34,357 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan minat belajar siswa mata pelajaran Sistem Rem dengan menggunakan media visual gambar dan meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa pada pembelajaran mata pelajaran sistem rem yang diajar dengan menggunakan media visual gambar. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian tindakan kelas (Classrom Action Research) dilaksanakan di SMK Perindustrian Yogyakarta. Setiap siklus dilakukan 4 kali pertemuan di mulai tahapan perencanaan, pelaksanaan tindakan, observasi dan refleksi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan perbandingan antara hasil observasi pada siklus I, siklus II, siklus III dengan teknik deskriptif kualitatif yang diterangkan dalam nilai rata-rata hasil belajar dan persentase aktivitas belajar siswa. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penerapan pendekatan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media visual gambar pada mata pelajaran sistem rem dengan strategi pembelajaran dengan menggunakan media visual gambar adalah dengan memberikan presentasi kelas dengan menggunakan gambar yang berupa poster, flash, walchart dan menggunakan power point. Besar peningkatan minat siswa dapat diketahui dari lembar observasi minat siswa dan prestasi belajar siswa naik dari siklusnya. Ini bisa dilihat dari meningkatnya nilai/skor rata-rata jumlah semua aspek perasaan senang, perhatian, kemauan untuk belajar, aktivitas keterlibatan siswa dalam pembelajaran, aktivitas siswa dalam menerima dan memahami pembelajaran dari siklus I dengan nilai 2,79 dengan kategori cukup baik. Naik pada siklus II dengan nilai 3,17 dengan kategori cukup baik. Selanjutnya Pada siklus III dengan nilai 3,58 dengan kategori cukup baik. Sedangkan dilihat dari perolehan prestasi siswa mengalami kenaikan ditandai dengan peningkatan nilai rata-rata kelas dari siklus I dengan nilai 63,79 dengan kategori kurang baik, naik pada siklus II dengan nilai 72,97 dengan kategori sedang, naik pada siklus III dengan nilai 74,14 dengan kategori sedang. Jika dipersentasikan tingkat kelulusan mencapai 82,35% hal ini berarti baik karena pencapaian kompetensi kelas mencapai 70%

    Planets around active stars

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    We present the results of radial velocity measurements of two samples of active stars. The first sample contains field G and K giants across the Red Giant Branch, whereas the second sample consists of nearby young stars (d < 150 pc) with ages between 10 - 300 Myrs. The radial velocity monitoring program has been carried out with FEROS at 1.52 m ESO telescope (1999 - 2002) and continued since 2003 at 2.2 m MPG/ESO telescope. We observed stellar radial velocity variations which originate either from the stellar activity or the presence of stellar/substellar companions. By means of a bisector technique we are able to distinguish the sources of the radial velocity variation. Among them we found few candidates of planetary companions, both of young stars and G-K giants sample.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, to appear in the Proceedings of the ESO Workshop "Precision Spectroscopy in Astrophysics", eds. L. Pasquini, M. Romaniello, N.C. Santos, A. Correi

    Multi User Decision Support System For Teachers Sertification With HTTPS

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    Education quality is a key condition to realize the life of a developed nation, modern dan Prosperous. (Fasli Jalal 2008) Teacher quality greatly affect the effectiveness of learning (Suherman, 2007, Rink, 2002). Teacher certification program is a way to improve the quality of teachers so that the quality of education will be increased dan in turn affect students' achievement (Siedentop & Tannehill, 2000). The purpose of this paper is to discuss the design of decision support systems passing teacher certification so as to facilitate the certification team dan assessors in the decision making sertikasi teacher graduation. In this paper we use a qualitative method based on system development life cycle (SDLC), including planning, analysis, design, dan implementation. Design of decision support systems passing teacher certification can provide information about passing the certification of teachers, as information analysis dan control in teacher certification assessment conducted by the assessor dan teacher certification of graduation information. Keywords : Teachers Certification, System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Qualitative Methods, Method of Black Box


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    Erick Setiawan. 2010. The Role of Bellboy in Improving Service Quality in Lor In Hotel, Business, Resort, and Spa. English Diploma Program. Faculty of Letters and Fine Arts, Sebelas Maret University. Bellboy as the first greeter has an important role in a hotel. Every hotel needs bellboy for handling the guest luggage in check in, check out, and room change processes. Besides, bellboy can also improve the quality service. This final project is intended to describe the jobs of the bellboy, knowing the problems and giving solutions of the problems of bellboy in Lor In Hotel. The writer focused on the bellboy section on the job training in Lor In Hotel, Business, Resort, and Spa. The writer did most of the bellboy jobs according to the procedure and standardization in Lor In Hotel. The writer not only handled the guest luggage but also handled the newspaper distribution, sent the letter and did the errands from guest and manager. Results indicated that the bellboy in Lor In Hotel has a role in improving the service quality. The good work of bellboy influenced the guest satisfaction. Besides, there were some problems happened and the solutions in doing the tasks. There might be a need for upgrading the quality of the bellboy and some facilities in Lor In Hotel

