2,660 research outputs found

    Simulating cosmic metal enrichment by the first galaxies

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    We study cosmic metal enrichment via AMR hydrodynamical simulations in a (10 Mpc/h)3^3 volume following the Pop III-Pop II transition and for different Pop III IMFs. We have analyzed the joint evolution of metal enrichment on galactic and intergalactic scales at z=6 and z=4. Galaxies account for <9% of the baryonic mass; the remaining gas resides in the diffuse phases: (a) voids, i.e. regions with extremely low density (Δ\Delta<1), (b) the true intergalactic medium (IGM, 1<Δ\Delta<10) and (c) the circumgalactic medium (CGM, 10<Δ<102.5\Delta<10^{2.5}), the interface between the IGM and galaxies. By z=6 a galactic mass-metallicity relation is established. At z=4, galaxies with a stellar mass M∗=108.5M⊙M_*=10^{8.5}M_\odot show log(O/H)+12=8.19, consistent with observations. The total amount of heavy elements rises from ΩZSFH=1.52 10−6\Omega^{SFH}_Z=1.52\, 10^{-6} at z=6 to 8.05 10−610^{-6} at z=4. Metals in galaxies make up to ~0.89 of such budget at z=6; this fraction increases to ~0.95 at z=4. At z=6 (z=4) the remaining metals are distributed in CGM/IGM/voids with the following mass fractions: 0.06/0.04/0.01 (0.03/0.02/0.01). Analogously to galaxies, at z=4 a density-metallicity (Δ\Delta-Z) relation is in place for the diffuse phases: the IGM/voids have a spatially uniform metallicity, Z~10−3.510^{-3.5}Zsun; in the CGM Z steeply rises with density up to ~10−210^{-2}Zsun. In all diffuse phases a considerable fraction of metals is in a warm/hot (T>104.510^{4.5}K) state. Due to these physical conditions, CIV absorption line experiments can probe only ~2% of the total carbon present in the IGM/CGM; however, metal absorption line spectra are very effective tools to study reionization. Finally, the Pop III star formation history is almost insensitive to the chosen Pop III IMF. Pop III stars are preferentially formed in truly pristine (Z=0) gas pockets, well outside polluted regions created by previous star formation episodes.Comment: 23 pages, 18 figures, 3 tables, Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Initial mass function of intermediate mass black hole seeds

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    We study the Initial Mass Function (IMF) and host halo properties of Intermediate Mass Black Holes (IMBH, 10^{4-6} Msun) formed inside metal-free, UV illuminated atomic cooling haloes (virial temperature T_vir > 10^4 K) either via the direct collapse of the gas or via an intermediate Super Massive Star (SMS) stage. We achieve this goal in three steps: (a) we derive the gas accretion rate for a proto-SMS to undergo General Relativity instability and produce a direct collapse black hole (DCBH) or to enter the ZAMS and later collapse into a IMBH; (b) we use merger-tree simulations to select atomic cooling halos in which either a DCBH or SMS can form and grow, accounting for metal enrichment and major mergers that halt the growth of the proto-SMS by gas fragmentation. We derive the properties of the host halos and the mass distribution of black holes at this stage, and dub it the "Birth Mass Function"; (c) we follow the further growth of the DCBH due to accretion of leftover gas in the parent halo and compute the final IMBH mass.We consider two extreme cases in which minihalos (T_vir < 10^4 K) can (fertile) or cannot (sterile) form stars and pollute their gas leading to a different IMBH IMF. In the (fiducial) fertile case the IMF is bimodal extending over a broad range of masses, M= (0.5-20)x10^5 Msun, and the DCBH accretion phase lasts from 10 to 100 Myr. If minihalos are sterile, the IMF spans the narrower mass range M= (1-2.8)x10^6 Msun, and the DCBH accretion phase is more extended (70-120 Myr). We conclude that a good seeding prescription is to populate halos (a) of mass 7.5 < log (M_h/Msun) < 8, (b) in the redshift range 8 < z < 17, (c) with IMBH in the mass range 4.75 < log (M_BH/Msun) < 6.25.Comment: MNRAS, in press. Comments welcom

