83 research outputs found

    Bebegig Sukamantri: Astral Sunda Heritage in Indonesia

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    This article provides a glimpse into the story and meaning of the Bebegig Sukamantri Mask which is used in the art of a sustainable and fast-growing folk carnival in West Java, Indonesia. The masks used in the carnival are unique and are an expression of the cultural heritage left by the ancestors of the ancient Sundanese people in West Java. Each mask creation, in various colors and shapes, derives from the face of Batarakala, who is a very well-known figure in Hindu culture and represents the god of anger. Based on the various shapes and colors of the masks, there are three groups, which are believed to relate to the mythology of the existence of astral creatures that protected ancient Sundanese people, namely Rakshasa for the nobility, Detya for the common people and Denawa for the clergy. The existence of these astral beings is found in the 15th-century ancient manuscript entitled Sanghyang Siksa Kanda ing Karesian (a clue to Reshi). Preserving the Bebegig Sukamantri mask as part of ancient Sundanese cultural heritage is a worthwhile goal because of its uniqueness and its significance for future generations. It is, moreover, greatly appreciated as a cultural carnival event at both national and international level.Questo articolo riguarda la storia e il significato della maschera Bebegig Sukamantri che viene utilizzata nel carnevale popolare sostenibile e in rapida crescita a Giava occidentale, in Indonesia. Le maschere utilizzate nel carnevale sono uniche e sono un'espressione del patrimonio culturale lasciato dagli antenati dell'antico popolo sundanese a Giava occidentale. Ogni maschera, in vari colori e forme, deriva dal volto di Batarakala, che è una figura molto nota nella cultura indù e rappresenta il dio della rabbia. In base alle varie forme e colori delle maschere, ci sono tre gruppi, che si ritiene si riferiscano alla mitologia dell'esistenza di creature astrali che proteggevano l'antico popolo Sundanese, vale a dire Rakshasa per la nobiltà, Detya per la gente comune e Denawa per il clero. L'esistenza di questi esseri astrali si trova nell'antico manoscritto del XV secolo intitolato Sanghyang Siksa Kanda ing Karesian (un indizio per Reshi). Tutelare la maschera di Bebegig Sukamantri come parte dell'antico patrimonio culturale sundanese è un obiettivo utile a causa della sua unicità e del suo significato per le generazioni future. È, inoltre, molto apprezzato come manifestazione carnevalesca culturale sia a livello nazionale che internazionale


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      The outbreak of the Covid-19 virus has caused disruptions across the globe. The table has turned drastically and unexpected. All aspects of life are impacted by this corona virus. The world, ready or not are forced to adapt with the situation. Legal schools have to conduct online learning. The concern should be paid to how social justice education can be done online when trying to sensitize the students towards social justice. The approach used in this research was juridical normative examining norms related to social justice learning. Conceptual approach was used to show views and analysis of problem solving on social justice learning through online method at undergraduate level to produce lawyers with legal professional skills. Therefore, traditional law school curricula provide chances for students to develop their skills. The impact is that online learning that can produce future litigators with the same or even better quality with the conservative method is still in doubt. The research concluded that some elements are missing from the online learning when teaching social justice to students such as professional skills and social emphathy. Keywords: Outbreak of Covid-19 Virus, Online Learning, Social Justice.  Pandemi Covid-19 telah menyebabkan disrupsi di seluruh penjuru dunia. Keadaan menjadi terbalik secara drastis dan tidak disangka-sangka. Seluruh aspek kehidupan terdampak oleh virus bermahkota ini. Masyarakat dunia, siap atau tidak, dipaksa untuk beradaptasi dengan situasi yang ada. Pendidikan hukum juga harus menyelenggarakan pembelajaran melalui metode daring. Perhatian yang harus diberikan adalah sejauh mana pendidikan social justice bisa dilakukan melalui metode daring terkait penanaman sensitivitas dan kepekaan akan keadilan sosial? Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah yuridis normative yang menelaah norma-norma terkait pendidikan social justice. Pendekatan konseptual (conceptual approach) digunakan untuk memberikan sudut pandang dari analisis penyelesaian permasalahan pendidikan social justice melalui metode daring. Penelitian ini menggunakan spesifikasi deskriptif analitis. Pendidikan hukum, terutama pendidikan social justice pada level sarjana bertujuan untuk menciptakan lulusan-lulusan hukum dengan keahlian-keahlian profesi hukum, oleh karenanya kurikulum sekolah hukum yang tradisional memberikan peluang dan kesempatkan bagi mahasiswa untuk mengembangkan kemampuannya. Dampaknya adalah pembelajaran daring yang dapat menghasilkan litigator-litigator masa depan dengan kualitas yang sama atau lebih baik dibandingkan dengan metode konservatif masih diragukan. penelitian menunjukan bahwa beberapa elemen-elemen pembelajaran luring hilang semasa pembelajaran daring, seperti contohnya keterampilan profesi atau praktis dan empati sosial. Kata kunci : Pandemi Covid-19, Pendidikan Daring, Social Justice

    Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Point of Sale pada Kedai Kopi Elemen Kopi Berbasis Web

