97 research outputs found

    ¿La tecnología crea o destruye puestos de trabajo? Análisis del efecto sobre el empleo en las empresas innovadoras españolas del año 2015.

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    Treballs Finals del Grau de Sociologia, Facultat d'Economia i Empresa, Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2017-2018 , Tutor: Joan Bellavista Illa(cast) El futuro de los puestos de trabajo es incierto, el desarrollo tecnológico puede crear tanto un efecto negativo como positivo en los empleos. Esta doble realidad ingenia una investigación de probabilidades de los diferentes efectos que se pueden producir. La innovación tecnológica es un factor fundamental en el desarrollo tecnológico, por lo tanto, esta es investigada como principal objeto de estudio para las empresas españolas. La encuesta de innovación tecnológica para las empresas españolas de 2015 aporta datos significativos que dan respuesta a las variables de creación de empleo total, su mantenimiento y el empleo cualificado. El modelo ideado para poder desarrollar el análisis enfoca los resultados en la importancia de la innovación de los procesos y los productos, los cuales crean un efecto desplazamiento o compensatorio en la determinación del futuro de los puestos de trabajo.(eng) The future of work station is uncertain. Technological development can create both positive and negative effect on the job spectrum. Said double reality gives birth to an investigation of probability about the different effects that may result from said phenomena. Technological innovation has become a crucial factor in technological development; hence the promotion of its investigation as a key factor in the aforementioned framework by Spanish companies. The technological innovation survey for Spanish companies in 2015 provides significant data that explain the variables of total employment, maintenance of said employment and its qualified variant. The devised model created in order to develop said analysis focuses the results on the importance of innovation within processes and product development, both of which can lead to displacement or compensatory effect in the determination of work place’s future

    Economic Impact of a New Rapid PCR Assay for Detecting Influenza Virus in an Emergency Department and Hospitalized Patients

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    Seasonal influenza causes significant morbidity and mortality and has a substantial economic impact on the healthcare system. The main objective of this study was to compare the cost per patient for a rapid commercial PCR assay (Xpert1 Flu) with an in-house real-time PCR test for detecting influenza virus. Community patients with influenza like-illness attending the Emergency Department (ED) as well as hospitalized patients in the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona were included. Costs were evaluated from the perspective of the hospital considering the use of resources directly related to influenza testing and treatment. For the purpose of this study, 366 and 691 patients were tested in 2013 and 2014, respectively. The Xpert1 Flu test reduced the mean waiting time for patients in the ED by 9.1 hours and decreased the mean isolation time of hospitalized patients by 23.7 hours. This was associated with a 103€ (or about 113)reductioninthecostperpatienttestedintheEDand64(113) reduction in the cost per patient tested in the ED and 64€ (70) per hospitalized patient. Sensitivity analyses showed that Xpert1 Flu is likely to be cost-saving in hospitals with different contexts and prices

