1,750 research outputs found

    Company Health Dashboard

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    Company Health Dashboard is a web application that serves as a tool to display information in dynamic grid-like modules. This application displays viewer-friendly information on the televisions around the company office using Raspberry Pi devices. In order to benefit different types of users, the application divides the screen into multiple customizable modules, with each module representing different information. Company employees, for example, can view information about company news, upcoming events, or even what’s on tap for that day. Visitors or clients, on the other hand, can see information about the company while waiting for their meeting. The design of the dashboard is made to the company’s own liking, having a centralized manager page that can customize each module type, name, title, description and background image. The manager has the ability to handle multiple screens, the admin can add multiple screen layouts and assign those layouts to specific televisions around the office. This lets the company have different screens for different floors or rooms depending on their use. This application has a lot of room for customization and will allow employees and visitors to understand the company’s overall status.https://scholarscompass.vcu.edu/capstone/1161/thumbnail.jp


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    Tata kelola dan aktivitas ekonomi dalam industry kelautan menjadi catatan penting dalam mewujudkan sustainable ocean economy. Indonesia dengan beberapa isu prioritas dan tantangannya menjadikan sumber daya (kelautan, perikanan dan sumber daya manusia) dan sinkronisasi kebijakan menjadi prioritas utama untuk mencapai tujuan sustainable ocean economy. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh potensi sumber daya, yang meliputi sumber daya manusia, sumber daya kelautan dan perikanan serta good governance terhadap sustainable ocean economy dengan aquaculture performance sebagai variabel intervening dan sinkronisasi kebijakan sebagai pemoderasi. Data primer dan sekunder digunakan dalam penelitian ini dan dianalisis dengan menggunakan pendekatan Structural Equation Model menggunakan software WarpPLS. Selanjutnya untuk menganalisis tingkat kepentingan dan kinerja variabel yang diuji menggunakan Importance Performance Analysis. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa potensi sumberdaya kelautan dan perikanan, Good Governance, dan sumber daya manusia secara positif berpengaruh signifikan terhadap aquaculture performance. Selain itu, hanya variabel potensi sumber daya kelautan dan perikanan yang berpengaruh signifikan terhadap sustainable ocean economy. Hal ini berimplikasi bahwa tujuan pengelolaan industri kelautan berorientasi pada keberlanjutan sumber daya kelautan dan perikanan. Berbagai kebijakan harus memprioritaskan penguatan sumber daya manusia sebagai target awal pencapaian sustainable ocean economy, karena dengan adanya sumber daya manusia yang berkualitas maka dapat menciptakan good governance

    Phenological Attributes and Phylogenetic Relationships of \u3ci\u3eRhagoletis Juniperina\u3c/i\u3e Marcovitch (Diptera: Tephritidae) in the Great Lakes Region

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    Rhagoletis juniperina Marcovitch (Diptera: Tephritidae) infests Eastern Red Cedar (Juniperus virginiana L.) and other North American junipers. While several Rhagoletis species are of interest as orchard crop pests (apple maggot, blueberry maggot, cherry fruit fly) and as models for studying speciation (R. pomonella Walsh species group), R. juniperina is of interest because it may tie together evolutionarily the Nearctic and Palearctic Rhagoletis fauna. One goal of this study was to test two competing hypotheses first proposed by Bush (1966): i) that R. juniperina is more closely related to the Nearctic dogwood- infesting R. tabellaria (Fitch), to which it is morphologically similar; or ii) that R. juniperina is more closely related to the Eurasian juniper-infesting R. flavigenualis Hering. To study R. juniperina, which is rarely collected, we first established a local study site by collecting juniper berries from several sites in the Lansing, MI vicinity in fall 2010, finding a heavily-infested juniper tree on the Michigan State University campus. Preliminary mitochondrial COII sequences of reared pupae matched (99.8%) the R. juniperina COII sequence in GenBank, allowing tentative identification of these flies as R. juniperina. Subsequently, the morphology of adults reared from these pupae the following spring and summer confirmed this diagnosis. Phenological attributes of the Farm Lane Bridge population were determined via weekly fruit collections in fall 2011 and 2012, and “peak” larval infestation was found to occur during the first part of October, while mean post-diapause eclosion time was found to be approximately 103 days. Rhagoletis juniperina adults were also reared from infested junipers found in Wisconsin and North Carolina, indicating that the geographic range of R. juniperina on J. virginiana is broader than previously thought. Hymenopteran parasitoids of R. juniperina were also observed; both the egg parasitoid, Utetes juniperi (Fischer) (Hymenoptera: Branconidae), and a new pupal parasitoid (Coptera n. sp.) (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae) were reared from fruit and pupae, respectively, collected at the MSU campus site. Subsequent phylogenetic analyses based on mitochondrial COI sequences did not resolve the relationships of R. juniperina and R. pomonella or flies in the Rhagoletis tabellaria species group. The sole R. flavigenualis individual in our sample was placed sister to an unresolved trichotomy of three clades containing these Nearctic taxa. The analysis also revealed within-species haplotype variability in R. juniperina, with a 3.8% nucleotide sequence difference observed between COI sequences of the flies from MI, WI, and NC compared to the Ontario R. juniperina sequences in the Barcode of Life database

    Perancangan Aplikasi Resep Masakan Dan Kue Khas Makassar Berbasis Android

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membuat suatu mobile aplication yang dapat digunakan oleh user untuk mengetahui tentang resep-resep masakan dan kue khas tradisional Makassar. Saat ini, aplikasi yang menggunakan perangkat bergerak semakin meningkat dan beragam. Pada sistem ini, development tools yang digunakan adalah Java Eclips yang diimplementasikan pada perangkat smartphone android. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sistem ini mampu memberikan informasi kepada user tentang resep-resep masakan dan kue khas tradisional Makassar, yang di tempatkan di perangkat mobil