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    The rapid development of the times has caused all aspects of life to always involve technology. With the rapid development of technology, of course it has positive and negative impacts. The positive impact that can be felt is that technology increases the effectiveness and efficiency of humans at work. One example is Point of Sale technology that can help humans in buying and selling transactions from both the customer and business owner sides.This web-based POS application is a computer software designed using the RAD method to help the owner of Elemen Kopi to record transactions, record stock items such as inventory and ingredients, employee management, make sales reports automatically and in real time. The problem faced was that before the existence of this POS application, Kedai Kopi Elemen Kopi still used a manual bookkeeping system that took a long time to record and was not computerized. This causes a high error rate that may occur. The purpose of designing this application is to provide an easy-used POS application to Kedai Kopi Elemen Kopi owners in recording accounting for both buying and selling transactions, expenditure and entry of goods. With this application, it is hoped that it can help record accounting and manage employees

    Financial Distress Analysis and Accuracy Test with The Altman Model Approach, Springate And Zmijweskiin Automotif and Components Manufacturing Companies E Listed On The Idx In 2016–2020

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    Problems of automotive and component companies the IDX in 2016-2020there are financial difficulties as a result turn sales resulting in financial distress. The research objective is to determine financial potential distress using the Altman, Springate, and Zmijewski models and testing accuracy on automotive and component companies listed on the IDX in 2016-2020. The research data comes from secondary data. Research population 13 and sample 60 data determined by purposive sampling Data analysis using descriptive statistics. The results of the study (1) According to the Altman model, 2 companies experience financial distress, 2 are gray area companies and 8 are non-financial distress companies. (2) According to the Springate model, there are 7 financial distress companies and 5 non-distress financial companies. (3) According to the Zmijweski model 12 non- distressed financial companies. (4) The Zmijweski model is the most accurate model for predicting financial distress because it has an accuracy rate of 100%, the Altman model has an accuracy rate of 66.7% and the Springate model has an accuracy rate of 41.7

    Information Technology On Human Resource Practices From Public Service Organizations In West Sumatra

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    Information technology (IT) is an essential tool in public service organizations to improve the competitiveness of human resources in West Sumatra. Information technology has a significant effect on improving the services of an organization. This study focuses on how current information technology impacts the effectiveness and efficiency of public service organizations in increasing the competitiveness of human resources (HR). In practice, human resource management generally uses IT in the form of a human resource information system for decision-making in the field of HR. The main objective of this study is to examine the impact of IT on public service organizations in West Sumatra to improve the competitiveness of human resources. The sample in the study was 150 employees, purposively used as a sample and a descriptive survey methodology was used. Data were collected using a questionnaire consisting of open-ended questions. The results reveal that the existence of public service organizations in West Sumatra related to human resources such as applications such as recruitment applications, attendance, reword, and work systems are software that produces extraordinary benefits in increasing the competitiveness of human resources in public service organizations in West Sumatra

    Pembuatan Website Manajemen Pekerja Paruh Waktu di Sim Universitas Surabaya

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    Sistem Informasi Manajemen (SIM) merupakan unit yang bertanggung jawab terhadap kelancaran penggunaan media telekomunikasi dan jaringan komputer di lingkungan Universitas Surabaya (UBAYA). Media Telekomunikasi yang dimaksud adalah PABX ( Private Automatic Branch Exchange ) dan Internet. Unit SIM UBAYA dapat juga mengembangkan perangkat lunak sebagai penunjang administrasi. Selain itu, unit SIM UBAYA juga bertugas untuk melakukan perawatan terhadap perangkat keras (hardware), software dan jaringan internet pada komputer di suatu subsistem. Unit SIM UBAYA mempekerjakan mahasiswa sebagai teknisi jaringan internet dan software dengan status pekerja paruh waktu. Unit SIM UBAYA mempunyai proses presensi bagi mahasiswa tersebut supaya SIM UBAYA dapat memantau kinerja setiap mahasiswa tersebut. Proses presensi tersebut dimulai dengan cara mengisi form secara manual dalam selembar kertas yang telah disediakan oleh SIM UBAYA, sehingga mahasiswa harus kembali ke tempat kerjanya untuk melakukan presensi jika mahasiswa tersebut melakukan penanganan laporan pada setiap subsistem maka mahasiswa menunda presensi karena mahasiswa tidak kembali ke tempat kerja jika ada perkuliahan. Form presensi tersebut juga sering terlambat dalam pembuatannya sehingga mahasiswa lupa akan ID laporan yang telah ditangani. Oleh karena itu, mahasiswa tidak melakukan presensi sehingga terjadi kekosongan presensi pada form presensi. Website yang akan dibuat untuk presensi laporan dan daftar kehadiran di SIM Ubaya masih memiliki kekurangan karena tetap harus berhubungan dengan internet. Jika mahasiswa yang akan melakukan presensi internet tidak bisa, maka presensi juga akan tertunda, serta website ini juga hanya bisa di akses di lingkup Ubaya. Oleh karena itu jika mahasiswa SIM Ubaya ingin melakukan presensi laporan dan daftar kehadiran maka harus di lakukan dilingkup Ubay