    Estudi sobre indicadors de mort a escorxadors catalans

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    Escorxadors; Benestar animal; Mort; Control oficialMataderos; Bienestar animal; Muerte; Control oficialSlaughterhouses; Animal welfare; Death; Official controlL’anterior treball de la Comunitat de Pràctica (CoP) de Benestar Animal va avaluar el compliment del Reglament (CE) 1099/2009, relatiu a la protecció dels animals en el moment de la matança, mitjançant una enquesta adreçada als serveis veterinaris oficials d’escorxador (SVOE) i que va ser contestada pels companys de 43 escorxadors arreu del territori català que incloïen 64 línies de sacrifici. Es va observar entre les respostes dels SVOE que en 16 de les 64 línies d’algunes de les espècies sacrificades, independentment que s’hi fes un bon atordiment, hi havia un nombre significatiu d’animals que podien presentar signes de vida a l’inici de la preparació de la canal. En part, aquesta deficiència es pot atribuir a la idea estesa que en la fase de sacrifici és suficient aplicar un bon atordiment per aconseguir que no hi hagi signes de vida. No obstant això, l’apartat 3 de l’annex III del Reglament esmentat indica clarament que “la preparació de la canal o l’escaldada només s’han d’efectuar quan s’hagi comprovat la falta de signes de vida de l’animal”. Per tant, no sols cal vetllar per un correcte atordiment en la fase de matança, sinó que també cal comprovar la mort de l’animal abans d’iniciar la preparació de la canal mitjançant l’absència de signes de vida. El treball d’aquesta CoP estudia aquesta fase de mort de l’animal prèvia a la preparació de la canal o l’escaldada, que representa un punt crític de benestar animal a l’escorxador.El anterior trabajo de la Comunidad de Práctica (CoP) de Bienestar Animal evaluó el cumplimiento del Reglamento (CE) 1099/2009, relativo a la protección de los animales en el momento de la matanza, mediante una encuesta dirigida a los servicios veterinarios oficiales de matadero (SVOE) y que fue contestada por los compañeros de 43 mataderos en todo el territorio catalán que incluían 64 líneas de sacrificio. Se observó entre las respuestas de los SVOE que en 16 de las 64 líneas de algunas de las especies sacrificadas, independientemente de que se hiciera un buen aturdimiento, había un número significativo de animales que podían presentar signos de vida al inicio de la preparación de la canal. En parte, esta deficiencia puede atribuirse a la idea extendida de que en la fase de sacrificio es suficiente aplicar un buen aturdimiento para conseguir que no haya signos de vida. No obstante, el apartado 3 del anexo III del citado Reglamento indica claramente que “la preparación de la canal o escaldada sólo deben efectuarse cuando se haya comprobado la falta de signos de vida del animal”. Por tanto, no sólo hay que velar por un correcto aturdimiento en la fase de matanza, sino que también es necesario comprobar la muerte del animal antes de iniciar la preparación de la canal mediante la ausencia de signos de vida. El trabajo de esta CoP estudia esta fase de muerte del animal previa a la preparación de la canal o escaldada, que representa un punto crítico de bienestar animal en el matadero.The previous work of the Animal Welfare Community of Practice (CoP) evaluated compliance with Regulation (EC) 1099/2009, regarding the protection of animals at the time of slaughter, through a survey addressed to the official veterinary services of slaughterhouse (SVOE) and that was answered by colleagues from 43 slaughterhouses throughout the Catalan territory that included 64 slaughter lines. It was observed among the responses of the SVOE that in 16 of the 64 lines of some of the species sacrificed, regardless of whether a good stunning was done, there was a significant number of animals that could show signs of life at the beginning of the preparation of the stunning. channel. In part, this deficiency can be attributed to the widespread idea that in the slaughter phase it is enough to apply a good stun to ensure that there are no signs of life. However, section 3 of annex III of the aforementioned Regulation clearly indicates that "the preparation of the carcass or scalding must only be carried out when the lack of signs of life of the animal has been verified". Therefore, it is not only necessary to ensure correct stunning in the slaughter phase, but it is also necessary to verify the death of the animal before starting the preparation of the carcass through the absence of signs of life. The work of this CoP studies this phase of death of the animal prior to the preparation of the carcass or scalding, which represents a critical point of animal welfare in the slaughterhouse

    Economic Impact of a New Rapid PCR Assay for Detecting Influenza Virus in an Emergency Department and Hospitalized Patients.

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    Seasonal influenza causes significant morbidity and mortality and has a substantial economic impact on the healthcare system. The main objective of this study was to compare the cost per patient for a rapid commercial PCR assay (Xpert1 Flu) with an in-house realtime PCR test for detecting influenza virus. Community patients with influenza like-illness attending the Emergency Department (ED) as well as hospitalized patients in the Hospital Clínic of Barcelona were included. Costs were evaluated from the perspective of the hospital considering the use of resources directly related to influenza testing and treatment. For the purpose of this study, 366 and 691 patients were tested in 2013 and 2014, respectively. The Xpert1 Flu test reduced the mean waiting time for patients in the ED by 9.1 hours and decreased the mean isolation time of hospitalized patients by 23.7 hours. This was associated with a 103 (or about 113)reductioninthecostperpatienttestedintheEDand64(113) reduction in the cost per patient tested in the ED and 64 (70) per hospitalized patient. Sensitivity analyses showed that Xpert1 Flu is likely to be cost-saving in hospitals with different contexts and prices

