178 research outputs found

    Cientos de años corriendo ¿Para qué? La actividad física en la Era Gimnástica de la Integración

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    The attempt to highlight the relevance of physical activity in the society we live in has taken us to analyse its evolution throughout history, since man got up on his feet and learned to run until the moment he sat at the computer and became sedentary. For that reason, the concept of gymnastic ages is being emphasized, starting from its previous stages, in which this evolution is studied and contextualized, especially in the Spanish educational arena, highlighting the announcement of a new age, the gymnastic age of integration, in which we find ourselves since the final years of the twentieth century. In this analysis we meant to focus on physical activity’s values, it´s relevance nowadays and the philosophy of life it can offer us. Among other conclusions the fact stands out that the Gymnastic Age of Integration exists in a sedentary society, and physical activity is mainly performed in order to lose weight for health or aesthetic reasons.El intento de resaltar la importancia de la Actividad Física (AF) en la sociedad que vivimos nos ha llevado a analizar su evolución a lo largo de la historia, desde que el hombre se puso de pie y aprendió a correr hasta que se sentó delante de un ordenador y se volvió sedentario. Por ello, se incide en la definición de las Eras Gimnásticas, comenzando por etapas precedentes a su aparición, en las que se contextualiza y estudia dicha evolución, incidiendo en el ámbito educativo español. Además, se destaca una nueva era, la Era Gimnástica de la Integración en la que nos encontramos desde los años finales del pasado siglo XX. En este análisis se quieren destacar los valores de la AF, su importancia en los tiempos actuales y la filosofía de vida que depara. Entre las conclusiones se destaca que en la Era Gimnástica de la Integración, en una sociedad sedentaria, la AF se utiliza fundamentalmente para perder peso por cuestiones de salud y de estética

    Trend analysis in tobacco use in Andalusia (2011-2014) and factors related to use

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    Nowadays, smoking is the single greatest preventable cause of death in the world and tobacco is the most prevalent drug ever used. Considering that many people begin smoking in early adolescence, it is essential to further research this matter in order to better understand this behavior as well as enact adequate prevention and health-promotion programs. Despite data confirming a decrease in tobacco consumption in the last few years, it is still necessary to pay more attention to factors that may be related to adolescent smoking. Regarding these factors, a relationship between age and gender in relation to tobacco use has been fully established, showing higher use among older adolescents and females. Furthermore, parental smoking has shown to be a common catalyst for smoking initiation during adolescence. However, results are not completely consistent regarding this association. Some studies suggest that close friends’ smoking provides a substantial source of modeling of experimentation with tobacco, even more powerful than parents’ smoking. The current study seeks to identify trends in smoking behaviour (2011 – 2014) and investigates the relationship between age, gender, parental smoking and best friend’s smoking, and tobacco use among Andalusian adolescent students. The sample for this study is composed of 17,662 students aged 11 to 18 years old: 15,684 in 2011 (7,822 girls) and 1,978 in 2014 (962 girls). In both cases, the data are representative of Andalusian adolescent students. We used some items of the tobacco consumption questionnaire designed by the international team of Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study (HBSC): adolescent current tobacco consumption, tobacco use of best friend, mother and father. Data confirm a decrease in adolescent tobacco use between 2011 and 2014. Females smoke more than males in 2011 and 2014, although gender differences diminish in 2014. Moreover, age, gender and close people’s smoking explain a higher percentage of variance in 2011 than in 2014. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of monitoring tobacco use in adolescence in order to adjust intervention policies. In this respect, even though this study confirms a decline in consumption, this may be attributable to the application of anti-smoking laws or the implementation of prevention programs, as well as a change in recent years in factors related to us


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    A taxonomic study has been carried out on 123 strains of the Vibrionaceae family isolated from bivalves and fishes in Valparaíso coasts. All strains were characterized with 86 phenotypic tests and clustering using SSM coefficient and the UPGMA linking analysis. The strains were clustered into three phena at 80% similarity level. These strains were identified as Aeromonas hydrophila, Vibrio sp. and Plesiomonas shigelloides

    Gestión de alperujos mediante agrocompostaje en la Comarca del Maestrat (Castellón)

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    La gestión de los alperujos en las diferentes almazaras de las comarcas del Maestrat supone un reto debido a la estacionalidad del residuo y los grandes volúmenes generados, y les conduce a depender de las industrias de aceite refinado. Buscando soluciones económicamente viables se han realizado tres ensayos piloto de co-compostaje de alperujo junto con diferentes estiércoles seleccionados teniendo en cuenta los residuos ganaderos mayoritarios en la zona con el fin de minimizar los costes de transporte. Como material estructurante se ha utilizado la hoja de olivo generada en la almazara, de forma que se optimiza la aireación y se confiere a la pila una textura manipulable. Los buenos resultados obtenidos hasta el momento acreditan el potencial del agrocompostaje como técnico de gestión de estos residuos en las zonas de interior

    IKKβ overexpression together with a lack of tumour suppressor genes causes ameloblastic odontomas in mice

