6,749 research outputs found

    Search for nearby stars among proper motion stars selected by optical-to-infrared photometry. II. Two late M dwarfs within 10 pc

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    We have identified two late M dwarfs within 10 parsecs of the Sun, by cross-correlating the Luyten NLTT catalogue of stars with proper motions larger than 0.18 arcsec/yr, with objects lacking optical identification in the 2MASS data base. The 2MASS photometry was then combined with improved optical photometry obtained from the SuperCOSMOS Sky Surveys. The two objects (LP775-31 and LP655-48) have extremely red optical-to-infrared colours ((R-K)~7) and very bright infrared magnitudes (K_s<10): follow-up optical spectroscopy with the ESO 3.6-m telescope gave spectral types of M8.0 and M7.5 dwarfs, respectively. Comparison of their near-infrared magnitudes with the absolute magnitudes of known M8 and M7.5 dwarfs with measured trigonometric parallaxes yields spectroscopic distance estimates of 6.4+/-1.4 parsecs and 8.0+/-1.6 parsecs for LP775-31 and LP655-48, respectively. In contrast, Cruz & Reid (2002) recently determined spectral types of M6 for both objects, and commensurately larger distances of 11.3+/-1.3 parsecs and 15.3+/-2.6 parsecs. LP655-48 is also a bright X-ray source (1RXS J044022.8-053020). With only a few late M dwarfs previously known within 10 parsecs, these two objects represent an important addition to the census of the Solar neighbourhood.Comment: Astronomy & Astrophysics (Letters), in press; 5 pages, 1 figure, uses aa.cls version 5.

    SSSPM J1444-2019: an extremely high proper motion, ultracool subdwarf

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    We present the discovery of a new extreme high proper motion object (3.5 arcsec/year) which we classify as an ultracool subdwarf with [M/H] = -0.5. It has a formal spectral type of sdM9 but also shows L-type features: while the VO bands are completely absent, it exhibits extremely strong TiO absorption in its optical spectrum. With a radial velocity of about -160 km/s and a rough distance estimate of 16--24 pc, it is likely one of the nearest halo members crossing the Solar neighbourhood with a heliocentric space velocity of (U,V,W)=(-244,-256,-100)+/-(32,77,6) km/s.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures (Fig.1a-d available as jpg files), accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics Letter

    A U-band survey of brown dwarfs in the Taurus Molecular Cloud with the XMM-Newton Optical/UV Monitor

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    We aim to characterize the U-band variability of young brown dwarfs in the Taurus Molecular Cloud and discuss its origin. We used the XMM-Newton Extended Survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud, where a sample of 11 young bona fide brown dwarfs (spectral type later than M6) were observed simultaneously in X-rays with XMM-Newton and in the U-band with the XMM-Newton Optical/UV Monitor (OM). We obtained upper limits to the U-band emission of 10 brown dwarfs (U>19.6-20.6 mag), whereas 2MASSJ04141188+2811535 was detected in the U-band. Remarkably, the magnitude of this brown dwarf increased regularly from U~19.5 mag at the beginning of the observation, peaked 6h later at U~18.4 mag, and then decreased to U~18.65 mag in the next 2h. The first OM U-band measurement is consistent with the quiescent level observed about one year later thanks to ground follow-up observations. This brown dwarf was not detected in X-rays by XMM-Newton during the OM observation. We discuss the possible sources of U-band variability for this young brown dwarf, namely a magnetic flare, non-steady accretion onto the substellar surface, and rotational modulation of a hot spot. We conclude that this event is related to accretion from a circumsubstellar disk, where the mass accretion rate was about a factor of 3 higher than during the quiescent level.Comment: 6 pages and 4 Figures. Accepted by A&A, to appear in a special section/issue dedicated to the XMM-Newton Extended Survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud (XEST