    Mitochondrial DNA signals of late glacial recolonization of Europe from near Eastern refugia

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    Human populations, along with those of many other species, are thought to have contracted into a number of refuge areas at the height of the last Ice Age. European populations are believed to be, to a large extent, the descendants of the inhabitants of these refugia, and some extant mtDNA lineages can be traced to refugia in Franco-Cantabria (haplogroups H1, H3, V, and U5b1), the Italian Peninsula (U5b3), and the East European Plain (U4 and U5a). Parts of the Near East, such as the Levant, were also continuously inhabited throughout the Last Glacial Maximum, but unlike western and eastern Europe, no archaeological or genetic evidence for Late Glacial expansions into Europe from the Near East has hitherto been discovered. Here we report, on the basis of an enlarged whole-genome mitochondrial database, that a substantial, perhaps predominant, signal from mitochondrial haplogroups J and T, previously thought to have spread primarily from the Near East into Europe with the Neolithic population, may in fact reflect dispersals during the Late Glacial period, ?19–12 thousand years (ka) ago.<br/

    Case report: Successful multimodal assessment and management of chemothorax

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    Dislocation or wrong placement of central venous catheters into the pleural cavity is rare, but if undiagnosed, may cause major, sometimes life-threatening, complications (pneumothorax, hemothorax, infection, and migration) and accidental pleural effusion due to intravenous injection of fluids containing drugs (i.e. chemotherapy, antibiotics, parenteral nutrition, other). We report a rare case of pleural effusion consisting of chemotherapy (chemothorax) directly injected into the pleural cavity due to the wrong placement of a central venous catheter (Porth-A-Cath) in a woman with breast cancer. A multidisciplinary management consisting of antidote administration, followed by removal of the venous device and washing of the pleural cavity through video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS), avoided any major complication related to the adverse event

    Personalize, participate, predict, and prevent: 4Ps in inflammatory bowel disease

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    Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), which includes Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC), is a complex, immune-mediated, disorder which leads to several gastrointestinal and systemic manifestations determining a poor quality of life, disability, and other negative health outcomes. Our knowledge of this condition has greatly improved over the last few decades, and a comprehensive management should take into account both biological (i.e., disease-related, patient-related) and non-biological (i.e., socioeconomic, cultural, environmental, behavioral) factors which contribute to the disease phenotype. From this point of view, the so called 4P medicine framework, including personalization, prediction, prevention, and participation could be useful for tailoring ad hoc interventions in IBD patients. In this review, we discuss the cutting-edge issues regarding personalization in special settings (i.e., pregnancy, oncology, infectious diseases), patient participation (i.e., how to communicate, disability, tackling stigma and resilience, quality of care), disease prediction (i.e., faecal markers, response to treatments), and prevention (i.e., dysplasia through endoscopy, infections through vaccinations, and post-surgical recurrence). Finally, we provide an outlook discussing the unmet needs for implementing this conceptual framework in clinical practice

    Cancer and Pregnancy: Estimates in Italy from Record-Linkage Procedures between Cancer Registries and the Hospital Discharge Database

