502 research outputs found

    Quando as escolas públicas se põem à prova da inclusão escolar: sobre as artes de fazer o comum - plural - nas escolas, em busca do justo

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    As políticas públicas no domínio da educação estão hoje munidas de ações públicas cheias de boas intenções. Entre muitas ações públicas destacamos dois princípios que desde a institucionalização da escola pública têm animado o debate político nacional e internacional. Um está ligado à igualdade de oportunidade escolar para todos; o segundo está associado à escolaridade obrigatória para todos os alunos em idade escolar. Contudo, a aplicação destes dois princípios ainda estão aquém da sua concretização pública. As taxas de reprovação e do abandono ou da evasão escolares ainda são elevadas. É o que têm acontecido quer no Brasil, quer em Portugal. Neste sentido a escola para todos é ainda uma miragem. Há uma percentagem de alunos que na idade escolar não completam a escolaridade obrigatória que tem estado a ser prolongada pelas políticas públicas

    Schwereregistrierungen mit dem Micro-g LaCoste gPhone 98 und dem ZLS Burris Gravity Meter B-64

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    Für Aufzeichnungen über längere Zeiträume sind Federgravimeter − z.B. im Vergleich zu Supraleitgravimetern − die flexibelste, technisch einfachere und vergleichsweise wirtschaftlichste Lösung, unterliegen aber dem Nachteil der Drift. Wir untersuchen die Genauigkeiten des Micro-g LaCoste gPhone-98 (g-98) und ZLS Burris Gravity Meter B-64 (B-64) des Instituts für Erdmessung (IfE). Mit beiden Instrumenten wurden Registrierungen über mehrere Monate auf verschiedene Stationen mit hohen und niedrigen seismischen Störungen durchgeführt. Das g-98 und B-64 haben dabei zeitgleich an einer Station aufgezeichnet. Untersucht wird zudem eine parallele Registrierung des B-64 mit dem GWR Instruments OSG-054 Supraleitgravimeter in Onsala (Schweden). Die Gezeitenanalyse der Datenreihen dieser beiden Instrumente zeigt, dass die Gezeitenparameter der täglichen und halbtäglichen Gezeiten mit 0.3‰ (O1, K1, M2) bis 1.7‰ (S2) übereinstimmen. Sowohl für das g-98 als auch das B-64 wurde eine Stabilität des linearen Eichfaktors von 3×10e-4 ermittelt. Im Allgemeinen verhält sich die Drift eines gPhones nach einer gewissen Einlaufphase linear. Der Betrag und die Variation der Drift des g-98 nahmen im Nutzungszeitraum nach jedem Standortwechsel ab und liegt derzeit bei etwa 90 nm/s² pro Tag. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigt das B-64 derzeit ein nicht-lineares Verhalten.Modern spring gravimeters offer – e.g., compared to superconducting gravimeters – a flexible, simpler and economical solution for the long term acquisition of gravity data, but are limited by instrumental drift. We investigate the accuracy of the Micro-g LaCoste gPhone-98 (g-98) and the ZLS Burris Gravity Meter B-64 (B-64) of the Institut für Erdmessung (IfE). Both instrument conducted recordings for several months on stations with low to high seismic noise. At one station g-98 and B-64 recorded in parallel. Additionally the B-64 recorded simultaneously with the GWR Instruments OSG-054 superconducting gravimeter in Onsala (Sweden). The tidal analysis of timeseries from these two instruments show an agreement of 0.3‰ (O1, K1, M2) to 1.7‰ (S2) for diurnal- and semidiurnal amplitude factors. The linear calibration factor of g-98 and B-64 was found to be stable at the level of 3×10e-4. The instrumental drift of a gPhone is generally linear after an initial run-in phase. The magnitude as well as the variation of g-98’s drift has decreased over time with each new setup of the instrument at a new location. Currently the drift is approximately 90 nm/s² per day. The drift of B-64, on the other hand, does currently not show a linear behaviour

    Gravimetrische Erfassung von Klimawandelprozessen : Geodäsie nutzt technologische Entwicklungen der Quantenphysik

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    Die enge interdisziplinäre Kooperation zwischen Physik und Geodäsie erlaubt die Entwicklung und Anwendung neuartiger gravimetrischer Messmethoden, um klimarelevante Massenvariationen auf der Erde zu erfassen. Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Jürgen Müller vom Institut für Erdmessung der Leibniz Universität Hannover und Dr.-Ing. Manuel Schilling vom Institut für Satellitengeodäsie und Inertialsensorik des Deutschen Zentrums für Luft- und Raumfahrt geben einen Überblick über die Möglichkeiten, die die quanten-basierte Geodäsie für die Klimaforschung bietet

    Methods of Assessing Frailty in the Critically Ill: A Systematic Review of the Current Literature.