    Electrochemistry reveals archaeological materials

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    The characterization of materials constituting cultural artefacts is a challenging step in their conservation, due to the object’s uniqueness and the reduced number of conservation institutes able to supply non-destructive analysis. We propose an alternative analytical tool, which combines accessibility (low cost and portable) and high sensitivity, based on electrochemical linear sweep voltammetry (LSV) with paraffin impregnated graphite electrode (PIGE). To investigate the composition of “white alloys” that certainly have been used as decoration on copper-based Roman fibulae, sampling was done very locally by gently rubbing the selected areas with the PIGE. LSV results evidence the presence of silver, lead, and tin, supporting the argument provided by typological analysis that these metals were used for decoration

    The execution of systematic measurements on plane cascades

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    The present state of development of the experimental technique regarding the flow through cascades and several points to be specially observed in the design of cascade wind tunnels were discussed. The equations required for the evaluation of the momentum measurements in two dimensional flow through cascades were developed. Regarding the effect of the jet contraction due to the boundary layer along the side walls a simple method for correction was also given in order to obtain two dimensional flow characteristics. Also given were the equations for the evaluation of the pressure distribution measurements. Another contribution was made regarding the presentation of the test results in the form of nondimensional quantities. The results of systematic measurements of cascades with symmetrical aerofoil were reported, and the above suggested method was applied for the evaluation of the measurements

    Epsilon Indi B: a new benchmark T dwarf

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    We have identified a new early T dwarf only 3.6pc from the Sun, as a common proper motion companion (separation 1459AU) to the K5V star Epsilon Indi (HD209100). As such, Epsilon Indi B is one of the highest proper motion sources outside the solar system (~4.7 arcsec/yr), part of one of the twenty nearest stellar systems, and the nearest brown dwarf to the Sun. Optical photometry obtained from the SuperCOSMOS Sky Survey was combined with approximate infrared photometry from the 2MASS Quicklook survey data release, yielding colours for the source typical of early T dwarfs. Follow up infrared spectroscopy using the ESO NTT and SOFI confirmed its spectral type to be T2.5+/-0.5. With Ks=11.2, Epsilon Indi B is 1.7 magnitudes brighter than any previously known T dwarf and 4 magnitudes brighter than the typical object in its class, making it highly amenable to detailed study. Also, as a companion to a bright nearby star, it has a precisely known distance (3.626pc) and relatively well-known age (0.8-2Gyr), allowing us to estimate its luminosity as logL/Lsun=-4.67, its effective temperature as 1260K, and its mass as ~40-60Mjup. Epsilon Indi B represents an important addition to the census of the Solar neighbourhood and, equally importantly, a new benchmark object in our understanding of substellar objects.Comment: Accepted by A&A (Letters); 5 pages, 3 figure

    Global survey of star clusters in the Milky Way II. The catalogue of basic parameters

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    Although they are the main constituents of the Galactic disk population, for half of the open clusters in the Milky Way reported in the literature nothing is known except the raw position and an approximate size. The main goal of this study is to determine a full set of uniform spatial, structural, kinematic, and astrophysical parameters for as many known open clusters as possible. On the basis of stellar data from PPMXL and 2MASS, we used a dedicated data-processing pipeline to determine kinematic and photometric membership probabilities for stars in a cluster region. For an input list of 3784 targets from the literature, we confirm that 3006 are real objects, the vast majority of them are open clusters, but associations and globular clusters are also present. For each confirmed object we determined the exact position of the cluster centre, the apparent size, proper motion, distance, colour excess, and age. For about 1500 clusters, these basic astrophysical parameters have been determined for the first time. For the bulk of the clusters we also derived the tidal radius. We estimated additionally average radial velocities for more than 30% of the confirmed clusters. The present sample (called MWSC) reaches both the central parts of the Milky Way and its outer regions. It is almost complete up to 1.8 kpc from the Sun and also covers neighbouring spiral arms. However, for a small subset of the oldest open clusters (log⁡t≳9\log t \gtrsim 9) we found some evidence of incompleteness within about 1 kpc from the Sun.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic
