761 research outputs found

    Response to "Stray-light correction in 2D spectroscopy" by R. Schlichenmaier and M. Franz

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    We discuss a recent paper by Schlichenmaier & Franz (SF; 2013, A&A, 555, A84), in which the claim is made that the penumbral dark downflows detected for the first time with the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) by Scharmer et al. and Joshi et al. could be produced by overcompensation for straylight. We show that the analysis of SF is fundamentally flawed, because it ignores the constraints on the strength of such straylight from 3D convection simulations and on the spatial extent of the straylight point spread function from the measured minimum intensity in the sunspot umbra. Furthermore, we show that the claim made by SF, that the spatial straylight of Hinode is less than 10%, is false. We conclude that the analysis of SF is of no relevance in relation to the straylight compensation method applied to the SST data.Comment: Published in A&A. Rewording of a few sentences, one sentence remove

    Upflows in the central dark lane of sunspot light bridges

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    We use high spatial and spectral resolution observations obtained with the CRisp Imaging SpectroPolarimeter at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope to analyze the velocity profile of granular light bridges in a sunspot. We find upflows associated with the central dark lanes of the light bridges. From bisectors in the Fe I 630.15 nm line we find that the magnitude of the upflows varies with height with the strongest upflows being deeper in the atmosphere. Typical upflow velocities measured from the 70% bisector are around 500 m/s with peaks above 1 km/s. The upflows in the central dark lane are surrounded by downflows of weaker magnitude, sometimes concentrated in patches with enhanced velocities reaching up to 1.1 km/s. A small spatial offset between the upflows and the continuum dark lane is interpreted as a line-of-sight effect due to the elevated nature of the dark lane and the light bridge above the umbral surroundings. Our observations show that the central dark lane in granular light bridges is not equivalent to the intergranular lanes of normal photospheric granulation that host convective downflows. These results support recent MHD simulations of magneto-convection in sunspot atmospheres.Comment: Accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Striation and convection in penumbral filaments

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    Observations with the 1-m Swedish Solar Telescope of the flows seen in penumbral filaments are presented. Time sequences of bright filaments show overturning motions strikingly similar to those seen along the walls of small isolated structures in the active regions. The filaments show outward propagating striations with inclination angles suggesting that they are aligned with the local magnetic field. We interpret it as the equivalent of the striations seen in the walls of small isolated magnetic structures. Their origin is then a corrugation of the boundary between an overturning convective flow inside the filament and the magnetic field wrapping around it. The outward propagation is a combination of a pattern motion due to the downflow observed along the sides of bright filaments, and the Evershed flow. The observed short wavelength of the striation argues against the existence of a dynamically significant horizontal field inside the bright filaments. Its intensity contrast is explained by the same physical effect that causes the dark cores of filaments, light bridges and `canals'. In this way striation represents an important clue to the physics of penumbral structure and its relation with other magnetic structures on the solar surface. We put this in perspective with results from the recent 3-D radiative hydrodynamic simulations.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Evidence for convection in Sunspot penumbrae

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    We present an analysis of twisting motions in penumbral filaments in sunspots located at heliocentric angles from 3030^\circ to 4848^\circ using three time series of blue continuum images obtained by the Broadband Filter Imager (BFI) onboard {\it Hinode}. The relations of the twisting motions to the filament brightness and the position within the filament and within the penumbra, respectively, are investigated. Only certain portions of the filaments show twisting motions. In a statistical sense, the part of the twisting portion of a filament located closest to the umbra is brightest and possesses the fastest twisting motion, with a mean twisting velocity of 2.1\,km\,s1^{-1}. The middle and outer sections of the twisting portion of the filament (lying increasingly further from the umbra), which are less bright, have mean velocities of 1.7\,km\,s1^{-1} and 1.35\,km\,s1^{-1}, respectively. The observed reduction of brightness and twisting velocity towards the outer section of the filaments may be due to reducing upflow along the filament's long axis. No significant variation of twisting velocity as a function of viewing angles was found. The obtained correlation of brightness and velocity suggests that overturning convection causes the twisting motions observed in penumbral filament and may be the source of the energy needed to maintain the brightness of the filaments.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJL on 13th September 201

