343 research outputs found

    Describing images using qualitative models and description logics

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    Special Issue: Qualitative spatial and temporal reasoning: emerging applications, trends, and directionsOur approach describes any digital image qualitatively by detecting regions/objects inside it and describing their visual characteristics (shape and colour) and their spatial characteristics (orientation and topology) by means of qualitative models. The description obtained is translated into a description logic (DL) based ontology, which gives a formal and explicit meaning to the qualitative tags representing the visual features of the objects in the image and the spatial relations between them. For any image, our approach obtains a set of individuals that are classified using a DL reasoner according to the descriptions of our ontolog

    Síntesis de sistemas anilina-π-aceptor para óptica no lineal: moléculas y películas poliméricas

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    Síntesis de sistemas D-π-A para su estudio de Óptica No Lineal y elaboración de películas con propiedades ópticas no lineales de segundo orden

    Adaptación de la Escala Multidimensional de Apoyo Social Percibido en población con trastorno mental grave

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    En el presente artículo, los autores examinan la fiabilidad y validez de un instrumento que, habiéndose utilizado en otras poblaciones, se consideró de especial interés para las personas con trastorno mental grave. La Escala Multidimensional de Apoyo Social Percibido (EMAS) podría resultar útil para la planificación y aplicación de estrategias de intervención sobre las redes sociales de este colectivo, teniendo en cuenta su percepción de los apoyos sociales. Para poner a prueba esta hipótesis, se seleccionaron tres dispositivos de Rehabilitación Psicosocial para personas con trastorno mental grave de la Comunidad de Madrid. Se reclutó una muestra de 59 personas. Los sujetos fueron evaluados con la EMAS. Las propiedades psicométricas que encontramos muestran que la EMAS es una herramienta óptima para guiar las intervenciones dirigidas a incrementar la percepción de los apoyos recibidos procedentes de amigos, familia y otras personas relevantes

    Cinco años de investigaciones en El Charcón (Alozaina, Málaga): (1999-2004)

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    In this article we present a revision of the archaeological research and works carried out at the open-air neolithic site called El Charcón at Cerro Ardite (Alozaina, Málaga), from 1999, when the site was discovered, to 2004, when a survey of the Neolithic pottery present at the site was finished. This article stresses the importance of an intensive and systematic prospection executed in 2001, which provided us a lot of data about prehistoric material culture at the site; because of the current state of the research, we will focus particularly in studying shards with decoration. Moreover, the prospection allowed us to make a proposal regarding the chronology of the site, consisting of two phases: Early-Medium Neolithic and Late Neolithic-Early Copper Age. Finally, we will present our medium-term objectives for the future of the site, taking into account its estimated archaeological potential.En este artículo realizamos una revisión de los trabajos e investigaciones arqueológicas llevadas a cabo en el yacimiento neolítico al aire libre de El Charcón de Cerro Ardite (Alozaina, Málaga), desde que en 1999 se diese a conocer dicho yacimiento hasta el estudio del material cerámico, finalizado en 2004. Estos últimos trabajos son fruto de una prospección intensiva y sistemática a la cual dedicaremos la mayor parte de nuestro estudio y gracias a la cual hemos podido documentar una gran diversidad de materiales arqueológicos; dado el estado actual de la investigación del yacimiento, nos centraremos en el estudio de la cerámica decorada. Del mismo modo, dicha prospección nos ha facilitado proponer un encuadre crono-cultural del yacimiento constituido por dos fases: Neolítico Antiguo-Medio y Neolítico Final-Cobre Antiguo. Para finalizar, expondremos los trabajos que a medio plazo se pretenden llevar a cabo en este yacimiento teniendo en cuenta el potencial arqueológico estimado para el mismo

    Duelo, cuidados emocionales y alimentarios en la post pandemia

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    The COVID-19 pandemic in Mexico has caused the death of more than 326,000 people in official data and an excess mortality of almost 645,020. This means people who were not expected to die according to INEGI during the period 2020- 2022. From the total of the excess deaths, 61% correspond to men who many of them were heads of the family, therefore they left orphans and widows who had to assume responsibility for the family´s economy. In  addition, these deaths left families with very complicated mourning processes, due to the unexpected, painful circumstances, and the loneliness in which the death from COVID-19 occurred.  These complicated mournings promoted processes of anxiety and depression, which have been reflected in an increase of search for emotional support in public and private institutions. Along with the excessive deaths, the partial or total confinement during the pandemic encouraged the rise in rates of obesity and chronic degenerative diseases in the population. Hence the importance of forming emotional and feeding networks, since an important part of Mexican families the management of emotional and health crisis rests on women.La pandemia de COVID-19 en México ha provocado la muerte de más de 326,000 personas en cifras oficiales y un exceso de mortalidad de casi 645,020, es decir, de personas que no se esperaba que murieran de acuerdo al INEGI durante el periodo del 2020-2022. Del total de  muertes en exceso el 61 % corresponde a varones y muchos de ellos eran cabeza de familia por lo tanto dejaron huérfanos y viudas que tuvieron que asumir la responsabilidad de la economía familiar. Además, estas muertes dejaron procesos de duelo muy complicados en las familias, debido a las circunstancias inesperadas, dolorosas y la soledad en que ocurrió la muerte por COVID-19. Estos duelos complicados promovieron procesos de ansiedad y depresión, que se han reflejado en un aumento en la búsqueda de apoyo emocional en instituciones públicas y privadas. Junto con el exceso de muertes, el confinamiento parcial o total durante la pandemia fomentó que se elevaran lo índices de obesidad y enfermedades crónicas degenerativas en la población. De ahí la importancia de formar redes de apoyo emocional y alimentario, ya que en una parte importante de las familias mexicanas el manejo de crisis emocionales y de salud recae en las mujeres

