320 research outputs found

    Optimization of radio astronomical observations using Allan variance measurements

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    Stability tests based on the Allan variance method have become a standard procedure for the evaluation of the quality of radio-astronomical instrumentation. They are very simple and simulate the situation when detecting weak signals buried in large noise fluctuations. For the special conditions during observations an outline of the basic properties of the Allan variance is given, and some guidelines how to interpret the results of the measurements are presented. Based on a rather simple mathematical treatment clear rules for observations in ``Position-Switch'', ``Beam-'' or ``Frequency-Switch'', ``On-The-Fly-'' and ``Raster-Mapping'' mode are derived. Also, a simple ``rule of the thumb'' for an estimate of the optimum timing for the observations is found. The analysis leads to a conclusive strategy how to plan radio-astronomical observations. Particularly for air- and space-borne observatories it is very important to determine, how the extremely precious observing time can be used with maximum efficiency. The analysis should help to increase the scientific yield in such cases significantly.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures, Latex, to be published in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    A 492 GHz cooled Schottky receiver for radio-astronomy

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    We developed a 492 GHz cooled GaAs Schottky receiver driven by a solid state local oscillator with a DSB noise temperature of 550 K measured at the telescope. The receiver-bandwidth is approx. equal to 1.0 GHz. Quasi-optical mirrors focus the sky and local oscillator radiation into the mixer. Stability analysis via the Allan variance method shows that the total system including a 1 GHz bandwidth acousto-optical spectrometer built in Cologne allows integration times up to 100 sec per half switching cycle. We successfully used the receiver at the KOSMA 3 m telescope on Gornergrat (3150m) located in the central Swiss Alps near Zermatt during January-February 1992 for observations of the 492 GHz, (CI) (3)P1 to (3)P0 fine structure line in several galactic sources. These observations confirm that Gornergrat is an excellent winter submillimeter site in accordance with previous predictions based on the atmospheric opacity from KOSMA 345 GHz measurements

    The Distribution of Water Emission in M17SW

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    We present a 17-point map of the M17SW cloud core in the 1_{10}-1_{01} transition of ortho-water at 557 GHz obtained with the Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite. Water emission was detected in 11 of the 17 observed positions. The line widths of the water emission vary between 4 and 9 km s^{-1}, and are similar to other emission lines that arise in the M17SW core. A direct comparison is made between the spatial extent of the water emission and the ^{13}CO J = 5\to4 emission; the good agreement suggests that the water emission arises in the same warm, dense gas as the ^{13}CO emission. A spectrum of the H_2^{18}O line was also obtained at the center position of the cloud core, but no emission was detected. We estimate that the average abundance of ortho-water relative to H_2 within the M17 dense core is approximately 1x10^{-9}, 30 times smaller than the average for the Orion core. Toward the H II region/molecular cloud interface in M17SW the ortho-water abundance may be about 5 times larger than in the dense core.Comment: 4 pages, 3 Postscript figures, uses aastex.cls, emulateapj5.sty (included), and apjfonts.sty (included

    Observations of V838 Mon in the CO rotational lines

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    We investigate the structure of a field around the position of V838 Mon as seen in the lowest CO rotational transitions. We also measure and analyse emission in the same lines at the position of V838 Mon.Observations have primarily been done in the CO J = 2-1 and J = 3-2 lines using the KOSMA telescope. A field of 3.4 squared degrees has been mapped in the on-the-fly mode in these transitions. Longer integration spectra in the on-off mode have been obtained to study the emission at the position of V838 Mon. Selected positions in the field have also been observed in the CO J = 1-0 transition using the Delingha telescope.In the observed field we have identified many molecular clouds. They can be divided into two groups from the point of view of their observed radial velocities. One, having V(LSR) in the range 18-32 km/s, can be identified with the Perseus Galactic arm. The other one, having V(LSR) between 44-57 km/s, probably belongs to the Norma-Cygnus arm. The radial velocity of V838 Mon is within the second range but the object does not seem to be related to any of the observed clouds. We did not find any molecular buble of a 1 degree dimension around the position of V838 Mon claimed in van Loon et al. An emission has been detected at the position of the object in the CO J = 2-1 and J = 3-2 transitions. The emission is very narrow (FWHM ~ 1.2 km/s) and at V(LSR) = 53.3 km/s. Our analysis of the data suggests that the emission is probably extended.Comment: paper accepted in A&