    Limits on Pop III star formation with the most iron-poor stars

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    We study the impact of star-forming mini-haloes, and the Initial Mass Function (IMF) of Population III (Pop III) stars, on the Galactic halo Metallicity Distribution Function (MDF) and on the properties of C-enhanced and C-normal stars at [Fe/H]<-3. For our investigation we use a data-constrained merger tree model for the Milky Way formation, which has been improved to self-consistently describe the physical processes regulating star-formation in mini-haloes, including the poor sampling of the Pop III IMF. We find that only when star-forming mini-haloes are included the low-Fe tail of the MDF is correctly reproduced, showing a plateau that is built up by C-enhanced metal-poor (CEMP) stars imprinted by primordial faint supernovae. The incomplete sampling of the Pop III IMF in inefficiently star-forming mini-haloes (< 10−310^{-3} M⊙M_\odot/yr) strongly limits the formation of Pair Instability Supernovae (PISNe), with progenitor masses mpopIIIm_{\rm popIII}=[140-260] M⊙M_\odot, even when a flat Pop III IMF is assumed. Second-generation stars formed in environments polluted at >50% level by PISNe are thus extremely rare, corresponding to ≈\approx 0.25% of the total stellar population at [Fe/H]<-2, which is consistent with recent observations. The low-Fe tail of the MDF strongly depends on the Pop III IMF shape and mass range. Given the current statistics, we find that a flat Pop III IMF model with mpopIIIm_{\rm popIII}=[10-300] M⊙M_\odot is disfavoured by observations. We present testable predictions for Pop III stars extending down to lower masses, with mpopIIIm_{\rm popIII}=[0.1-300] M⊙M_\odot.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRAS. The only change is the correction of a mistake in the list of author

    Galaxy formation with radiative and chemical feedback

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    Here we introduce GAMESH, a novel pipeline which implements self-consistent radiative and chemical feedback in a computational model of galaxy formation. By combining the cosmological chemical-evolution model GAMETE with the radiative transfer code CRASH, GAMESH can post process realistic outputs of a N-body simulation describing the redshift evolution of the forming galaxy. After introducing the GAMESH implementation and its features, we apply the code to a low-resolution N-body simulation of the Milky Way formation and we investigate the combined effects of self-consistent radiative and chemical feedback. Many physical properties, which can be directly compared with observations in the Galaxy and its surrounding satellites, are predicted by the code along the merger-tree assembly. The resulting redshift evolution of the Local Group star formation rates, reionisation and metal enrichment along with the predicted Metallicity Distribution Function of halo stars are critically compared with observations. We discuss the merits and limitations of the first release of GAMESH, also opening new directions to a full implementation of feedback processes in galaxy formation models by combining semi-analytic and numerical methods.Comment: This version has coloured figures not present in the printed version. Submitted to MNRAS, minor revision

    Implementation of Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions in a Finite Volume Unstructured Solver for the Study of Turbine Cascades

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    The analysis of component interaction in the turbomachinery field is nowadays of growing importance. This leads to the combination of different approaches, such as Large Eddy Simulation for combustors and Unsteady Reynolds-Averaged Navier-Stokes equations for turbines, and is responsible for the increase of both computational effort and required accuracy of the numerical tools. To guarantee accurate results and efficient convergence rates, numerical schemes must handle the spurious reflecting waves coming from the boundaries of truncated domains. This can be achieved by means of Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions. The research activity described in the present paper is aimed at implementing the method of Non-Reflecting Boundary Conditions for the Linearized Euler Equations proposed by Giles in an in-house finite volume implicit time-marching solver. The methodology is validated using the available experimental data obtained at the von Karman Institute for Fluid Dynamics on the LS89 High-Pressure Turbine vane for both subsonic and transonic working condition. The implemented approach demonstrates its importance for the correct evaluation of the pressure distribution both on the vane surface and in the pitchwise direction when the computational domain is truncated at the experimental probe's position

