1,080 research outputs found

    Construcción del discurso polifónico en el debate parlamentario español entorno a la crisis catalana

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    En la presente investigación se analizará, a partir de un eje pragmático, el empleo de ciertos recursos polifónicos, tales como el discurso reproducido y la intertextualidad, en el lenguaje político del Parlamento español, así como la finalidad que conlleva su uso; de este modo, el corpus estará conformado por las intervenciones que los representantes políticos de distintos partidos realizaron acerca de la crisis catalana el 10 de octubre de 2017, recogidas en el Diario de Sesiones del Congreso. Se concibe así el discurso político dentro de un análisis crítico, como relato construido, asumiendo que dicho proceso tiene una gran importancia a la hora de determinar los hábitos políticos de la ciudadanía. Tras la clasificación y cuantificación de los distintos fenómenos localizados, las estrategias discursivas serán analizadas en pos de buscar las razones y motivaciones que llevan a los políticos a hacer uso de estas herramientas de corte pragmático, así como a inferir qué recursos polifónicos son más comunes en los distintos grupos en función de su ideología. Los resultados obtenidos por este enfoque mixto avalan la rentabilidad política y retórica de la polifonía en la construcción de relatos discursivos cuyo fin es la persuasión y la argumentación, donde se disciernen conceptos tan fundamentales como sujeto empírico, locutor y enunciador, en línea con los postulados de Oswald Ducrot

    Ecophysiological responses of grapevine rootstocks to water deficit

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    The use of rootstocks tolerant to soil water deficit is an interesting strategy to face the challenges posed by limited water availability. Currently, several nurseries are breeding new genotypes aiming to improve the water stress tolerance of grapevine, but the physiological basis of its responses under water stress are largely unknown. For this purpose, an ecophysiological assessment of the conventional 110-Richter (110R) and SO4, and the new M1 and M4 rootstocks was carried out in ungrafted potted plants. During one season, these Vitis genotypes were grown under greenhouse conditions and subjected to two water regimes, well-watered (WW) and deficit irrigation (DI). Water potentials of plants under DI down to <-1.4 MPa, and net photosynthesis (AN) <5 μmol CO2m-2s-1 did not cause leaf oxidative stress damage compared to WW conditions in all genotypes. The antioxidant capacity was sufficient to neutralize the mild oxidative stress suffered. Under both water regimes, gravimetric differences in daily water use were observed among genotypes, leading to differences in the biomass of roots and shoots. Under WW conditions, SO4 and 110R were the most vigorous and M1 and M4 the least. However, under DI, SO4 exhibited the greatest reduction in biomass, while 110R showed the lowest. Remarkably, under these conditions, SO4 reached the least negative stem water potential and showed the highest hydraulic conductance values. Conversely, M1 reduced the most stomatal conductance, transpiration and AN. Overall, 110R achieved the highest biomass water use efficiency in response to DI, and SO4 the lowest, while M-rootstocks showed intermediate values. Our results suggest that there are differences in water use regulation among genotypes attributed not only to differences in stomatal regulation but also to plant hydraulic conductance. Therefore, it is hypothesized that differences in genotype performance may be due to root anatomical- morphological differences and to several physiological processes such as growth inhibition, osmotic adjustment, antioxidant production, nutrient translocation capacity, etc. Further studies are needed to confirm these differential ecophysiological responses of Vitis species under water stress, particularly under field and grafted conditions

    Digital media: 2013-2014

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    A radiography of the state of digital media in 2013-2014 is presented, paying special attention to the situation in Spain, but with international references. Eleven main points are discussed: the crisis in print media, the rise of new media, digital strategies, canon Aede (aka the Google tax), mobile reading devices, brand journalism, data journalism, fact checking, multimedia storytelling, long-format journalism, and computer journalism

    Prediction of Pathological Tremor Signals Using Long Short-Term Memory Neural Networks

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    Previous implementations of closed-loop peripheral electrical stimulation (PES) strategies have provided evidence about the effect of the stimulation timing on tremor reduction. However, these strategies have used traditional signal processing techniques that only consider phase prediction and might not model the non-stationary behavior of tremor. Here, we tested the use of long short-term memory (LSTM) neural networks to predict tremor signals using kinematic data recorded from Essential Tremor (ET) patients. A dataset comprising wrist flexion-extension data from 12 ET patients was pre-processed to feed the predictors. A total of 180 models resulting from the combination of network (neurons and layers of the LSTM networks, length of the input sequence and prediction horizon) and training parameters (learning rate) were trained, validated and tested. Predicted tremor signals using LSTM-based models presented high correlation values (from 0.709 to 0.998) with the expected values, with a phase delay between the predicted and real signals below 15 ms, which corresponds approximately to 7.5% of a tremor cycle. The prediction horizon was the parameter with a higher impact on the prediction performance. The proposed LSTM-based models were capable of predicting both phase and amplitude of tremor signals outperforming results from previous studies (32 - 56% decreased phase prediction error compared to the out-of-phase method), which might provide a more robust PES-based closed-loop control applied to PES-based tremor reduction.The authors would like to thank Cristina Montero Pardo for illustrations from Fig. 1 and the patients from Gregorio Marañón Hospital who voluntarily participated in this study