    Water Abundance in Molecular Cloud Cores

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    We present Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite (SWAS) observations of the 1_{10}-1_{01} transition of ortho-water at 557 GHz toward 12 molecular cloud cores. The water emission was detected in NGC 7538, Rho Oph A, NGC 2024, CRL 2591, W3, W3(OH), Mon R2, and W33, and was not detected in TMC-1, L134N, and B335. We also present a small map of the water emission in S140. Observations of the H_2^{18}O line were obtained toward S140 and NGC 7538, but no emission was detected. The abundance of ortho-water relative to H_2 in the giant molecular cloud cores was found to vary between 6x10^{-10} and 1x10^{-8}. Five of the cloud cores in our sample have previous water detections; however, in all cases the emission is thought to arise from hot cores with small angular extents. The water abundance estimated for the hot core gas is at least 100 times larger than in the gas probed by SWAS. The most stringent upper limit on the ortho-water abundance in dark clouds is provided in TMC-1, where the 3-sigma upper limit on the ortho-water fractional abundance is 7x10^{-8}.Comment: 5 pages, 3 Postscript figures, uses aastex.cls, emulateapj5.sty (included), and apjfonts.sty (included

    Atomic Carbon in M82: Physical conditions derived from simultaneous observations of the [CI] fine structure submillimeter wave transitions

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    We report the first extragalactic detection of the neutral carbon [CI] 3P2-3P1 fine structure line at 809 GHz. The line was observed towards M82 simultaneously with the 3P1-3P0 line at 492 GHz, providing a precise measurement of the J=2-1/J=1-0 integrated line ratio of 0.96 (on a [K km s^-1] -scale). This ratio constrains the [CI] emitting gas to have a temperature of at least 50 K and a density of at least 10^4 cm^-3. Already at this minimum temperature and density, the beam averaged CI-column density is large, 2.1 10^18 cm^-2, confirming the high CI/CO abundance ratio of approximately 0.5 estimated earlier from the 492 GHz line alone. We argue that the [CI] emission from M82 most likely arises in clouds of linear size around a few pc with a density of about 10^4 cm^-3 or slightly higher and temperatures of 50 K up to about 100 K.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, ApJL in press, postscript also available at ftp://apollo.ph1.uni-koeln.de/pub/stutzki/m82_pap.ps.gz e-mail-contact:[email protected]

    The Antarctic Submillimeter Telescope and Remote Observatory (AST/RO)

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    AST/RO, a 1.7 m diameter telescope for astronomy and aeronomy studies at wavelengths between 200 and 2000 microns, was installed at the South Pole during the 1994-1995 Austral summer. The telescope operates continuously through the Austral winter, and is being used primarily for spectroscopic studies of neutral atomic carbon and carbon monoxide in the interstellar medium of the Milky Way and the Magellanic Clouds. The South Pole environment is unique among observatory sites for unusually low wind speeds, low absolute humidity, and the consistent clarity of the submillimeter sky. Four heterodyne receivers, an array receiver, three acousto-optical spectrometers, and an array spectrometer are installed. A Fabry-Perot spectrometer using a bolometric array and a Terahertz receiver are in development. Telescope pointing, focus, and calibration methods as well as the unique working environment and logistical requirements of the South Pole are described.Comment: 57 pages, 15 figures. Submitted to PAS

    Discovery of water vapour in the carbon star V Cygni from observations with Herschel/HIFI

