292 research outputs found

    A Pseudomonas viridiflava-Related Bacterium Causes a Dark-Reddish Spot Disease in Glycine max

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    A virulent Pseudomonas viridiflava-related bacterium has been identified as a new pathogen of soybean, one of the most important crops worldwide. The bacterium was recovered from forage soybean leaves with dark-reddish spots, and damage on petioles and pods was also observed. In contrast, common bean was not affected

    A moderate exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid causes persistent DNA damage and senescence in human epidermal HaCaT keratinocytes

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    Our results suggest that a single exposure to perfluorooctanoic acid causes concentration-dependent changes in cell proliferation that were not restored during a 48 h recovery period. Furthermore, we demonstrate that a moderate treatment with this perfluorochemical causes persistent DNA damage, which ultimately leads to development of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype in HaCaT cells. This paper provides unprecedented data and insights regarding the cytotoxic effects of perfluorooctanoic acid in human cells that could be of special relevance for use in comparative in vitro-in vivo studies. Moreover, our findings highlight the importance of considering both the immediate and long-lasting or delayed cytotoxic responses caused by chemical exposure, to ensure the accurate identification of toxicity in cellbased systemsThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness grant number CTM2012-3134

    Active learning methodologies in college: Can increase motivation, academic achievement and attendance?

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    Este estudio investiga si la implantación de metodologías activas en las enseñanzas universitarias mejoran los niveles de motivación, rendimiento académico, satisfacción del alumnado y disminuye el absentismo. El estudio cuenta con un grupo experimental y un grupo control. Ambos grupos cumplimentaron un cuestionario elaborado ad-hoc y la versión española de la escala de motivación Échelle de Motivation en Éducation (EME-E). En la evaluación pretest ambos grupos fueron estadísticamente similares en las variables de interés. En la evaluación postest en el grupo experimental se encontró una mejora estadísticamente significativa en los niveles de motivación, rendimiento académico, satisfacción con la asignatura y disminuyeron sus niveles de absentismo. El seguimiento realizado a los tres meses constató que las diferencias en motivación seguían presentes entre los grupos.This study investigates if the implementation of active learning methodologies and formative evaluation in college improves motivation, academic achievement, student satisfaction with the methodology and reduces absenteeism. The study has an intervention group and a matched comparison group. Both groups completed an ad hoc questionnaire and the Spanish version of the scale Échelle of motivation in Education (EME-E). At base line, groups were statistically similar on the variables of interest. At posttest the intervention group had enhanced motivation, academic achievement, and satisfaction with the course and also had decreased their levels of absenteeism. 3 months follow-up found that differences in motivation were present between groups

    Preservation of Quercus robur germplasm by cryostorage of embryogenic cultures derived from mature trees and rapd analysis of genetic stability

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    This study reports on the cryostorage of embryogenic lines derived from selected mature Quercus robur trees, following application of the PVS2-vitrification based procedure. In seven oak genotypes, embryo recovery levels ranging from 57-92% were obtained when 4-6 mg embryo clumps were precultured for 3 days on 0.3 M sucrose basal medium, treated with PVS2 solution for 60 min at 24ºC, and then immersed in liquid nitrogen (LN). Embryos of six out of seven lines were cryostored for one week and one year and used to evaluate cryopreservation tolerance, germination ability and to assess genetic fidelity by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers. There were no significant differences between the recovery frequencies of samples retrieved from LN after 1 week and 1 year of cryostorage. In five out of six lines, RAPD profiles of cryopreserved somatic embryos and regenerated plantlets were identical to those of the controls. Although polymorphisms were detected in only one cryostored embryo of one genotype, no genetic instability was found in the regenerated plantlets. This methodology appears to be suitable for long-term storage of this valuable germplasm, as the recovered plantlets were found to be genetically stable.Xunta de Galicia project: PGIDIT03RFO40001PR MEC (Spain) project: AGL2006-01387/FORPeer reviewe

    Tipologías arquitectónicas singulares en la Cabrera Alta integradas en el Paisaje antrópico del noroeste hispano