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    INTRODUCTION As new treatments have become established, more frail pre-ICU patients are being admitted to intensive care units (ICUs); this is creating new challenges to provide adequate care and to ensure that resources are allocated in an ethical and economical manner. This systematic review evaluates the current standard for assessing frailty on the ICU, including methods of assessment, time point of measurements, and cut-offs. METHODS A systematic search was conducted on MEDLINE, Clinical Trials, Cochrane Library, and Embase. Randomized and non-randomized controlled studies were included that evaluated diagnostic tools and ICU outcomes for frailty. Exclusion criteria were the following: studies without baseline assessment of frailty on ICU admission, studies in paediatric patients or pregnant women, and studies that targeted very narrow populations of ICU patients. Eligible articles were included until January 31, 2021. Methodological quality was assessed using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. No meta-analysis was performed, due to heterogeneity. RESULTS N = 57 articles (253,376 patients) were included using 19 different methods to assess frailty or a surrogate. Frailty on ICU admission was most frequently detected using the Clinical Frailty Scale (CFS) (n = 35, 60.3%), the Frailty Index (n = 5, 8.6%), and Fried's frailty phenotype (n = 6, 10.3%). N = 22 (37.9%) studies assessed functional status. Cut-offs, time points, and manner of baseline assessment of frailty on ICU admission varied widely. Frailty on ICU admission was associated with short- and long-term mortality, functional and cognitive impairment, increased health care dependency, and impaired quality of life post-ICU discharge. CONCLUSIONS Frailty assessment on the ICU is heterogeneous with respect to methods, cut-offs, and time points. The CFS may best reflect frailty in the ICU. Frailty assessments should be harmonized and performed routinely in the critically ill

    Population based Mean of Multiple Computations networks: A building block for kinematic models

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    Baum M, Meier M, Schilling M. Population based Mean of Multiple Computations networks: A building block for kinematic models. In: 2015 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN). Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE); 2015

    A Gravimetric Support Network for Very Long Baseline Atom Interferometry

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    With the introduction of portable atom interferometers (AI), a genuinely independent method for the determination of g is available for the first time since the introduction of laser interferometer based instruments. Current AIs offer several advantages and already reach the accuracy of classical sensors. Additionally, a small number of stationary experiments were implemented for research in fundamental physics and geodesy. These instruments, extending the free fall distance of atoms to several meters, allow for longer evolution times of the wave function, thereby increasing the sensitivity of the AI compared to decimetres in portable devices. The construction of an AI with a 9 m interaction zone is currently being completed at Leibniz University Hannover. The knowledge of g and its gradient is required for the evaluation of systematic effects and uncertainties in AI experiments. Therefore, a gravimetric control network connected to one absolute gravimeter pier was established and repeatedly observed during the construction of the Very Long Baseline Atom Interferometry facility (VLBAI). Before the installation of the instrument, this network included the central axis of the VLBAI and one vertical off-axis parallel profile. The latter profile can also be observed during operation of the VLBAI. The effect of local gravity changes, e. g., hydrology, is comparable to 1 nm/s² on both axes. The gravimetric measurements serve as a reference during initial tests of the VLBAI. Repeated observations in the future will be used to characterize the effect of local hydrology and other mass variations along the vertical axis. A model of the research building and groundwater level monitoring supplements the gravimetric network. As the VLBAI is capable of measuring g and its vertical gradient with higher accuracy (<1 nm/s²) than classical instruments, the model will be used to transfer g to a gravimetry laboratory for gravimeter comparisons. We present our strategy for gravimetric control of the VLBAI. This will provide a reference at first and will later be used to establish the VLBAI as a reference for gravimeter comparisons. The results of the first gravimetric campaigns and the comparison with the model of the VLBAI environment show an agreement within the instrumental uncertainties of the relative gravimeters used

    Blue light blind-spot stimulation upregulates b-wave and pattern ERG activity in myopes