    Deep into the structure of the first galaxies: SERRA views

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    We study the formation and evolution of a sample of Lyman Break Galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization by using high-resolution (∼10 pc\sim 10 \,{\rm pc}), cosmological zoom-in simulations part of the SERRA suite. In SERRA, we follow the interstellar medium (ISM) thermo-chemical non-equilibrium evolution, and perform on-the-fly radiative transfer of the interstellar radiation field (ISRF). The simulation outputs are post-processed to compute the emission of far infrared lines ([CII], [NII], and [OIII]). At z=8z=8, the most massive galaxy, `Freesia', has an age t⋆≃409 Myrt_\star \simeq 409\,{\rm Myr}, stellar mass M⋆≃4.2×109M⊙M_{\star} \simeq 4.2\times 10^9 {\rm M}_{\odot}, and a star formation rate SFR≃11.5 M⊙yr−1{\rm SFR} \simeq 11.5\,{\rm M}_{\odot}{\rm yr}^{-1}, due to a recent burst. Freesia has two stellar components (A and B) separated by ≃2.5 kpc\simeq 2.5\, {\rm kpc}; other 11 galaxies are found within 56.9±21.6 kpc56.9 \pm 21.6 \, {\rm kpc}. The mean ISRF in the Habing band is G=7.9 G0G = 7.9\, G_0 and is spatially uniform; in contrast, the ionisation parameter is U=2−2+20×10−3U = 2^{+20}_{-2} \times 10^{-3}, and has a patchy distribution peaked at the location of star-forming sites. The resulting ionising escape fraction from Freesia is fesc≃2%f_{\rm esc}\simeq 2\%. While [CII] emission is extended (radius 1.54 kpc), [OIII] is concentrated in Freesia-A (0.85 kpc), where the ratio Σ[OIII]/Σ[CII]≃10\Sigma_{\rm [OIII]}/\Sigma_{\rm [CII]} \simeq 10. As many high-zz galaxies, Freesia lies below the local [CII]-SFR relation. We show that this is the general consequence of a starburst phase (pushing the galaxy above the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation) which disrupts/photodissociates the emitting molecular clouds around star-forming sites. Metallicity has a sub-dominant impact on the amplitude of [CII]-SFR deviations.Comment: 22 pages, 14 figures, accepted by MNRA

    The Brightest Lyα\alpha Emitter: Pop III or Black Hole?

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    CR7 is the brightest z=6.6 Lyαz=6.6 \, {\rm Ly}\alpha emitter (LAE) known to date, and spectroscopic follow-up by Sobral et al. (2015) suggests that CR7 might host Population (Pop) III stars. We examine this interpretation using cosmological hydrodynamical simulations. Several simulated galaxies show the same "Pop III wave" pattern observed in CR7. However, to reproduce the extreme CR7 Lyα{\rm Ly}\alpha/HeII1640 line luminosities (Lα/HeIIL_{\rm \alpha/He II}) a top-heavy IMF and a massive (>107M⊙>10^{7}{\rm M}_{\odot}) PopIII burst with age <2<2 Myr are required. Assuming that the observed properties of Lyα{\rm Ly}\alpha and HeII emission are typical for Pop III, we predict that in the COSMOS/UDS/SA22 fields, 14 out of the 30 LAEs at z=6.6z=6.6 with Lα>1043.3erg s−1L_{\alpha} >10^{43.3}{\rm erg}\,{\rm s}^{-1} should also host Pop III stars producing an observable LHeII>1042.7erg s−1L_{\rm He II}>10^{42.7}{\rm erg}\,{\rm s}^{-1}. As an alternate explanation, we explore the possibility that CR7 is instead powered by accretion onto a Direct Collapse Black Hole (DCBH). Our model predicts LαL_{\alpha}, LHeIIL_{\rm He II}, and X-ray luminosities that are in agreement with the observations. In any case, the observed properties of CR7 indicate that this galaxy is most likely powered by sources formed from pristine gas. We propose that further X-ray observations can distinguish between the two above scenarios.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Film-cooling performance in supersonic flows: Effect of shock impingement