    Creación de proyectos TIC y colaboración profesor-alumno: el Sistema Integral de Información Distribuida (SIID)

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    En este trabajo se presenta un proyecto de innovación docente basado en la metodología de Aprendizaje Basado en el desarrollo de Proyectos Colaborativos (ABPC) con el que se ha llevado a cabo un sistema de comunicaciones basado en la tecnología Bluetooth denominado Sistema Integral de Información Distribuida (SIID) (Cuevas Martínez, et al., 2009; 1ª Jornadas Andaluzas de Innovación Docente Universitaria), el cual permite el intercambio de información entre la comunidad universitaria usando tecnologías ampliamente conocidas y de bajo coste. Este sistema se basa en una arquitectura centralizada fija formada por un servidor web avanzado, que funciona como núcleo del sistema, y una serie configurable de puntos de acceso al servicio y, por otro lado, una estructura móvil formada por los terminales de usuario. El sistema SIID proporciona la posibilidad de gestionar y enviar mensajes a usuarios que dispongan de terminales móviles con la tecnología Bluetooth y se encuentren en el entorno de los puntos de acceso del sistema. Todas las funciones de envío y gestión de mensajes se controlan por medio del portal web. Además, los usuarios podrán descargarse a través del sistema una aplicación para su terminal móvil que les permitirá enviar mensajes a los usuarios del sistema sin coste para ellos

    Aplicación de criterios de cribado de la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal en pacientes con espondiloartritis y su asociación con la enfermedad y la actividad endoscópica

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    Existe poca bibliografía sobre la aplicación de criterios de cribado de la enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal (EII) en pacientes con espondiloartritis (EPS). Este estudio tenía como objetivo aplicar criterios de cribado de EII en un grupo de pacientes con EspA sin diagnóstico de EII y correlacionarlos con los hallazgos endoscópicos y la actividad de la enfermedad. Se incluyó a un total de 82 pacientes con EspA. Se realizó la prueba de cribado de la EII y una ileocolonoscopia con cromoendoscopia digital con aumento y análisis histológico. Los datos se analizaron con la prueba de Chi-cuadrado/prueba exacta de Fisher y análisis de correspondencias múltiples. Los principales criterios de cribado encontrados en el 48,7% de los pacientes estaban asociados a antecedentes de infección (p = 0,037). La hemorragia rectal se asoció al diagnóstico de espondilitis anquilosante, inflamación aguda, entesitis y alteración de la arquitectura tisular en el íleon (p < 0,050). La diarrea se asoció a una mayor puntuación de la actividad de la enfermedad (p = 0,02). Los criterios de cribado menores se asociaron con una articulación inflamatoria dolorosa (p = 0,05), una puntuación elevada de la actividad de la enfermedad (p = 0,001) y niveles elevados de calprotectina (p = 0,050). El dolor abdominal (36,9%) se asoció con compromiso axial/periférico (p = 0,017), dolor lumbar inflamatorio (p = 0,01), entesitis (p = 0,021), mayor puntuación de actividad de la enfermedad (p = 0,023) e inflamación aguda del íleon (p = 0,046). La diarrea de 4 semanas y el dolor abdominal fueron los criterios de cribado mayor y menor más prevalentes, respectivamente, estando relacionados con manifestaciones tempranas de compromiso inflamatorio intestinal y mayor puntuación de actividad de la enfermedad. Esta prueba de cribado ofrece la posibilidad de derivar oportunamente a los pacientes con EAE de reumatología a gastroenterología.There is little literature on the implementation of screening criteria for inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in patients with spondyloarthritis (SpA). This study aimed to apply IBD screening criteria in a group of patients with SpA without IBD diagnosis and correlate them to endoscopic findings and disease activity. A total of 82 patients with SpA were included. The IBD screening test and ileocolonoscopy with digital chromoendoscopy with magnification and histological analysis were performed. The data were analysed with Chi-square test/Fisher’s exact test and multiple correspondence analysis. The major screening criteria found in 48.7% of the patients were associated with a history of infection (p = 0.037). Rectal bleeding was associated with the diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis, acute inflammation, enthesitis and tissue architecture alteration in the ileum (p < 0.050). Diarrhoea was associated with a higher disease activity score (p = 0.02). Minor screening criteria were associated with painful inflammatory joint (p = 0.05), high disease activity score (p = 0.001) and high calprotectin levels (p = 0.050). Abdominal pain (36.9%) was associated with axial/peripheral compromise (p = 0.017), inflammatory back pain (p = 0.01), enthesitis (p = 0.021), higher disease activity score (p = 0.023) and acute ileum inflammation (p = 0.046). Diarrhoea of 4 weeks and abdominal pain were the most prevalent major and minor screening criteria, respectively, being related to early manifestations of inflammatory bowel compromise and higher disease activity score. This screening test grants a chance of opportune referral of SpA patients from rheumatology to gastroenterology