    L1 for social presence in videoconferencing: A social semiotic account

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    Examining the use of multimodal translingual practices of language learners is a promising area for the study of semiotic resources in online multimodal language learning. As such, although L1 use is theoretically established as one of the many semiotic resources to be drawn upon for meaning-making as part of learners’ integrated repertoire, its role as a catalyst for the establishment of social presence is under-theorised. This paper presents detailed micro-analyses of the videoconferencing interactions of three pairs of language learners, and offers a social semiotic account illustrating transformative processes of transformation, transduction and mimesis (Bezemer & Kress, 2016). This study makes a unique contribution by demonstrating how translingual practice is mobilised with concomitant multimodal resources, and how this social-semiotic practice interweaves with all three dimensions of social presence (affective, interactive, and cohesive). It proposes that as a contributing factor to social presence, L1 use can assume a more prominent role in support for online language learning and teaching by helping learners project themselves socially and emotionally into their online interactions, and engage in a variety of transformative processes offering various learning potentials

    Pengembangan SDM Indonesia Unggul Menghadapi Masyarakat Kompetitif Era Globalisasi

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    Keberadaan dunia saat ini penuh dengan keterbukaan, dunia seolah menyatu atau dikenal dengan sebutan globalisasi. Globalisasi dimaknai oleh sebagian besar orang seolah-olah tidak ada lagi batas-batas tembok pemisah antara satu negara dengan negara lainnya, baik dalam bidang ekonomi, poltik, sosial maupun budaya. Walaupun masing-masing bangsa memiliki karakter-karakter bangsanya, namun dengan keterbukaan yang ada semuanya menjadi saling membaur. Sebagai konsekuensi dari era globalisasi, adalah tingginya tingkat persaingan dan tantangan yang ditimbulkannya. Suka atau tidak suka, ini merupakan suatu realitas yang harus dihadapi setiap warga bangsa. Pertanyaan mendasar dari realitas ini adalah sanggupkah dan siapkah manusia dikondisikan sebagai sumber daya transformasi sosial atau sumber daya yang diantisipasi sebagai pelaku pembangunan ? Salah satu upaya mengantisipasinya adalah dengan menciptakan berbagai sumber daya manusia unggul yang memiliki kemampuan berbuat sesuatu bagi bangsanya. Terdapat dua macam manusia unggul, yaitu 1) keunggulan individualistik yang dianggap sebagai cerminan sikap rakus manusia karena keunggulannya digunakan untuk dirinya dan kepuasan pribadinya sehingga diasumsikan tidak tepat diterapkan dalam era globalisasi, dan 2) keunggulan partisipatoris yang mengembangkan prinsip-prinsip persaingan sehat untuk mencari cara, proses dan hasil terbaik

    Determinants of Patient Experience At ‘X’ Private Hospital in Tangerang Selatan – Indonesia

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    Measurement of patients’ experience has an important role in providing a comprehensive information regarding service performance and could be a medium to enhance a hospital service quality. This study has objectives to identify the patient characteristic, correlated factors and the most significant factors on the patient experience in one Private Hospital in South Tangerang City, Indonesia. The determinant variables are communication, focus on the patient care, patient safety, competency of medical staff, participation of patient and environmental condition. The dependent variable is comprehensive evaluation of patient experience. The age, gender, level of education, type of employment, status of payment, time of hospitalization, marital status, also the type of hospital room class are considered as confounding variables. This study is a cross-sectional study using quantitative approach. The study was conducted from November 2015 until February 2016. Data were collected from one private hospital in South Tangerang. The samples are hospitalized patient who were selected using Simple Random Sampling Method with a total of 67 samples. The instrument of the study is a questionnaire adopted from Hospital Inpatient Survey 2010: Measuring the Patient’s Experience of Hospital Services with some adjustment. Data analysis was conducted using descriptive analysis, bivariate analysis, multivariate analysis and testing of confounding variables. The majority of patients are 35–68-year old patients, female, most of whom are Senior High School level graduate, working in a private company and having out-of-pocket method. In the patient experience aspects, result showed that every aspect of patient experience deemed as a good experience. However, there are 23.9% of patients who considered that staff competency is still inadequate. And the comprehensive evaluation of patient experience also has a good score. Nevertheless, there is no correlation between patient experience variables upon comprehensive evaluation variable. Management should perform a specific measurement on staff competency in order to obtain staff performance data so that the management could offer a specific training based on the evidence found.     Keywords: patient experience, private hospital, quantitative analysis, hospital qualit

    A QOS Evaluation of the TCP Congestion Control Algorithm

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    Networking evaluation techniques have been carried out different procedures and behavior for presenting the TCP/IP state over different areas. Furthermore, the rapid growth of using quality of services technique (QoS) for measuring and monitoring the TCP/IP state has growth rapidly due to the improvement process for presenting new techniques over LAN. TCP congestion algorithm has been used to control and monitor the TCP/IP state over local area network. Different difficulties have been presented the integration or the using of first in-first out technique among router for scheduling TCP/IP state. Hence, this study has been concerned on using the quality of service evaluation process of the TCP cognition control algorithm and to measure the TCP cognition control algorithm state over local area network by deploying QCheck system. However, Object Oriented Approach Modified (Hoffer, 1999) has been employed for deploying QCheck system over LAN, development, and testing the deployed system (QCheck) over LAN