77 research outputs found

    Genomic signatures of inbreeding depression for a threatened Aotearoa New Zealand passerine

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    For small and isolated populations, the increased chance of mating between related individuals can result in a substantial reduction in individual and population fitness. Despite the increasing availability of genomic data to measure inbreeding accurately across the genome, inbreeding depression studies for threatened species are still scarce due to the difficulty of measuring fitness in the wild. Here, we investigate inbreeding and inbreeding depression for the extensively monitored Tiritiri Mātangi island population of a threatened Aotearoa New Zealand passerine, the hihi (Notiomystis cincta). First, using a custom 45 k single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array, we explore genomic inbreeding patterns by inferring homozygous segments across the genome. Although all individuals have similar levels of ancient inbreeding, highly inbred individuals are affected by recent inbreeding, which can probably be explained by bottleneck effects such as habitat loss after European arrival and their translocation to the island in the 1990s. Second, we investigate genomic inbreeding effects on fitness, measured as lifetime reproductive success, and its three components, juvenile survival, adult annual survival and annual reproductive success, in 363 hihi. We find that global inbreeding significantly affects juvenile survival but none of the remaining fitness traits. Finally, we employ a genome-wide association approach to test the locus-specific effects of inbreeding on fitness, and identify 13 SNPs significantly associated with lifetime reproductive success. Our findings suggest that inbreeding depression does impact hihi, but at different genomic scales for different traits, and that purging has therefore failed to remove all variants with deleterious effects from this population of conservation concern

    Assembly of female and male hihi genomes (stitchbird; Notiomystis cincta) enables characterization of the W chromosome and resources for conservation genomics

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    A high-quality reference genome can be a valuable resource for threatened species by providing a foundation to assess their evolutionary potential to adapt to future pressures such as environmental change. We assembled the genome of a female hihi (Notiomysits cincta), a threatened passerine bird endemic to Aotearoa New Zealand. The assembled genome is 1.06 Gb, and is of high quality and highly contiguous, with a contig N50 of 7.0 Mb, estimated QV of 44 and a BUSCO completeness of 96.8%. A male assembly of comparable quality was generated in parallel. A population linkage map was used to scaffold the autosomal contigs into chromosomes. Female and male sequence coverage and comparative genomics analyses were used to identify Z-, and W-linked contigs. In total, 94.6% of the assembly length was assigned to putative nuclear chromosome scaffolds. Native DNA methylation was highly correlated between sexes, with the W chromosome contigs more highly methylated than autosomal chromosomes and Z contigs. 43 differentially methylated regions were identified, and these may represent interesting candidates for the establishment or maintenance of sex differences. By generating a high-quality reference assembly of the heterogametic sex, we have created a resource that enables characterization of genome-wide diversity and facilitates the investigation of female-specific evolutionary processes. The reference genomes will form the basis for fine-scale assessment of the impacts of low genetic diversity and inbreeding on the adaptive potential of the species and will therefore enable tailored and informed conservation management of this threatened taonga (treasured) species

    The design and application of a 50 K SNP chip for a threatened Aotearoa New Zealand passerine, the hihi

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    Next-generation sequencing has transformed the fields of ecological and evolutionary genetics by allowing for cost-effective identification of genome-wide variation. Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays, or “SNP chips”, enable very large numbers of individuals to be consistently genotyped at a selected set of these identified markers, and also offer the advantage of being able to analyse samples of variable DNA quality. We used reduced representation restriction-aided digest sequencing (RAD-seq) of 31 birds of the threatened hihi (Notiomystis cincta; stitchbird) and low-coverage whole genome sequencing (WGS) of 10 of these birds to develop an Affymetrix 50 K SNP chip. We overcame the limitations of having no hihi reference genome and a low quantity of sequence data by separate and pooled de novo assembly of each of the 10 WGS birds. Reads from all individuals were mapped back to these de novo assemblies to identify SNPs. A subset of RAD-seq and WGS SNPs were selected for inclusion on the chip, prioritising SNPs with the highest quality scores whose flanking sequence uniquely aligned to the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) genome. Of the 58,466 SNPs manufactured on the chip, 72% passed filtering metrics and were polymorphic. By genotyping 1,536 hihi on the array, we found that SNPs detected in multiple assemblies were more likely to successfully genotype, representing a cost-effective approach to identify SNPs for genotyping. Here, we demonstrate the utility of the SNP chip by describing the high rates of linkage disequilibrium in the hihi genome, reflecting the history of population bottlenecks in the species

    Reference Genomes from Distantly Related Species Can Be Used for Discovery of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms to Inform Conservation Management