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    Odontogenic tumours are a heterogeneous group of lesions that develop in the oral cavity region and are characterized by the formation of tumoural structures that differentiate as teeth. Due to the diversity of their histopathological characteristics and clinical behaviour, the classification of these tumours is still under debate. Alterations in morphogenesis pathways such as the Hedgehog, MAPK and WNT/β-catenin pathways are implicated in the formation of odontogenic lesions, but the molecular bases of many of these lesions are still unknown. In this study, we used genetically modified mice to study the role of IKKβ (a fundamental regulator of NF-κB activity and many other proteins) in oral epithelial cells and odontogenic tissues. Transgenic mice overexpressing IKKβ in oral epithelial cells show a significant increase in immune cells in both the oral epithelia and oral submucosa. They also show changes in the expression of several proteins and miRNAs that are important for cancer development. Interestingly, we found that overactivity of IKKβ in oral epithelia and odontogenic tissues, in conjunction with the loss of tumour suppressor proteins (p53, or p16 and p19), leads to the appearance of odontogenic tumours that can be classified as ameloblastic odontomas, sometimes accompanied by foci of secondary ameloblastic carcinomas. These tumours show NF-κB activation and increased β-catenin activity. These findings may help to elucidate the molecular determinants of odontogenic tumourigenesis and the role of IKKβ in the homoeostasis and tumoural transformation of oral and odontogenic epitheliaThis work was funded by project PI17/00578, from the “Instituto de Salud Carlos III” (Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities) and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund, and approved by the Ethics Committee of our Institution. It has been founded also by projects CB16/12/00228, PI16/00161, RD16/0011/0011, RD12/0019/0023 and SAF2017–84248-PS

    Current clinical spectrum of common variable immunodeficiency in Spain: The multicentric nationwide GTEM-SEMI-CVID registry

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    Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) constitutes a heterogenic group of primary immunodeficiency disorders with a wide-ranging clinical spectrum. CVID-associated non-infectious morbidity constitutes a major challenge requiring a full understanding of its pathophysiology and its clinical importance and global variability, especially considering the broad clinical, genetic, and regional heterogeneity of CVID disorders. This work aimed to develop a nationwide, multicenter, retrospective study over a 3-year period describing epidemiological, clinical, laboratory, therapeutic, and prognostic features of 250 CVID patients in Spain. The mean diagnostic delay was around 10 years and most patients initially presented with infectious complications followed by non-infectious immune disorders. However, infectious diseases were not the main cause of morbimortality. Non-infectious lung disease was extraordinarily frequent in our registry affecting approximately 60% of the patients. More than one-third of the patients in our cohort showed lymphadenopathies and splenomegaly in their follow-up, and more than 33% presented immune cytopenias, especially Evans' syndrome. Gastrointestinal disease was observed in more than 40% of the patients. Among biopsied organs in our cohort, benign lymphoproliferation was the principal histopathological alteration. Reaching 15.26%, the global prevalence of cancer in our registry was one of the highest reported to date, with non-Hodgkin B lymphoma being the most frequent. These data emphasize the importance of basic and translational research delving into the pathophysiological pathways involved in immune dysregulation and diffuse lymphocytic infiltration. This would reveal new tailored strategies to reduce immune complications, and the associated healthcare burden, and ensure a better quality of life for CVID patients

    Evidencias de terremotos cuaternarios en una sima hipogénica: La Sima de Benís (Murcia, SE España)