    Factors associated with smoking among tuberculosis patients in Spain

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    Altres ajuts: This work was made possible by a grant from the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery, SEPAR 2011.To determine the prevalence of smoking and analyze associated factors in a cohort of patients diagnosed with tuberculosis (TB) in Spain between 2006 and 2013. Multicenter, cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study using a national database of TB patients, using logistic regression to calculate odds ratios (OR) and confidence intervals (CI). We analyzed 5,846 cases (62 % men, mean age 39 years, 33 % foreigners). 23.4 % were alcohol abuser, 1.3 % were injected drug users (IDU), 4.6 % were co-infected with HIV, and 7.5 % had a history of TB treatment. 6.6 % and 0.8 % showed resistance to one and multiple drugs, respectively. The predominant clinical presentation was pulmonary (71 %) with a cavitary radiological pattern in 32.8 % of cases. 82 % of cases were confirmed microbiologically, and 54 % were smear-positive microscopy. 2,300 (39.3 %) patients were smokers. The following factors were associated with smoking: male sex (OR = 2.26;CI:1.97;2.60), Spanish origin (OR = 2.79;CI:2.40-3.24), alcoholism (OR = 2.85;CI:2.46;3.31), IDU (OR = 2.78;CI:1.48;5.52), homelessness (OR = 1.99;CI:1.14-3.57), pulmonary TB (OR = 1.61;CI:1.16;2.24), cavitary radiological pattern (OR = 1.99;CI:1.43;2.79) and a smear-positive microscopy at the time of diagnosis (OR = 1.39;CI:1.14;1.17). The prevalence of smoking among TB patients is high. Smokers with TB have a distinct sociodemographic, clinical, radiological and microbiological profile to non-smokers

    Microstructure, interfaces and properties of 3YTZP ceramic composites with 10 and 20 vol% different graphene-based nanostructures as fillers

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    The graphene family comprises not only single layer graphene but also graphene-based nanomaterials (GBN), with remarkably different number of layers, lateral dimension and price. In this work, two of these GBN, namely graphene nanoplatelets (GNP) with n∼15–30 layers and few-layer graphene (FLG) with n < 3 layers have been evaluated as fillers in 3 mol% yttria stabilized tetragonal zirconia (3YTZP) ceramic composites. Composites with 10 and 20 vol% GNP or FLG have been fabricated by wet powder processing and spark plasma sintering (SPS) and the influence of the content and number of layers of the graphene-based filler has been assessed. For both graphene-based fillers, an intermediate zirconia oxycarbide has been detected in the grain boundaries. The lower stacking degree and much more homogeneous distribution of the FLG, revealed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), can improve load transfer between the GBNs and the ceramic matrix. However, high FLG contents lower densification of the composites, due partly to the larger FLG interplanar spacing also estimated by TEM. The hardness (both Vickers and nanoindentation) and the elastic modulus decrease with increased GBN content and with improved graphene dispersion. The FLG greatly inhibit the crack propagation that occur perpendicular to their preferential orientation plane. The composites with thinner FLG have higher electrical conductivity than those with GNP. The highest electrical conductivity is achieved by composites with 20 vol% FLG in the direction perpendicular to the compression axis during sintering, σ⊥ = 3400 ± 500 Sm-1.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad MAT2015-67889-

    Kv1.3 channels can modulate cell proliferation during phenotypic switch by an ion-flux independent mechanism

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    Producción CientíficaObjective: Phenotypic modulation of vascular smooth muscle cells has been associated with a decreased expression of all voltage-dependent potassium channel (Kv)1 channel encoding genes but Kcna3 (which encodes Kv1.3 channels). In fact, upregulation of Kv1.3 currents seems to be important to modulate proliferation of mice femoral vascular smooth muscle cells in culture. This study was designed to explore if these changes in Kv1 expression pattern constituted a landmark of phenotypic modulation across vascular beds and to investigate the mechanisms involved in the proproliferative function of Kv1.3 channels. Methods and Results: Changes in Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 channel expression were reproduced in mesenteric and aortic vascular smooth muscle cells, and their correlate with protein expression was electrophysiologicaly confirmed using selective blockers. Heterologous expression of Kv1.3 and Kv1.5 channels in HEK cells has opposite effects on the proliferation rate. The proproliferative effect of Kv1.3 channels was reproduced by “poreless” mutants but disappeared when voltagedependence of gating was suppressed. Conclusion: These findings suggest that the signaling cascade linking Kv1.3 functional expression to cell proliferation is activated by the voltage-dependent conformational change of the channels without needing ion conduction. Additionally, the conserved upregulation of Kv1.3 on phenotypic modulation in several vascular beds makes this channel a good target to control unwanted vascular remodeling.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant R006/009)Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (grant BFU2010-15898)Junta de Castilla y León (grant VA094A11-2