630 research outputs found

    Ciudades con atributos: conectividad, accesibilidad y movilidad

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    Se plantea en este artículo una crítica acerca de los sentidos de algunos conceptos habituales en el urbanismo y directamente relacionados con la correspondencia entre espacios urbanos e infraestructuras de transporte. Los autores se interesan especialmente por los significados y usos de acepciones tales como conectividad, accesibilidad y movilidad. Abriendo el debate terminológico y elucidando la perspectiva del análisis teórico, esta contribución combina unas notas sobre la movilidad urbana sostenible y el planeamiento orientado por la política de transporte urbano.In this article a critique is laid out about the senses of some habitual concepts in the urbanism and directly related to the correspondence between urban spaces and infrastructures of transport. The authors are especially interested in the meanings and uses of such meanings as connectivity, accessibility and mobility. Opening the terminological debate and elucidating the perspective of the theoretical analysis, this contribution combines a few notes on the urban sustainable mobility and the Transit-Oriented Development

    Combined analysis of genome-wide expression and copy number profiles to identify key altered genomic regions in cancer

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.-- Proceedings of the International Conference of the Brazilian Association for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (X-meeting 2011).[Background]: Analysis of DNA copy number alterations and gene expression changes in human samples have been used to find potential target genes in complex diseases. Recent studies have combined these two types of data using different strategies, but focusing on finding gene-based relationships. However, it has been proposed that these data can be used to identify key genomic regions, which may enclose causal genes under the assumption that disease-associated gene expression changes are caused by genomic alterations. [Results]: Following this proposal, we undertake a new integrative analysis of genome-wide expression and copy number datasets. The analysis is based on the combined location of both types of signals along the genome. Our approach takes into account the genomic location in the copy number (CN) analysis and also in the gene expression (GE) analysis. To achieve this we apply a segmentation algorithm to both types of data using paired samples. Then, we perform a correlation analysis and a frequency analysis of the gene loci in the segmented CN regions and the segmented GE regions; selecting in both cases the statistically significant loci. In this way, we find CN alterations that show strong correspondence with GE changes. We applied our method to a human dataset of 64 Glioblastoma Multiforme samples finding key loci and hotspots that correspond to major alterations previously described for this type of tumors. [Conclusions]: Identification of key altered genomic loci constitutes a first step to find the genes that drive the alteration in a malignant state. These driver genes can be found in regions that show high correlation in copy number alterations and expression changesThis work has been supported by funds provided by the Local Government Junta de Castilla y León (JCyL, ref. project: CSI07A09), by the Spanish Government (ISCiii, ref. project PS09/00843) and by the European Commission (Research Grant ref. FP7-HEALTH-2007-223411). SA thanks the JCyL and the European Social Fund (ESF-EU) for a research grant.Peer Reviewe

    Serum-dependent transcriptional networks identify distinct functional roles for H-Ras and N-Ras during initial stages of the cell cycle

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    Transcriptional and functional analysis reveals that the H-Ras and N-Ras isoforms have different roles in the initial phases of the mouse cell cycl

    Corpo, mídia e mercado: o corpo objeto de discurso publicitário

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    O corpo na relação com a mídia e com mercado é o foco deste texto. O objetivo do trabalho é identificar essa relação via uma abordagem do corpo do ponto de vista dos discursos que o propõem, evidenciam e o promove. Nota-se que, atualmente, um ideal de corpo e de beleza é cada vez mais veiculado massivamente pelo aparato publicitário da mídia. O corpo tornou-se assim, alvo privilegiado da mídia e o principal “cartão de visita” na cultura contemporânea

    Ejemplaridad, paternalismo y utilitarismo en la justicia de la España de los Habsburgo

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    [ES] El reconocimiento de privilegios en la sociedad del Antiguo Régimen obligó a dar a cada persona un trato diferenciado en los tribunales de justicia y a imponer penas distintas a nobles y a plebeyos. Por otra parte, las aspiraciones hegemonistas de la dinastía de los Habsburgo en Europa les obligó a guerrear continuamente contra sus adversarios y a concebir una idea muy utilitaria de la administración de justicia y de la penalidad. Sobre la penalidad de los Habsburgo existen en España visiones muy contradictorias. Si atendemos a las penas previstas en el derecho y a las sentencias pronunciadas por los tribunales sacaremos una visión terrorífica del sistema judicial. Por el contrario, si nos quedamos con las fuentes que nos refieren la existencia de prácticas muy frecuentes de composiciones y acuerdos al margen del sistema judicial, obtendremos una visión edulcorada de la justicia, la cual toleraba límites de impunidad bastante elevados, sobre todo en la Corona de Aragón. En realidad ambas cosas son ciertas. El margen de arbitrio concedido a los jueces permitía una represión cruel de los delitos, eventualmente atemperada por el paternalismo atribuido a la corona y por el hecho de que primaba la actuación a petición de parte sobre la actuación de oficio, lo que permitía en una sociedad con presencia de redes clientelares profundas y extensas, resolver muchos litigios fuera del ámbito judicial. Hubo una impunidad asociada a las limitaciones de la administración de justicia en la época y otra relacionada con la existencia de componendas extrajudiciales sostenidas por el mutuo interés de las partes. Este fenómeno existió también en otros países europeos; pero, al menos en el ámbito hispánico, no debe interpretarse a priori como una manifestación de desconfianza de los súbditos en la justicia oficial. Aunque no podemos cuantificar en estos momentos el porcentaje de composiciones particulares, se puede estimar que fue inferior al de países como Inglaterra.[EN] Privileges recognition in the Ancient Regime forced to give a different treatment to each person in the Courts of Justice and to set different penalties to nobles and commoners. On the other hand, the hegemonic aspirations of the Habsburg dynasty in Europe continually forced them to war against their enemies and to conceive an utilitarian idea of the administration of justice and penalty. There are very contradictory ideas about Habsburgs´s penalty in Spain. By looking at the penalties provided by the law and the judgements delivered by the courts, we get a terrifying sight of the judicial system. On the contrary, analysing the sources that refer to the existence of very frequent practices of compositions and arrangements outside the court system, we get a pleasant view of justice, which was quite tolerant with the limits of impunity, especially in the Crown of Aragon. And in fact both are true. The discretion margin conceded to judges allowed a cruel repression of crime, eventually moderated because of the paternalism attributed to the crown, and also because the individual action took priority over the court-appointed action, enabling -in a society where there was deep and extensive patronage networks- to resolve many disputes out of court. There were impunity limitations associated with the administration of justice and another related to the existence of extra-judicial compromise supported by the mutual interest of the parties. This case also existed in other European countries, but, at least in the Hispanic sphere, it should not be interpreted as a display of distrust of subjects in the official justice. Although we cannot quantify the percentage of individual compositions at the moment, we can estimate that it was lower than in countries like England

    La justicia penal de los Austrias en la Corona de Castilla

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    En este libro se presenta cual era la justicia penal en la Corona de Castilla bajo los Austrias (1517-1700), matizando su mayor singularidad : la de inscribirse en un régimen de desigualdad social