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    Upregulation of retinal dopaminergic activity may be a target treatment for myopia progression. This study aimed to explore the viability of inducing changes in retinal electrical activity with short-wavelength light targeting melanopsin-expressing retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) passing through the optic nerve head. Fifteen healthy non-myopic or myopic young adults were recruited and underwent stimulation with blue light using a virtual reality headset device. Amplitudes and implicit times from photopic 3.0 b-wave and pattern electroretinogram (PERG) were measured at baseline and 10 and 20 min after stimulation. Relative changes were compared between non-myopes and myopes. The ERG b-wave amplitude was significantly larger 20 min after blind-spot stimulation compared to baseline (p<0.001) and 10 min (p<0.001) post-stimulation. PERG amplitude P50-N95 also showed a significant main effect for 'Time after stimulation' (p<0.050). Implicit times showed no differences following blind-spot stimulation. PERG and b-wave changes after blind-spot stimulation were stronger in myopes than non-myopes. It is possible to induce significant changes in retinal electrical activity by stimulating ipRGCs axons at the optic nerve head with blue light. The results suggest that the changes in retinal electrical activity are located at the inner plexiform layer and are likely to involve the dopaminergic system.This work was supported by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Industrie-in-Klinik-Plattform Program BMBF, Germany (FKZ: 13GW0256). This project was also supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) PTDC/FIS-OPT/0677/2014, the Strategic Funding UID/FIS/04650/2013 at Center of Physics, UMinho, and predoctoral grant SFRH/BD/136684/2018 to AAS. In addition, we would like to thank Nikita Wong for some literature search and language proofreading

    Production, Processing, Commercialization and Analysis of Costumer Preferences of Sheep Cheese in Chile

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    The constant increase in the demand for dairy products and their derivatives has generated a higher consumption of dairy products (113.5 t/year). Chile has not been the exception; in 2017, it presented an average per capita consumption of 11.1 kg of cheese, making it the largest consumer in Latin America, followed by Argentina (7.5 kg) and Uruguay (5 kg). Although Chile does not have a strong tradition of consuming sheep’s milk cheese compared with other (European) countries, in recent years, there have been changes in the demands and expectations of cheese consumers, who demand higher quality and a wider range of varieties, thus establishing the potential for further products to enter the market. The global cheese industry has taken charge of these trends through the phenomenon of granting a premium value to certain products, adding new ingredients and flavors, producing limited editions of certain products, favoring traditional recipes and craft methods, and highlighting specific localities of origin. Given a greater appreciation for and popularity of locally produced cheeses and value-added products, particularly those with the highly valued “Designation of Origin” label, this would offer a potential for expansion in the Chilean market

    Caracterizacion de la autoatribucion de comportamientos socialmente responsables de los estudiantes cohorte 2009 de la Universidad de Talca

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    93 p.El propósito de la presente investigación es caracterizar la autoatribución de comportamientos socialmente responsables e intenciones a la base, y su relación con variables sociodemográficas y cognitivas en estudiantes cohorte 2009 de la Universidad de Talca. El diseño del estudio es de tipo descriptivo correlacional y la metodología empleada cuantitativa. Se aplicó un cuestionario de Autoatribución de Comportamientos Socialmente Responsables e Intenciones a la Base a una muestra de 1106 estudiantes cohorte 2009 pertenecientes a todas las carreras de pregrado de la Universidad de Talca. Los resultados obtenidos fueron relacionados con variables sociodemográficas y cognitivas de los sujetos. Luego de analizar los datos utilizando el software SPSS versión 15.0 fue necesario reducir ítemes del cuestionario utilizado para aumentar la consistencia interna de las subescalas del mismo. Los resultados muestran que los estudiantes se autoatribuyen comportamientos socialmente responsables y que sus intenciones a la base, son basadas principalmente en el beneficio propio. Así también, existen diferencias significativas según el sexo, el establecimiento educacional de procedencia, el nivel educacional alcanzado por los padres, el área académica y el rendimiento académico

    Benefit of Quantum technology for future earth observation from space - gradiometry case

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    A big interest exists in geoscience disciplines to know the mass variations of the Earth with high resolution and accuracy. For monitoring climate change processes at the required level, it is essential to select the appropriate sensor technology and satellite missions. Future satellite missions will strongly depend on the advancement of novel technology and dedicated observation concepts of the Earth's gravitational field. The first objective of this study is to characterize various quantum and hybrid gradiometer concepts and to describe their respective error properties. As a result of their white noise behavior at low frequencies, Cold Atom Interferometry (CAI) accelerometers and gradiometers are perfectly suited as complementary methods to classical electrostatic concepts. Future gravity satellite missions could greatly benefit from accelerometers and gradiometers applying atom interferometry, alone or in some hybrid constellation. The comparison will demonstrate the differences in the spectral behavior as well as the mutual benefit of CAI-based and classical electrostatic gradiometers (as used in GOCE). Using simulated atom-interferometric and hybrid gradient measurements along one or more gradiometer axes in GOCE-like orbits, we determine the gravity field in spherical harmonics coefficients for the various cases and discuss the pros and cons of the selected concepts