    Effects of Acetic Anhydride toward Degree of Substitution on Acetylation Method of Sago Starch (Metroxylon sp) from Papua

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    Sago contains carbohydrates that are stored in the starch form. Starch is generally formed from two molecules of glucose polymer, namely amylose and amylopectin, which its composition varies for each type of starch [1]. The weakness of starch can be overcome through a modification of the functional properties of starch to expand sago starch. Chemical modification of starches can enlarge the range of certain starch physical properties of the parent starch [2] and enhance their use in a number of applications found in industrial processes and food manufacture. Chemical modification of starch can be performed by various methods such as acetylation. Generally, native starch has a low Degree of Substitution (DS) because of their limited degree or reaction on the granule surface. Increasing DS can be obtained by modification of native starch through acetylation reaction using few catalysts such as pyridine and NaOH. Several researchers have reported the effects of acetylation on many sort of starch sources such potato, corn, pea and cassava [3-5]. There are few studies about the effects of acetylation of starches with a wide range of amylose contents. We have carried out some work on effects of acetic anhydride concentration toward DS value of native and modified sago starch from Papua

    Pengembangan Instrumen Dukungan Keluarga pada Pengkajian Luka untuk Pasien Luka Kaki Diabetik di Klinik Kitamura Pontianak

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    Peningkatan kualitas hidup pasien Luka Kaki Diabetik (LKD) merupakan tujuan dari asuhan keperawatan. Dukungan keluarga merupakan salah satu aspek penting yang perlu diperhatikan pada pasien LKD, hal ini dikarenakan aktifitas dukungan keluarga sangat berpengaruh pada fisiologis tubuh dan kualitas hidup. Belum tersedianya instrumen pengkajian keluarga merupakan perhatian khusus untuk menentukan diagnosis dan intervensi yang sesuai. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan pengkajian dukungan keluarga pada pasien LKD. Jenis penelitian ini adalah mixed method dengan desain sequential exploratory. Tahap kualitatif melibatkan 4 partisipan dan tahap kuantitatif melibatkan 73 responden, dengan kriteria inklusi pasien rawat jalan atau rawat inap dan mengalami LKD pada fase proliferasi, sedangkan kriteria ekslusi pasien LKD fase proliferasi membaik dan berhenti melakukan perawatan sebelum minimal waktu penelitian. Uji validitas dengan pendekatan test-retest menggunakan pearson product moment, uji reliabilitas dengan cronbach’s alpha dan Aiken’s V digunakan untuk uji pakar pada 2 orang ahli. Hasil kualitatif didapatkan 4 tema untuk dukungan keluarga. 14 item alat ukur didapatkan hasil yang valid (0,372-0,843 0,235) dan reliabel (Cronbach alpha 0,959 dan 0,976). Hasil indeks validitas konten 0,67-0,83. Disimpulkan bahwa terdapat 4 tema aspek dukungan keluarga dan pengembangan instrumen dukungan keluarga pada pengkajian luka yang terdiri dari 13 item, dinyatakan valid dan reliabel

    Implementasi Aplikasi Sidesa Untuk Pengusulan dan Pelaporan Pendanaan Program Bermasa Kabupaten Bengkalis

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    Salah satu program jangka menengah pembangunan desa, pemerintah kabupaten bengkalis meluncurkan program bantuan keuangan bersifat khusus untuk pemerintah desa. Untuk pemerintah desa yang ingin mendapatkan bantuan keuangan tersebut harus melakukan usulan rencana penggunaan anggaran kepada dinas terkait yaitu Dinas Pemberdayaan Masyarakat dan Desa (DPMD) yang ditunjuk oleh pemerintah kabupaten sebagai pengelola. Permasalahan dilapangan selama proses pengusulan pihak desa mendatangi kantor DPMD untuk dilakukan verifikasi dan validasi dengan melampirkan beberapa dokumen dan ketika terdapat kesalahan usulan maka harus dilakukan perbaikan, print out dokumen dan kembali melakukan verifikasi. Hal ini menyulitkan dari sisi pemerintah desa dikarenakan beberapa desa terletak di daerah yang jauh dari kantor dan terbatas oleh jam kantor. Sedangkan bagi DPMD menyulitkan meraka untuk melakukan validasi dan verifikasi dengan banyaknya dokumen yang dilampirkan dan tentunya membutuhkan ruang penyimpanan yang luas untuk menampung dokumen tersebut, seperti diketahui jumlah desa di kabupaten bengkalis adalah 136 desa.  Berdasarkan permasalah tersebut maka perlu diterapkan sebuah sistem berbasis online yang dapat membantu pemerintah desa dan DPMD untuk melakukan pengusulan serta validasi dan verifikasi. Aplikasi ini dinamakan SIDESA memiliki fitur pengusulan anggran, validasi dan laporan pelaksanaan kegiatan diharapkan dengan adanya system ini dapat mempermudah proses adminstrasi program bantuan keuangan bersifat khusus untuk pemerintah desa
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