    The Mouse Model as a Tool for Histological, Immunological and Parasitological Studies of Trypanosoma cruzi Infection

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    The global expansion of Chagas disease is due to the constant migration of individuals from endemic countries with incidence of vector and nonvector transmission of Trypanosoma cruzi. The disease is present in its various stages: chronological characteristic signs and symptoms of the infection and its mechanism of immune system and cell and tissue damage. The first stage, which lasts 90 days approximately, is diagnosed by direct methods (blood smears stained with Giemsa, fresh and xenodiagnosis). The indeterminate-chronic stage is asymptomatic, but the growth and intracellular binary multiplication of the trypomastigotes continue promoting cell lysis and allowing parasites to infect other cells, with preferential tropism to organs producing mega syndromes such as cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, meningoencephalitis, megaesophagus and megacolon. Inadvertently, this process is repeated for several years leading to Chagas disease. The mouse inoculation allows checking the parasitemia in vivo and the development of the disease in short time (signs, behavior and tropism), histopathological alterations and detection of antibodies in serum. These parameters may vary when using different strains of T. cruzi from different geographical areas; Triatoma species due to their genetic variability are influenced by the environment, nutrition, reservoirs and habitat. The murine model ECA CD-1 has the ability to replicate human findings of Chagas disease

    Propuesta de Supply Chain Management y Logística para la empresa Productos Alimenticios Las Caseritas S.A.S.

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    Anexo 1. Elementos fundamentales del CONPES 3982 - Política Nacional de Logística. Anexo 2. Encuesta sobre las condiciones de aprovisionamiento de Productos Alimenticios Las Caseritas S.A.S. Anexo 3. Centro de distribución bajo clasificación ABC.En el presente documento se encontrará una completa descripción de la infraestructura de la red de suministro adaptado en Productos Alimenticios Las Caseritas S.A.S. como empresa objeto de estudio. En su contenido se expondrá un análisis de sus principales actividades y sus estrategias en los sectores de servicio al cliente, producción, aprovisionamiento, almacenamiento, transporte y distribución que garanticen el cumplimiento de las exigencias en el mercado y fortalezcan sus relaciones con clientes y proveedores. De esta manera se tomará este modelo de operatividad para aplicarlo a procesos según enfoque en Global Supply Chain Forum (GSCF) y APICS-SCOR; comparar su rendimiento a nivel nacional e internacional mediante indicadores LPI del Banco Mundial; y establecer un diagnóstico de su reacción ante las Mega tendencias en Supply Chain y Logística. Esto permitirá identificar variables que destacan el desempeño de la empresa en el mercado; así como, sus debilidades que lo comprometan ante sus competidores; con el fin de proponer estrategias enfocadas en acciones correctivas u oportunidades de mejora que brinden un mejor bienestar en la organización en el mercado en términos de infraestructura logística, rentabilidad y valor agregado a sus clientes en el mercado.This document contains a complete description of the supply network infrastructure adapted to Productos Alimenticios Las Caseritas S.A.S. as the company under study. Its contents will include an analysis of its main activities and strategies in the areas of customer service, production, procurement, storage, transportation and distribution to ensure compliance with market requirements and strengthen its relationships with customers and suppliers. This operational model will be used to apply it to processes according to the Global Supply Chain Forum (GSCF) and APICS-SCOR approach; to compare its performance at national and international level through LPI indicators of the World Bank; and to establish a diagnosis of its reaction to the Mega trends in Supply Chain and Logistics. This will allow to identify variables that highlight the company's performance in the market; as well as its weaknesses that compromise it against its competitors; in order to propose strategies focused on corrective actions or improvement opportunities that provide a better welfare in the organization in the market in terms of logistics infrastructure, profitability and added value to its customers in the market

