
Analisis Pengaruh Brand Equity Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Konsumen Pada Produk Gula Tropicana Slim Di Palembang


This research aims to test the influence of brand equity towards decision purchase consumers on product Tropicana Slim in Palembang. Variable brand equity is divided into four, namely brand awareness, brand loyalty, brand association, and perceive quality. Analysis techniques were used, namely the validity of the test, test, test the reliability of classical assumptions (test test, multicollinearity, normality and test heterokedastisitas), multiple linear regression test, t-test and F-test statistics, test results showed variable. brand awareness, brand loyalty, and brand association does not affect consumer purchasing decisions at Tropicana products Slim in Palembang. Variable perceive quality shows that there is an impact on consumer purchasing decisions at Tropicana products Slim in Palembang

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