    Pendahuluan analisa matematika dalam proses pertumbuhan penduduk

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    Dalam tulisan ins. penulis Miembicarakan'sebagian ke¬ci1 analisa matematika dalam proses pertumbuhan penduduk 9 terutama dibahas daiam variabelicontinu.! Mula-7mula diperkenalkan Label Kematian sebagai sua 1 Tabel Kematian ini meng dialaMi 'eekelompok orang sampai anggota-anggota•terakhir kelom pok tersebut meninggal. Analisa matematis memberikan suatu persamaan yang menyatakan berapa besar jumlah kelahiran bayi yang mungkin terjadi pada t tahun kemudian dari sekarang, yaitu : B(t) = G (t) ft•Jo B(t-x) p(x) m(x) dx dengan beberapa cares penyelesaian seperti secara Kalkulus elementer numerik, maupun Transformasi Laplace. Pembahasan diatas dikembangkan melalui graduasi da¬ri Net Maternity Function dengan distiibusi normal oleh Lotka dan fungsi Gamma oleh Wicksell. Akhirnya dengan mempergunakan pengertian moment dan cumulant didapatkan panjang waktu generasi : T In R


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    This research aims to develop application software of Remote and Monitoring based on Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI). This application software can be used as remote control and monitoring on a connected computer network that is not limited to the operating system used. This study uses an object-oriented software development and combined with the waterfall software model process which through 4 stages. The first stage, analysis requirement, observation of the application of existing remote system, and the study of literature. Second stage, the design of the system include use case diagrams that illustrate the actors activities of the application and sequence diagrams describe the sequence of execution of applications. Third stages, coding, coding implementation of the design sequence diagrams and test units or more often called white-box testing. Fourth stages, integrated testing includes the black-box testing, alpha testing that will be used to determine the performance of the application, and beta testing to users of the Focus Group Discussion Digital Networks and Multimedia Puskom UNY. Based on the testing results of software applications Remote and Monitoring based on Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI) indicates that: 1) Application of Remote and Monitoring based Java Remote Method Invocation has been successfully designed, manufactured, and implemented. 2) The performance of the application of of Remote and Monitoring based Java Remote Method Invocation has a good performance all the systems tested can run and work in accordance with the desired specifications. 3) Feasibility of applications Remote and Monitoring based on Java Remote Method Invocation in terms of usability is very feasible with percentage 82,14 %. Keywords: applications, and remote monitoring, remote system, remote control, Java, Remote Method Invocatio


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    Psychological well-being is the condition of an individual who can accept everything within himself so that his life has purpose and meaning. One of the factors that can support psychological well-being is a sense of humor because a person will be able to view every negative event more positively. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of sense of humor on psychological well-being in final year students. This study used a correlational quantitative approach. The data collection method used accidental sampling. The subjects of this study were 201 final year students from various universities in Indonesia from semester 7 and above. The measuring instruments used were Ryff's Psychological Well-Being Scale (RPWBS) for psychological well-being variables and Multidimensional Sense of Humor (MSHS) for sense of humor variables. The results showed a significant value of p = 0.000 <0.05 with a contribution value of 50.0% in the sense of humor variable to the psychological well-being variable. So it is found that the hypothesis is accepted in the sense that there is an influence between sense of humor on the psychological well-being of final year students

    Analisis Pengaruh Brand Equity Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Pada Produk Gula Tropicana Slim Di Palembang

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    This research aims to test the influence of brand equity towards decision purchase consumers on product Tropicana Slim in Palembang. Variable brand equity is divided into four, namely brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand association, and perceive quality. Analysis techniques were used, namely the validity of the test, test, test the reliability of classical assumptions (test test, multicollinearity, normality and test heterokedastisitas), multiple linear regression test, t-test and F-test statistics, test results showed variable. brand awareness, brand loyalty, and brand association does not affect consumer purchasing decisions at Tropicana products Slim in Palembang. Variable perceive quality shows that there is an impact on consumer purchasing decisions at Tropicana products Slim in Palembang
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