    P050 Oral inflammatory changes associated with inflammatory bowel disease in spondyloarthritis associated with early endoscopic findings

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    BACKGROUND: Spondyloarthritis (SpA) is a heterogeneous group of chronic autoinflammatory disorders that can present extra-articular gastrointestinal manifestations. Among them is mainly inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Although IBD mainly affects the intestinal tract, it can include early manifestations evident in the oral cavity. No comparative data on these oral manifestations in patients with SpA were found in the literature. OBJECTIVE: To identify oral clinical manifestations due to changes in the oral mucosa associated with IBD in patients with SpA without a diagnosis of IBD and associate them with endoscopic and histological findings. METHODS: 80 patients with SpA and 52 healthy controls were evaluated. They were assessed intra- and extra-orally, following the modified World Health Organization guideline. In addition, by clinical parameters of rheumatological, gastrointestinal and laboratory activity. Ileocolonoscopy was performed with digital chromoendoscopy with magnification and histological analysis. Comparative analyzes were performed by Chi square tests, Fisher's exact tests, confirmed by univariate regression and discriminant analysis of multiple correspondences. Institutional ethics committee approval cod-2017-023. RESULTS: The patients with SpA had 56% male gender, mean age of 42.8 years (SD ± 10.4) and a BMI in the range of 23.9 - 28.4. The healthy controls, 54% of the male gender with an average age of 41 years (SD ± 13.6) and a body mass index-BMI in the range of 22.9 - 27.6. The patients reported smoking only in 6.2%, however as a smoking history in 31% and passive smokers (15%), the majority employed (41%), married (56%) and professionals (49%). Of the healthy controls, they smoked (15%), with a history of smoking (31%), passive smokers (21%), the majority employed (77%), with their own home (67%), and professionals (54%). The patients with SpA reported a greater presence of some signs and symptoms of gastrointestinal origin 69%, while in the controls it was 7.7% (p = 0.001). Forty one of them were referred to colonoscopy with magnification being in 17.1 % changes in the mucosa of the rectum and in the same frequency changes in the mucosa of the sigmoid colon. Regarding the ileum, changes in the mucosa were evidenced in 41.5% of the cases. The presence of oral lesions was evident and predominated in them (63%) compared to controls p = 0.050. The main oral lesions associated with IBD were gingivitis (55%) (p = 0.001), followed by aphthous stomatitis (3.8%), angular cheilitis (2.6%) and perioral erythema with scaling (1.3%). 100% of the patients who presented alteration of the colonic mucosa presented oral lesions associated with IBD (p = 0039), which was also significantly associated with the presence of gingivitis/aphthous stomatitis (p = 0.029). CONCLUSION: Patients with SpA without a diagnosis of IBD have more oral signs and symptoms compared to healthy controls. Gingivitis is important given its association with early endoscopic and histological findings. Manifestations in the oral cavity can precede intestinal manifestations, therefore the clinical assessment by the oral pathologist in conjunction with gastroenterology and rheumatology allows a timely referral to gastroenterology and an endoscopic and histological evaluation, impacting the quality of life of patients

    Todo lo que siempre quiso saber sobre la evaluación, pero no se atrevió a preguntar: a propósito de una encuesta

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    La evaluación es un proceso sistemático, continuo e integral destinado a determinar hasta qué punto han sido alcanzados los objetivos educativos. En ella se aúnan dos actividades fundamentales: medir y emitir juicios de valor a partir, de los datos. Sin embargo, a pesar de la claridad de estos conceptos la forma de evaluar a los alumnos todavía sigue plagada de importantes contradicciones entre los profesores, lo que manifiesta unas conductas didácticas alejadas de lo que debiera ser una pedagogía basada en la evidencia. El objetivo de este trabajo es evidenciar las citadas discrepancias, entre los agentes del proceso de enseñanza aprendizaje (alumnos y profesores), a la hora de elaborar, realizar y calificar las pruebas de evaluación (“exámenes”) de los alumnos de varias disciplinas relacionadas con la Biomedicina. La metodología empleada ha consistido en aplicar a los estudiantes un sencillo cuestionario con preguntas de elección múltiple. A partir de los resultados, se pretende reflexionar sobre conjunto de criterios sólidos que permitan realizar las evaluaciones de los alumnos con mayor validez, fiabilidad, objetividad y pertinencia, como recomienda la OMS en su Guía Pedagógica para el Personal de Salud