    SST/CRISP Observations of Convective Flows in a Sunspot Penumbra

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    Context. Recent discoveries of intensity correlated downflows in the interior of a sunspot penumbra provide direct evidence for overturning convection, adding to earlier strong indications of convection from filament dynamics observed far from solar disk center, and supporting recent simulations of sunspots. Aims. Using spectropolarimetric observations obtained at a spatial resolution approaching 0'.'1 with the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) and its spectropolarimeter CRISP, we investigate whether the convective downflows recently discovered in the C i line at 538.03 nm can also be detected in the wings of the Fe i line at 630.15 nm Methods. We make azimuthal fits of the measured LOS velocities in the core and wings of the 538 nm and 630 nm lines to disentangle the vertical and horizontal flows. To investigate how these depend on the continuum intensity, the azimuthal fits are made separately for each intensity bin. By using spatially high-pass filtered measurements of the LOS component of the magnetic field, the flow properties are determined separately for magnetic spines (relatively strong and vertical field) and inter-spines (weaker and more horizontal field). Results. The dark convective downflows discovered recently in the 538.03 nm line are evident also in the 630.15 nm line, and have similar strength. This convective signature is the same in spines and inter-spines. However, the strong radial (Evershed) outflows are found only in the inter-spines. Conclusions. At the spatial resolution of the present SST/CRISP data, the small-scale intensity pattern seen in continuum images is strongly related to a convective up/down flow pattern that exists everywhere in the penumbra. Earlier failures to detect the dark convective downflows in the interior penumbra can be explained by inadequate spatial resolution in the observed data.Comment: Revised and expanded by 2.5 pages. Fig. 14 adde

    The Validity Issue in Applied General Equilibrium Tax Models

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    Series: Department of Economics Working Paper Serie

    Instrument and data analysis challenges for imaging spectropolarimetry

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    The next generation of solar telescopes will enable us to resolve the fundamental scales of the solar atmosphere, i.e., the pressure scale height and the photon mean free path. High-resolution observations of small-scale structures with sizes down to 50 km require complex post-focus instruments, which employ adaptive optics (AO) and benefit from advanced image restoration techniques. The GREGOR Fabry-Perot Interferometer (GFPI) will serve as an example of such an instrument to illustrate the challenges that are to be expected in instrumentation and data analysis with the next generation of solar telescopes.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, accepted for publication in Astronomische Nachrichten/AN, special issue of the 1st EAST-ATST Workshop: "Science with large solar telescopes" in Freiburg, Germany, October 14-16, 200

    Spectropolarimetry with CRISP at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope

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    CRISP (Crisp Imaging Spectro-polarimeter), the new spectropolarimeter at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope, opens a new perspective in solar polarimetry. With better spatial resolution (0.13") than Hinode in the Fe I 6302 A line and similar polarimetric sensitivity reached through postprocessing, CRISP complements the SP spectropolarimeter onboard Hinode. We present some of the data which we obtained in our June 2008 campaign and preliminary results from LTE inversions of a pore containing umbral dots.Comment: To appear in "Magnetic Coupling between the Interior and the Atmosphere of the Sun", eds. S.S. Hasan and R.J. Rutten, Astrophysics and Space Science Proceedings, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, Berlin, 200

    High-order aberration compensation with Multi-frame Blind Deconvolution and Phase Diversity image restoration techniques

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    Context. For accurately measuring intensities and determining magnetic field strengths of small-scale solar (magnetic) structure, knowledge of and compensation for the point spread function is crucial. For images recorded with the Swedish 1-meter Solar Telescope, restoration with Multi-Frame Blind Deconvolution and Joint Phase Diverse Speckle methods lead to remarkable improvements in image quality but granulation contrasts that are too low, indicating additional stray light. Aims. We propose a method to compensate for stray light from high-order atmospheric aberrations not included in MFBD and JPDS processing. Methods. To compensate for uncorrected aberrations, a reformulation of the image restoration process is proposed that allows the average effect of hundreds of high-order modes to be compensated for by relying on Kolmogorov statistics for these modes. The applicability of the method requires simultaneous measurements of Fried's parameter r0. The method is tested with simulations as well as real data and extended to include compensation for conventional stray light. Results. We find that only part of the reduction of granulation contrast in SST images is due to uncompensated high-order aberrations. The remainder is still unaccounted for and attributed to stray light from the atmosphere, the telescope with its re-imaging system and to various high-altitude seeing effects. Conclusions. We conclude that statistical compensation of high-order modes is a viable method to reduce the loss of contrast occurring when a limited number of aberrations is explicitly compensated for with MFBD and JPDS processing. We show that good such compensation is possible with only 10 recorded frames. The main limitation of the method is that already MFBD and JPDS processing introduces high-order compensation that, if not taken into account, can lead to over-compensation.Comment: in press in Astronomy & Astrophysic