22 research outputs found

    Strategi Tata Kelola Komunikasi Krisis Humas Pemerintahan Kabupaten Kuningan Jawa Barat dalam Menghadapi Krisis

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    Crisis is something that can suddenly unnoticed. A Public Relations is required to be able to control that impact. Every Public Relations should make a plan in handling crisis, the planning referred as Crisis Management. Kuningan District Government has a planning strategy in handling the crisis. The problem of e-ID card is an external crisis that occurred in Kuningan. This research uses descriptive qualitative research method in order to give description about Crisis Communication Management conducted by Public Relations of Regional Government of Kuningan Regency in handling e-KTP crisis that happened in Kuningan. There are three stages in handling the crisis that is with pre-crisis planning, during crisis and post crisis. The result of this research is communications crisis management activities conducted by the Regional Government of Kuningan Regency has gone through three stages. The first stage is pre crisis, the existence of planning on what to do if the crisis occurs. Local Government of Kuningan Regency in handling e-KTP crisis, they are quick response in handling crisis and also transparent to society. The last thing done after the crisis is by providing guidance and input to the Ahmadiyah community and related Islamic organizations


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    Berenang termasuk dalam latihan aerobik yang menunjukkan gerakan yang dilakukan dalam waktu yang relatif lama. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui besarnya kontribusi power otot tungkai terhadap hasil luncur start renang, untuk mengetahui besarnya kontribusi kelentukan terhadap luncur start renang dan untuk mengetahui mana yang memberikan kontribusi lebih besar terhadap hasil luncur start renang PON XX Papua. Metode yang digunakan adalah survey dengan jenis penelitian yaitu deskriptif kuantitatif dengan teknik studi korelasional. Sampel yang digunakan adalah 15 atlet dengan menggunakan teknik purposive sampling. Instrumen dan teknik pengambilan data pada penelitian ini menggunakan tes dan pengukuran yang terdiri dari standing board jump untuk mengukur power otot tungkai, sedangkan standing trunk flexion untuk mengukur kelentukan dan hasil luncur start renang menggunakan meteran untuk mengukur jarak terjauh dari tepi kolam hingga berhenti meluncur. Teknik analisis data menggunakan uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, dan uji korelasi ganda. Hasil menunjukkan. 1) Power otot tungkai memberikan kontribusi terhadap hasil luncur start renang sebesar 46,86%. 2) Kelentukan memberikan kontribusi hasil luncur start renang sebesar 28,22%. Dari kedua variabel tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa yang memberikan kontribusi terbesar adalah power otot tungkai yaitu 46,86%

    Pengaruh penambahan Ekstrak Biji Kelor sebagai Antioksidan Masker Gel peel off

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    Compounds called antioxidants are particularly beneficial to human health. Antioxidant substances are frequently utilized as free radicals because they can prevent the growth of oxidation reactions. Because of their high antioxidant content, moringa seeds produce oil that is resistant to rancidity and does not easily oxidize.  The peel-off gel mask formulation in this investigation included Moringa seed oil extract as a source of natural components. The goal of this study was to evaluate the antioxidant activity of a peel-off gel mask preparation made from Moringa seed oil extract. Maceration extraction is the technique used for extraction, and DPPH is the technique used to test for antioxidants. The results showed that the sample with a solvent volume of 450 ml had the best yield (34.64%), and the antioxidant activity of the extract of Moringa seed oil was measured at 256.89 g/ml with an average pH of 5.79.  The Moringa seed oil extract peel-off gel mask has the attributes of being white, thick, and smelling like moringa seeds. The peel-off gel mask gets thicker the more Moringa seed oil extract there is in it. This study establishes the potential of using Moringa seed oil extract in peel-off gel mask formulations extract in peel-off gel mask formulations

    Prism: A Way to Measure the Performance of Higher Education Institutions

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    Higher education institutions are keen to assess their performance. It is important for them to evaluate their outcomes to promote their future performance. The aim of this research was to determine the level of preparation of the faculty of business at Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta for accreditation based on the prism aspects. This study used questionnaires for data collection with a Likert scale split by the prism assessment levels of satisfaction, strategy, process, capability, and contribution, and then grouped into the criteria of high, medium and low levels according to the provisions of OMAX. The results showed that the faculty of business reached less than 100% in all the prism aspects. This was interpreted as inefficiency. The highest achievement was 99.18% in the contribution aspect and the lowest was 84.28% in the capability aspect. It was concluded that the faculty of business of Universitas PGRI Yogyakarta must be even more active in increasing their performance to prepare for accreditation. Keywords: accreditation, faculty of business performance, OMAX, prism model


