187 research outputs found

    Functional MRI with active, fully implanted, deep brain stimulation systems: Safety and experimental confounds

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    We investigated safety issues and potential experimental confounds when performing functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) investigations in human subjects with fully implanted, active, deep brain stimulation (DBS) systems. Measurements of temperature and induced voltage were performed in an in vitro arrangement simulating bilateral DBS during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) using head transmit coils in both 1.5 and 3.0 T MRI systems. For MRI sequences typical of an fMRI study with coil-averaged specific absorption rates (SARs) less than 0.4 W/kg, no MRI-induced temperature change greater than the measurement sensitivity (0.1 °C) was detected at 1.5 T, and at 3 T temperature elevations were less than 0.5 °C, i.e. within safe limits. For the purposes of demonstration, MRI pulse sequences with SARs of 1.45 W/kg and 2.34 W/kg (at 1.5 T and 3 T, respectively) were prescribed and elicited temperature increases (> 1 °C) greater than those considered safe for human subjects. Temperature increases were independent of the presence or absence of active stimulator pulsing. At both field strengths during echo planar MRI, the perturbations of DBS equipment performance were sufficiently slight, and temperature increases sufficiently low to suggest that thermal or electromagnetically mediated experimental confounds to fMRI with DBS are unlikely. We conclude that fMRI studies performed in subjects with subcutaneously implanted DBS units can be both safe and free from DBS-specific experimental confounds. Furthermore, fMRI in subjects with fully implanted rather than externalised DBS stimulator units may offer a significant safety advantage. Further studies are required to determine the safety of MRI with DBS for other MRI systems, transmit coil configurations and DBS arrangements

    On-line motor control in patients with Parkinson's disease

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    Recent models based, in part on a study of Huntington's disease, suggest that the basal ganglia are involved in on-line movement guidance. Two experiments were conducted to investigate this idea. First, we studied advanced Parkinson's disease patients performing a reaching task known to depend on on-line guidance. The task was to ‘look and point' in the dark at visual targets displayed in the peripheral visual field. In some trials, the target location was slightly modified during saccadic gaze displacement (when vision is suppressed). In both patient and control groups, the target jump induced a gradual modification of the movement which diverged smoothly from its original path to reach the new target location. No deficit was found in the patients, except for an increased latency to respond to the target jump (Parkinson's disease: 243 ms; controls: 166 ms). A computational simulation indicated that this response slowing was likely to be a by-product of bradykinesia. The unexpected inconsistency between this result and previous reports was investigated in a second experiment. We hypothesized that the relevant factor was the characteristics of the corrections to be performed. To test this prediction, we investigated a task requiring corrections of the same type as investigated in Huntington's disease, namely large, consciously detected errors induced by large target jumps at hand movement onset. In contrast with the smooth adjustments observed in the first experiment, the subjects responded to the target jump by generating a discrete corrective sub-movement. While this iterative response was relatively rapid in the control subjects (220 ms), Parkinson's disease patients exhibited either dramatically late (>730 ms) or totally absent on-line corrections. When on-line corrections were absent, the initial motor response was completed before a second corrective response was initiated (the latency of the corrective response was the same as the latency of the initial response). Considered together, these results suggest that basal ganglia dependent circuits are not critical for feedback loops involving a smooth modulation of the ongoing command. These circuits may rather contribute to the generation of discrete corrective sub-movements. This deficit is in line with the general impairment of sequential and simultaneous actions in patients with basal ganglia disorder

    Long-term effects of STN DBS on mood: psychosocial profiles remain stable in a 3-year follow-up

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus significantly improves motor function in patients with severe Parkinson's disease. However, the effects on nonmotor aspects remain uncertain. The present study investigated the effects of subthalamic nucleus deep brain stimulation on mood and psychosocial functions in 33 patients with advanced Parkinson's disease in a three year follow-up.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Self-rating questionnaires were administered to 33 patients prior to surgery as well as three, six, twelve and 36 months after surgery.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the long run, motor function significantly improved after surgery. Mood and psychosocial functions transiently improved at one year but returned to baseline at 36 months after surgery. In addition, we performed cluster and discriminant function analyses and revealed four distinct psychosocial profiles, which remained relatively stable in the course of time. Two profiles featured impaired psychosocial functioning while the other two of them were characterized by greater psychosocial stability.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Compared to baseline no worsening in mood and psychosocial functions was found three years after electrode implantation. Moreover, patients can be assigned to four distinct psychosocial profiles that are relatively stable in the time course. Since these subtypes already exist preoperatively the extent of psychosocial support can be anticipatory adjusted to the patients' needs in order to enhance coping strategies and compliance. This would allow early detection and even prevention of potential psychiatric adverse events after surgery. Given adequate psychosocial support, these findings imply that patients with mild psychiatric disturbances should not be excluded from surgery.</p

    Technical note: development of a 3D printed subresolution sandwich phantom for validation of brain SPECT analysis