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    [EN] The interaction between karst hypogenic processes and Late Pleistocene active faulting determines the present topography and shape of the Benís Cave within the Cieza Ranges in the eastern Betic Cordillera (SE Spain). This cave represents the explored deepest cave within the Murcia region, reaching the deepest point at -320 m, and showing "in situ" fossil remains of mammal carnivores (Lynx pardinus spelaeus) as well. In addition, this cave displays evidence of paleoseismic activity from broken speleothems, but also from instrumental earthquakes collapsing the cave ceiling hall at -150 m depth (1999 Mula Event). The geometry and speleogenesis of Benís cave from the Late Pleistocene is a combination of two processes: (1) a shallow hypogenic origin related to upwards movement of confined aquifer located between 0 and 150 m depth, with lots of outlets and megascallops, and (2) a deep fault-cave related to the Benís fault developed between 150 - 320 m depth. This fault is N-S trending with normal kinematics and evidence of Late Pleistocene paleoseismic activity. Related to this, different fossil bones of Lynx pardinus spelaeus, was found in situ, which were dated by amino acid racemization in 65 ± 17.6 ka (OIS 4). The estimated size of the last paleoearthquake was around 6 Mw according to the measured coseismic displacement at depth and the length of the Benís fault trace at surface. The combination of the two processes (hypogenic confined aquifer and a seismogenic faulting), controlled the development, geometry and speleogenesis of the Benís Cave during at least the last 250 ka.[ES] La interacción entre una cueva hipogénica y la actividad de una falla cuaternaria es la principal responsable de la génesis de la cueva más profunda de la Región de Murcia y una de las mayores cavidades hipogénicas del sur de la península. La Sima de Benís presenta una amplia y única variedad de espeleotemas y de estructuras de disolución que se encuentran afectadas por deformaciones sísmicas producidas tanto por paleoterremotos durante el Pleistoceno Superior, como por terremotos instrumentales (Mw 4,8; VI EMS-98, 1999; Mula). Además, dentro de las zonas más profundas de la cueva aparecen restos fósiles “in situ” de macromamíferos (Lynx pardinus spelaeus), los cuales hemos relacionado con la actividad sísmica en el interior de la caverna. En cuanto a su topografía, esta cavidad presenta dos sectores bien diferenciados: (1) un primer sector de 150-160 m de desarrollo vertical con pozos de origen hipogénico con desarrollo de golpes de gubia y conductos de disolución ascendentes (con “outlets” y “megascallops”) y (2) un segundo sector entre los 150 - 160 m y los 320 m de profundidad, el cual se desarrolla sobre un plano de falla normal de dirección N-S (Falla de Benís). Este segundo sector de la sima es el que presenta evidencias paleosísmicas cuaternarias, dividiéndose a su vez en dos zonas en relación a la dinámica kárstica dominante: (2.a) una zona vadosa dominada por estructuras hipogénicas (donde aparecen folias y corales), junto con marcas cinemáticas de movimiento de la falla (estrías con recristalizaciones y concreciones carbonatadas) y (2.b) una zona freática profunda controlada por la precipitación de nubes de calcita bajo lámina de agua y de tamaño métrico que se desarrolla hasta los - 320 m de profundidad. En cuanto a la parte hipogénica superior de la sima, se desarrolla a favor de una fractura con relleno de calcita y de orientación E-W sobre carbonatos del Cretácico superior y el Paleoceno, con un espesor centimétrico y evidencias de relleno posterior y circulación de fluidos. La potencial actividad paleosísmica ha podido ser datada en 65 ± 17,6 ka (OIS 4) mediante el análisis de racemización de aminoácidos de los colmillos de un lince de las cavernas, el cual pudo ser afectado por un terremoto. Por último, se ha estimado el tamaño del último sismo relacionado con la actividad de la falla a partir de relaciones empíricas, con un valor de Mw oscilando entre 5,5 y 6. Para ello se ha estimado la longitud en superficie de la traza de falla que controla la cueva en profundidad y se ha comparado con el último salto cosísmico observable en el interior de la sima. Estimaciones del salto de falla acumulado y la datación del último paleoterremoto, sugieren que parte de la evolución hipogénica con paleoterremotos de esta cavidad de forma conjunta se produjo al menos, desde hace 250 ka (OIS 7)

    Petrophysical characterization of non-magnetic granites; density and magnetic susceptibility relationships

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    In this work we establish reliable correlations between density and magnetic susceptibility in three paramagnetic granites from the Pyrenees. In total, 128 sites (310 density measurements and >2600 susceptibility ones) were studied in the Mont Louis-Andorra, Maladeta and Marimanha granitic plutons covering the main range of variability of magnetic susceptibility. Regressions were calculated for every granitic body and an integrated linear function was obtained for the entire dataset: ρ (kg/m3) = 2566 (kg/m3) + 0.541κ (10−6 S.I.) (R:0.97). This relationship is only valid in the paramagnetic domain, where iron is mostly fractioned in iron-bearing phyllosilicates and the occurrence of magnetite is negligible (or at least its contribution to the bulk susceptibility). This relationship, likely different in other bodies, allows for transforming magnetic susceptibility data into density data, helping to constrain gravity modelling when density data from rock samples are scarce. Given the large amount of AMS studies worldwide, together with the quickness and cost-effectiveness of susceptibility measurements with portable devices, this methodology allows for densifying and homogenizing the petrophysical data when modelling granite rock volumes based on both magnetic and gravimetric signals.This work was financed by the projects GeoPiri3D (CGL2017-84901-C2-2-P), UKRIA4D (PID2019-104693GB-I00/CTA) and IMAGYN (PID2020-114273GB-C22) from the Spanish Ministry of Science (funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and “ERDF A way of making Europe”). This work is methodologically related also with the 3DGeoEU project financed by the European Commission under the ERANET Cofound action GeoERA (Grant No.: 731166). The GeoAp Research group from the Aragonian Government is also acknowledged. We are also in debt to the staff of the Petrophysical Laboratory (IGME, Tres Cantos) and to the Geophysics technicians (José Mª Llorente and Agustín González). The help of the Rock Magnetism Laboratory of the Centre Européen de Recherche et d’Enseignement de Géosciences de l’Environnement (CEREGE) in Aix en ProvenceMarseille is also acknowledged. P.C. acknowledges funding from PTA2017-14779-I and FJC2019- 041058-I (AEI-Spain) contracts. E.B. thanks the Geomodels Research Institute of the University of Barcelona and GGAC-2017SGR596 (Generalitat de Catalunya).Peer reviewe