958 research outputs found

    El termómetro de globo en estudios de confort y medioambiente en los edificios

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    The reasons for the inferior performance of many existing buildings and associated energy systems are diverse, but an important part-cause is insufficient attention to the influence of occupant behaviour. In smart buildings it is necessary to allow for the integration of human behaviour in the HVAC system. In addition, many researchers are limited in their investigation by not having low cost tools that can provide information for their studies. This article is a review of the present state of art about the globe thermometer. It describes how to build your own globe temperature sensor and describes experiments that illustrate the feasibility of using a black globe thermometer with 40 mm diameter.Las razones del rendimiento inferior de muchos de los edificios actuales y sus sistemas energéticos relacionados son diversas y estas son en una parte importante causada por una atención insuficiente a la influencia del comportamiento de los ocupantes. En los edificios inteligentes es necesario implementar nuevas oportunidades para integrar el comportamiento humano en el sistema de climatización. Además, muchos investigadores están limitados en su investigación al no contar con herramientas de bajo coste que puedan proporcionar información a sus estudios. En este artículo se presenta una revisión del estado actual del arte sobre el termómetro de globo, se describe cómo construir su propio sensor de temperatura de globo y los experimentos descritos ilustran la viabilidad de utilizar un termómetro de globo negro con 40 mm de diámetro

    Neuromarketing aplicado a entornos digitales de aprendizaje

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    Webinars sobre TICs y herramientas de la web social para innovar Programa de Formación de Profesorado 2019-20 Área de Innovación (@uniainnova). Sede Tecnológica de Málaga. UNIA.Contenido. 1.- Neuromarketing: Qué es, qué no es y cómo se aplica en diferentes entornos; 2.- Entornos de aprendizaje y neuromarketing: Aplicación del neuromarketing a entornos on y offline para el aprendizaje y la enseñanza; 3.- Dudas y cuestiones. En este seminario virtual, enmarcado en el Programa de Formación de Profesorado de la UNIA en materia de Innovación Docente y Digital del curso 2019, José Ruiz Pardo, CEO de Goli Neuromarketing y presidente del Club de Marketing de Málaga, comparte los resultados de estudios sobre usuarios y estudiantes en red que muestran estrategias y técnicas interesantes para atraerlos, emocionarlos y potenciar su recuerdo. El seminario tuvo lugar empleando el servicio de aulas virtuales de la UNIA (basado en Adobe Connect), y en él pudo participar cualquier interesado/a, más allá de docentes en activo de la Universidad

    Comparación del filtro de Kalman, el algoritmo esperanza-maximización (EM) y el filtro de información para la estimación de modelos en representación espacio-estado

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    Se realiza una comparación entre las metodología de filtro de Kalman y filtro de información en la inferencia de modelos en representación espacio estado (REE), donde la estimación se lleva a cabo bajo máxima verosimilitud, algoritmo EM y estimación Bayesiana. Mediante simulación extensiva de tres modelos univariados estructurales, se encontró que la estimación por máxima verosimilitud es la de mejor resultado en la mayoría de escenarios, la filtración de Kalman ofrece en promedio valores más cercanos al verdadero valor de los elementos del vector de estado y la convergencia a un estado estable ocurre con mayor prontitud, cuando se aplica el filtro de Kalman a estimaciones Bayesianas. Los pronósticos, por otro lado, son “más acertados“ cuando se realizan con el filtro de información. Una aplicación a la estimación de la elasticidad de la tasa de interés para las bases M1 y M2 se encuentra que el filtro de Kalman y de informacón ofrecen resultados similares bajo las diferentes estimaciones y la velocidad de M1 es más elástica que la de M2 en todos los escenarios.Abstract: In this paper we compare two methodologies: Kalman filter and information filter in the inference of state space models, where the estimation is obtained via maximum likelihood, expectation-maximization algorithm and bayesian estimation. Through extensive simulation in three univariate structural models have been found that ML estimation showed the best result in most scenarios, Kalman filter offers closer values to the real state variables and the convergence to a steady state is more quicker when bayesian’s results are applied to the Kalman filter. On the other hand, forecast are more accurate when are performed with the information filter. By estimating the interest rate elasticity for M1 and M2, it has been found that Kalman and information filter give very similar output and M1 velocity is more elastic than M2 in all scenarios.Maestrí

    Energy Efficiency Indicators for Assessing Construction Systems Storing Renewable Energy: Application to Phase Change Material-Bearing Façades

