390 research outputs found

    Patienten mit schizophrenen Störungen im psychiatrischen Maßregelvollzug: Ergeben sich Konsequenzen für die Allgemeinpsychiatrie?

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    Zusammenfassung: Es wurde eine Erhebung zu soziodemographischen, kriminologischen und psychiatrischen Merkmalen der 2007 gemäß §63 StGB und §126a StPO in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern untergebrachten Patienten mit Erkrankungen aus dem schizophrenen Formenkreis durchgeführt. Dabei konnten Daten zu allen im Untersuchungszeitraum untergebrachten 45Probanden erhoben werden. Diese stellen einen Anteil von 22% an der Gesamtzahl der 202 im Erhebungszeitraum untergebrachten Patienten. Dieser Wert liegt deutlich unter den Daten westlicher und auch eher städtisch geprägter Bundesländer. Ähnlich wie in anderen Untersuchungen aus Deutschland und Österreich zeigt sich eine hohe Rate von Vorbehandlungen in der Allgemeinpsychiatrie. Es bleibt eine wichtige Aufgabe, adäquate Interventionsstrategien für fremdaggressive Patienten mit kombinierten psychischen Störungen (z.B. Schizophrenie und Sucht), strafrechtlicher Vorgeschichte und fehlenden sozialen Perspektiven zu entwickel

    On the feasibility of a user-operated mobile content distribution network

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    The vast majority of mobile data transfers today follow the traditional client-server model. Although in the fixed network P2P approaches have been exploited and shown to be very efficient, in the mobile domain there has been limited attempt to leverage on P2P (D2D) for large-scale content distribution (i.e., not DTN-like, point-to-point message transfers). In this paper, we explore the potential of a user-operated, smartphone-centric content distribution model for smartphone applications. In particular, we assume source nodes that are updated directly from the content provider (e.g., BBC, CNN), whenever updates are available; destination nodes are then directly updated by source nodes in a D2D manner. We leverage on sophisticated information-aware and application-centric connectivity techniques to distribute content between mobile devices in densely-populated urban environments. Our target is to investigate the feasibility of an opportunistic content distribution network in an attempt to achieve widespread distribution of heavy content (e.g., video files) to the majority of the destination nodes. We propose ubiCDN as a ubiquitous, user-operated and distributed CDN for mobile applications

    Cochlear implant: correlation of nerve function recovery, auditory deprivation and etiology

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    TEMA: a Função de Recuperação do Nervo Auditivo (REC) pode ser extraída do potencial de ação das fibras neurais - ECAP (Eletrically Evoked Compound Action Potential). O ECAP pode ser influenciado pela estimulação recebida pelo nervo e pela etiologia de uma perda auditiva e, consequentemente, afetar a REC. OBJETIVO: verificar se há correlação entre REC e os fatores: etiologia, tempo de surdez e tempo de uso do AASI antes do Implante Coclear (IC). MÉTODO: estudo retrospectivo transversal. Foram coletados dados sobre etiologia, tempo de surdez, tempo de uso do Aparelho de Amplificação Sonora Individual (AASI) e REC de 50 indivíduos, 26 crianças e 24 adultos, submetidos à cirurgia de IC e usuários do dispositivo multicanal Nucleus®24. As medidas da função de recuperação do nervo auditivo foram calculadas e os pacientes foram divididos em grupos (GI: recuperação rápida, GII: recuperação intermediária e GIII: recuperação lenta) para posterior análise de relação com os demais dados coletados. RESULTADOS: a análise dos dados não mostrou correlação estatisticamente significante entre a recuperação e os aspectos pré-cirúrgicos estudados. Entretanto, foi possível observar maior concentração de ambos, crianças e adultos, nas REC intermediárias. GI não agrupou indivíduos com surdez de etiologias infecciosas, tais como a meningite, rubéola e citomegalovírus. A média de REC apresentou-se mais lenta para as etiologias infecciosas, tanto para o grupo de crianças, como para o grupo de adultos. CONCLUSÃO: não houve correlação estatisticamente significante entre função de recuperação do nervo auditivo e os fatores: etiologia, tempo de surdez e tempo de uso do AASI antes do IC.BACKGROUND: the Auditory Nerve Recovery Function (REC) may be extracted from the Electrically Evoked Compound Action Potential (ECAP). ECAP may be influenced by the stimulation received (or the deprivation of stimulation) and by the etiology of the hearing loss, consequently it might affect the REC. AIM: to verify whether there is a correlation between the REC and each of the following factors: etiology, time of auditory deprivation and time of hearing aid use before cochlear implantation (CI). METHOD: retrospective study. Data regarding etiology, time of auditory deprivation, time of hearing aid use before cochlear implantation were collected in children and adults who received a Nucleus®24. All patients who presented neural response at surgery and whose REC was assessed intraoperatively were included in this study. Fifty patients were selected, 26 children and 24 adults. Patients were divided according to the REC classification into three groups (GI: fast recovery; GII: intermediate recovery and GIII: slow recovery) to allow correlation analysis. RESULTS: data analysis did not show any statistically significant correlation between the recovery function and the pre-implant studied characteristics. Nevertheless, it was observed that there was a greater concentration of both, children and adults, in the intermediate recovery function values. GI did not present individuals with infectious etiologies, such as meningitis, rubella and cytomegalovirus. REC average scores were slower in infectious etiologies for both children and adults. CONCLUSION: there was no statistically significant correlation between the recovery function and factors such as etiology, time of auditory deprivation and time of hearing aid use prior to CI