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    High pressure turbine stages work in transonic regimes and then shock waves, shed by the trailing edge, impinge on the suction side modifying the flow structures. Gas turbine entry temperature is much higher than the allowable material limit and the hot components can survive only using advanced film-cooling systems. Unfortunately these systems are designed without taking into account the interaction with the shock waves and this article would like to address this problem and to evaluate if this assumption is correct or not. A correct prediction and understanding of the interaction between the ejected coolant and the shock waves is crucial in order to achieve an optimal distribution of the coolant and to increase the components life. In this work, the numerical investigation of a film-cooling test case, investigated experimentally by the University of Karlsruhe, is shown. An in-house computational fluid dynamics solver is used for the numerical analysis. The test rig consists of a converging-diverging nozzle that accelerates the incoming flow up to supersonic conditions and an oblique shock is generated at the nozzle exit section. Three cases have been studied, where the cooling holes have been positioned before, near and after the shock impingement. The results obtained considering four blowing ratios are presented and compared with the available experimental data. The local adiabatic effectiveness is affected by the shock-coolant interaction and this effect has been observed for all the blowing ratios investigated. A similar trend is observed in the experimental data even if the numerical simulations over-predict the impact of the interaction. © IMechE 2013

    Thermo-Hydrodynamic Analysis of Plain and Tilting Pad Bearings

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    Abstract The demand for higher efficiency and increased equipment compactness is pushing industrial compressors' designers towards the choice of higher rotor peripheral speed. As a consequence, modern bearing-rotor systems are subject to complex thermal phenomena inducing a renewed interest on their real working conditions. This work is about the validation of the in-house numerical code TILTPAD developed at the Department of Industrial Engineering of the University of Florence for the thermo-hydrodynamic analysis of both plain and tilting pad journal bearings performance. TILTPAD is a steady-state code based on a 2D thin-film approach able to find either the resulting hydrodynamic load using the shaft equilibrium position and the rotational speed (i.e., direct problem) or the shaft equilibrium position once the load and the rotational speed are prescribed (i.e., inverse problem). In order to calculate pads' pressure distribution a finite element approach is used to solve the Reynolds equation together with a mixed procedure to evaluate pads equilibrium positions. Two steady-state energy equations based on a Petroff-type simplification are implemented in the code. The first one is proposed in the work of Balbahadur and Kirk [1] while the second one is based on an improved mixing model and a temperature dependent viscosity. An iterative procedure is used between Reynolds and energy equations to account for the dependence of the dynamic viscosity on the temperature field. Super-laminar flow regimes are also modeled in the code by means of a simplified approach able to represents, with reasonable accuracy, the effects of Taylor-Couette vortex flows and of the transitional regimes up to the onset of a fully turbulent state. Under these hypotheses, the pressure field is slightly affected by the viscosity variation while dissipative effects are enhanced. The code has been validated by means of comparison with available experimental data. Particular attention is devoted to static working parameters (i.e., equilibrium position and frictional power loss), reproducing the global behavior of the bearing, although some local characteristic is also considered

    Life and times of dwarf spheroidal galaxies

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    We propose a cosmological scenario for the formation and evolution of dwarf spheroidal galaxies (dSphs), satellites of the Milky Way (MW). An improved version of the semi-analytical code GAMETE (GAlaxy Merger Tree & Evolution) is used to follow the dSphs evolution simultaneously with the MW formation, matching the observed properties of both. In this scenario dSph galaxies represent fossil objects virializing at z = 7.2 +/- 0.7 (i.e. in the pre-reionization era z > z_rei = 6) in the MW environment, which at that epoch has already been pre-enriched up to [Fe/H] ~ -3; their dynamical masses are in the narrow range M = (1.6 +/- 0.7) x 10^8 M_sun, although a larger spread might be introduced by a more refined treatment of reionization. Mechanical feedback effects are dramatic in such low-mass objects, causing the complete blow-away of the gas ~100 Myr after the formation epoch: 99% of the present-day stellar mass, M_* = (3 +/- 0.7) x 10^6 M_sun, forms during this evolutionary phase, i.e. their age is >13 Gyr. Later on, star formation is re-ignited by returned gas from evolved stars and a second blow-away occurs. The cycle continues for about 1 Gyr during which star formation is intermittent. At z = 0 the dSph gas content is M_g = (2.68 +/- 0.97) x 10^4 M_sun. Our results match several observed properties of Sculptor, used as a template of dSphs: (i) the Metallicity Distribution Function; (ii) the Color Magnitude Diagram; (iii) the decrement of the stellar [O/Fe] abundance ratio for [Fe/H] > -1.5; (iv) the dark matter content and the light-to-mass ratio; (v) the HI gas mass content.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, MNRAS accepte
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