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    Assessing the performance or energy efficiency of a single construction element by itself is often a futile exercise. That is not the case, however, when an element is designed, among others, to improve building energy performance by harnessing renewable energy in a process that requires a source of external energy. Harnessing renewable energy is acquiring growing interest in Mediterranean climates as a strategy for reducing the energy consumed by buildings. When such reduction is oriented to lowering demand, the strategy consists in reducing the building’s energy needs with the use of construction elements able to passively absorb, dissipate, or accumulate energy. When reduction is pursued through M&E services, renewable energy enhances building performance. The efficiency of construction systems that use renewable energy but require a supplementary power supply to operate can be assessed by likening these systems to regenerative heat exchangers built into the building. The indicators needed for this purpose are particularly useful for designers, for they can be used to compare the efficiency or performance to deliver an optimal design for each building. This article proposes a series of indicators developed to that end and describes their application to façades bearing phase change materials (PCMs)

    Certified Symbolic Manipulation: Bivariate Simplicial Polynomials

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    Certified symbolic manipulation is an emerging new field where programs are accompanied by certificates that, suitably interpreted, ensure the correctness of the algorithms. In this paper, we focus on algebraic algorithms implemented in the proof assistant ACL2, which allows us to verify correctness in the same programming environment. The case study is that of bivariate simplicial polynomials, a data structure used to help the proof of properties in Simplicial Topology. Simplicial polynomials can be computationally interpreted in two ways. As symbolic expressions, they can be handled algorithmically, increasing the automation in ACL2 proofs. As representations of functional operators, they help proving properties of categorical morphisms. As an application of this second view, we present the definition in ACL2 of some morphisms involved in the Eilenberg-Zilber reduction, a central part of the Kenzo computer algebra system. We have proved the ACL2 implementations are correct and tested that they get the same results as Kenzo does.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MTM2009-13842Unión Europea nr. 243847 (ForMath

    Verifying the bridge between simplicial topology and algebra: the Eilenberg–Zilber algorithm

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    The Eilenberg–Zilber algorithm is one of the central components of the computer algebra system called Kenzo, devoted to computing in Algebraic Topology. In this article we report on a complete formal proof of the underlying Eilenberg–Zilber theorem, using the ACL2 theorem prover. As our formalization is executable, we are able to compare the results of the certified programme with those of Kenzo on some universal examples. Since the results coincide, the reliability of Kenzo is reinforced. This is a new step in our long-term project towards certified programming for Algebraic Topology.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MTM2009-13842European Union’s 7th Framework Programme [243847] (ForMath)

    JavaVis: una librería para visión artificial en Java

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    En este artículo se describe JavaVis, una librería de visión artificial escrita en Java y desarrollada en el Departamento de Ciencia de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial de la Universidad de Alicante. Esta librería presenta una serie de ventajas: portabilidad, fácil ampliación, interfaz gráfico y formato de imagen especial que permite almacenar secuencias de imágenes y datos de tipo geométrico. La librería se utiliza en las prácticas de Visión Artificial que se vienen impartiendo en las asignaturas de I.A. de la Universidad de Alicante

    Applying ACL2 to the Formalization of Algebraic Topology: Simplicial Polynomials

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    In this paper we present a complete formalization, using the ACL2 theorem prover, of the Normalization Theorem, a result in Algebraic Simplicial Topology stating that there exists a homotopy equivalence between the chain complex of a simplicial set, and a smaller chain complex for the same simplicial set, called the normalized chain complex. The interest of this work stems from three sources. First, the normalization theorem is the basis for some design decisions in the Kenzo computer algebra system, a program for computing in Algebraic Topology. Second, our proof of the theorem is new and shows the correctness of some formulas found experimentally, giving explicit expressions for the above-mentioned homotopy equivalence. And third, it demonstrates that the ACL2 theorem prover can be effectively used to formalize mathematics, even in areas where higher-order tools could be thought to be more appropriate.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MTM2009-13842European Commission FP7 STREP project ForMath n. 24384

    Formalization of a normalization theorem in simplicial topology

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    In this paper we present a complete formalization of the Normalization Theorem, a result in Algebraic Simplicial Topology stating that there exists a homotopy equivalence between the chain complex of a simplicial set, and a smaller chain complex for the same simplicial set, called the normalized chain complex. Even if the Normalization Theorem is usually stated as a higher-order result (with a Category Theory flavor) we manage to give a first-order proof of it. To this aim it is instrumental the introduction of an algebraic data structure called simplicial polynomial. As a demonstration of the validity of our techniques we developed a formal proof in the ACL2 theorem prover.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación MTM2009-13842European Commission FP7 STREP project ForMath n. 24384

    Towards a verifiable topology of data

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    Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TIN2013-41086-PMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad MTM2014-5415