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    Purpose: To make an adaptable, head shaped radionuclide phantom to simulate molecular imaging of the brain using clinical acquisition and reconstruction protocols. This will allow the characterization and correction of scanner characteristics, and improve the accuracy of clinical image analysis, including the application of databases of normal subjects. Methods: A fused deposition modeling 3D printer was used to create a head shaped phantom made up of transaxial slabs, derived from a simulated MRI dataset. The attenuation of the printed polylactide (PLA), measured by means of the Hounsfield unit on CT scanning, was set to match that of the brain by adjusting the proportion of plastic filament and air (fill ratio). Transmission measurements were made to verify the attenuation of the printed slabs. The radionuclide distribution within the phantom was created by adding 99mTc pertechnetate to the ink cartridge of a paper printer and printing images of gray and white matter anatomy, segmented from the same MRI data. The complete subresolution sandwich phantom was assembled from alternate 3D printed slabs and radioactive paper sheets, and then imaged on a dual headed gamma camera to simulate an HMPAO SPECT scan. Results: Reconstructions of phantom scans successfully used automated ellipse fitting to apply attenuation correction. This removed the variability inherent in manual application of attenuation correction and registration inherent in existing cylindrical phantom designs. The resulting images were assessed visually and by count profiles and found to be similar to those from an existing elliptical PMMA phantom. Conclusions: The authors have demonstrated the ability to create physically realistic HMPAO SPECT simulations using a novel head-shaped 3D printed subresolution sandwich method phantom. The phantom can be used to validate all neurological SPECT imaging applications. A simple modification of the phantom design to use thinner slabs would make it suitable for use in PET

    Motivational modulation of bradykinesia in Parkinson's disease off and on dopaminergic medication.

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    Motivational influence on bradykinesia in Parkinson's disease may be observed in situations of emotional and physical stress, a phenomenon known as paradoxical kinesis. However, little is known about motivational modulation of movement speed beyond these extreme circumstances. In particular, it is not known if motivational factors affect movement speed by improving movement preparation/initiation or execution (or both) and how this effect relates to the patients' medication state. In the present study, we tested if provision of motivational incentive through monetary reward would speed-up movement initiation and/or execution in Parkinson's disease patients and if this effect depended on dopaminergic medication. We studied the effect of monetary incentive on simple reaction time in 11 Parkinson's disease patients both "off" and "on" dopaminergic medication and in 11 healthy participants. The simple reaction time task was performed across unrewarded and rewarded blocks. The initiation time and movement time were quantified separately. Anticipation errors and long responses were also recorded. The prospect of reward improved initiation times in Parkinson's disease patients both "off" and "on" dopaminergic medication, to a similar extent as in healthy participants. However, for "off" medication, this improvement was associated with increased frequency of anticipation errors, which were eliminated by dopamine replacement. Dopamine replacement had an additional, albeit small effect, on reward-related improvement of movement execution. Motivational strategies are helpful in overcoming bradykinesia in Parkinson's disease. Motivational factors may have a greater effect on bradykinesia when patients are "on" medication, as dopamine appears to be required for overcoming speed-accuracy trade-off and for improvement of movement execution. Thus, medication status should be an important consideration in movement rehabilitation programmes for patients with Parkinson's disease

    Impairment of Auditory-Motor Timing and Compensatory Reorganization after Ventral Premotor Cortex Stimulation

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    Integrating auditory and motor information often requires precise timing as in speech and music. In humans, the position of the ventral premotor cortex (PMv) in the dorsal auditory stream renders this area a node for auditory-motor integration. Yet, it remains unknown whether the PMv is critical for auditory-motor timing and which activity increases help to preserve task performance following its disruption. 16 healthy volunteers participated in two sessions with fMRI measured at baseline and following rTMS (rTMS) of either the left PMv or a control region. Subjects synchronized left or right finger tapping to sub-second beat rates of auditory rhythms in the experimental task, and produced self-paced tapping during spectrally matched auditory stimuli in the control task. Left PMv rTMS impaired auditory-motor synchronization accuracy in the first sub-block following stimulation (p<0.01, Bonferroni corrected), but spared motor timing and attention to task. Task-related activity increased in the homologue right PMv, but did not predict the behavioral effect of rTMS. In contrast, anterior midline cerebellum revealed most pronounced activity increase in less impaired subjects. The present findings suggest a critical role of the left PMv in feed-forward computations enabling accurate auditory-motor timing, which can be compensated by activity modulations in the cerebellum, but not in the homologue region contralateral to stimulation

    Molecular imaging to track Parkinson's disease and atypical parkinsonisms: New imaging frontiers

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    Molecular imaging has proven to be a powerful tool for investigation of parkinsonian disorders. One current challenge is to identify biomarkers of early changes that may predict the clinical trajectory of parkinsonian disorders. Exciting new tracer developments hold the potential for in vivo markers of underlying pathology. Herein, we provide an overview of molecular imaging advances and how these approaches help us to understand PD and atypical parkinsonisms. © 2016 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.Peer reviewe

    Motor imagery and action observation: cognitive tools for rehabilitation

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    Rehabilitation, for a large part may be seen as a learning process where old skills have to be re-acquired and new ones have to be learned on the basis of practice. Active exercising creates a flow of sensory (afferent) information. It is known that motor recovery and motor learning have many aspects in common. Both are largely based on response-produced sensory information. In the present article it is asked whether active physical exercise is always necessary for creating this sensory flow. Numerous studies have indicated that motor imagery may result in the same plastic changes in the motor system as actual physical practice. Motor imagery is the mental execution of a movement without any overt movement or without any peripheral (muscle) activation. It has been shown that motor imagery leads to the activation of the same brain areas as actual movement. The present article discusses the role that motor imagery may play in neurological rehabilitation. Furthermore, it will be discussed to what extent the observation of a movement performed by another subject may play a similar role in learning. It is concluded that, although the clinical evidence is still meager, the use of motor imagery in neurological rehabilitation may be defended on theoretical grounds and on the basis of the results of experimental studies with healthy subjects