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    Simple Summary Concurrence of pregnancy and cancer diagnosis is an uncommon but not rare event: about 1 pregnancy-associated cancer (PAC) out of 1000 pregnancies is the estimation currently available. This frequency is growing due to postponing childbearing to age groups more at risk of cancer. Interest in this topic is both epidemiological and clinical: improvement of diagnostic and therapeutic techniques makes management of cancer increasingly compatible with pregnancy. The occurrence of PAC challenges women and clinicians who need to manage the two events, safeguarding fetal outcomes without changing the maternal prognosis. This retrospective study aims to provide estimates for PAC and its time trend in Italy by analyzing cross-referenced data from population-based cancer registries and hospital discharges. The proposed methodology is applicable to other populations with available data from Cancer Registries linkable at an individual level with hospitalizations.Abstract The aim of this study is to describe the frequency and trend of pregnancy-associated cancer (PAC) in Italy, an increasingly relevant phenomenon due to postponing age at childbirth. To this purpose, a population-based retrospective longitudinal study design based on cohorts of women aged 15-49 diagnosed with cancer and concomitant pregnancy is proposed. The study uses 19 population-based Cancer Registries, covering about 22% of Italy, and linked at an individual level with Hospital Discharge Records. A total of 2,861,437 pregnancies and 3559 PAC are identified from 74,165 women of the cohort with a rate of 1.24 PAC per 1000 pregnancies. The most frequent cancer site is breast (24.3%), followed by thyroid (23.9%) and melanoma (14.3%). The most frequent outcome is delivery (53.1%), followed by voluntary termination of pregnancy and spontaneous abortion (both 12.0%). The trend of PAC increased from 2003 to 2015, especially when the outcome is delivery, thus confirming a new attitude of clinicians to manage cancer throughout pregnancy. This represents the first attempt in Italy to describe PAC from Cancer Registries data; the methodology is applicable to other areas with the same data availability. Evidence from this study is addressed to clinicians for improving clinical management of women with PAC

    Umsetzung der Energiestrategie 2050: Herausforderungen und Chancen für Staat und Wirtschaft

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    Sammelband der Reihe "Energy Governance Working Paper" Nr. 1 bis 7Die Energiestrategie 2050 des Bundes definiert anspruchsvolle Ziele. Für deren Erreichung hat der Bundesrat daher unter anderem den Aktionsplan Energieforschung ins Leben gerufen. Dazu wurden acht sogenannte SCCERs, Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research, initiiert, in denen hochschulübergreifend angewandte Energie-Forschung betrieben wird. Die Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften (ZHAW) ist an vier dieser acht SCCERs aktiv beteiligt. Die ZHAW hat diese Aufgabe zum Anlass genommen, Energieforschung zum strategischen Schwerpunkt der gesamten Fachhochschule zu erklären und in allen Departementen Kompetenzaufbauprojekte zu starten. Der vorliegende Sammelband präsentiert die ersten Ergebnisse dieser Kompetenzaufbauprojekte an der School of Management and Law, wobei zwei dieser Projekte in Zusammenarbeit mit Forschern aus den Departementen Angewandte Linguistik und School of Engineering erfolgten. Dabei wurden die Herausforderungen und Chancen, die sich für Staat und Wirtschaft aus der Umsetzung der Energiestrategie 2050 ableiten, auf verschiedenen Ebenen betrachtet: die Schweiz im internationalen Vergleich, Besonderheiten der Führung von EVUs, rechtliche und ökonomische Rahmenbedingungen und die Gestaltung der Energie-Zukunft in Schweizer Städten

    Cure indicators and prevalence by stage at diagnosis for breast and colorectal cancer patients: A population‐based study in Italy

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    People alive many years after breast (BC) or colorectal cancer (CRC) diagnoses are increasing. This paper aimed to estimate the indicators of cancer cure and complete prevalence for Italian patients with BC and CRC by stage and age. A total of 31 Italian Cancer Registries (47% of the population) data until 2017 were included. Mixture cure models allowed estimation of net survival (NS); cure fraction (CF); time to cure (TTC, 5-year conditional NS &gt;95%); cure prevalence (who will not die of cancer); and already cured (prevalent patients living longer than TTC). 2.6% of all Italian women (806,410) were alive in 2018 after BC and 88% will not die of BC. For those diagnosed in 2010, CF was 73%, 99% when diagnosed at stage I, 81% at stage II, and 36% at stages III-IV. For all stages combined, TTC was &gt;10 years under 45 and over 65 years and for women with advanced stages, but &lt;= 1 year for all BC patients at stage I. The proportion of already cured prevalent BC women was 75% (94% at stage I). Prevalent CRC cases were 422,407 (0.7% of the Italian population), 90% will not die of CRC. For CRC patients, CF was 56%, 92% at stage I, 71% at stage II, and 35% at stages III-IV. TTC was &lt;= 10 years for all age groups and stages. Already cured were 59% of all prevalent CRC patients (93% at stage I). Cancer cure indicators by stage may contribute to appropriate follow-up in the years after diagnosis, thus avoiding patients' discrimination