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    Latar Belakang : Keamanan pangan menjadi persyaratan utama yang harus dimiliki oleh setiap produksi pangan yang beredar dipasaran. Penjamah makanan menjadi salah satu faktor yang berperan besar dalam produksi makanan. Pengetahuan penjamah makanan juga mempengaruhi kualitas makanan yang dihasilkan. Salah satu cara memperbaiki tindakan penjamah yaitu dengan meningkatkan pengetahuan dengan memberikan intervensi berupa penyuluhan dengan poster kemanan pangan. Salah satu aspek untuk menentukan keamanan makanan yaitu dengan Skor Kemanan Pangan (SKP). Tujuan : Mengetahui pengaruh penyuluhan dengan poster keamanan pangan terhadap pengetahuan keamanan pangan penjamah makanan dan keamanan pangan di rumah makan lesehan Metode : Penelitian yang dilakukan adalah quasi eksperiment menggunakan pretest-postest. Total subjek penelitian adalah 11 penjamah makanan. Data diperoleh menggunakan kuesioner dan observasi. Hasil : Rata-rata nilai pengetahuan penjamah makanan sebelum diberi penyuluhan keamanan pangan dengan poster yaitu 65,9. Rata-rata nilai pengetahuan penjamah makanan setelah diberi penyuluhan keamanan pangan dengan poster yaitu 85,54. Rata-rata kategori keamanan pangan berdasarkan SKP sebelum diberi penyuluhan dengan poster yaitu Rawan Tapi Aman (62,17%-93,31%). Rata-rata kategori keamanan pangan berdasarkan SKP setelah diberi penyuluhan dengan poster yaitu Sedang (93,32%-97,02%). Ada pengaruh penyuluhan keamanan pangan dengan poster terhadap pengetahuan keamanan pangan penjamah makanan (p* = 0.000). Ada pengaruh penyuluhan keamanan pangan dengan poster terhadap keamanan pangan di rumah makan lesehan (p* = 0.025) Kesimpulan : Ada pengaruh penyuluhan dengan poster keamanan pangan terhadap pengetahuan penjamah makanan dan kemanan pangan berdasarkan skor keamanan pangan (SKP). Kata kunci : Penyuluhan, Keamanan Pangan, Pengetahuan, Skor Keamanan Panga

    Effects of Drying TIME on Yield and Moisture Content of “Sumahe” Powdered Drink Using Spray Dryer

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    As people today are becoming more health-conscious, various efforts have been made to keep up one's health, such as by consuming highly nutritious food and drinks. One of the nutritious food sources produced from bees is honey, bioactive compounds of polyphenols, glyoxal and methylglioxal. Honey could be used as a health drink by mixing with ginger. This health drink is also produced as powdered drink to simplify storing, reduce the use of plastic packaging, and to add product value to increase market share. The aim of this research was to analyze the effects of drying time for 5, 15, and 25 minutes with an addition of maltodextrin on the yield, density, and moisture content of “Sumahe” instant powdered drink, made from cow's milk, honey, and ginger. The results showed that the longer the drying time, the lower the moisture content of the drink. Meanwhile, the longer the drying time, the higher the yield became. A taste test of “Sumahe” also indicated that from 25 minutes of drying time, most of the panelists rated the drink as tasteful and delicious

    Microencapsulation Techniques of Herbal Compounds for Raw Materials in Food Industry, Cosmetics and Pharmaceuticals

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    Microencapsulation is a technique or process of wrapping very small gas particles, gases, or active solid content with a coating material/membrane to protect the active particles (core) from environmental influences like unwanted effects such as light, moisture, and oxygen to increase shelf life of the product. Microencapsulation proposes to protect sensitive food components, reduce nutritional losses, expand the usefulness of sensitive food components, add certain food to other food, protect flavors and fragrances, convert liquid food components to more convenient solids handled, and protect materials from environmental influences. Product microcapsulation can be used as raw material for the food industry, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals using bioactive compounds. From the results of the curcuminoid content testings, it can be observed that an increase of drying temperature produces lower amount of curcuminoid contents, which is caused by the inability of curcuminoid compounds to be preserved by maltodextrin, as the microencapsulant. The best temperature to preserve curcuminoid compounds is at 110°C, in which 10.52% is preserved. Hence, for Aloe vera processing, the optimum drying temperature was 120°C which maintained the active component of Aloe vera powder such as Aloenin (B), Aloeresin A, and Chrysophanol

    Pengaruh Konsentrasi Pelarut Etanol Terhadap Ekstrak Minyak Atsiri Dari Akar Bunga Anggrek (Orchidaceae) Dengan Maserasi-Ultrasonik

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    Akar anggrek merupakan salah satu penghasil minyak atsiri. Pada akar bunga anggrek terdapat kandungan alami berupa protein, sukrosa, kalsium, prozenat, minyak atsiri, resin, dekstrin, dan protein. Minyak atsiri memiliki zat yang dapat memberikan aroma di tumbuhan. Minyak atsiri dibeberapa tumbuhan memiliki komponen volatil dengan karakteristik tertentu. Minyak atsiri banyak digunakan di industri parfum, kosmetik, bahan tambahan makanan dan obat. Minyak atsiri diperoleh dari akar bunga anggrek tanah dengan metode maserasi dengan bantuan ultrasonik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui rendemen terbesar dari proses ekstraksi dengan memvariasikan konsentrasi pelarut serta untuk mengetahui apakah terdapat kandungan fenol dalam minyak atsiri akar anggrek tanah. Bahan yang digunakan adalah akar bunga anggrek tanah yang sudah dihaluskan sebanyak 20 gram dengan pelarut 100 mL. Variabel yang digunakan adalah konsentrasi pelarut etanol. Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dengan metode maserasi ultrasonik didapatkan rendemen terbaik pada konsentrasi pelarut etanol 70% dengan rendemen 18.1%. Dan dari identifikasi zat antioksidan fenol dengan Reagen Folin-Ciocalteu menggunakan Spektrofotometer-UV terdapat zat antioksidan fenol.dengan panjang gelombang 765 nm didapatkan nilai absorbansi 2.591ab