ancient Jewish on other languages are the example of first step in unification Christendom. And consequently its first step of globalization. Russian translation of Bible is showing distinction from other translations, but experimentally was establishing that Russian people in speech practise understand and use forms of words in accordance with their significance, which used in other translations of Bible, changes the original significance. The author believes that the change of the primary word allows speaking about readiness of Russian consciousness for accepting the ideas of globalization

    Nanocontainer-Based Active Systems: From Self-Healing Coatings to Thermal Energy Storage

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    We highlight the development of nanocontainer-based active materials started in 2006 at the Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces under the supervision of Prof. Helmuth Moehwald. The active materials encapsulated in the nanocontainers with controlled shell permeability have been first applied for self-healing coatings with controlled release of the corrosion inhibitor. The nanocontainers have been added to the paint formulation matrix at 5−10 wt % concentration, which resulted in attaining a coating-autonomous selfhealing ability. This research idea has attracted the attention of many scientists around the world (>1500 publications during the last 10 years) and has already been transferred to the commercialization level. The current trend in nanocontainer-based active systems is devoted to the multifunctionality of the capsules which can combine self-healing, antibacterial, thermal, and other functionalities into one host matrix. This article summarizes the previous research done in the area of nanocontainer-based active materials together with future perspectives of capsule-based materials with antifouling or thermoregulating activity

    Development of engobe composition with the use of pharmaceutical glass waste for glazed ceramic granite

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    Представлені результати досліджень застосування фармацевтичних вiдходiв зi скла, що являють собою суміш використаних медичних ампул, у виробництві керамічної плитки. Утилiзацiя таких вiдходiв зменшує негативний вплив на довкілля та сприяє збереженню мінеральної сировини. При цьому екологiчно безпечне поводження з ампульними формами фармацевтичних вiдходiв зi скла на стадiї утилiзацiї передбачає вилучення з них залишкiв лiкарських препаратiв. Експериментально та теоретично обґрунтовується доцiльнiсть використання очищених вiд залишків лікарського препарату скляних ампул у якостi флюсуючого компоненту ангобних покриттiв для глазурованого керамогранiту. Проведено порiвняльний аналiз шихтового складу ангобів різних виробників та хiмiчних складiв флюсуючих матерiалiв, що є компонентами даних ангобiв. Визначено, що хімічний склад фармацевтичних скло вiдходiв дозволяє припустити схожiсть основних властивостей розплавів цих вiдходiв та ангобних склофритт. Розглянуто залежнiсть в’язкостi розплавiв ангобних склофритт вiд температури. Встановлено, що за розрахунковими значеннями в’язкостi розплавів та експериментально визначеними характеристиками плавкостi скловiдходи можуть служити замiнниками коштовних ангобних фритт при їх використанні з іншими традиційними компонентами ангобів. Методом рентгенівської спектрометрії визначено хiмiчний склад вiдходiв та базової ангобної фритти. За допомогою термомiкроскопа MISURA досліджено характеристики плавкості. Визначено дилатометром DIL402РС температурний коефіцієнт лiнiйного розширення скломатерiалiв. Проведено дослiдження по розробцi ангобних покриттiв з використанням фармацевтичних вiдходiв зi скла для технологiї глазурованого керамогранiту з температурою випалу 1185 °С. Визначено рацiональний шихтовий склад глянцевого ангобу з білизною 76 %, що мiстить 30 мас. % скловiдходiв. Отримана ангобована плитка з водопоглинанням 0,3–0,4 % i границею мiцностi при згинi 52–54 МПа

    Plastometric method in the identification of coal from new and old deposits

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    The plastometric method provides useful information regarding the suitability of Russian coking coal for the production of metallurgical coke. The discrepancies between test results in different laboratories are explained. The case is made for trainings in plastometry at laboratories of coke plants and their suppliers. © 2013 Allerton Press, Inc