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    We report the discovery of water vapour toward the carbon star V Cygni. We have used Herschel's HIFI instrument, in dual beam switch mode, to observe the 1(11) - 0(00) para-water transition at 1113.3430 GHz in the upper sideband of the Band 4b receiver. The observed spectral line profile is nearly parabolic, but with a slight asymmetry associated with blueshifted absorption, and the integrated antenna temperature is 1.69 \pm 0.17 K km/s. This detection of thermal water vapour emission, carried out as part of a small survey of water in carbon-rich stars, is only the second such detection toward a carbon-rich AGB star, the first having been obtained by the Submillimeter Wave Astronomy Satellite toward IRC+10216. For an assumed ortho-to-para ratio of 3 for water, the observed line intensity implies a water outflow rate ~ (3 - 6) E-5 Earth masses per year and a water abundance relative to H2 of ~ (2-5) E-6. This value is a factor of at least 1E+4 larger than the expected photospheric abundance in a carbon-rich environment, and - as in IRC+10216 - raises the intriguing possibility that the observed water is produced by the vapourisation of orbiting comets or dwarf planets. However, observations of the single line observed to date do not permit us to place strong constraints upon the spatial distribution or origin of the observed water, but future observations of additional transitions will allow us to determine the inner radius of the H2O-emitting zone, and the H2O ortho-to-para ratio, and thereby to place important constraints upon the origin of the observed water emission.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A (HIFI special issue

    The origin of the [C II] emission in the S140 PDRs - new insights from HIFI

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    Using Herschel's HIFI instrument we have observed [C II] along a cut through S140 and high-J transitions of CO and HCO+ at two positions on the cut, corresponding to the externally irradiated ionization front and the embedded massive star forming core IRS1. The HIFI data were combined with available ground-based observations and modeled using the KOSMA-tau model for photon dominated regions. Here we derive the physical conditions in S140 and in particular the origin of [C II] emission around IRS1. We identify three distinct regions of [C II] emission from the cut, one close to the embedded source IRS1, one associated with the ionization front and one further into the cloud. The line emission can be understood in terms of a clumpy model of photon-dominated regions. At the position of IRS1, we identify at least two distinct components contributing to the [C II] emission, one of them a small, hot component, which can possibly be identified with the irradiated outflow walls. This is consistent with the fact that the [C II] peak at IRS1 coincides with shocked H2 emission at the edges of the outflow cavity. We note that previously available observations of IRS1 can be well reproduced by a single-component KOSMA-tau model. Thus it is HIFI's unprecedented spatial and spectral resolution, as well as its sensitivity which has allowed us to uncover an additional hot gas component in the S140 region.Comment: accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics (HIFI special issue

    First observations with CONDOR, a 1.5 THz heterodyne receiver

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    The THz atmospheric windows centered at roughly 1.3 and 1.5~THz, contain numerous spectral lines of astronomical importance, including three high-J CO lines, the N+ line at 205 microns, and the ground transition of para-H2D+. The CO lines are tracers of hot (several 100K), dense gas; N+ is a cooling line of diffuse, ionized gas; the H2D+ line is a non-depleting tracer of cold (~20K), dense gas. As the THz lines benefit the study of diverse phenomena (from high-mass star-forming regions to the WIM to cold prestellar cores), we have built the CO N+ Deuterium Observations Receiver (CONDOR) to further explore the THz windows by ground-based observations. CONDOR was designed to be used at the Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment (APEX) and Stratospheric Observatory For Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA). CONDOR was installed at the APEX telescope and test observations were made to characterize the instrument. The combination of CONDOR on APEX successfully detected THz radiation from astronomical sources. CONDOR operated with typical Trec=1600K and spectral Allan variance times of 30s. CONDOR's first light observations of CO 13-12 emission from the hot core Orion FIR4 (= OMC1 South) revealed a narrow line with T(MB) = 210K and delta(V)=5.4km/s. A search for N+ emission from the ionization front of the Orion Bar resulted in a non-detection. The successful deployment of CONDOR at APEX demonstrates the potential for making observations at THz frequencies from ground-based facilities.Comment: 4 pages + list of objects, 3 figures, to be published in A&A special APEX issu