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    Producción CientíficaEn este trabajo de investigación se realiza un estudio del valor patrimonial de las construcciones tradicionales que aún perviven en la Cabrera Alta (León, España). Abordamos el tema desde la interdisciplinariedad para conseguir abarcar toda la polisemia que encierran una serie de edifi cios comunes en la comarca. El trabajo se ha realizado mediante la metodología más adecuada: el dibujo, el análisis tipológico y su complemento con la documentación histórica y bibliográfi ca pertinente. Ha exigido medir, comparar, analizar sus unidades elementales en relación a otras arquitecturas vecinales de la comarca, haciendo evidente su geometría y los mecanismos de restitución gráfi ca. Con este trabajo queremos penetrar de una manera científi ca en las claves estéticas, sociales y culturales de unos habitantes que mediante el dominio de la naturaleza y del entorno, en perfecta simbiosis con el medio, han sabido hacer frente a sus necesidades vitales. Las soluciones aportadas por la arquitectura tradicional, de poderoso atractivo artístico se basan en un saber a la vez culto y popular, hegemónico y subalterno que ha producido tipologías arquitectónicas resultantes integradas en el paisaje, que han creado, a la vez, una serie de productos patrimoniales

    Tipologías arquitectónicas singulares en la Cabrera Alta integradas en el Paisaje antrópico del noroeste hispano: Patrimonio Cultural

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    En este trabajo de investigación se realiza un estudio del valor patrimonial de las construcciones tradicionales que aún perviven en la Cabrera Alta (León, España). Abordamos el tema desde la interdisciplinariedad para conseguir abarcar toda la polisemia que encierran una serie de edifi cios comunes en la comarca. El trabajo se ha realizado mediante la metodología más adecuada: el dibujo, el análisis tipológico y su complemento con la documentación histórica y bibliográfi ca pertinente. Ha exigido medir, comparar, analizar sus unidades elementales en relación a otras arquitecturas vecinales de la comarca, haciendo evidente su geometría y los mecanismos de restitución gráfi ca. Con este trabajo queremos penetrar de una manera científi ca en las claves estéticas, sociales y culturales de unos habitantes que mediante el dominio de la naturaleza y del entorno, en perfecta simbiosis con el medio, han sabido hacer frente a sus necesidades vitales. Las soluciones aportadas por la arquitectura tradicional, de poderoso atractivo artístico se basan en un saber a la vez culto y popular, hegemónico y subalterno que ha producido tipologías arquitectónicas resultantes integradas en el paisaje, que han creado, a la vez, una serie de productos patrimoniale

    IAQ improvement by smart ventilation combined with geothermal renewable energy at nZEB

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    Producción CientíficaThe building sector has the responsibility of being a generator of high carbon emissions, due to inefficient energy consumption in the last decades. For the European Union (EU) and the building sector, this pollution has generated a great impact and concern, establishing objectives in sustainability and energy efficiency in the short term. The EU, committed to energy sustainability, has established several guidelines, aiming at reducing carbon emissions. For this reason, European directives have been published to increase energy efficiency and sustainability in buildings, with EPBD 2018/844/EU being the most up-to-date regulation. This directive mainly focuses on reducing carbon emissions and increasing the efficiency of energy systems in buildings, but it also refers to the importance of establishing indoor air quality indices and smart management of ventilation systems. Before this directive was published, many of the implemented ventilation strategies did not consider the indoor air quality (IAQ) in their scope of established comfort parameters. Therefore, this study analyses the performance of the ventilation system, controlled smartly to cover the demand and the established IAQ rates via CO2 ppm, through renewable geothermal energy systems. This study has been carried out at the LUCIA building, a near Zero Energy Building (nZEB), which belongs to the University of Valladolid, Spain. This building stands out for being one of the most sustainable buildings in the world, according to LEED certification, ranking as the most sustainable building in the northern hemisphere. This building to study is equipped with cutting-edge energy systems, with zero carbon emissions. Several parameters have been analysed (air speed, enthalpy, air flow, temperature, humidity, kWh, climate data, etc.) enabling an energy optimisation of the combined systems. All the monitoring data obtained by the smart management have been analysed, providing favourable outcomes, due to the establishment of IAQ levels, according to the EPBD 2018/844/EU. After this study, the smart management of ventilation combined with removable geothermal energy can be exported as a strategy to reach the established IAQ levels through zero carbon systems.Junta de Castilla y León - FEDER (VA272P18