    Cellular development and evolution of the mammalian cerebellum

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    \ua9 2023, The Author(s).The expansion of the neocortex, a hallmark of mammalian evolution 1,2, was accompanied by an increase in cerebellar neuron numbers 3. However, little is known about the evolution of the cellular programmes underlying the development of the cerebellum in mammals. In this study we generated single-nucleus RNA-sequencing data for around 400,000 cells to trace the development of the cerebellum from early neurogenesis to adulthood in human, mouse and the marsupial opossum. We established a consensus classification of the cellular diversity in the developing mammalian cerebellum and validated it by spatial mapping in the fetal human cerebellum. Our cross-species analyses revealed largely conserved developmental dynamics of cell-type generation, except for Purkinje cells, for which we observed an expansion of early-born subtypes in the human lineage. Global transcriptome profiles, conserved cell-state markers and gene-expression trajectories across neuronal differentiation show that cerebellar cell-type-defining programmes have been overall preserved for at least 160 million years. However, we also identified many orthologous genes that gained or lost expression in cerebellar neural cell types in one of the species or evolved new expression trajectories during neuronal differentiation, indicating widespread gene repurposing at the cell-type level. In sum, our study unveils shared and lineage-specific gene-expression programmes governing the development of cerebellar cells and expands our understanding of mammalian brain evolution

    Fluorescence Single Particle Tracking for the Characterization of Submicron Protein Aggregates in Biological Fluids and Complex Formulations

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    To evaluate the potential of fluorescence single particle tracking (fSPT) for the characterization of submicron protein aggregates in human serum, plasma and formulations containing human serum albumin (HSA). A monoclonal IgG was covalently labeled with a fluorescent dye and cross-linked with glutaraldehyde. IgG aggregates and fluorescent beads of 0.1 mu m (control) were diluted in buffer, serum and plasma, and their size distributions were analyzed by fSPT and nanoparticle tracking analysis (NTA). In a separate experiment, IgG and HSA, fluorescently labeled with different dyes, were mixed and subjected to heat stress. The stressed sample was analyzed by fSPT using a dual color mode and by NTA. The accuracy and precision of fSPT proved to be comparable to NTA. fSPT was able to successfully measure all the samples in buffer, serum and plasma. The average size of the cross-linked protein aggregates showed a slight increase in biological fluids. Moreover, fSPT analysis showed that a significant proportion of the aggregates formed by subjecting an IgG/HSA mixture to heat stress were composed of both proteins. fSPT is a powerful technique for the characterization of submicron protein aggregates in biological fluids and complex formulations

    A phase I randomized therapeutic MVA-B vaccination improves the magnitude and quality of the T cell immune responses in HIV-1-infected subjects on HAART

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    Trial Design Previous studies suggested that poxvirus-based vaccines might be instrumental in the therapeutic HIV field. A phase I clinical trial was conducted in HIV-1-infected patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART), with CD4 T cell counts above 450 cells/mm3 and undetectable viremia. Thirty participants were randomized (2:1) to receive either 3 intramuscular injections of MVA-B vaccine (coding for clade B HIV-1 Env, Gag, Pol and Nef antigens) or placebo, followed by interruption of HAART. Methods The magnitude, breadth, quality and phenotype of the HIV-1-specific T cell response were assayed by intracellular cytokine staining (ICS) in 22 volunteers pre- and post-vaccination. Results MVA-B vaccine induced newly detected HIV-1-specific CD4 T cell responses and expanded pre-existing responses (mostly against Gag, Pol and Nef antigens) that were high in magnitude, broadly directed and showed an enhanced polyfunctionality with a T effector memory (TEM) phenotype, while maintaining the magnitude and quality of the pre-existing HIV-1- specific CD8 T cell responses. In addition, vaccination also triggered preferential CD8+ T cell polyfunctional responses to the MVA vector antigens that increase in magnitude after two and three booster doses