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    Threatened species recovery programmes benefit from incorporating genomic data into conservation management strategies to enhance species recovery. However, a lack of readily available genomic resources, including conspecific reference genomes, often limits the inclusion of genomic data. Here, we investigate the utility of closely related high-quality reference genomes for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery using the critically endangered kakī/black stilt (Himantopus novaezelandiae) and four Charadriiform reference genomes as proof of concept. We compare diversity estimates (i.e., nucleotide diversity, individual heterozygosity, and relatedness) based on kakī SNPs discovered from genotyping-by-sequencing and whole genome resequencing reads mapped to conordinal (killdeer, Charadrius vociferus), confamilial (pied avocet, Recurvirostra avosetta), congeneric (pied stilt, Himantopus himantopus) and conspecific reference genomes. Results indicate that diversity estimates calculated from SNPs discovered using closely related reference genomes correlate significantly with estimates calculated from SNPs discovered using a conspecific genome. Congeneric and confamilial references provide higher correlations and more similar measures of nucleotide diversity, individual heterozygosity, and relatedness. While conspecific genomes may be necessary to address other questions in conservation, SNP discovery using high-quality reference genomes of closely related species is a cost-effective approach for estimating diversity measures in threatened species

    Genetic variance in fitness indicates rapid contemporary adaptive evolution in wild animals

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    Funding: Hoge Veluwe great tits: the NIOO-KNAW, ERC, and numerous funding agencies; Wytham great tits: Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council, ERC, and the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC).The rate of adaptive evolution, the contribution of selection to genetic changes that increase mean fitness, is determined by the additive genetic variance in individual relative fitness. To date, there are few robust estimates of this parameter for natural populations, and it is therefore unclear whether adaptive evolution can play a meaningful role in short-term population dynamics. We developed and applied quantitative genetic methods to long-term datasets from 19 wild bird and mammal populations and found that, while estimates vary between populations, additive genetic variance in relative fitness is often substantial and, on average, twice that of previous estimates. We show that these rates of contemporary adaptive evolution can affect population dynamics and hence that natural selection has the potential to partly mitigate effects of current environmental change.PostprintPeer reviewe

    Characterisation of the transcriptome of a wild great tit Parus major population by next generation sequencing

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    Background: The recent development of next generation sequencing technologies has made it possible to generate very large amounts of sequence data in species with little or no genome information. Combined with the large phenotypic databases available for wild and non-model species, these data will provide an unprecedented opportunity to "genomicise" ecological model organisms and establish the genetic basis of quantitative traits in natural populations

    The genetic basis of the kākāpƍ structural color polymorphism suggests balancing selection by an extinct apex predator

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    AU The:information Pleaseconfirmthatallheadinglevelsarerepresentedcorrectly contained in population genomic data can tell : us much about the past ecology and evolution of species. We leveraged detailed phenotypic and genomic data of nearly all living kākāpƍ to understand the evolution of its feather color polymorphism. The kākāpƍ is an endangered and culturally significant parrot endemic to Aotearoa New Zealand, and the green and olive feather colorations are present at similar frequencies in the population. The presence of such a neatly balanced color polymorphism is remarkable because the entire population currently numbers less than 250 birds, which means it has been exposed to severe genetic drift. We dissected the color phenotype, demonstrating that the two colors differ in their light reflectance patterns due to differential feather structure. We used quantitative genomics methods to identify two genetic variants whose epistatic interaction can fully explain the species’ color phenotype. Our genomic forward simulations show that balancing selection might have been pivotal to establish the polymorphism in the ancestrally large population, and to maintain it during population declines that involved a severe bottleneck. We hypothesize that an extinct apex predator was the likely agent of balancing selection, making the color polymorphism in the kākāpƍ a “ghost of selection past.

    Genomic Tools in Biological Invasions: Current State and Future Frontiers

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    Human activities are accelerating rates of biological invasions and climate-driven range expansions globally, yet we understand little of how genomic processes facilitate the invasion process. Although most of the literature has focused on underlying phenotypic correlates of invasiveness, advances in genomic technologies are showing a strong link between genomic variation and invasion success. Here, we consider the ability of genomic tools and technologies to (i) inform mechanistic understanding of biological invasions and (ii) solve real-world issues in predicting and managing biological invasions. For both, we examine the current state of the field and discuss how genomics can be leveraged in the future. In addition, we make recommendations pertinent to broader research issues, such as data sovereignty, metadata standards, collaboration, and science communication best practices that will require concerted efforts from the global invasion genomics community