    The solar iron abundance: not the last word

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    Determinations of the solar iron abundance have converged to the meteoritic value with the Fe II studies of Holweger et al. (1990), Biémont et al. (1991) and Hannaford et al. (1992) and the Fe i results of Holweger et al. (1991). However, the latter authors pointed out that Blackwell et al. (1984) obtained a discordant result from similar oscillator strengths. A recent debate on this lingering discrepancy by the Oxford and Kiel contenders themselves has not clarified the issue. We do so here by showing that it stems from systematic differences between equivalent widths and oscillator strengths which masquerade as difference in fitted damping enhancement factors. We first discuss the various error sources in classical abundance determination and then emulate both sides of the debate with abundance fits of our own. Our emulation of the Oxford side shows that the abundance anomaly claimed by Blackwell et al. (1984) for solar Fe i 2.2 eV lines vanishes when equivalent width measurements from other authors are combined with better evaluation of the collisional damping parameter. On the Kiel side, we find that the oscillator strengths of Bard et al. (1991) used by Holweger et al. (1991) produce a suspicious trend when used to fuit solar Fe I lines, whereas comparable application of oscillator strengths from Oxford does not. The trend is mainly set by categories of Fe i lines not measured at Oxford; for lines of overlap the two sets agree and deliver the iron abundance value A Fe = 7.62 ± 0.04 which exceeds the meteorite value. The dissimilar lines may suffer from solar line-formation effects. We conclude that the issue of the solar iron abundance remains open. Definitive oscillator strengths are still needed, as well as verification of classical abundance determination by more realistic representations of the solar photosphere and of photospheric line formation

    Metasomatic origin of garnet xenocrysts from the V. Grib kimberlite pipe, Arkhangelsk region, NW Russia

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    AbstractThis paper presents new major and trace element data from 150 garnet xenocrysts from the V. Grib kimberlite pipe located in the central part of the Arkhangelsk diamondiferous province (ADP). Based on the concentrations of Cr2O3, CaO, TiO2 and rare earth elements (REE) the garnets were divided into seven groups: (1) lherzolitic “depleted” garnets (“Lz 1”), (2) lherzolitic garnets with normal REE patterns (“Lz 2”), (3) lherzolitic garnets with weakly sinusoidal REE patterns (“Lz 3”), (4) lherzolitic garnets with strongly sinusoidal REE patterns (“Lz 4”), (5) harzburgitic garnets with sinusoidal REE patterns (“Hz”), (6) wehrlitic garnets with weakly sinusoidal REE patterns (“W”), (7) garnets of megacryst paragenesis with normal REE patterns (“Meg”). Detailed mineralogical and geochemical garnet studies and modeling results suggest several stages of mantle metasomatism influenced by carbonatite and silicate melts. Carbonatitic metasomatism at the first stage resulted in refertilization of the lithospheric mantle, which is evidenced by a nearly vertical CaO-Cr2O3 trend from harzburgitic (“Hz”) to lherzolitic (“Lz 4”) garnet composition. Harzburgitic garnets (“Hz”) have probably been formed by interactions between carbonatite melts and exsolved garnets in high-degree melt extraction residues. At the second stage of metasomatism, garnets with weakly sinusoidal REE patterns (“Lz 3”, “W”) were affected by a silicate melt possessing a REE composition similar to that of ADP alkaline mica-poor picrites. At the last stage, the garnets interacted with basaltic melts, which resulted in the decrease CaO-Cr2O3 trend of “Lz 2” garnet composition. Cr-poor garnets of megacryst paragenesis (“Meg”) could crystallize directly from the silicate melt which has a REE composition close to that of ADP alkaline mica-poor picrites. P-T estimates of the garnet xenocrysts indicate that the interval of ∼60–110 km of the lithospheric mantle beneath the V. Grib pipe was predominantly affected by the silicate melts, whereas the lithospheric mantle deeper than 150 km was influenced by the carbonatite melts